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Beelzebub : Lord of Flies, an epithet of Satan known as Prince of Devils.
... yet fully explored, I may illustrate the poet's expansive sweep by quoting some lines about a most difficult attempt from a speech of Beelzebub, the next in Page 1 strength to Satan among the rebel Angels. After a long debate in Hell, Beelzebub suggests that the best way to continue war is not so much by direct action against Heaven's King as by a subtle attack on the soul of... Adam is placed in the garden of Eden. Between Hell and Earth, in the Miltonic Cosmology, is the realm of Chaos and Old Night surrounding the starry universe as an enormous ocean a tiny island. So Beelzebub, when his strategy is accepted and his plan of entering Earth endorsed, raises the great question: "But, first, whom shall we send In search of this new world? Whom shall we find ...
... of lines, the sense drawn out inseparably from one verse to another, but with pauses set at varying places within the lines - as in the passage about Beelzebub when fear and desire were swaying his fellow-demons: Which when Beelzebub perceived - than whom, Satan except, none higher sat - with grave Aspect he rose, and in his rising seemed A pillar of state. Deep on his ...
... the trap, you can easily sweep away my sophistical cobwebs, my good Broome. Page 60 Treneth —What penalty for a pun? Keshav —No penalty, for to punish a lie on the information of Beelzebub is to do God's work at the devil's bidding. Wilson —Yes, a penalty: you shall be taken at your word. You are setting a trap for us, when you try to shuffle in your phrase about the qualities native ...
... 111 , 129, 226-27, 162 Aurobindo, Sri, 4, 5 Bacon, 249 Basu, Arabinda, vii Bateson, F. W . , 5 , 1 3 , 54, 5 5 , 130, 13 1 , 157, 205, 246, 251 , 261 Beauty, 9, 10, 70, 1 40 Beelzebub, 118 Beulah, 207, 210 Blackstone, Bernard, 53, 146, 150, 154, 157, 159, 161 , 212, 214. 215 , 228 Blake: A Psychological Study , 225 fn .282 Blake and Modern Thought, 246 Blake and ...
... introduces the setting out of the fortunate character of the Fall with absolute explicitness, is the phrase: "And evil turn to good." Book II, in passing, carries on the thread of the theme. After Beelzebub has suggested that the fallen Angels should avenge themselves on God by perverting God's new favourite, Man, about whom rumour has reached them, Milton attributes this "devilish counsel" in origin ...
... pulse of political life beat dull and slow. For a Moderate of the Nagpur Rai Bahadur type to be asked to take Surendranath as a substitute for Tilak is as if they were asked to exchange Satan for Beelzebub; both are to them, as to the Englishman , devils of Extremism, one only less objectionable than the other. But the rights of this question are so simple that there is no excuse for allowing the ...
... inseparably from one verse to another, but with pauses set at varying places within the lines - as in the passage about Beëlzebub when fear and desire were swaying his fellow-demons: Which when Beelzebub perceived - than whom, Satan except, none higher sat - with grave Aspect he rose, and in his rising seemed A pillar of state. Deep on his front engraven Deliberation sat, and public ...
... And what shoulder, & what art, Could twist the sinews of thy heart? - sends us first looking for Milton's use of the word "shoulder". Two instances stand out. One refers to Beelzebub, "than whom, / Satan except, none higher sat": 219 Sage he stood, With Atlantean shoulders, fit to bear 217. Ibid., 11.374-377. 218. Ibid., 11 .383-388. 219.Bk ...
... its blending of beauty and power to the point of sublimity has given us what is to be found nowhere else in English poetry. Hell yawns before us, and chaos presently envelops us; and Satan and Beelzebub and Mammon and Moloch and Belial are vivid, almost apocalyptic, projections. Page 381 But there is a debit side as well, for as Sri Aurobindo points out, "Milton ...
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