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Bedlam : a hospital in 1330, handed over to the City of London in 1547 as a mental asylum; the term is colloquial for pandemonium.
... straightforward English "words like woven incense heaven - reveried''. NB: What's Bedlamic, please? Never heard of him, I'm sure! Sri Aurobindo: Bedlam is or was the principal lunatic asylum in England. You have never heard the expression "Bedlam let loose" etc.? Bedlamic syntax - rollickingly mad syntax. NB: Is this fellow Hopkins or Hopkinsise? Whoever he may be, I am for new stuff, so I ...
... tried to do new things with the English language. A Catholic poet like Francis Thompson. What's Bedlamic, please? Never heard of him, I'm sure! Bedlam is or was the principal lunatic asylum in England. You have never heard the expression "Bedlam let loose" etc.? Bedlamic syntax = rollickingly mad syntax. Guru, Dilipda requests me, as you will see, to type this letter [Dilip's letter written ...
... all that. "A voice of a devouring eye" is even more reJoycingly mad than a voice of an eye pure and simple. If the English language is to go to the dogs, let it go, but the Joyce cut by the way of Bedlam does not recommend itself to me. The poetical examples have nothing to do with the matter. Poetry is permitted to be insane—the poet and the madman go together: though even there there are limits ...
... rapturous illusions. ( Turning to Sanatan ) But what bewilders me still everytime I want to puzzle it out with my mind's lights, Is the why and wherefore of His predilection For this our bedlam and His baffling urge To put on our nature and play at being human Accepting gladly the hospitality Of our dismal dungeon — almost, as it were, Page 161 Forgetting, for the nonce ...
... cackled shrilly. "The way you folks wag your tongues one would think the entire house had toppled into the abyss! To think that all this fracas is made over a mere fish! 'Hide it away' indeed! Are we in Bedlam? I ask you. What about the good Brahmins we have invited?" "There's loads of time," returned Netya. "Your Brahmins will not be here, anyway, before two or half-past. By then let the young master ...
... accept all that. A voice of a devouring eye is even more re-Joycingly mad than a voice of an eye pure and simple. If the English language is to go to the dogs, let it go, but the Joyce cut by the way of Bedlam does not recommend itself to me. The poetical examples have nothing to do with the matter. Poetiy is permitted to be insane - the poet and the madman go together: though even there there are limits ...
... Yet, in practice , for the last three thousand years, the entire religious history of India has taken the view that there is a true Brahman, as it were, transcendent, immobile, forever beyond this bedlam, and a false Brahman, or rather a minor one (there are several schools), for an intermediate and more or less questionable reality (i.e., life, the earth, our poor mess of an earth). "Abandon Page ...
... nearer the horizontal, walking often vertically up and down the earth, like a fly on the wall. I know it perfectly, yet if I were constantly to translate my knowledge into imagination, a padded room in Bedlam would soon be the only place for me. This is indeed the singular and amazing law of our consciousness that it is perfectly capable of holding two contradictory conceptions at the same time and with ...
... mind of all remnants of irrationality (Comte’s positivism and Marxism were supposed to be “scientific”). The 20th century proved all of them to be badly mistaken. That the postmodern kaleidoscopic bedlam is caused by a misvaluation of reason is apparent from the following. Among the themes of postmodernity are, according to Steinar Kvale “a doubt that any human truth is a simple objective representation ...
... to the Rishis of putting the same word together in different cases or with different governing words in order to convey quite different ideas and with nothing to show the difference! It is only in Bedlam or else in Pundit-land that such a rule can stand. Mark that sometimes S. makes कवि mean simply क्रांत! As a matter of fact there is no reason to suppose that कवि ever means anything in the Vedas but ...
... mad than a voice of eye pure and simple. If the English language is to go to the dogs, let it go, but the Joyce cut by the way of Bedlam does not recommend itself to me. The poetical examples have nothing to do with the matter. Poetry is permitted to be insane — the ...
... from these provincial or regional rivalries there were schisms on religious grounds – Huguenots and Catholics, Jansenists and Arians were flying at each other's throat and made of France a veritable bedlam of confusion and chaos. Well, all that was beaten down and smoothed under the steam-roller of a strong centralised invincible spirit of France, one and indivisible and inexorable, that worked itself ...
... from these provincial or regional rivalries there were schisms on religious grounds—Huguenots and Catholics, Jansenists and Arians were flying at each other's throat and made of France a veritable bedlam of confusion and chaos. Well, all that was beaten down and smoothed under the steam-roller of a strong centralised invincible spirit of France, one and indivisible and inexorable, that worked itself ...
... of the Mahatma." In the event, this was a real third-class, and the Bengali Nationalist leaders were travelling in it. Barin says in his autobiography that he found the compartment almost like a bedlam! A deafening uproar was going on when he arrived ! Seeing the young man without any suitable clothing and shivering with cold ,Shyam Sundar wrapped his own warm overcoat round Barin.Then he gave ...
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