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Bassora : Basra, a port-city of Iraq, was a centre of Arabic literature, poetry, science, commerce, & finance in 8th & 9th centuries [s/a Abbasside].

23 result/s found for Bassora

... son of Alfazzal. ALMUENE BIN KHAKAN - second Vizier of Bassora. FAREED - his son. SALAR - confidant of Alzayni. MURAD - a Turk, Captain of Police in Bassora. AJEBE - nephew of Almuene. SUNJAR - a Chamberlain of the Palace in Bassora. AZIZ, ABDULLAH - Merchants of Bassora. MUAZZIM - a broker. AZEEM - steward of Alfazzal. HARKOOS - an Ethiopian eunuch in Ibn Sawy's household... Stories The Viziers of Bassora A Romantic Comedy Persons of the Drama HAROUN ALRASHEED - Caliph. JAAFAR - his Vizier. SHAIKH IBRAHIM - Superintendent of the Caliph's Gardens. MESROUR - Haroun's friend and companion. MOHAMAD BIN SULYMAN ALZAYNI - Haroun's cousin, King of Bassora. ALFAZZAL IBN SAWY - his Chief Vizier. NUREDDENE - son... Exeunt Merchants. MUAZZIM Here was ill-luck! AJEBE Nor ends with this. I'll have a ship wide-sailed and well-provisioned For their escape. Bassora will not hold them. Exeunt. Page 108 Scene VI The Palace at Bassora. Alzayni, Sala r. ALZAYNI So it is written here. Hot interchange And high defiance have already passed Between our Caliph and the daring Roman ...


... Alzayni King of Bassora, and then, throwing off his disguise, plays his legendary role and reassures Anice: I am the Caliph men call the Just. Thou art as safe with me As my own daughter. I have sent thy lord To be a king in Bassora, and thee I will send after him with precious robes, Fair slave-girls, noble gifts. 30 The scene now shifts to Bassora in Act V. When... Sri Aurobindo which he had thought lost for ever were now discovered - and, among them, two complete dramas in English. 4 One of these was The Viziers of Bassora; the other was the earlier version of Rodogune. The Viziers of Bassora - called "A Dramatic Romance" - was published in 1959. Rodogune, obviously a later play, was published posthumously in 1958; it seems to have been a companion... "with what seems a prophetic eye to the development of the contemporary phenomenon of Hitler". 2 Many years after Sri Aurobindo's passing on 5 December 1950, four other plays (The Viziers of Bassora, Rodogune, Vasavadutta and Eric) and three unfinished plays (The House of Brut, The Maid in the Mill and Prince of Edur) were published, first in Sri Aurobindo Annual year after year and ...

... an instant liking for them and sets Nureddene on the throne of Bassora. "Romance" the play is called, and romance it is. There is no need to read between the lines for Page 49 any lurking philosophy. The language has a rich sensuousness that succeeds in vividly evoking the atmosphere of ancient Baghdad and Bassora. Nureddene reminds us of Prince Hal in Shakespeare's Henry IV... Hero and the Nymph to Sri Aurobindo's own plays. Of these latter, only one— Perseus the Deliverer —appeared in his own life-time. Four other five act plays— Vasavadutta, Rodogune, The Viziers of Bassora and Eric —and an unfinished play entitled Prince of Edur have been published posthumously. It is not surprising therefore that Perseus is the maturest, but there are fine things in all the plays... sunlight, myrtle, roses,       Robe me in delight.       Give me rapture for my dress,       For its girdle happiness. 109   Another play to be rescued from oblivion, The Viziers of Bassora (1959) is not the least rewarding of the group of four plays. Less poetic perhaps than Rodogune, less fierily pointed with purpose than Perseus the Deliverer, and less immediately effective than ...


... ourselves Page 243 with citing two long passages from two of Sri Aurobindo's dramas in order to illustrate his humour in plays. I. From The Viziers of Bassora [Background story: "Alzayni, King of Bassora, has two Viziers -the good Ibn Sawy and the evil-minded Almuene. Nureddene, the son of Ibn Sawy, is, although given to reckless ways, handsome and has a frank and open nature... period of time, barely ten years or so, stretching from the late nineties of the last century to the early years of the first decade of the present one. Perseus the Deliverer, Rodogune, The Viziers of Bassora, Eric and Vasava-dutta are the five complete plays written by Sri Aurobindo. These are really, to quote the words of Prof. K.R. Srinivasa Iyengar, "dramas of life and love, of conflict and change:... Cowsambie, is depicted as a poet, thinker and satirist; his words often have a twist of wit and humour, but they are not solely 'funny', they go further in depth and intent. The Viziers of Bassora is a most enjoyable play, most of which is pure fun. If its blank verse is full of lightness and grace, its prose has wit and sparkle and the savour of earthiness. The entire play is bubbling with ...

... COMPLETE PLAYS The first of these plays was written around 1905, the last in 1915. Only one of them, Perseus the Deliverer , was published during Sri Aurobindo's lifetime. The Viziers of Bassora. The manuscript of this play was seized by the police at the time of Sri Aurobindo's arrest in connection with the Alipore Bomb Case in May 1908. It seems to have been written a few years before that... Aurobindo Ashram by the Government of West Bengal. It was transcribed and in 1959 published in the Sri Aurobindo Mandir Annual , as well as separately. The source of the plot of The Viziers of Bassora is "Nur al-Din Ali and the Damsel Anis al-Jalis", a story told in the Arabian Nights (thirty-fourth to thirty-eighth nights). Sri Aurobindo owned in Baroda a multi-volume edition of Richard Burton's... February 1906, on the eve of his departure from the state to join the national movement. In May 1908 the notebooks containing his fair copy of Rodogune , like the notebook containing The Viziers of Bassora , were seized by the police when Sri Aurobindo was arrested. Fortunately, other notebooks remaining in his possession contained much of the penultimate draft of the 1906 version. Basing himself on ...


... included "On Translating Kalidasa" and "The Character of the Hero" (Pururavas) as Introduction and Appendix (See 36). SABCL: Collected Plays, Vol. 7 98 . THE VIZIERS OF BASSORA Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 1959 A dramatic romance written by Sri Aurobindo at Baroda and seized along with other manuscripts by the British police in May 1908 when... AND SHORT STORIES, Part One: Perseus the Deliverer; Vasavadutta; Rodogune; Eric. Volume 7 Collected Plays AND SHORT STORIES, Part Two: The Viziers of Bassora; Prince of Edur; The Maid in the Mill; The House of Brut; The Prince of Mathura; The Birth of Sin; Vikramorvasie (The Hero and the Nymph): Short Stories: Idylls of the Occult: The Phantom ...


... Birth of the War-God, 92ff; The Hero and the Nymph, 94ff; on Vikramorvasie, 98fn; Urvasie, 99-107; Love and Death, 108; Baji Prabhou, 1148; Perseus the Deliverer, 120-9; The Viziers of Bassora, 128-34; Rodogune, 13441; Eric, 141-7; Vasavadutta, 147-52; The Witch of Ilni, 152; The Maid in the Mill, 153; The House of Brut, 153; Prince of Edur, 154-5; early philosophical poems... Vijayatunga, J., 736 Vision of Science, A, 159-60,161,169 Vivekananda, Swami, 15, 16, 48, 63, 184, 195,197,235,258,278,287, 305, 321, 336,338, 339, 389 Viziers of Bassora, The, 69, 119-20, 129ff; source in Arabian Nights, 129; action of the comedy, 129ff; the Caliph as "masked Providence", 132; a legend of likeable women, 133,139 Von Kleist, Heinrich, 639 ...

... Poems and Plays, Vol. 1 (1942), Publisher's Note. 2. K. D. Sethna, Sri Aurobindo — The Poet, p.349 ' 3. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 26, p. 268 4. Appendix to The Viziers of Bassora (1959), pp. 201-2 5. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 6, p. 2 6. Ibid., p. 8 7. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 6, pp. 367-68 8. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 6, p. 201 9. Ibid., p.... 20. K.D. Sethna, Sri Aurobindo — The Poet, p. 349 21. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 5, pp. 110-11 22. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 6, p. 197 23. Vide Prema Nandakumar's The Viziers of Bassora: A Study' in Sri Aurobindo Circle, XXIII (1967), pp. 40-58 24. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 7, pp. 589-90 25. Ibid., pp. 597-98 26. Ibid., p.62\ 27. Ibid ...

... forth we feel the pressure of cosmic forces and supra-terrestrial influences, they do not intrude in any way to render the mind erratic or the flesh anaemic. And one of the works, The Viziers of Bassora, a favourite of Sri Aurobindo's, is a hilarious comedy, delightfully down-to-earth—not indeed without idealism but everywhere shot with irrepressible vitality. Besides the dramas, we have ...


... the time of the great Mahratta leader Shivaji. Then there are dramas ranging over many epochs and types of human culture: Page 94 Perseus the Deliverer, Rodagune, The Viziers of Bassora, Vasavadatta, Eric. The translation of a play of Kalidasa's, under the title The Hero and the Nymph, may be listed too. We have also a good number of short poems where the earthly scenes we know ...

... is an innovative experimentation in an epic in quantitative hexameters in the history of English literature. Sri Aurobindo has also written five dramas, Perseus the Deliverer, Rodogune, Viziers of Bassora, Vasavdutta and Eric. He has also translated two plays of Kalidasa from the original Sanskrit into English. When Sri Aurobindo withdrew in 1926 into his room for concentrating in the required way ...

... being and human persons are its receptacles and formations for a special play upon this earth. Earthly fate only serves to increase the delight that forms the true body of love. The Viziers of Bassora represents Love in its mood of frolicsome, almost frivolous dalliance, clothed, it would appear, in Page 384 a body purely made of the fluid, i.e., playful senses. There is no need ...

...       Poems from Bengali (Ashram, 1956).       Songs of Vidyapati (Ashram, 1956).       Vasavadutta (Ashram, 1957).       Rodogune (Ashram, 1958).       The Viziers of Bassora (Ashram, 1959).       Eric (Ashram, 1960).       Prince of Edur (Ashram, 1961).       Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol (Ashram, 1995)       The Future Poetry (Ashram, 1953). ...


... Vidula 12, 46, 458 Vidyapati 45 Vijayatunga J. 18 Virgil 33, 54, 309, 376, 380, 381, 383, 384, 395, 417 Vivekananda, Swami 4, 5,19 Viziers of Bassora, The 47, 49, 318 Vyasa 135,137,209,257,258,261,262,         Wadia,B.P.77       Walker, Dr. 7       Wallace, Alfred 252       Whitehead, A.N. 33, 34       Whitman ...


... Himself and on the Mother, p. 127.       19. Letter to Joseph Baptista, quoted in Purani, Life of Sri Aurobindo, p. 162.       20. For example, the five-act blank verse play, The Viziers of Bassora, which was Exhibit 299/3 in the Alipur Case, was spotted just when the MS was about to be sold as waste paper to the Government Contractor.       21. Quoted in PC. Ray, Life and Times of C.R ...


... no doubt attained an early mastery of the blank verse, as may be seen in his Urvasie and Love and Death, as also his plays— Perseus the Deliverer, Vasavadutta, Rodogune and The Viziers of Bassora. Presendy he was attracted to the classical quantitative metres, notably the hexameter, and he was led in due course to develop his own theory of true quantity in English. Classical names like iamb ...


... And heard the awful sounds that move at will When Ocean with the midnight is alone, Thou wouldst not doubt. 1 The other works, in rough chronological order, are: The Viziers of Bassora, Rodogune, Vasavadutta 3 Eric as complete works and a few in fragmentary form. Page 78 The quieter and more idea-limpid style meets us in The people's love Is a glimmer ...


... playwright with at least three productions which rank rather high in their own genres: the richly dynamic Perseus the Deliverer, the many-shaded complex of romance and comedy that is The Viziers of Bassora and the psychologically subtle Eric with its shifting interaction of hidden motives.   So it is possible that Sri Aurobindo was not writing prophetically in "The Death of a God" - or ...


... 1957 Vasavadutta (a dramatic romance), 1915 1957 Urvasie, 1893 1896 Ahana and other Poems, 1893-1910 1915 Love and Death, 1900 1921 The Viziers of Bassora (a dramatic romance), 1893-1905 . 1959 Eric (a dramatic romance), 1912 or 1913 1960 V. NATIONALISM The Ideal of the Karmayogin, 'The Karmayogin' ...

... – Rodogune 384 – Savitri, 238-46n., 248, 249-52n., 266, 274, 276n., 286n., 287, 300, 318n., 323, 383, 390n – The Mother, 293n –Vasavadutta, 385 –Viziers of Bassora 385 Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, 32n Srotas, 330 St. Augustine, 290, 338 Stone Age, 155 SunahsheIta, 318 Surra, 221, 327 TAGORE,97 Tantras, the, 182-3 ...

... 1957 Vasavadutta 1915-1916.- 1st ed. 1957 Urvasie, 1893-1896.- 1st ed. 1896 Ahana and Other Poems, 1895-1915 .- 1st ed. 1915 Love and Death, 1899.- 1st ed. 1921 The Viziers of Bassora, 1893-1905 (Baroda).- 1st ed. 1959 Eric, 1912 or 1913.- 1st ed. 1960 The Chariot of Jagannath, 1918.- 1st ed. 1972.- (translated from Bengali) 5 – Political Period The Ideal of the ...

... Volume 6 — Collected Plays AND SHORT STORIES, Part One; Perseus the Deliverer; Vasavadutta; Rodogune; Eric. Volume 7 — Collected Plays AND SHORT STORIES, Part Two: The Viziers of Bassora; Prince of Edur; The Maid in the Mill; The House of Brut; The Prince of Mathura; The Birth of Sin: Vikramorvasie (The Hero and the Nymph). Short Stories: Idylls of the Occult: The Phantom Hour; ...

... his passing, but others - especially his translation of the Meghaduta in terza rima - are apparently lost for ever. Those that were recovered (like the manuscript of the play, The Viziers of Bassora) lay forgotten in a trunk consigned to the limbo of the record room of a Court, and were spotted out, decades later, when it was about to be disposed of as waste paper to the Government contractor ...