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Barisal : town & district which pioneered the anti-partition movement in 1905. To suppress the growing nationalism in Bengal, Curzon created East Bengal predominated by loyalist Mahommedans & appointed Bampfylde Fuller its Lt Governor. Fuller promptly issued two circulars which restricted public processions of the nationalists & subjected teachers & students to police surveillance. In April Bengal’s nationalists held their provincial conference there with Bar-at-Law Mohammad Rasul (q.v.) as president-elect. On the day of the Conference the delegates & Mr Rasul marched in procession to the place of the conference. On the pretext that someone from among them had shouted “Bande Mataram” the police brutally assaulted & arrested the leaders & lāthi-charged the others.

71 result/s found for Barisal

... case in other circumstances. Especially is it a cause of rejoicing to me to have that welcome in Barisal. When I come to this District, when I come to this soil of Bakarganj which has been made sacred and ever memorable in the history of this country—I come to no ordinary place. When I come to Barisal, I come to a chosen temple of the Mother—I come to a sacred pithasthan of the national spirit—I... down by police agents and reproduced in a Government of Bengal confidential file, appears in the last volume of THE COMPLETE WORKS OF SRI AUROBINDO. Fellow-countrymen, delegates and people of Barisal and Bakarganj:— I have first to express to you my personal gratitude for the kindly reception you have accorded to me. For a year I have been secluded from the fellowship and brotherly embrace of... spirit—I come to the birth-place and field of work of Aswini Kumar Dutta. It is now the fourth year since I came to Barisal first on the occasion of the Provincial Conference. Three years have passed since then—they have been years of storm and stress to the country,—they have been years during which history has been making, during which the people of India have been undergoing a process of rebirth. Many ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... stopped by the threat of the Gurkha rifles, must be recontinued. If the Barisal proclamation has been withdrawn, it must be reissued and this time not by the Barisal leaders to their district but by the national leaders in Calcutta to every district, town and village whether in West, East or North Bengal & in order to constitute the Barisal committees, let Babu Surendranath Banerji go down in person aided... gallows itself, what difference would that make to their duty as public men & national leaders? But the Barisal leaders instead submitted as meekly as rebuked & beaten schoolboys to a hectoring pedagogue cane in hand. The citizens of Rungpur showed at least a firmer spirit. Nevertheless the Barisal leaders have strong excuses for their failure of nerve. Decades of selfish ease & comfort, of subservience... cut off from the accustomed inspiration of cheering crowds, what wonder if the citizens of Barisal were browbeaten, [. . .] & cowed into submission. Moreover, the Calcutta leaders are not without blame for their failure of courage. It should never have been left to an out of the way township like Barisal to issue the proclamations which have awaked the Fullerian thunders; that was the duty of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... (Amavasya Tryasparsha) for Barisal. The Amavasya is Kali's day, so favourable to me. The Tryasparsha is the moment destined for a great advance in my Yoga. The ahankara was finally removed. Only faint remnants of it left. J. entered, but did not make herself manifest till next day. In train to Khulna. Small Sun in centre of brilliant Swarupa 18 June 1909 On steamer to Barisal. Tratak of Sun. Blue... covered with boats. A terraced green bank with steps in middle. Namadrishti of many kinds. Short sentences deciphered & remembered. Felt the Presence in the Kalimandir Image today. J's prophecy about Barisal. 19 June 1909 Feet of a woman, long & slender. Deep green antah. Tank with man on haunches in front of big shrub. UR. in afternoon. Speech from chitta. Voice insisting on images of kama... reflected in water, also clouds. Small lake. Figures less rough but details still unexpressed.[)] Antardrishti of stool with circular patch in middle Page 35 23 June 1909 Kamananda Barisal boy—Water in bowl. Kettle boiling against large fire. Very big & brilliant fire in motion. Touch on body causes more & more ananda. 24 June 1909 Tejorekha of woman's figure n. Girl's arm ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... of late 1907 - early 1908 and events of May 1908). The Bengal Provincial Conference was held in Barisal in April 1906. Note that Sri Aurobindo spoke at the Bakarganj District Conference on 19 June 1909 (Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin , pp. 33 - 42). Bakarganj District was sometimes referred to as Barisal District. 61 Hooghly Pabna ... cal sequence, but calls the conference the "Provincial Conference at Barisal" (see also Table 1 above, emendations to statements on p. 61). 76 in the first row Contemporary newspaper accounts agree that the first row of delegates at the Barisal Conference consisted of Surendranath Banerjea, Bhupendranath Bose and Motilal... Conference was held in Berhampur at the end of March (Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram , pp. 224 - 27).   Page 565 61 Barisal Hooghly For the Hooghly Conference, see Sri Aurobindo: Karmayogin: Political Writings and Speeches 1909 - 1910 , pp. 209 - 35. See also p. 59 of the present ...


... violence, associations for rebellion and dacoity. That is the charge under which these associations have been suppressed. I have come recently back from Barisal. While I was there I heard and read something of the work of the young men's association in Barisal, the association called the Swadesh Bandhab Samiti which with its network covered the whole district of Bakarganj. This association grew out of a much... religion. That was what Swami Vivekananda preached. That was what Aswini Kumar Dutta strove to bring into organised existence. That was what the Ramakrishna Mission, the Little Brothers of the Poor at Barisal tried to effect. This was the third way in which the new association established itself, the third seed of union, the third stream of tendency seeking fulfilment. All these streams of tendency came... called the Little Brothers of the Poor. What was the work commenced by these Little Brothers of the Poor? When epidemic broke out, when cholera appeared in all its virulence, the young men of the Barisal Brajamohan College went out in bands. They nursed the sick, they took charge of those who had been abandoned, they took up in their arms those whom they found lying on the roadside. They were not deterred ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... Conference, this is no bad record in the course of a few weeks. Of course the reason for this official jehad against Swadeshi in Khulna is precisely the same as the reason for the jehad in Barisal. Barisal has been selected for the most wanton and disgraceful series of oppressions solely because it is the district in East Bengal which is best organized for the work of Swadeshi and self-help. It... Khulna Oppressions 27-June-1907 What is the reason of the extraordinary activity of Government oppression in the Khulna District. At the present rate Khulna promises to be the Barisal of West Bengal. A District Conference forbidden and held, a prosecution for sedition against a leading pleader and influential citizen of the chief town of the District, a prosecution of a local N ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... A word about Manoranjan Guhathakurta will not be out Page 357 of place here. In that epoch Aswinikumar Dutt and Manoranjan Guhathakurta of Barisal were two of the mighty pillars of nationalism. But whatever their achievements as political leaders and selfless patriots, as writers and orators, it was their greatness of character that mattered... and sweetness. Manoranjan's son Chittaranjan became for a time a centre of great excitement and violent agitation in those days. There was a session of the Bengal Provincial Conference at Barisal which was attended by all the leaders like Sri Aurobindo and Bepin Pal. But there came a clash with the Government, the police raided the pavilion and attacked 'the procession with lathis. The boy... before the Gandhian era. To us who were in favour of armed resistance this kind of forbearance seemed intolerable. When, after this incident, the journalists and the poets began to sing in chorus, of "Barisal of glorious virtue", we could not help adding with a little sting, "thanks to those beatings." I have said that Sri Aurobindo came to occupy with Mrinalini a portion of the house in Grey ...

... a thought about the Congress. In 1898 - five years after Sri Aurobindo had attacked the Congress policy of protest, petition and prayer - Aswini Kumar Datta, the saintly leader of the district of Barisal in Bengal and a great educationist and social worker, about whom we shall hear something from Sri Aurobindo himself later on, met Swami Vivekananda at Almora (in the Himalayas) and had the following... generate revolutions. A short while after his return from the Banaras Congress, Sri Aurobindo took leave and went to Bengal. He stayed there till June, 1906. From Calcutta he went to attend the Barisal Conference, where he witnessed the electrifying effect of the national cry of Bande Mataram, then resounding through the towns and villages of Bengal, and the callous inhumanity of the British Raj... inspirited his countrymen as nothing else had done before, and their awakened ardour and enthusiasm fed and throve upon the desperate errors of the distraught and unnerved bureaucracy. From Barisal Sri Aurobindo accompanied Bepin Pal on a tour of East Bengal to study the possibilities of his revolutionary plan and the general political situation of the province. It was now felt that an ...

... Speech at Beadon Square, Calcutta. June 19 First issue of the Karmayogin, a weekly review directed and mostly written by Sri Aurobindo. June 19 Speech at Jhalakati, Barisal District. June 23 Speech at Bakergunj, Barisal District. June 26 Speech at Khulna. June 27 "The Right of Association" speech at Howrah. July 11 Speech at Kumartuli. July 18 Speech at College Square, Calcutta... Declaration of the Yugantar, a Bengali weekly. Sri Aurobindo writes some articles in the early numbers of this revolutionary journal and always exercises general control over it. April 14 At the Barisal Conference. Afterwards makes a political tour of East Bengal with Bepin Chandra Pal. June Returns to Baroda. June 19 Takes one year's leave without pay from Baroda College. Returns to ...


... Speech at Beadon Square, Calcutta. June 19 First issue of the Karmayogin, a weekly review directed and mostly written by Sri Aurobindo. Speech at Jhalakati, Barisal District. June 23 Speech at Bakerjung, Barisal District. June 26 Speech at Khulna. Page 815 June 27 "The Right of Association" speech at Howrah. July 11 Speech at Kumartuli. ... of the Yugantar, a Bengali weekly. Sri Aurobindo writes some articles in the early numbers of this revolutionary journal and always exercises general control over it. April 14 At the Barisal Conference. Afterwards, makes a political tour of East Bengal with Bepin Chandra Pal. June Returns to Baroda. Page 813 June 19 Takes one year's leave without pay from ...

... in the very front, facing the police onslaught. The Barisal Session will remain unforgettable in the history of the Revolutionary Movement of India. It is Page 121 hard today for you, to imagine how repressive the government was, and how determined we were to fight against it. The British had even coined a phrase - 'the insolent Barisal look'! "And how successful we were! What had taken... laws; in East Bengal, with its Muslim majority, the cry of 'Bande Mataram' was forbidden, and taking part in revolutionary meetings or movements proclaimed illegal. This was the time of the famous Barisal Session of the Congress which was attended by all the great national leaders. Since it was held during my holidays, I too went there. Though the law forbidding the cry of 'Bande Mataram' had already... see, I would often ask the Maharaja for extended leave and go to Bengal. There, my time would be mostly Page 123 spent in revolutionary activities. During one such stay, I attended the Barisal meeting after which I toured East Bengal with Bepin Pal. I had my own reasons for wanting to draw closer to the Liberals in the Congress Party. In those days, the Congress Party was very large. Many ...

... Corrections of Statements Made in Biographies and Other Publications Autobiographical Notes The Barisal Conference and the Start of the Yugantar [At the Barisal Conference (April 1906)] Sri Aurobindo took part in the Barisal Conference and was in the front row 1 of three persons in the procession which was Page 76 dispersed by the police ...


... year began with Barisal; it closes with Comilla. The growing intensity of the struggle in Eastern Bengal can be measured by this single transition, and its meaning is far deeper than appears on the surface. It means that the two forces which must contend for the possession of India's future,—the British bureaucracy and the Indian people,—have at last clashed in actual conflict. Barisal meant passive... has begun to build the foundations of a better system of education. The schools at Rungpur and Dacca already existed at the Page 314 commencement of the year; but immediately after the Barisal outrage fresh schools at Mymensingh, Kishoregunj, Comilla, Chandpur and Dinajpur were established. Since then there have been further additions,—the Magura School, another in the Jessore District, ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... an immediate struggle. The course of events at Barisal, the recent outrageous insult to a prominent Swadeshi worker and the insolent harassment of the townspeople by the local officials and their underlings, are extremely significant. The attempt to provoke a struggle between the Hindus and Mahomedans culminating in the singular affair of the Barisal night panic which still calls for explanation, has... has been a failure. It seems that the police are now attempting to force on some demonstration which will give them an excuse for turning Barisal into a second Rawalpindi. The unprovoked blow given by a Gurkha to Srijut Satis Chandra Chatterji was obviously a prearranged affair, leaving the victim the choice between swallowing the insult and an act of retaliation which might have led to an émeute ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... office; Sri Aurobindo occupied the other with his wife, Mrinalini. A word about Manoranjan Guhathakurta will not be out of place here. In that epoch Aswinikumar Dutt and Manoranjan Guhathakurta of Barisal were two of the mighty pillars of nationalism. But whatever their achievements as political leaders and selfless patriots, as writers and orators, it was their greatness of character that mattered... strength and sweetness. Manoranjan's son Chittaranjan became for a time a centre of great excitement and violent agitation in those days. There was a session of the Bengal Provincial Conference at Barisal which was attended by all the leaders like Sri Aurobindo and Bepin Pal. But there came a clash with the Government, the police raided the pavilion and attacked the procession with lathis. The boy... the Gandhian era. To us who were in favour of armed resistance this kind of forbearance seemed intolerable. When, after this incident, the journalists and the poets began to sing in chorus, of "Barisal of glorious virtue", we could not help adding with a little sting, "thanks to those beatings". I have said that Sri Aurobindo came to occupy with Mrinalini a portion of the house in Grey Street ...


... lathi-charged by the police and many were injured in consequence. Thus did defiance of the law acquire respectability and sanctity at Barisal, and the abortive conference made history more than it would have, had it been allowed to be held in peace. After Barisal, Sri Aurobindo and B.C. Pal toured East Bengal, where mammoth meetings were held against the partition, sometimes even in spite of... to Baroda, but a month later, in February 1906, he took privilege leave for two months, to which he attached the summer vacation and spent the whole period in Bengal. On 14 April, he attended the Barisal Conference which was specially scheduled to discuss the situation in Bengal created by the partition. Although Government promptly banned it, the organisers decided to defy the ban: the procession ...

... behind the scenes, as he had not yet decided to leave the Baroda Service; but he took long leave without pay in which, besides carrying on personally the secret revolutionary work, he attended the Barisal Conference broken up by the police and toured East Bengal along with Bepin Pal and associated himself closely with the forward group in the Congress. It was during this period that he joined Bepin... Bengali, the Karmayogin and Dharma which had a fairly large circulation and were, unlike the Bande Mataram , easily self-supporting. He attended and spoke at the Provincial Conference at Barisal in 1909 ¹ : for in Bengal owing to the compromise at Hooghly the two parties had not split altogether apart and both joined in the Conference though there could be no representative of the N... parties at the session in Benares and giving a joint fight to the dominant right wing of the Moderates; for he had ¹ The Bakergang District Conference was held at Jhalkati (a town near Barisal) on 19 June 1909. Sri Aurobindo addressed this conference (see p. 124). For the Bengal Provincial Conference of 1909 see note p. 256. [Ed.] Page 258 always dreamt of becoming ...


... simply fought for the right to sing the song at a time when the mere singing of the song seemed to sound like the death-knell of the British Raj to the perturbed pillars of the bureaucracy. At Barisal on 14 April 1906, for example, when the procession was being dispersed, the boy Chittaranjan - son of Manoranjan Guhathakurta, a stalwart of the nationalist movement - continued shouting Bande... Government Page 233 buildings and the Governor himself was made a prisoner. 31 And the boy heroes in our Puranas: Dhruva, Prahlad, Krishna himself! And Chittaranjan Guhathakurta at Barisal! Young men had no lack of examples, whether drawn from literature and myth or from modem European or contemporary Indian history. The "Hour of God" had brought out these young men - and many... May 1907, the Government of India promulgated an Ordinance forbidding meetings without prior official permission. The Ordinance was made applicable, first to Lahore on 11 May and on 18 May to Barisal in East Bengal. Writing on 16 May in the Bande Mataram, Sri Aurobindo called the Ordinance "the latest act of medieval tyranny" and tore the veil of British hypocrisy and charged Morley himself ...

... was an educationist. Lalit Mohan Das hailed from Barisal, he had taken active part from 1905 onwards during the Partition and Boycott movements, and was a professor at Calcutta's City College from which post he resigned when the Risley Circular came into effect banning any participation in politics by students and teachers; in 1909 he founded the Barisal Seva Samiti. Some visitors did not figure... streams, and now they threatened to rain down in heavy showers. Other spiritual perceptions were also crowding into his consciousness. His training had started in earnest. As he travelled to Barisal, to Khulna, to Jhalakati (now all in Bangladesh) many visions rose before his eyes. A goodly number were scenes from Nature: "River scenes. Thickly wooded bank. Bright stream with islands. Padma wide ...

... Yogic vision and intuition - Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo. Some of the others were disciples of Yogis - Tilak, 40 Bepin Pal, P.C. Mitter of the Anusilan Samity, and Aswini Kumar Datta of Barisal, to name only a few. But, though they were spiritually inclined, they never claimed to possess any intuitive vision or to have attained any such close contact with the Divine as to be able to receive... overflow India and overflow Asia and overflow the world. Every hour, every moment could only bring them nearer to the bright- ness of the day that God has decreed." On the 23rd June he went to Barisal and delivered a speech at the Jhalakati Conference, " is a strange idea, a foolish idea which men have, indeed, always cherished under such circumstances, but which has been disproved over ...

... was awakened within a short time. People who were such cowards and trembled at the sight of a revolver were in a short period so much changed that the police officials used to say, 'That insolent Barisal Page 297 look !' 1 It was the soul of the race that awoke , throwing up very fine personalities. 2 The leaders of the Movement were either yogis or disciples of yogis - men like... proclaim the eventual goal underlying that measure: "This measure is no mere administrative proposal but a blow straight at the heart of the nation," wrote he who was to be named the 1.Barisal, a town in East Bengal where in 1906, as we shall see, a Nationalist conference was brutally broken up by the police. 2.The 'fine personalities' were not exclusively among the leaders. A whole ...

... Mother's Chronicles - Book Five 32 A Unit of Force Sri Aurobindo took part in the Barisal Provincial Conference held on 14 April 1906. He was in the front row of three in the procession, with Bepin Pal and Bejoy Chatterji. The president of the Conference, Abdul Rasul, passed with his English wife in a carriage. Other prominent leaders followed... Conference Sri Aurobindo accompanied Bepin Pal in a tour of East Bengal "where enormous meetings were held —in one district in spite of the prohibition of the District Magistrate." "When after the Barisal Conference, we brought in the peasants into the Movement, forty or fifty thousands of them used to gather to hear Pal," recalled Sri Aurobindo. B.C. Pal, Page 304 though lacking in ...

... behind the scenes as he had not yet decided to leave the Baroda service; but he took long leave without pay in which, besides carrying on personally the secret revolutionary work, he attended the Barisal Conference broken up by the police and toured East Bengal along with Bepin Pal and associated himself closely with the forward group in the Congress. It was during this period that he joined Bepin... × See Table 2, page 568 .—Ed. × 1948 edition Barisal. See Table 1, page 566 .—Ed. × 1948 edition Hooghly. See Table 1, page 566 .—Ed. ...


... Violent Volunteers of Barisal . We have had many new things recently, the new Hinduism, the new School, the new Politics, the new Province, the new John Morley and now we have Newmania in the Englishman . The peculiarly delirious character of this disease can be easily understood from the Khulna telegram of the Secretary, People's Association. Mr. Newman had published from Barisal a peculiarly blood ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... their President through the streets of Barisal with the forbidden cry of "Bande Mataram." If the dispersal of the Conference was not resisted, it was not from respect for executive authority but purely for reasons of political strategy. Immediately afterwards the right of public meeting was asserted in defiance of executive ukase by the Moderate leaders near Barisal itself and by prominent politicians ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... undergone some damage since 1908, with the sometimes defective text reproduced in Terrorism in Bengal . On the Barisal Proclamation . Editorial title. November 1905 or shortly thereafter. On 7 November 1905, Aswini Kumar Dutta and other Nationalist leaders of Barisal issued a proclamation in which they    Page 1169 urged the people of the district to support the Swadeshi ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... 29-June-1907 The Newmaniac is abroad again. He has been to Chandpur, in the flesh or in spirit, and the result is a fresh attack of delirium newmans. He has discovered a Babu Kingdom in Barisal and a phantom army of secret National Volunteers. To the unsophisticated unaided eye there are no National Volunteers; the red shirt, the dreadful yellow turban, the awe-inspiring anti-regulation ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... the bureaucracy in dealing with Bengal has ceased and the surging waves are once again threatening to engulf the province. At Bagerhat the Sub-divisional Conference will not be allowed to meet. At Barisal the worst scenes enacted during the early days of Fullerism are being repeated. Honour is not safe in East Bengal, nor is the person. And a fresh outburst of repressive measures is likely to take place ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... there has been no concerted and coherent action, every man has done what seemed good in his own eyes or else remained inactive. The result has been much weakness, supineness and ineffectiveness. Barisal fights for its own hand to maintain the boycott. The Yugantar attacked carries on a heroic struggle with the bureaucracy with what stray assistance, individual generosity or patriotism may offer ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... the conference was persuaded to agree to something in the shape of a memorial. We know that "last time" well. It was the very last time on the occasion of the Town Hall; it was the very last time at Barisal; and now again this long-lived old friend of ours crops up like the clown of the pantomime with his eternal smirk and his eternal "Here I am." Our leaders resemble English theatrical managers, when ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Mahomedan. The idea that the election of a Mahomedan President will conciliate the anti-Congress Mahomedans, is a futility which has been repeatedly exposed by experience. Mr. Rasul's presidentship at Barisal has not conciliated the following of the Nawab of Dacca; such nominations can only gratify those Mahomedans who are already for the Congress. The question this year for the Congress is, Swadeshi or ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... based seems to be remarkably one-sided. He said, for instance: "The old leaders never forgot to take counsel with the new party; but the new party had spurned the old men." When, may we ask, except at Barisal where the new school was in a majority, did the old leaders take counsel with the new? Since then it has been the deliberate policy of the old leaders to exclude the new party from their counsels and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... but so do the old leaders strongly recommend it—to East Bengal. We advocate the assertion by the people of their right to carry on the agitation in every lawful way,—but so did the old leaders at Barisal. We advocate abstention from all association with the Page 178 Government, but such abstention has not yet been forbidden by law. We advocate the substitution of Indian agency and Indian ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... British Empire, which means the same thing, must be nearing its end. Bengal politicians seem determined to maintain the ancient reputation of the nation for its logical acumen and subtlety. The Barisal Conference resolved not to send any prayer or petition to Page 185 Government; when the Conference was forcibly dispersed, the leaders sent a wire to the Viceroy on the ground that a telegram ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... districts, we have made some attempt to send rice at cheap rates; but it is all so inadequate. It is the old, old lesson. There is the thought, there is the will, but there is not the organization. In Barisal there is organization and the famine has been manfully fought. In another part of the new province a still more efficient organization of the educated community kept down the price of food and saved ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... The Government Plan of Campaign 22-May-1907 The bureaucracy is developing its campaign against Swadeshism with great rapidity and a really admirable energy and decision. Barisal was naturally the first district to be declared, and now we learn that Dacca, Mymensingh, Faridpur, Pabna, Rungpur and Tipperah, the Habiganj sub-division of the district of Sylhet and the Sudharam ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... was not vigorously pursued in other parts. The Red Pamphlet has been ubiquitous throughout Eastern and Northern Bengal; the preachings of the Nawab's Mullahs have been as persistent, as malignant in Barisal, in Calcutta, in every strong centre of Swadeshism. But though there have been alarms and excursions even as far west as Allahabad and Benares, the campaign has for the present signally failed outside ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... inspired, a sort of descent from above. Later on, his oratorical powers diminished. I remember he never used the word "independence" but always said "autonomy without British control"! When after the Barisal Conference we brought the peasants into the Movement, forty or fifty thousand of them used to gather to hear Pal. Suren Banerji cannot be compared to Pal. He has never done anything like what Pal did ...


... instance, disappeared among the Tagore family, in the house of Gaganendranath Tagore. Bejoy removed to a friend's in Calcutta itself. And I decided to leave for an obscure little village in distant Barisal; there I put up with a friend of mine, Satish Chandra Sengupta, who afterwards became professor of philosophy at the City College in Calcutta. That expedition of mine was not less romantic than ...

... instance, disappeared among the Tagore family, in the house of Gaganendranath Tagore. Bejoy removed to a friend's in Calcutta itself. And I decided to leave for an obscure little village in distant Barisal; there I put up with a friend of mine, Satish Chandra Sengupta who afterwards became professor of philosophy at the City College in Calcutta. That expedition of mine was not less romantic than ...


... whole of the first term of the college as well as the summer vacation in Bengal. On 12 March 1906 the declaration of the Yugantar , a Bengali journal, was filed. On 14 April 1906 the famous Barisal conference was held. Sri Aurobindo attended. The conference was declared illegal by the government and the participants were ordered to disperse. Krishna Kumar Mitra, Sri Aurobindo's uncle, refused ...


... inspired, a sort of a descent. Later on his power of oration also got diminished. I remember he never used the word independence but always said "Autonomy without British control." Later on when after Barisal Conference we brought in the peasants in the movement, forty to fifty thousand of them used to gather to hear Pal; Suren Banerjee can not stand comparison with Pal. He has never done anything like ...

... the power of the matri-mantra. Now let me tell you about Chittaranjan, the son of Monoranjan Guhothakurta. Sri Aurobindo, Bipin Pal, along with several other regional leaders turned up in Barisal for a meeting of a regional conference of Bengal. The gathering kept shouting Vande Mataram as they waited for the visiting leaders. When the leaders arrived, the Police made a lathi-charge. However ...


... strength of the Nationalists as well as their apparent willingness to take the Moderates with them encouraged Surendranath Banerjee to make a move to bring the two parties together. This he did at Barisal, at the time of the Provincial Conference. If Banerjee could go to the next session of the Congress at Benares as the head of a united Bengali delegation, the Nationalists becoming his sword-arm ...

... 'Karma-Yogin.'" That was from Suresh Chandra Deb, who was one of the volunteers accompanying Bepin Pal, Subodh Mullick and Sri Aurobindo when they toured East Bengal for forty-five days after the Barisal Conference in April 1906. "Sri Aurobindo stood out and drew the admiration of the young," wrote Jawaharlal Nehru, bringing to mind his boyhood days. "... The brilliant champion of Indian nationalism ...

... Nolini Kanta Gupta. The Dharma breathed its last on 28 March 1910. Because Nolini and his comrades had also to go into hiding fearing arrest. Nolini left for "an obscure little village in distant Barisal. " The other three dispersed in Calcutta itself. Moni went from one hiding place to another ... till one day, in late March, at N°6 Crouch Lane, a hostel where he had taken lodgings, he received ...

... March 11 — Sri Aurobindo attends the creation of the National Council of Education in Calcutta. March 12 - Declaration of the Yugantar (Bengali weekly). April 14 -Sri Aurobindo attends the Barisal Conference, then tours East Bengal with Bepin Chandra Pal. June 19 - Sri Aurobindo leaves Baroda for good. July 12 -In France, Dreyfus is cleared from all guilt twelve years after being convicted ...

... Karmayogin and Dharma he tried to dispel the confusion and show a path which the nation could tread. He toured the country, especially East Bengal, and he spoke in many towns and districts — Jhalakati (Barisal), Bakergunj, Khulna.... "Out on tour," reminisced Nolini, "Sri Aurobindo used to address meetings, meet people when he was free and give them instructions and advice. Most of those who came to his ...

... every part of India would have to be very differently written indeed. In fact the Englishman ought not to forget that it is this extreme loyalty of the people that saved the situation created in Barisal and elsewhere by the lawless excesses of the executive Government during the last nine or ten months. Had our people Page 122 been less law-abiding than they are, the whole country would ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... desire to have his personal leadership proclaimed on the housetops and an almost hysteric tendency towards self-praise. The indecorous comparisons of himself with Christ and Gauranga, the tone of his Barisal speech and this coronation ceremony are indications which make us uneasy for our veteran leader. He should remember the last days of Keshab Chandra Sen and avoid a similar debacle. It is time ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... the suddenness of the outbreak was due to some immediate exciting cause. The brick story bears a suspicious resemblance to the incident which set Sir Bampfylde and his Gurkhas rioting officially at Barisal; but it is likely enough that a few individuals may have shown their feelings towards the Nawab in an offensive way. However that may be, it seems certain that the more rowdy elements of the Mahomedan ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... position, to pledge a whole nation to a course inconsistent with courage and with honour. But the leaders seem to have accepted the plea with alacrity as a good excuse for avoiding a repetition of Barisal. "For such another field they dreaded worse than death." The incident shows the persistence of that want of backbone which is still the curse of our politics. In any other country the very fact that ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Page 416 Harrison Road case might have been a blow aimed at Boycott, for at that time the new spirit had not made itself prominently manifest in Bengal and other parts of India. But the Barisal barbarities left no room for doubt. Then came the Comilla excesses. Are we to believe that the Moslem population of East Bengal has really been deluded into the idea that East Bengal belongs to Salimullah ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Bande Mataram under the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 24.Oct.1906 - 27.May.1907 Bande Mataram National Volunteers 27-May-1907 Our Barisal Correspondent seems, like the Khulna Magistrate, to have taken the Englishman 's Special Correspondent much too seriously. The fictions of Mr. Newman are too evidently fictions to deserve serious criticism. Whether ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... of the weaver to his loom, the dissociation of the people from the Government, the strikes, the deluge of meetings all over the land, the insulting of the National leaders, the breaking up of the Barisal Conference, the dismissal of Fuller, the appointment of Hare, the persecution of boys, the dismissal of the school-masters who loved liberty more than money, the foundation of the National Council ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... treasure. Finally our contemporary announces his intention of dismissing "mean-souled malice"—of the Statesman and Empire and others—with a "vacant stare"—which is evidently preferable to the Barisal stare. Our contemporary Page 653 wishes to practise the art of detachment as a substitute for furlough and hypophosphites. We would suggest to him that it might be better to take the furlough ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... that, though the districts far outran the capital in the swiftness and thoroughness of their activity, they always waited for an intellectual initiative and sanction from the leaders in Calcutta. Barisal under Sj. Aswini Kumar Dutta was the exception. What the people themselves could not accomplish under the most favourable circumstances, the Government is not likely to effect merely by excluding the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... conference although there has been no riot or violence, who boast that the police are in their hands and they can get all arrested who oppose them, who are ready to forget all the oppression from Barisal till now and call in Magistrates and police superintendents to the place of honour in national meetings, who are ready to take the lathis out of the hands of volunteers to please a District official ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... of high thoughts and inspired eloquence, the prophet of new ideas to his people, our thoughts went for a while to those who are now in British prisons, to Bhupen, to Basanta, to the Editor of the Barisal Hitaishi and the Rangpur Vartabaha , to the aged Maulavi spending the last years of his noble life in the severities of a criminal jail, to our fellow martyrs of East Bengal, to the few who are ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Committee? 11-March-1908 There are signs that the compromise arrived at at Pabna will be ignored by the Moderates at Allahabad. We have received a communication from two leading gentlemen of Barisal enclosing a draft constitution for the Congress which seems to be a reply to another draft forwarded in the name of some Calcutta Committee. This is described in the forwarding letter as a committee ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... He was immediately informed that that was a great indiscretion on his part and that it would bring trouble on him. When he went to Jhalakati the attentions of the police pursued him. They told the Barisal people and the local merchants that if he (the speaker) was taken there the District Conference would be stopped. They got the answer that that was not in the people's hands, but the coming of Aurobindo ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... cry of 'Bantle Mataram' was considered seditious. The British were determined to uphold their power and authority. In March 1906 Sri Aurobindo went to Calcutta on a privilege leave. He attended Barisal Conference. On 14th April the delegates went in a procession to the pavilion, crying Bande Mataram' in defiance of the government's order. The police allowed the leaders to pass and then attacked ...


... succeeded in passing new laws which were against the interests of India. The police had also harrassed the people; 30 or 40 people had been unnecessarily arrested and were now being prosecuted in Barisal. It was for this reason that he and Arabindo Ghose and the others had had to leave British India and settle in French territory. They were tired of British law. They had received better treatment in ...

... voice. I have heard of a certain Yogi who went abroad and was arrested for making advances to girls in a public place. These things are possible because man's psychology is complex. Once after the Barisal Conference I went to see Mahendranath Nandi who was called the Tolstoy of Brahmanbaria. His grandfather was a Tantric and could meditate sitting upon the waters of a river. From him perhaps Nandi got ...


... country was awakened within a short time. People who were cowards and trembled at the sight of a revolver were in a short period so much changed that the police officials used to say, "That insolent Barisal look!" It was the soul of the race that awoke, throwing up very fine personalities. The leaders of the Movement were either Yogis or disciples of Yogis-men like Monoranjan Guha Thakurtha, the disciple ...


... 207-8; Hour of God, 208-9; on the boycott of 16 Oct., 210; letters to Mrinalini, 213-15,235,265; the "three frenzies", 213ff; on "Mother India", 214; his mahavrata, 214; at Benaras Congress, 216; at Barisal Conference, 217; Prof. at National College, 218; in charge of Bande Mataram, 221ff; on the "Life of Nationalism", 223ff; on Dadabhai and Tilak, 226-7; on Passive Resistance, 229ff, 282-3, 362; on use ...

... The same month, started the Bengali paper Yugantar, himself contributing articles to it. April: Attended the famous sessions of the Bengal Provincial Conference at Barisal, after which toured and lectured in the districts of East Bengal. June: Took one year's leave without pay from Baroda College. Joined the newly-started National ...

... whole race was awakened within a short time. People who were such cowards and trembled before the sight of a revolver were in a short period so much changed that police officials used to say "Insolent Barisal". It was the soul of the race that woke up throwing up very fine personalities. The leaders of the movement were either Yogis or disciples of Yogis e.g. Monoranjan Guha Thakurate disciple of B. Goswami ...

... And yet, in the face of the Government repression - constant police searches, arrest and handcuffing of revered leaders, brutal sentences for minor offences, the merciless beating of Manoranjan at Barisal for shouting "Bande Mataram!", the flogging of mere boys in court - in the face of all this, were the revolutionaries to keep quiet? And so the desperate word sometimes went forth: Shoot the Governor ...

... Mataram. Between them they practically revolutionized the political attitude of Bengal. Press prosecutions were also directed against other vernacular papers, including Sanjibani, Sonar Bangla, Barisal Hitabadi, etc. On 30 July 1907 the Bande Mataram premises at 2/1 Creek Row, were searched. The Office was situated at the back of 12 Wellington Square, the house of Subodh Mullick. The next ...

... pen of Arabindo Babu, 'the power behind the paper.' The Bande Mataram continued to reprint extracts in some of its numbers. We give here a few outpourings of sympathy. From Jhalakati, Barisal: "We heartily sympathise with you in your trouble which has been brought on you for your unflinching devotion to the Swadeshi cause and for the independence of thought and the force of language which ...