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Belphegor : Syrian god who symbolised the Sun; Israelites also paid homage to him. Sri Aurobindo’s uses the term for a transfiguring spiritual light.

6 result/s found for Belphegor

... my soul's embrace: In me Arcturus and Belphegor burn... Book VII, Canto 6, of Savitri has : His soul must be wider than the universe And feel eternity as its very stuff, Rejecting the moment's personality, Know itself older than the birth of Time, Creation an incident in its consciousness, Arcturus and Belphegor grains of fire Circling in a corner of... which has found its way not unoften into literature, "Belphegor" which Sri Aurobindo has brought in with powerful effect has practically no place in popular astronomy and has figured rarely in past literary usage. However, it has become famous, though not in an astrono-mical context, in contemporary France because of Julien Benda's book Belphegor where, turning its etymological significance (Baal-Peor ...


... my soul's embrace: In me Arcturus and Belphegor burn. Book VII, Canto 6, of Savitri has: His soul must be wider than the universe And feel eternity as its very stuff, Rejecting the moment's personality, Know itself older than the birth of Time, Creation an incident in its consciousness, Arcturus and Belphegor grains of fire Circling in a corner... boundless self... [p. 537] Unlike the name "Arcturus", which is well-known for one of the brightest stars in the northern heavens and which has found its way not unoften into literature, "Belphegor" which Sri Aurobindo has brought in with powerful effect has practically no place in popular astronomy and has figured rarely in past literary usage. Page 101 However, it has ...


... (Circa 1934-1947) Collected Poems The Indwelling Universal Know more > I contain the wide world in my soul's embrace:     In me Arcturus and Belphegor burn.     To whatsoever living form I turn I see my own body with another face. All eyes that look on me are my sole eyes;     The one heart that beats within all breasts is mine.     The world's ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... Vision 89 world-history 129 Yogic development 298 Yogic self-release of Aswapari 36 Savitri (3) Words in abode 107 absolve 283 ambitioned 113 Arcturus and Belphegor 101 awake 251 ceased 313 crowded light 111 dragon-bird 101 eternity 264 fire 78 flasque 113 foreboding 260 Glory 315 greatness 89 griffin 298 ...


... should share the world's multitudinous pain and achieve a cosmic consciousness, know herself,   .. .older than the birth of Time, Creation an incident in its consciousness, Arcturus and Belphegor grains of fire Circling in a corner of its boundless self, The world's destruction a small transient storm In the calm infinity it has become. 303   Savitri should for a time ...


... share all creatures' sorrow and content And feel the passage of every stab and kiss. .. . 116   Page 649 I contain the whole world in my soul's embrace: In me Arcturus and Belphegor bum. ... The world's happiness flows through me like wine, Its million sorrows are my agonies.... 117 I have learned a close identity with all, Yet am by nothing bound that ...