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Banerji, Hemchandra : (1838-1903), educated in his village & at the Hindu College, Calcutta: entered Govt. Service in the Military Auditor General’s office: obtained B.A. in English literature, esp. poetry: munsif at Howrah & Serampur: obtaining another degree, began practise as a High Court Vakil from 1862 & became a Senior Govt. Pleader: began his poetic career by translating Shakespeare, Dante, Dryden, Pope, & Shelley into Bengali & graduated to creating his own Bengali poetry. ― His epic poem Vritra Samhāra (1875-77) & his shorter poems are inspired by patriotism & zeal for social reform, but he became famous overnight by Bharat Sangeet (published in Bhudev Mukherji’s Education Gazette in 1872) which called for recovering the independence of India. In some poems he contrasted the Chinese & the Japanese who were free nations with India which was asleep. His brilliant satire on the Anglo-Indian agitation against the Ilbert Bill (1883) & on a Bengali bhadraloka presenting the ladies of his family to the Prince of Wales, strove to inspire self-respect among Bengalis. B.C. Pal said: “The intense patriotic passion that breathed through his poems captured our youthful minds in a way which no other Bengalee poems had done. The new generation of English-educated Bengalees had already commenced to advance themselves to positions of trust & responsibility in the new Administration. In the learned professions of law & medicine also, they were gradually asserting themselves against the British members. A new spirit of independence & self-assertion was increasingly manifesting itself in the conduct & conversations of the English-educated Bengalee. All these had already commenced to provoke a racial conflict in the country. Hem Chandra was, in a special sense, the poet of this new conflict & of the racial self-respect & sensitive patriotism, born of it.” [Based on Buckland; S.P. Sen’s Dictionary of National Biography, in 4 volumes, Calcutta, 1972; S. Bhattacharya; R.C. Majumdar’s History of the Freedom Movement in India, Vol.1, Calcutta, 1963.]
... hanged on 10 November 1908. Hemchandra (1871-1950) was one of the deportees to Andaman. When he was in Paris, through the instrumentality of Madame Cama, he came into contact with the French Socialists and was apprenticed into their secret workings. Page 396 at the house of Gyanendranath Bose, elder brother of Satyen. There he received a note from S. N. Banerji. "My dear Aurobindo... there by Rajnarain had taken root. Midnapore was a stronghold of the Nationalists. Sri Aurobindo had gone there several times from 1902 onwards.There he had initiated Hemchandra Das Kanungo into revolutionary cult. When Hemchandra went to Paris in 1906 to learn bomb-making, Satyendranath Bose took his place. He was Rajnarain Bose's nephew and Barin's uncle. He taught History at the Midnapore Government... They set the stage for the second clash between the two parties which resulted in an open rupture. The District Congress Conference at Midnapore was held from December 7 to 9,1907. Surendranath Banerji led the Moderate Party from Calcutta. Sri Aurobindo , now the recognized leader of Nationalism in Bengal, led his party at the Midnapore Conference. This was the first time that he was acting publicly ...
... end? Ashudada sent Visvas' son Hemchandra with a note to me; the lad is a young Hercules five foot ten in height & monstrous in muscle with a roaring voice and continual outbursts of boisterous laughter over anything in the shape of a joke good or bad—a fine specimen of the outlander Bengali. His companion, a Kaviraj, rejoices in the name of Satyendranath Banerji Kobirunjun and is something of an ...
... sent Visva's son Hemchandra with a note to me ;" ran Sri Aurobindo's account, "the lad is a young Hercules five foot ten in height and monstrous in muscle with a roaring voice and continual outbursts of boisterous laughter over anything in the shape of a joke good or bad — a fine specimen of the outlander Bengali. His companion, a Kaviraj, 1 rejoices in the name of Satyendranath Banerji Kobirunjun and ...
... from schools and colleges, but from Bankim's novels and Robindranath Tagore's poems; so true is it that language is the life of a nation. Many are carrying on the great work in prose and poetry: Hemchandra, Nobin, Kamini Sen, Robindranath and Robindranath's sister, that flower of feminine culture in Bengal, Swarna Kumari Devi, and many more whose names it would take long to repeat; but another Bankim... his hands. In politics he has always led and still leads. The Congress in Bengal is dying of consumption; annually its proportions shrink into greater insignificance; its leaders, the Bonnerjis and Banerjis and Lalmohan Ghoses have climbed into the rarefied atmosphere of the Legislative Council and lost all hold on the imagination of the young men. The desire for a nobler and more inspiring patriotism ...
... speak of the second tier. Bankim was the last of the original geniuses. Since then the great impulse towards originality has gone backward like a receding wave. After Bankim came the Epigoni, Hemchandra Banerji, Nobin Sen, Robindranath Tagore, men of surprising talent, nay, of unmistakable genius, but too obviously influenced by Shelley and the English poets. And last of all came the generation formed ...
... free to follow their own bent. 4. Hemchandra is not correct in reporting his meeting with "C" Babu, i.e., Charu Chandra Dutt, after his return from Europe. I had occasion to meet Mr. Dutt on this point and I can say on his authority that Hemchandra Kanungo's report is far from accurate. 5. His account of the differences between Barin and Jatin Banerji is not reliable. Firstly, he could not... awaken the nation. This is a matter of opinion. Page 363 APPENDIX XI Hemchandra Kanungo's Work - A Criticism Hemchandra Kanungo, Banglay Biplav Prachesta (Calcutta: Manabbandhu Kanungo, 1928). 1. In this book Hemchandra Kanungo certainly has repeated himself endlessly on orthodoxy, religion, spirituality and caste. 2. As a document... revolution and Hemchandra must know they had no ' spirituality to hamper their work or success. It was reserved for Mr. Hemchandra Kanungo to announce that the revolution could not succeed, that India could not progress because of the caste system. We know very well the evils of the caste system and its responsibility for many social and economic ills of India. But it was for Mr. Hemchandra to tell us ...
... Chandra's Ananda Math. After training Barin, Sri Aurobindo sent him to Bengal to help Jatin Banerji in the organisation of revolutionary work and himself followed up with a visit in 1902 during the college vacation. He went to Midnapur for the first time accompanied by Jatin and Barin. There he met Hemchandra Das, the revolutionary leader. On his return to Calcutta Jatin arranged a meeting between Sri... n of young men for revolutionary work under the guise of youth clubs for physical exercises etc. Mitter readily joined hands with Sri Aurobindo who administered the revolutionary oath to him and Hemchandra: holding a sword and the Gita in their hands, they vowed to strive to secure at any cost the freedom of Mother India. It was also resolved to form six centres of revolutionary work in Bengal and... people gave their support. In the Indian Army, a general revolt was also a possibility.' Around 1900 Sri Aurobindo made his first move when he sent a young Bengali soldier of the Baroda Army, Jatin Banerji, as his lieutenant to Bengal with a programme for preparation and action which he thought might need thirty years for fruition. Dinen Roy has given us a vivid picture of how this step was taken ...
... Visit to Bengal for forming secret societies during the longer holidays of the College. Organised the Midnapur revolutionary centre, initiated into the revolutionary cult Hemchandra Kanungo and three or four others who took the pledge given by Sri Aurobindo. Target practice with them. Was at the Ahmedabad sessions of the Indian National Congress where he... proposed partition of Bengal. Wrote the booklet 'No Compromise' of which thousands of copies were secretly printed and circulated by the revolutionary workers. Surendranath Banerji's admiration for its unparalleled language and arguments. 1905 Officiated as Principal of Baroda College.Barindra went to Kaimur Hill near Rhotasgarh to select a site for Bhavani ...
... Bengal he stayed with Jogendra Vidya Bhushan, who was a Government servant and a sympathiser of the revolutionary movement. Devavrata and Suresh Samajpati were on Barin's side. Even Hemchandra Das was for Barin. Hemchandra Das ¹. Sri Aurobindo, On Himself, pp. 68-70. Page 55 writes; He [Jatin] had an intense desire for doing work. He was, besides, a military man. For... first two classes. Sri Aurobindo presided over Sarat Chandra Mallick's lecture in the college. This year Sri Aurobindo went to Midnapur for the first time during the vacation. There he met Hemchandra Das. There was Practice of rifle shooting on Das's lands. It was resolved to form six centres of revolutionary work in Bengal. Jatin Banerjee and Barin accompanied Sri Aurobindo to Midnapur. Jatin... Jatin arranged an interview between the two. Sri Aurobindo gave the oath of the revolutionary party to P. Mitra. Sri Aurobindo later went to Midnapur for a second time and gave the oath to Hemchandra Das who, during the ceremony, held a sword in one hand and the Gita in the other. The content of the oath was to secure the freedom of Mother India at any cost and to declare the secret of the ...
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