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Banerji, Jatin : Jatindra Nath Banerjee (Nirālamba Swami) (1877–1930). Jatindra was born at Channa village in Burdwan district. His father, Kāli Charan Banerjee (q.v.), worked as a government official at Bangaon of Jessore district (now North 24-Parganas) of undivided Bengal. From his village school, Jatin went on to the Burdwan Raj College (affiliated to Calcutta Univ.). Having passed its First Year Arts with high marks, he was admitted to B.A. class in the college. After obtaining his degree he joined the Kāyastha Pāthashāla in Allahabad where, encouraged by Rāmānanda Chatterjee, he devoured books on European & American revolutions. ― In 1899, he went to Baroda to meet Sri Aurobindo since the British Army refused to admit Bengalis. He got admitted, through Sri Aurobindo’s friend Madhavrao Jādhav to the 4th Baroda Infantry & was soon recruited to the Gaikwād’s Bodyguard, where Madhavrao was an adjutant. After two years of training Sri Aurobindo sent him to Bengal “to establish secretly or, as far as visible action could be taken, under various pretexts & covers, revolutionary propaganda & recruiting throughout Bengal”. [D.K. Roy, Aurobindo Prasanga, published 1923; translated by Sanat Kumar Bannerji under his series “Glimpses of Sri Aurobindo”, Mother India, Dec., 1959; & CWSA Vol. 36:49] Abinash: Jatindranath came to our village, Arballia as a guest of Surendranath Sen, the famous orator, headmaster of Arballia School [&] an eminent disciple of the renowned Ashwinikumar Dutt…. From the house on 108C, Upper Circular Road, Jatin-babu, Barin & I began the work of collecting boys for the secret society. Jatin-babu was older than we were; in appearance he was tall, well-built & handsome. He took up work among the pleaders, barristers & rich men…. Opposite our house was a big vacant plot; here the first akhāra was started for teaching lāthi & gadkā [short lāthi], horse-riding, cycling, etc…. After the three of us worked together for six months, there was a clash between him & us – personal clash, not a difference of opinion…. Jatin-babu moved from the house on Circular Road to one on Sitaram Ghosh Street…. In the early part of 1903, Aurobindo-babu…came as planned. He put up at Jatin-babu’s residence…. When [Barin & I] arrived we saw Aurobindo-babu & Jatin-babu sitting on a mat spread on the floor, talking & laughing…. We stayed together for a few days after that. Then one day Jatin-babu put on the saffron robe of a sannyasi & went away.” [“Sri Aurobindo”, Mother India, July 2012] Purani: After leaving Barin & others, Jatin concentrated on the worship of the goddess Bishalakshmi (Durga) which he had begun in his college days. He began to feel the need for a guru & after his parents died he became a wandering monk. At Kāshi a monk assured him that he would find his destined guru at Nainital. There he managed to find Soham Swami, who immediately accepted him as a disciple & admitted him to his ashram. Soham Swami was a disciple of Tibbeti-baba, a legendary yogi. After some time Soham Swami asked Jatin to stay in his ashram at Haridwar & concentrate on his sādhanā. Later, pleased with Jatin’s spiritual progress, Soham Swami renamed him Srimat Nirālamba Swami. After some years Jatin obtained his guru’s permission to establish an ashram at his own village & returned there. Significant among his teachings were the following axioms: “Wake up & realise Self-Consciousness.” – “Know yourself. If you do not know yourself, then how can you know your country?” – “If you want to get rid of the sufferings of your country, then you have to become strong. To make yourself strong you have to first acquire Self-Knowledge. Self-strength makes human beings to cross difficult deserts & mountains. Nothing is impossible for a race possessing Self-strength.” One day, not long after Sri Aurobindo’s presence in Pondicherry became common knowledge, Nirālamba Swami suddenly turned up for a visit. [Life of Sri Aurobindo]
... whole of India." It was in 1901 that Sri Aurobindo made his first move by sending Jatin Banerji "as his lieutenant to Bengal with a programme of preparation and action which he thought might occupy a period of 30 years before fruition could become possible." It took about forty-five years. Jatin Banerji (1877-1930) had turned up one day in 1898 at the door of A. Ghose. He wanted to get military... terrorism. I was never in direct contact with the movement nor with the young men and didn't know them. Only in jail I came in contact with them, especially Nolini, Bejoy, etc. When I came out of jail, Jatin Banerji and others again approached me and I organized the party again." People do not know what an exceptional organizational ability Sri Aurobindo had. Almost single-handedly he brought order out... in life he became a sannyasi (Niralamba Swami), and his wife Hiranmoyee too took sannyas (Chinmoyee Devi). Towards the end of 1901, Jatin was sent to Bengal to recruit young men. Barin states that that was six months before he himself was sent to Bengal. Jatin was also charged with setting up centres in every town and eventually in every village. "Societies of young men were to be established with ...
... NIRODBARAN: That was the first meeting. The second was at his own house in Bombay, where you came with a bundle of papers containing the scheme of the Bhavani Mandir. Oh yes, Jatin Banerji was also at Baroda station. PURANI: Which Jatin? SRI AUROBINDO: The one who was at the head of he Baroda army and then went to Calcutta and became head of the young people's revolutionary movement and afterwards became ...
... studies Towards the end of 1902 Barin went to stay with Sri Aurobindo in Baroo during this visit his brother initiated him with the revolutionary oath. Early in 1903 he left for Calcutta to join Jatin Banerji, Sri Aurobindo's first emissary to Bengal, in revolutionary recruitment and organization, At this time he met Abinash Bhattacharya, who became his companion and assistant in the following years ...
... training Barin, Sri Aurobindo sent him to Bengal to help Jatin Banerji in the organisation of revolutionary work and himself followed up with a visit in 1902 during the college vacation. He went to Midnapur for the first time accompanied by Jatin and Barin. There he met Hemchandra Das, the revolutionary leader. On his return to Calcutta Jatin arranged a meeting between Sri Aurobindo and Barrister P... people gave their support. In the Indian Army, a general revolt was also a possibility.' Around 1900 Sri Aurobindo made his first move when he sent a young Bengali soldier of the Baroda Army, Jatin Banerji, as his lieutenant to Bengal with a programme for preparation and action which he thought might need thirty years for fruition. Dinen Roy has given us a vivid picture of how this step was taken... paid another visit to Calcutta to patch up differences which had cropped up between Jatin and Barin. Jatin, it appeared, had become too rigid a disciplinarian and was losing his hold on the youth. Sri Aurobindo formed a committee of five consisting of P. Mitter, Sister Nivedita, C.R. Das, Surendranath Tagore and Jatin to be in overall charge of the revolutionary work in Bengal. Although some differences ...
... Maharaja to transfer me to the College. Along with Tilak, Madhavrao, Deshpande and Joshi, who became a Moderate later, I was planning to work on more extremist lines than the Congress. We brought Jatin Banerji from Bengal and got him admitted into the Baroda army. Our idea was to drive out the Moderates from the Congress and capture it. As soon as I heard that a National College had been started in... but always said "autonomy without British control"! When after the Barisal Conference we brought the peasants into the Movement, forty or fifty thousand of them used to gather to hear Pal. Suren Banerji cannot be compared to Pal. He has never done anything like what Pal did. But Pal was more an orator than a leader. He had not the practical qualities of a leader. Then Shyam Sundar and some other... arrest the editor. Moreover, the names of the editors were never published. So they could arrest only the printers. But as soon as one was arrested, another came to take his place. Later on, Upen Banerji, the sub-editor, published some correspondence for which I was arrested on a sedition charge. But as nothing could be proved I was acquitted. When I was arrested a second time and detained in Alipore ...
... there is one, his wife might very correctly be স্বপ্নিকা. A question about Jatin's room business. I have found a single small room—rent Rs. 7 per month, no furniture, no light. Does not sound promising. Another house for Rs. 20, but people below go on playing music almost all the time. Don't know Jatin's financial capacities or his attitude towards badly played music. There is another... should be given him daily until there is no bile. She doesn't think purgatives are much use for jaundice. Please try to give one or two more "pressures" for poetry. Shall try. One answer to Jatin managed. Rest swimming on the wide wide sea. July 5, 1936 I propose to give S, mag. sulph. not as purgation but to stimulate the bile flow from the liver. Any objection? However, I will... to the understanding and to your aspiration, psychology will take care of itself. Give both of us your blessings and help to keep our relation pure, harmonious and happy. Will you? Yes. Jatin says he can wait even for a year, for your reply. I hope it won't be as bad as that. I'll write that he need have no fear in these difficulties as your Force and protection are with him. Shall I? ...
... Mother has taken him in her arms; nothing will happen to him. But he is not your Aurobindo . He is world's Aurobindo and the world will be filled with his perfume.". Another time I was taken by Jatin Banerji to a Swami Narayan Jyotishi who foretold about my three trials, white enemies and also my release. When my horoscope was shown he said that there was some mistake about time and when the time was ...
... rifle shooting on Das's lands. It was resolved to form six centres of revolutionary work in Bengal. Jatin Banerjee and Barin accompanied Sri Aurobindo to Midnapur. Jatin had already started an organisation of young men at Calcutta in the compound of P. Mitra. When Sri Aurobindo went to Calcutta, Jatin arranged an interview between the two. Sri Aurobindo gave the oath of the revolutionary party to... the movement. Most probably it was during this year (1902) that Barin was sent to Calcutta to help Jatin Banerjee. Barin had been staying at Baroda since 1900 or 1901. The work at Calcutta was begun at 106, Upper Circular Road. Jatin, Barin and Abinash Bhattacharya were the workers. Jatin used to work among the educated classes – pleaders, doctors, etc. – and Barin and Abinash among college... months the three separated. Barin and Abinash shifted to Madan Mitter Lane and Jatin moved to Sitaram Ghose Street. Sri Aurobindo took one month's leave from 22 February 1903. The reason for the leave was to patch up the differences that had arisen between Jatin Banerjee and Barin at Calcutta. It appears that Jatin, after his military training at Baroda, had become a srrict disciplinarian and ...
... Mohammedan who pricked the knee at a particular point and brought out a big drop of black blood and the abscess was cured soon afterwards! He must have known the spot to prick. I also remember Jatin Banerji curing many cases of sterility by a Sannyasi's medicine given to him. Cases of ten or fifteen years' sterility were cured by it and people got children within ten months. There were some peculiar ...
... station. Dutt was on his way to Bombay, and he was with an English colleague; while Sri Aurobindo had gone to the station to see the artist Sashikumar Hesh off. "Magistrate Keshavrao Deshpande and Jatin Banerji were also with him." Just before the train's halt at the Baroda station the Englishman asked C. Dutt, "Do you know where Ghosh is now?" "Which Ghosh?" "That Classical scholar of Cambridge ...
... But I soon got disgusted with it. Along with Tilak, Madhav Rao, Deshmukh and Joshi who became a moderate later, we were planning to work on more extreme lines than the Congress. We brought Jatin Banerji from Bengal and put him in the Baroda army. Our idea was to drive moderates from the Congress and capture it. As soon as I heard that National College had been started in Bengal, I found my ...
... was never in direct contact with the movement nor with the young men and didn't know them. Only in jail did I come in contact with them, especially Nolini, Bejoy, etc. When I came out of jail. Jatin Banerji and others again approached me and I organised the party again. NIRODBARAN: There is no Dutt in the picture. What part did he play then? SRI AUROBINDO: He was only in the know of the movement ...
... Society, Aurobindo sent him to Calcutta to collaborate with Jatin Banerji. Unfortunately, the characters of ‘Military Jatin,’ considered to be a martinet, and Barin, ever romantic and shifting, did not agree and things took a turn for the worse. Even Aurobindo’s mediation on one of his trips to Calcutta could not overcome the confrontation. Jatin turned his back on the many associations under his guidance... 29 His first concrete political act was to send Jatindranath Banerji to Bengal, probably towards the end of 1901, as his lieutenant. ‘The idea was to establish secretly or, as far as visible action could be taken, under various pretexts and covers, revolutionary propaganda and recruiting throughout Bengal.’ 30 Jatin Banerji was a young revolutionary idealist who wanted to train himself and... troops. Jatin was an exemplary soldier, and equally exemplary was his dedication to the freedom cause. The cover of most secret societies at that time in India were the akharas , open air gymnasiums, where ‘lathi-play’ – a lathi is a metal-tipped bamboo stick – and wrestling were the main activities. The aspirant revolutionaries could certainly do with some tough martial training. ‘Military Jatin,’ with ...
... and studied the conditions in the country so that he might be able to judge more maturely what could be done. Then he made his first move when he sent a young Bengali soldier of the Baroda army, Jatin Banerji, as his lieutenant to Bengal with a programme of preparation and action which he thought might occupy a period of 30 years before fruition could become possible. As a matter of fact it has taken... Conference, though there could be no representatives of the Nationalist party at the meeting of the Central Moderate Body which had taken the place of the Congress. Surendra Nath Page 61 Banerji had indeed called a private conference attended by Sri Aurobindo and one or two other leaders of the Nationalists to discuss a project of uniting the two parties at the session in [Lahore] 9 and ...
... and market-places were closed. Thousands walked barefoot in silent processions and the ceremony of rakshabandhan became a symbolic ritual of unity and brotherhood. Through his lieutenants, Jatin Banerji, Barindra, Abinash Bhattacharjee and others, Sri Aurobindo had kept himself closely informed of the developments in Bengal, and he sent his directives saying, 'Take advantage of this intense discontent... Mataram Sri Aurobindo had able assistants to help him: Shyam Sundar Chakravarty, Bejoy Krishna Chatterjee and Hemendra Prasad Ghose were writers of exceptional ability but, as the historian J.L. Banerji wrote at the time: 'Whoever the actual contributor to the Bande Mataram might be — the soul, the genius of the paper was Arabinda. The pen might be that of Shyam Sundar or whoever else, but the voice ...
... who then was living with him in Baroda. Barin had just returned from Bengal, where for two or three years he had been helping to organise the revolutionary secret society that Sri Aurobindo, Jatin Banerji and others had set up. The Maharaja agreed to give Barin a job, but Barin went back to Bengal before he could begin work. A Letter of Recommendation. 28 February 1906 . Written just before... Naini Tal, a resort in what is now Uttaranchal, after his marriage to Mrinalini Bose in April 1901. The Banerji mentioned in the last paragraph was probably Jatindranath Banerji (c. 1877 - 1930), a young Bengali who had come to Baroda to obtain military training. In 1902 Sri Aurobindo sent Banerji to Calcutta to begin revolutionary work in Bengal. To an Officer of the Baroda State. 14 February... there was much internal conflict in the office of the newspaper. Hemendra Prasad copied the note out in his diary, from which it is reproduced. To Aswinicoomar Banerji . Sri Aurobindo wrote these letters to Aswinicoomar Banerji (1866 - 1945), a barrister, labour leader and nationalist politician, shortly before Sri Aurobindo was arrested for sedition in August 1907. [1] This letter is dated ...
... "He made his first political move when he sent a young Bengali soldier of the Baroda army, Jatin Banerji, 186 as his lieutenant to Bengal with a programme of preparation and action which he thought might occupy a 185. Sri Aurobindo on Himself and on The Mother, p. 31. 186. Jatin Banerji, a Bengali youth possessing a very strong body, remarkable mental courage and patriotic ardour... line of action in Maharashtra." (Sri Aurobindo on Himself and on The Mother) In 1902 Sri Aurobindo sent Barin to Bengal to help Jatin Banerji, who had been deputed there earlier, in organising the revolutionary group and rousing the youth of Bengal. But Jatin and Barin could not hit it off long together, and they separated, to the great detriment of the revolutionary cause. Sri Aurobindo went... worship Her in the ninefold way of Bhakti.' " — From Bhavan's Journal, dated 22.7.62 Page 149 In 1902 Sri Aurobindo went to Midnapur in Bengal during a vacation, Barin and Jatin Banerji accompanying him. The trip was for organising the projected six centres in Bengal. When he returned to Calcutta, he gave the oath of the revolutionary party to P. Mitter. He used to go to Bengal ...
... the people shall not perish from the earth.” November 19, 1863 Abraham Lincoln [ ↩ ] Tejen Mukherjee, a member of the Ashram. (Son of Jatindranath Mukherjee [ ↩ ] The grandson of Bagha Jatin. [ ↩ ] These episodes, published in several Bengali journals, were written in a couple of note-books which contained other reminiscences as well; the notebooks, lent to a publisher, unfortunately... were despatched to the Andamans. Every precaution was taken to maintain secrecy and there was no gathering or demonstration at the jetty. Three of the prisoners, Poresh Chandra Maulik, Upendra Nath Banerji and Sudhir Kumar Sircar, are detained temporarily in the Alipore Central Jail owing to illness. From the Records of Home Department Political Sarkar, Sudhir Kumar, son of Prasanna Kumar, of Lakhipur ...
... together till 1905. Therefore Girija's contention in the previous issues that Priya Mitra drifted away from Sri Aurobindo on account of Sri Aurobindo's partiality towards Barin in the quarrel between Jatin Banerji and Barin is not borne out by facts. 35. Another instance of wrong inference based on false evidence is furnished by several people ascribing the authorship of the Bhawani Mandir scheme to... Europe. I had occasion to meet Mr. Dutt on this point and I can say on his authority that Hemchandra Kanungo's report is far from accurate. 5. His account of the differences between Barin and Jatin Banerji is not reliable. Firstly, he could not have known everything because he had been only recently recruited at Midnapore and the whole incident took place at Calcutta. The work was in a very early... months and that they had a very curious feature in that they were all covered with moss. I was also told that among those who were then on the spot there was the rationalist stalwart Upendra Nath Banerji who had at first pooh-poohed the black-magic story and girded up his loins to unearth the miscreants who were responsible for it all. But even he had to confess himself beaten in the end as he could ...
... and studied the conditions in the country so that he might be able to judge more maturely what could be done. Then he made his first move when he sent a young Bengali soldier of the Baroda army, Jatin Banerji, as his lieutenant to Bengal with a programme of preparation and action which he thought might occupy a period of 30 years before fruition could become possible. As a matter of fact it has taken... joined in the Conference though there could be no representative of the Nationalist Party at the meeting of the Central Moderate Body which had taken the place of the Congress. Surendra Nath Banerji had indeed called a private conference attended by Sri Aurobindo and one or two other leaders of the Nationalists to discuss a project of uniting the two parties at the session in Benares and ...
... - eyes of "one who gazes at futurity", as Nevinson has expressed his observation. She promised him unreserved support in his political work, which was then being carried on in secret through Jatin Banerji, Barin, and others in Bengal; for, being in the State service, he was not publicly taking part in the politics. And when Sri Aurobindo left the State service and threw himself into politics, none... Baroda, and followed his brilliant career with growing admiration. He was also acquainted with Sri Aurobindo's thoughts and ideas through his political deputies in Bengal, particularly Barin and Jatin. And when Sri Aurobindo left Baroda and went to Bengal as the first Principal of the newly-founded National College, of which Rabindranath was one of the chief organisers, they came into close touch... Bengali race by driving a wedge between the Hindus and the Muslims. Sir Bampfylde Fuller, who was appointed the first Lt. Governor of East Bengal and Assam, declared, according to Surendra Nath Banerji, "half in jest and half in seriousness, to the amazement of all sober-minded men that he had two wives, Hindu and Mohammedan, but that the Mohammedan was the favourite wife." Nevinson confirms Curzon's ...
... brightest periods as regards writing poetry. Nolini Kanta Gupta and Suresh Chakravarty had of course started long ago, Anilbaran also, Dilip, Nishikanta were going on with great speed. Behari Barua, Jatin Das of Chittagong were also on the list. Nirod’s niece Jyotirmala (formerly Jyotirmoyee) started writing here and was doing it remarkably. Nirod too put his hand to it and was faring well. I used to... Everything is all right.” Some common tunes like Bilawal and Alhaiya were unfamiliar. Dilip would sing them, and then I would sit down with books on classical music such as Gitasutrasar by K. D. Banerji and Pandit Bhatkhande’s manual of notations. Of course I kept the Mother and Sri Aurobindo informed of my work. The result came gradually, the technique was getting to be less difficult and more and ...
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