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Banerji, Ashwini : (1866-1945), barrister at the Calcutta High Court, & leader of mill hands, he is considered as the founder of the Labour movement in Bengal.

6 result/s found for Banerji, Ashwini

... sense of discipline and of obeying the leader's orders. They were violent, but at the word of the command they used to obey. That paved the way for the Mahatma. Ashwini Kumar Dutt used to jump and say  :  "This is life". Suren Banerji had a personal magnetism and he was sweet-spoken, he could get round anybody. His idea was to become the undisputed leader of Bengal by using the nationalists for... board of control of the revolutionaries! Barin once took a bomb to him and he was full of enthusiasm. He even had a letter from Suren Banerji, when he was arrested at Manik Tola. But in the court they hushed up the matter as soon as Norton pronounced S. N. Banerji. The constitution of Aundh was brought in by a disciple. Disciple : Aundh State has given a very fine constitution to the people... Aurobindo : Does he really consider the other one superior, that is the question. When I differed from some one I simply said 'No' or "I don't agree" and kept to my view. The answer given to Suren Banerji when he approached me for a compromise at the convention of Moderates and Nationalists, was "No" and I kept stiff. Perhaps one may not call me modest. At the Hugli Conference we, the Nationalists ...

... hooted down. "In the midst of it Ashwini Dutt began jumping and saying, 'This is life, this is life!' Banerji tried hard to control the people and failed and became furious. Then I stood up and told them to be silent and to walk out silently. I said that whatever agreement we came to, we would inform them. Everybody became silent at once and walked out. This made Banerji still more furious. He said, 'While... "Once Surendranath Banerji wanted to annex the Extremist Party and invited us to the U. P. Moderate Conference to fight against Sir Pherozeshah Mehta. But there was a clause that no association that was not of two or three years' standing could send delegates to the Conference. Ours was a new party. So we could not go. But Banerji said, 'We will elect you as delegates.' J. L. Banerji and others agreed... just said, 'No.' I spoke at most twenty or thirty words and the whole thing failed. How can you call a man modest," demanded Sri Aurobindo, "when he stands against his own party?" Surendranath Banerji, a Moderate leader, was called the 'uncrowned king of Bengal' at one time, so popular was he. But his popularity rapidly waned with the rise of the Nationalists. He was unequal to the new surging currents ...

... Surat On Christmas eve, the Nationalist Party from Bengal reached Surat. There were already many delegates who had come and they kept arriving from all over the country. Among them were Ashwini Kumar Dutt from Bengal, G. S. Khaparde and Dr. Munje from the Central Provinces, Lala Lajpat Rai from Punjab, Chidambaram Pillai from the South 1 —in fact, all the leaders worth their salt. And, of... good number of its revolutionaries, including Mahakavi Bharati who had translated Bankim's song 'Bande Mataram' into Tamil. Page 409 H. W. Nevinson had met Sri Aurobindo and S. N. Banerji in Calcutta, and had travelled to Surat with the Moderate Party. He had been held in wonder by the magnificence of Surendra nath's phrases and continuity of expression, but found the theme of his ...

... suffering there can be no growth. . .. "The rulers of the country in their scanty wisdom have thought that by lopping off the heads the movement will cease. They do not know that great as he is, Ashwini Kumar Dutt is not the leader of this movement, that Tilak is not the leader, – God is the leader. They do not know the storm that has been sweeping over the country was not sent by them, but by him... thrashing, but that today the iron hand had turned to gold! Michhari Babu agreed with him, saying "Yes, you are right. Sri Aurobindo's speech has produced an immediate result."² When Panch Koti Banerji, editor of the Hitavadi , read Sri Aurobindo's speech, he told Amar Chatterji that Sri Aurobindo did wrong to speak about his spiritual experiences. Panch Koti quoted a line of scripture to support... complaint of the Moderates was that people were listening to young and inexperienced leaders – like Sri Aurobindo – and turning a deaf ear to the old and tried ones. Around this time, Surendranath Banerji called a private meeting on behalf of the Moderates of Bengal, to which he invited ¹ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin , pp. 61-66. Page 126 Sri Aurobindo and other prominent Nationalists ...

... India), 223-224, 231, 237 Dravidian languages, 97, 98(/11), 108-109 races, 49(11), 96 , 98 , 107 -109, 114, 115 ,116 see also Aryan invasion Duraiswamy Iyer, 237(fn) Durga, 124, 222-223 Dull, Ashwini Kumar, 17 Dull, Rornesh, 40(fn) Dwaraka, 100-101(fn) E East, 25 , 88 economy, 43, 156,200,220,221 Page 264 Western sys tem of, 42 , 127 India's ruined... Bahaism. 169 Baker, Edward, 47 (fn) Bakunin,93 Bande Mataram (mantra and national song), 9, 21,22, 37 ,154,222,223 Bande Mataram (English daily), 17,27,47 Banerjee, Jitendranath, 13 Banerji, Surendranath, 17 Bangladesh, 15(fn) Bankim, see under Charleroi Baptista, Joseph, 148 barbarians. 126 barbarism, 103, 127, 175,239 Barin, see under Ghose Baroda, II, 35 Baroda College , II ...

... India forty years later. Bengal responded to its partition by massive and unanimous protests, in which many personalities took part, such as Rabindranath Tagore, Surendranath Banerji, Bepin Chandra Pal, Ashwini Kumar Dutt The ideal of Swadeshi, which called for the boycott of British goods, spread widely. In March, 1906, Barin Ghose with a few others started the fiery Bengali weekly ...