Belvedere : former viceregal mansion in South Calcutta, presently housing Govt. of India’s National Library. ‘Belvedere’ is Italian for “beautiful view”, structure built in an elevated position to command a fine view. The caption under this Belvedere’s photograph in volume 1 of Claude Campbell’s Glimpses of Bengal [Campbell-Medland, 3/4 Hare Street, 1907, p.130-31] reads: “The Belvedere, Calcutta, 1903: The official residence of the Lt. Governor of Bengal, situated at Alipur, about three miles south of the Govt. House; it stands on 882 sq. mile tract ceded to the East India Co. by Mir Jā’far in 1757 after his defeat at Plassey. Its drawing room (used as durbar hall on occasions) is 114 ft. long.”
... and from which they arise. The question is not whether one Bhupendranath Dutt published matter which he knew to be likely to bring the Government established by law, to wit certain mediocrities in Belvedere, Darjeeling, Shillong or Simla who collectively call themselves the Government of Bengal or of India, into contempt or hatred, or to encourage a desire to resist or subvert their lawful authority ...
... and Baal or even the Jewish Jehovah. These vital gods have a sombre air about them, solemn and serious, grim and powerful, but they have not the sunshine, the radiance and smile of Apollo (Apollo Belvedere) or Hermes. The Greeks might have, they must have taken up their gods from a more ancient Pantheon, but they have, after the manner of their sculptor Phidias, remoulded them, shaped and polished them ...
... Brahmins some short period before this particular Heaven-born's sacred boot soles hallowed the streets of Bombay! Evidently, Sir Frederick is brooding regretfully on the impossibility of adorning Belvedere with the tongues of Babu Surendranath Banerji and Babu Bipin Chandra Pal, red sacrifices to the stability of British rule. That might certainly simplify the task of Government,—or it might not. ...
... among the Bengalis which has the least trace in it of self-help, training and patriotic effort? For no explanation is vouchsafed of this arbitrary act. In an august and awful silence the gods of Belvedere hurl their omnipotent paper thunderbolts, careless of what mere men may think, confident in their self-arrogated attributes of omnipotence, omniscience and omni-benevolence, a divine, irresistible ...
... to move. He left for Rome where the art-loving Pope Leo X (formerly Giovani di Medici) commissioned great works from Raphael, Michaelangelo, Bramante and Peruzzi. 22 He was entertained at the Belvedere, a summer palace atop the Vatican Hill, but Mona Lisa Virgin, Child and St. Ann Page 197 could not find the place he deserved as a ...