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Bengalee : English weekly started in 1862 & edited by Girish Chandra Ghose. Dr. K.D. Ghose, Sri Aurobindo’s father, used to mail copies of this paper to his sons when they were in England. S.N. Banerjee, its principal editor during the anti-partition agitation became its proprietor & converted it into a daily.
... columns of the Bengalee to implicit and blind obedience from all Bengalis to the Calcutta Moderate leaders and to any local representatives of loyalty and moderation whom they may be pleased to erect to the gaze of an adoring public. But the Bengalee 's article contained also certain passages which demand more direct and plain-spoken answer and this today we will give. The Bengalee , not contented... was in a ferment over the Colonisation Bill? But, by the Bengalee 's reasoning, men may be the moral descendants of Mir Jafar and Jagat Seth and yet be excellent patriots so long as they obey Moderate leaders and respect age and authority. The second term we want to see so defined as to be unmistakable, is the term "leaders". The Bengalee calls for discipline and submission to leadership, but who... conscience? The Bengalee talks of age, but it is preposterous to set up age by itself as the claim to leadership in politics; nor did the Moderate leaders themselves show an overwhelming deference to age when they were themselves younger and more ardent. Respect for age as a part of social discipline we can understand, but leadership by seniority is a new doctrine. Then again the Bengalee talks of authority ...
... This is a fair sample of the "inconsistencies" which the Bengalee is always finding in his own brain and projecting into ours. If we have to guard ourselves at every point against such gratuitous misconceptions, argument becomes impossible. Neither space nor patience will allow of it. Page 108 God and His Universe The Bengalee takes as its fundamental position that God is Absolute... deal with it in this issue as its importance deserves. The Bengalee counters our suggestion about the superfluity of prudence and the instinct of self-preservation at the present moment by the assertion that there is an excess Page 114 of unreasoning rashness. That is a question of standpoint and vocabulary. But when the Bengalee goes on to say that when evil results ensue from their ... Karmayogin Facts and Opinions An Unequal Fight Our controversy with the Bengalee is like a conflict between denizens of two different elements. Not only has our contemporary the advantage of prompt reply, but he has such a giant's gulp for formulas, such a magnificent and victorious method of dealing with great fundamental questions in a few sentences ...
... Karmayogin Opinion and Comments The Highest Synthesis In the Bengalee 's issue of the 29th June there is a very interesting article on Nationalism and Expediency, which seems to us to call for some comment. The object of the article is to modify or water the strong wine of Nationalism by a dash of expediency. Nationalism is a faith, the writer admits;... higher synthesis, God in humanity, God in all creatures, God in Himself and ourself. Faith and Analysis Because Nationalism is the highest synthesis, it is more than a mere faith, says the Bengalee , it embodies an analysis, however unconscious or even inadequate, of the actual forces and conditions of life. We do not quite understand our contemporary's philosophy. An unconscious analysis is... faith is merely superstition. Every faith is to a certain extent rational, it has its own analysis and synthesis by which it seeks to establish itself intellectually; so has Nationalism. What the Bengalee means is apparently that our faith ought not to exceed our observation; in other words, we ought to calculate the forces for and against us and if the favourable forces are weak and the unfavourable ...
... of which the alien shall be supreme and yet the indigenous shall be free! What the Bengalee asks of us is to disregard this vital difference of opinion and aim and be united,—in what? In aiming at an object which we believe to be absurd, by means which we believe to be futile. It does not matter, says the Bengalee , in what we are united, so long as we are united; for unity is progress, unity is... Bande Mataram under the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 28.May-22.Dec.1907 Bande Mataram More about Unity 04-December-1907 The Bengalee has again returned to the charge about unity. The line of argument adopted by our contemporary savours strongly of the peculiar style of political thinking which underlay all our movements in the last century. The old... English politics which had no validity at all for India. The result of this divorce from real life was a tendency to use words without caring to consider their real practical meaning. We find the Bengalee in its article learnedly repeating these old mistakes. It builds wordy arguments from the terms of modern Science without grasping the true facts and hard realities of life, without a knowledge of ...
... therefore tolerate differences. We will content ourselves at present with pointing out that the Bengalee 's answer to us is neither objective nor self-consistent. We have tried to establish our position by definite arguments and appeals to well-known facts of human nature and human experience; the Bengalee simply denies our conclusions in general terms without advancing a single definite argument.... possible. Page 333 We must really ask the Bengalee to clear up this tangle of ideas and discover some definite arguments before it again asks the Nationalists to confine themselves to realising their ideas in practice and to abstain from "quarrelling with everybody who differs from them". It would be no doubt very gratifying to the Bengalee not to be quarrelled with, in other words, to escape... changed heart—a new heart of courage and enthusiastic self-sacrifice, to replace the old heart of selfish timidity and distrust of the national strength. In the leading article of last Friday's Bengalee some very important admissions are made. The unlimited possibilities of the organised national strength of India are acknowledged without reservation. "There is no limit to what they can do. We at ...
... Extremism in the Bengalee 03-May-1907 The Bengalee , excited by the news of a second outrage on the Hindu religion at Ambariya in Mymensingh, came out yesterday with a frankly extremist issue. We only wish that we could look on this as anything more than a fit of passing excitement; but the Bengalee is hot today and cold tomorrow. Nevertheless, what it... is the sole privilege of those choice spirits who have the heart to incur sacrifice, the hand to execute the mandate of conscience, and the recklessness to hang propriety and prudence." And the Bengalee complains that we do not even lift our little finger to protect our temples, our holy images and even our women from defilement and dishonour. All this is surprising enough in a Moderate organ; if... source, it might all be taken as a verbatim extract from the editorial columns of the Bande Mataram . "Is this the sum total of our progress after a century and a half of British rule?"—asks the Bengalee . This precisely and nothing else than this is the one inevitable result of British rule. Has it taken our contemporary so long to discover that foreign rule, and especially such a rule as that of ...
... Karmayogin Facts and Opinions The United Congress Negotiations The persistence of the Bengalee in shielding Moderate obstinacy under cover of an appeal to the wholly inconclusive proceedings of the private Conference in the Amrita Bazar Office last year shows both the paucity of possible arguments for the Moderate position and the readiness of... Nationalists and it has been recently admitted by the Amrita Bazar Patrika that letters were received from the Mofussil repudiating the surrender on the question of the creed. How is it that the Bengalee persists in ignoring these facts? The compromise was rejected by the Moderates themselves, Bombay refusing utterly to recognise the four Calcutta resolutions as a possible part of any treaty, and... Moderates refuse to be bound. They are expected to adhere to the concessions they made last year, while the only concession made to them is withdrawn. This fact is quite sufficient by itself to put the Bengalee 's argument out of court. We repeat that the recent negotiations had nothing to do with last year's abortive compromise, rejected as it was by both parties immediately after it was made. Their sole ...
... 17-September-1906 The Bengalee came out on Sunday with an extraordinary leader in which it appeals to its opponents to sink all personal differences and unite in one common cause. The better to further Page 170 this desirable end it kicks them severely all round so as to bring them into a reasonable state of mind. The opponents of the Bengalee are all actuated by base personal... trick of the trade, etc. etc. And therefore the Bengalee appeals to them to be friendly, toe the line and follow faithfully in the wake of Babu Surendranath Banerji. Does our contemporary really think that this is the sort of appeal which is likely to heal the breach? The praise and approval of the Anglo-Indian papers, says the Bengalee wisely, is a sure sign that we are on the wrong road... Government or advocates of association-cum-opposition, have all risen to the call. The Hindu Patriot rejoices at our lack of influence, the Mirror threatens us with the prison and the scaffold, the Bengalee mutters about upstart journals and warns people against the morass which is the inevitable goal, in its opinion, of a forward policy. Well, well, well! Here is an extraordinary and most inexplicable ...
... Karmayogin Facts and Opinions The United Congress The controversy which has arisen between the Bengalee and the Amrita Bazar Patrika on the subject of a united Congress does not strike us as likely to help towards the solution of this difficult question. We should ourselves have preferred to hold silence until the negotiations now proceeding between... between representatives of both sides in Calcutta are brought to a definite conclusion either for success or failure. But certain of the positions taken up by the Bengalee cannot be allowed to pass unchallenged. Our contemporary refers to the meeting in the Amrita Bazar Office last year as an All India Conference. He ought to know perfectly well that it was nothing of the kind. The Mahratta Nationalists... consider themselves bound by the decision to which they were a party and joined the Madras Congress? It was an attempt at negotiation and nothing more and, having fallen through, binds nobody. The Bengalee says that unless the Nationalists sign the creed, a United Congress is impossible, since no one shall be admitted to the Congress who is not satisfied with self-government within the Empire and ...
... of Sri Aurobindo with Speeches Delivered during the Same Period 6.Feb-3.May.1908 Bande Mataram The Bengalee Facing Both Ways 24-April-1908 We confess we cannot understand the position taken up by the Bengalee in the paragraph we quote on another page. The Bengal Moderates at the Convention tried partially but not completely to carry out the country's... will take part in it with Dr. Rash Behari Ghose at their head. If so, they sever themselves from the country and forfeit their political future in Bengal, but their position is intelligible. The Bengalee , however, talks of reconciliation and the Convention in one breath. It trusts that the path of reconciliation is not yet definitely closed, although the Convention to which Srijut Surendranath belongs... enough to say that the resolution of the Convention does not preclude reconciliation. We find it difficult to command words which will properly characterize the audacity of this assertion. Does the Bengalee imagine that the Nationalists are going to accept a Congress called by the Convention, a Constitution framed by a handful of gentlemen meeting at Allahabad and a creed or "statement of objects" which ...
... is called for in the interests of the public good. We, therefore, make no apology for publishing the following letter that has been addressed from the Bengalee Office, to the leaders of public opinion in the mofussil:— Confidential Bengalee Office. 70, Colootola Street, Calcutta. 29th August, 1906. My dear——, At a Conference held in the Rooms of the Landholders' Association on Sunday... was received in reply, but about a week later, just a few hours before the time fixed for the Conference, a printed letter, marked confidential, was received by Babu Ananga Mohan Ghosh, from the Bengalee office, containing excerpts from certain letters secured from London, which suggested that a fresh memorial should be sent to the Secretary of State for India for a reconsideration of the Partition... was agreed that the representation, if possible, Page 145 should be forwarded early in September. The representation is being drawn up, and in the meantime I beg you will forward to the Bengalee Office as many signatures (including of course the signatures of the leading inhabitants in your District). The representation would ask for Bengal (old and new Province) being placed under a Governor ...
... T HE C OMPLETE W ORKS OF S RI A UROBINDO .) Page 581 To the Editor of the Bengalee . 14 May 1909 . Sri Aurobindo wrote this letter eight days after his acquittal from the charges brought against him in the Alipore Bomb Case. It was published in the Bengalee on 18 May 1909. The "defence fund" mentioned was set up by his uncle Krishna Kumar Mitra in the name of Sri... Bhupendranath Bose and Motilal Ghose. These accounts, as well as official reports, note that the police allowed many delegates to pass, not just the first three, before attacking the younger men ( Bengalee , April 17 - 18; Amrita Bazar Patrika , April 16, 19; Government of India, HPA June 1906, 152 - 68). Sri Aurobindo, then new to politics, is not mentioned in any of these accounts.... nationalist writer and orator. When Sri Aurobindo was editor-in-chief of the nationalist newspaper Bande Mataram , Chakravarty was one of its main writers. Eighteen years later he became editor of the Bengalee , a moderate nationalist newspaper of Calcutta. At that time he wrote to Sri Aurobindo inviting him to send contributions. This letter is Sri Aurobindo's reply. The original manuscript is not available ...
... 02-December-1907 Our esteemed contemporary, the Bengalee , has recently been reading us eloquent sermons on the uses and advantages of unity. We confess we cannot follow our contemporary's argument. We gave utterance to the very obvious and, we thought, undeniable sentiment that unity is a means and not an end in itself. But the Bengalee asserts, and it has now got the strong authority of Mr... of the country joining in a common struggle for the creation of a single national government, but the other unity is only possible if the whole nation is inspired by one spirit and one idea. The Bengalee thinks there is substantially such an unity between, say, Sir Pherozshah Mehta, Srijut Surendranath Banerji and Srijut Bipin Chandra Pal; but we have our doubts. Surendra wants Colonial Self-government... that our aim is identical, though in one case frankly expressed and in the other hidden under a veil, but that our methods are different. How then can there be that unity of action for which the Bengalee so sonorously but hazily pleads? Unity of action along with and unaffected by difference of methods is a kind of unity which we do not understand, and we rather suspect it is a chimaera from the ...
... august the name under which it masks its unrepresentative character, so long as it professes to speak for the nation and yet refuses to admit freely its elected representatives. The Bengalee and Ourselves The Bengalee has answered our facts and opinions with its facts and comments. Unfortunately we find in our contemporary's answer all comment and no fact. For the most part he is busy trying to... underlying unity. It profits nothing to say, for instance, "The Divine Force wrote two columns of Facts and Comments the other day in the Bengalee ." God reveals Himself not only in the individual where He is veiled by ignorance and egoism, but in Himself. When the Bengalee sees no alternative to man's self-conscious action except unconscious action, it is under the influence of European materialism which ...
... on his behalf. The response had been good, and numberless people, known and unknown, had been with him in his hour of tribulation and trial. He therefore wrote a week after his release to the Bengalee this letter of thanksgiving: ...The love which my countrymen have heaped upon me in return for the little I have been able to do for them, amply repays any apparent trouble or misfortune my... should put new life into it and impart to it a new and steady sense of movement towards a clearly visualised goal. It is important to remember that, although he was offered the editorship of the Bengalee and although Page 335 he was promised help if he would re-start the Bande Mataram, Sri Aurobindo resolved rather to break fresh ground by launching journals entirely his own... and harmony. Thus, although the spread of interests was commendably wide, it was nevertheless inevitable that the central accent should be on the developing political scene. Papers like the Bengalee and the Indian Social Reformer had chosen to ridicule Sri Aurobindo's Uttarpara speech and the tremendous revelations of his sadhana in prison. What could the Lord have appeared and spoken ...
... Oct.1906 Bande Mataram Is Mendicancy Successful? 18-September-1906 An apologia for the mendicant policy has recently appeared in the columns of the Bengalee . The heads of the defence practically reduce themselves to two or three arguments. 1) The policy of petitioning was recommended by Raja Rammohan Roy, has been pursued consistently since then and... any guarantee against their being withdrawn by another reactionary Viceroy after a few years. It is perfectly clear therefore that the policy of mendicancy will no longer serve. After all, cries the Bengalee, we have only failed in the case of the Partition. We have failed in everything of importance for these many years, measure after measure has been driven over our prostrate heads and the longed-for... that this antique policy has not succeeded in the long run, but utterly failed, and that the time has come for a stronger and more effective policy to take its place. To the other contentions of the Bengalee we shall reply in their proper order. This which is the true basis of the petitionary philosophy, has neither reason nor fact to support it. ...
... Misrepresentations about Midnapore 13-December-1907 A correspondent has written to the Bengalee denying the truth of certain statements in the Bande Mataram 's account of the Midnapore Conference which the Bengalee characterises as misrepresentations. We are willing to be corrected in any points of fact where we may have made a mistake, but the c ...
... A Disingenuous Defence 14-September-1906 The strictures which the extraordinary announcement made at Bhagalpur by Babu Surendranath Banerji has aroused, have compelled the Bengalee to offer a sort of apology or explanation for the unconstitutional action of the leaders. It was distinctly stated at Bhagalpur that Mr. Dadabhai Naoroji had accepted the Presidentship of the Congress... he is willing to accept the offer. If it is thought necessary to make sure of this beforehand, that also can only be done with the sanction or by the direction of the Committee. The fact that the Bengalee should have advanced such a puerile quibble to justify the conduct of Babu Bhupendranath is a proof Page 165 that these "constitutional" leaders have no conception whatever of what c ...
... Bande Mataram under the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 24.Oct.1906 - 27.May.1907 Bande Mataram The Bengalee on the Risley Circular 16-May-1907 The Bengalee yesterday made its pronouncement on the Risley Circular which closes with the following remarks. "If the Government persist in their present career of folly, one of two things must happen. Either ...
... our Moderate friends will persist in believing that the policy in East Bengal is only the policy of individuals. They are therefore "demanding" the recall of Mr. Hare. "He has eclipsed", says the Bengalee , "the record of Aurangzeb as a persecutor of Hindus, without Aurangzeb's excuse of religious zeal.... He has made every Hindu hate British rule in the privacy of his heart." But will the recall of... had never any illusions on the point. We knew that what Sir Bampfylde began in his fury and heat of rage, Mr. Hare would pursue in cold blood and with silent calculation. Supposing the wish of the Bengalee 's heart gratified and Mr. Hare sent home to the enjoyment of his well-earned pension, what then? A third man will come who will carry out the same policy in a different way. It is not Hare or Fuller ...
... Letters on Personal, Practical and Political Matters (1890-1926) Autobiographical Notes To the Editor of the Bengalee BABU AUROBINDO GHOSE'S LETTER TO THE EDITOR OF THE "BENGALEE", SIR,—Will you kindly allow me to express through your columns my deep sense of gratitude to all who have helped me in my hour of trial? Of the innumerable friends known ...
... that he was "essentially a product of English education and European culture" 9 — a genuine enthusiasm for the works of Bankim Chandra Chatterjee. Being a persona grata with European as well as Bengalee society. Dr. Krishnadhan was able to act as a link, a bridge, between the two; and, indeed, he came to be called the "Suez Canal", for his house served as a common meeting place, day after day,... commitment to literary studies and the writing of poetry, there was something else too that marked his last years in England: his growing interest in Indian politics. His father used to send the Bengalee with passages marked relating to cases of British misgovernment. Even at the age of eleven, Sri Aurobindo had already received strongly the impression that he was destined to play a role in the ...
... in the extraordinary proceedings of the Pandits' meeting which deified Babu Surendranath Banerji, and in the undignified effusion of the report which appeared in Babu Surendranath's own paper the Bengalee . A regular " abhishek " ceremony seems to have been performed and the assembled Brahmins paid him regal honours as if he had been the just and truthful Yudhishthira at the Rajasuya sacrifice. If... kingdom first and then enjoy it. Even Caesar refused the crown thrice; but Surendra Babu has no scruples. He accepted his coronation with effusive tearfulness; in the touching language of the Bengalee , "his mighty voice shook and he got choky". But the thing passes a joke. Whatever differences of opinion we may have with Babu Surendranath, we have always recognized him as the leader of ...
... scientific, rationalist, agnostic, superior type. As such, he was the last man to think well of or understand Asiatics or to regard them as anything but semi-barbarous anachronisms. Moreover, as the Bengalee 's London correspondent pointed out this week, he is evidently showing signs of senile decay which is shown partly in his growing ill-temper and intolerance of contradiction, but most in the mental... despotism tempered by assassination, but this is the first time we hear of a self-government tempered by deportations. We do not think any section of Indian opinion is likely to rise to this lure. The Bengalee has already rejected the one-sided bargain with scorn and even the Indian Mirror has received it without enthusiasm. Coerce, if you will,—we welcome coercion, but be sure that it will rank the ...
... Reports & Telegrams etc.—S. Chuckerbutty Notes and Memos - V Englishman Bengalee Amritabazar Empire (Mallik's) 1) Two copies of the above three papers absolutely necessary. Page 1137 Statesman & Daily News one copy for the present, whenever necessary another may be bought. 2) Bengalee & Amritabazar to be specially compared with our paper so as (1) to make sure that ...
... the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo with Speeches Delivered during the Same Period 6.Feb-3.May.1908 Bande Mataram Peace and Exclusion 13-April-1908 The Bengalee has a knack of crying "Peace, peace", when not peace but a tactical advantage is in its heart. It has been appealing to us to refrain from party attacks and recriminations while it carries out its... for irritation as well as amusement in the minds of our friends of the Nationalist party, but it is nothing new on our contemporary's part. Ever since the struggle began between the parties, the Bengalee has adopted the role of angel of peace in its editorial columns while opening its correspondence columns to the most violent and personal attack on its opponents and has been the champion of a party ...
... Divine Intelligence, 325; C. R. Das as Defence Counsel, 326ff; his peroration, 328; acquittal and release, 328; The Mother of Dreams, 330; at his uncle's place, 331; C. R. Das on, 331; letter to Bengalee, 332; Uttarpara Speech, 333ff, 385; Divine odes in jail, 334; Karmayogin and Dharma, 335, 343ff; automatic writing, 336; on spirituality, 337; 'Conversations of the Dead', 338; on ideals &... Baptista, Joseph, 521, 523, 531,727 Basanti Devi, 48 Bases of Yoga, 598 Basu, Arabinda, 752 Baudisch, A., 753 Beachcroft, C.P., 325,328,329 Bengalee, The, 34,183, 281, 312, 332, 335, 338 Bentinck, Lord William, 13 Bergson, Henri, 441 Besant, Annie, 266, 272, 412, 521 Bhagavad Gita, The, 6, 84, 156, 192, 285, ...
... in Indian politics of which previously he knew nothing. His father began sending the newspaper The Bengalee with passages marked relating to cases of maltreatment of Indians by Englishmen and he wrote in his letters denouncing the British Government in India as a heartless Government." The Bengalee was the mouthpiece of Surendranath Bannerjee, a Moderate leader, who, at one time, was regarded as ...
... and earth-born agents who can put their measures in the most attractive light and inculcate loyalty by their admonitions—if they cannot do it by their actions? If the Bande Mataram, Patrika or Bengalee vex Page 578 the soul of benevolent despotism by their writings, have not the bureaucracy such authoritative, able and reliable supporters as the Pioneer , the Englishman or the Times ...
... tax the people and thus cripple their resources further. We ourselves have no interest in these things; and if we cannot feel "glad" like the Hindu Patriot , we cannot also feel indignant like the Bengalee or sorry like the Patrika . The education that the Government imparts is bad in quality and worse in spirit; it is ruinous to the intellect, the physique and the morale of the race and the money ...
... Bande Mataram under the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 28.May-22.Dec.1907 Bande Mataram The Un-Hindu Spirit of Caste Rigidity 20-September-1907 The Bengalee reports Srijut Bal Gangadhar Tilak to have made a definite pronouncement on the caste system. "The prevailing idea of social inequality is working immense evil", says the Nationalist leader of the ...
... unrest, had not missed its way and wandered Page 773 into our eyes instead of Sir Harvey's legislative cranium. All the native papers then are Extremist organs! What all, Sir Harvey? The Bengalee no less than the Bande Mataram , the Indu Prakash in the same boat with the Kesari ? All Extremists, for have not all expressed dissatisfaction with reforms which would have been received two ...
... parts of that province; but to have only the single offer from Surat would have been to leave the whole intrigue too bare to the public eye. Our belief is confirmed by the Bombay correspondent of the Bengalee who openly says that Madras was not chosen because there were men in Madras pledged to Extremist views. Finally, the last act of the farce supplies the key to all that has gone before. An informal ...
... we intend to march upon the Congress and re-enact a Pride's Purge. Another insinuation is that we form a band of vain, petulant upstarts who delight in wrecking and breaking for its own sake. The Bengalee calls upon the people to repudiate these traitors, and the Tribune of Lahore, the Indu Prakash and Social Reformer of Bombay, the Indian People of Allahabad have by this time swelled that ...
... Bande Mataram under the Editorship of Bipin Chandra Pal 6.Aug-15.Oct.1906 Bande Mataram By the Way 03-September-1906 The Bengalee publishes an apologetic explanation of the Kamboliatola ceremony on which we passed a few strictures, more in sorrow than in anger, the other day. The defence seems to be that Babu Surendranath Banerji was bediademed neither ...
... demand or one more destructive of all political morality and honesty could not be made. There is such a thing as a political conscience, even if its existence is not recognised by the editor of the Bengalee ; and expediency is not what that veracious journal declares it to be, the sole god of politics, but a subordinate guide, itself determined by higher considerations. Of course, many of those who ...
... whites and greys. Such an alliance is most desirable: it would be a thing of artistic beauty and a joy for ever—and it would not hurt the new party. We were a little surprised to find the Bengalee lending itself to the campaign. It chooses to insinuate that while the methods of the old party are extremely proper, sober and legal, those of the new party are outside the bounds of the law. In ...
... countenancing the outrages in the Eastern districts. Even the Loyalist organs are full of expressions of uneasiness and perturbed wonder at the inaction of the authorities while Moderate organs like the Bengalee and Moderate leaders like Babu Surendranath Banerji have expressed plainly an adverse view of the action and spirit of the Government. There is no doubt considerable resentment against men like Nawab ...
... renounce that hope would be to reject the very keystone of the Moderate policy and turn their backs for ever on the illusions of thirty years. Even up to the moment almost of the deportation the Bengalee was clamouring for the recall of Mr. Hare and confidently expecting that his criminal inactivity in the East Bengal disturbances would be punished by a just and benign Secretary of State. On such ...
... Karmayogin Jhalakati Speech Delivered at Jhalakati, Bakarganj District, Eastern Bengal and Assam, on 19 June 1909. Text published in the Bengalee on 27 June and reproduced in the Karmayogin on 3 July. Another version, taken down by police agents and reproduced in a Government of Bengal confidential file, appears in the last volume of THE ...
... Speech at the Hughly Conference Delivered at the Bengal Provincial Conference, held at Hughly, Bengal, on 6 September 1909. Report published in the Bengalee on 7 September and reproduced in a Government of India Home Department file. Aurobindo Ghose spoke to Resolution No. IV—"that this conference urges the people to continue the boycott of foreign ...
... at Dhulia and Chittagong Page 1078 references have been made to the Convention and opinions expressed for an united Congress on the old lines which are of the utmost significance. The Bengalee seems to have received precisely the same telegram as we have received from Dhulia and it marks it as sent by its own correspondent. Yet the merciless manner in which it has dealt with the telegram ...
... Karmayogin Uttarpara Speech Delivered at Uttarpara, Bengal, on 30 May 1909. Text published in the Bengalee, an English-language newspaper of Calcutta, on 1 June; thoroughly revised by Sri Aurobindo and republished in the Karmayogin on 19 and 26 June. When I was asked to speak to you at the annual meeting of your sabha , it was my intention ...
... Karmayogin Beadon Square Speech - I Delivered at Beadon Square, Calcutta, on 13 June 1909. Text published in the Bengalee on 15 June and reproduced in the Karmayogin on 19 June. In spite of the foul weather a large number of people assembled on Sunday afternoon at Beadon Square where a big Swadeshi meeting was held under the presidency ...
... takes refuge in the "huge concourse" of spectators, but, when it comes to actual facts, the huge concourse melts away into some hundreds of spectators, an estimate supported by the statement in the Bengalee that there were considerably more spectators than delegates. It is admitted that Bradlaugh Hall which cannot seat more than three thousand was far from being filled, the Statesman observing two ...
... where to send a letter I have ready for him. Will you also let me have the name of Bari's English Composition Book and its compiler? I want such a book badly, as this will be useful for me not only in Bengalee but in Guzerati. There are no convenient books like that here. You say in your letter "all here are quite well"; yet in the very next sentence I read "Bari has an attack of fever". Do you mean ...
... To Shyamsundar Chakravarty Pondicherry, March 12-1926 Dear Chakravarty, I have been obliged to answer in the negative to your request by wire for contributions to the ["Bengalee"] 1 on the occasion of your taking it over on behalf of the Nationalist party. I have been for a long time under a self-denying ordinance which precludes me from making any public utterance on ...
... ] Not quite that; at this age Sri Aurobindo began first to be Page 31 interested in Indian politics of which previously he knew nothing. His father began sending the newspaper The Bengalee with passages marked relating cases of maltreatment of Indians by Englishmen and he wrote in his letters denouncing the British Government in India as a heartless Government. At the age of eleven ...
... people. * * * September 4, 1906 We objected so strongly to this measure [Bengal's Partition] because it was calculated to strike a serious blow at the political power of the Bengalee speaking race. Our second objection was that it was professedly wanted by the Government to create a Mahomedan province with Dacca as its capital, and the evident object of it was to sow discord between ...
... where to send a letter I have ready for him. Will you also let me have the name of Bari's English Composition Book and its compiler? I want such a book badly, as this will be useful for me not only in Bengalee but in Gujerati. There are no convenient books like that here. You say in your letter "all here are quite well"; yet in the very next sentence I read "Bari has an attack of fever". Do you mean ...
... attitude even when he was at Cambridge. In fact, Sri Aurobindo himself answers the question of how and when he got interested in Indian politics: "His father began sending the newspaper The Bengalee with ¹ Cf.ibid-.p. 112. ². Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems (Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1971), p: 28. ³. Sri Aurobindo On Himself (Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo ...
... in his eyes – outwardly unconcerned and unperturbed. He had, as it were, drawn his mind into the depth of his being."² On 14 May Sri Aurobindo issued the following letter to the Editor of the Bengalee : Sir, Will you kindly allow me to express through your columns my deep sense of gratitude to all who have helped me in my hour of trial? Of the innumerable friends known and unknown, who ...
... concluded. April 14 Opinion of the Assessors. May 6 Acquitted and released. After his release and until February 1910, Sri Aurobindo stays at 6, College Square, Calcutta. May 14 Letter to the Bengalee, Calcutta. May 30 Speech at Uttarpara. June 13 Speech at Beadon Square, Calcutta. June 19 First issue of the Karmayogin, a weekly review directed and mostly written by Sri Aurobindo. ...
... Opinion of the Assessors. May 6 Acquitted and released. After his release and until February 1910, Sri Aurobindo stays at 6 College Square, Calcutta. May 14 Letter to the Bengalee, Calcutta. May 30 Speech at Uttarpara. June 13 Speech at Beadon Square, Calcutta. June 19 First issue of the Karmayogin, a weekly review directed and mostly written by Sri ...
... inner flow and the creative dynamism of the immortal human spirit. We have seen that, while still in England, Sri Aurobindo had been following the course of events in India by perusing the Bengalee, copies of which Dr. Krishnadhan had been mailing regularly from India - with passages underlined that related to the Government's acts of commission or omission. His political consciousness thus ...
... 'Boromama') was a sought-after columnist, and the Bengal Page 74 correspondent of the Madras-based newspaper The Hindu. His articles regularly found a place of prominence in The Bengalee of S. N. Banerji, The Indian Mirror of Keshab C. Sen, Hope, Amrita Bazar, etc. The youngest, Munindranath, was also a man of letters. The youngest daughter Lajjabati Bose's (1870-1942) poems ...
... where to send a letter I have ready for him. Will you also let me have the name of Bari's English Composition Book and its compiler? I want such a book badly, as this will be useful for me not only in Bengalee but in Gujerati. There are no convenient books like that here. Page 58 Sarojini "You say in your letter 'all here are quite well'; yet in the very next sentence ...
... to the Karmayogin office. The next day, 5 April that is, Calcutta Police searched the Sanjivani Office at 6 College Square, which was also the residence of K. K Mitra. It was too much. Even the Bengalee of Surendra Nath Banerji protested. Page 65 "We hold that there was not the smallest justification for searching the house of Babu Krishna Kumar Mitter. And we ask again when will ...
... Pal 6.Aug-15.Oct.1906 Bande Mataram The Old Policy and the New 12-September-1906 Babu Bhupendranath Bose has issued a manifesto of his views in the Bengalee , in which he explains his letter to the Secretary of the People's Association at Comilla. That document, it seems, was a private letter, although it was obviously intended to produce a public effect ...
... whirlpool? It is amusing to find Babu Bipin Chandra Pal represented as a fanatical worshipper of Surendra Babu. "When Babu Bipin Chandra finds it in his heart to condemn the editor of the Bengalee ," cries the Englishman , "then indeed all is over." Shabash ! The humours of Hare Street are mending. There is another kind of humour which pervades the columns of the Indian Mirror , but ...
... kindly took to my views and fought for them in the National Assembly I thought I could suspend my activity for a time. But with Mr. Gokhale stumping the country to recover the lost ground and the Bengalee taking the brief of the all-powerful executive I cannot be a silent spectator of the cold-blooded deposition of Demos. The Aga Khan too has entered the lists. Alarmed at the Extremists' talk of ...
... authorities appeared on the scene, the disturbance was quelled, and arrests and prosecutions of Hindus are now in full swing. This is the substance of the account given by the correspondents of the Bengalee and the Patrika , and not yet denied. If after this the leaders are still unable to understand the situation, the sooner they give up their leadership and attend to their spiritual salvation, the ...
... and that sometimes the bounds are passed. But this is a common incident of any political controversy under modern conditions. Both sides are guilty of such excesses. The correspondence to which the Bengalee has been recently giving a large part of its space is often of a poisonous virulence and an almost absurd violence of misrepresentation and the chief vernacular organ of the old party has no better ...
... Bande Mataram under the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 28.May-22.Dec.1907 Bande Mataram A Lost Opportunity 30-May-1907 The London correspondent of the Bengalee has the following:—"It is a sign of the times that one of the yellow evening papers in recording the news of the arrest of Sir George Arbuthnot went on to assure its readers that Sir George has the ...
... we can say little. Mr. Morley does not enlighten us as to their composition but he has explicitly said that the official majority will be maintained—a piece of information, by the way, which the Bengalee 's "Own Correspondents" forget to cable out to Colootola. That is enough for it means that the Legislative Councils are to be precisely what they were before, only bigger. The people are not to be ...
... Beadon Square Speech - II Delivered at Beadon Square, Calcutta, on 16 October 1909, the fourth anniversary of the effectuation of the Partition of Bengal. Report published in the Bengalee on 17 October. Then amidst fresh cheers and renewed and prolonged shouts of "Bande Mataram" in came Babu Aurobindo Ghose and the inevitable rush for rakhi bandhan ensued for a few minutes. ...
... Savitri, Damayanti,—these are familiar to us as ideals, but Shacuntala is Mr. Risley's own addition. To us she is a beautiful poetic creation, not an exemplar of feminine conduct. We observe that the Bengalee is full of admiration for Mr. Risley's poetic rapture over Shacuntala. We do not know whom we should congratulate more, the poet of the Press Bill or his admirer. Anarchism Are we not entitled ...
... . If Mr. K. B. Dutt had to address all India, though no one asked him to, he could have delivered a lecture in the British Indian Association or published a pamphlet or written an article in the Bengalee ; the Conference Pandal was not the place for his dissertation. But in any case the question of language was not a determining cause of the secession. Again we do not think it a light thing that a ...
... the areas of responsibility of Sri Aurobindo, the "Editor", and Shyam Sunder Chakravarti (here spelled Chuckerbutty). [5] A note on the use of Calcutta newspapers. The Englishman, Bengalee, Amrita Bazar Patrika, Empire, Statesman and Daily News were newspapers of Calcutta. Lacking its own reporters and the wherewithal to subscribe to the wire services, the Bande Mataram lifted ...
... Karmayogin The Right of Association: Speech Speech delivered at Howrah, Bengal, on 27 June 1909. Text published in the Bengalee on 29 June; thoroughly revised by Sri Aurobindo and republished in three issues of the Karmayogin in July and August. My friend Pandit Gispati Kavyatirtha has somewhat shirked today his duty as it was set down ...
... Karmayogin Kumartuli Speech Delivered at Kumartuli Park, Calcutta, on 11 July 1909. Text published in the Bengalee on 13 July and reproduced in the Karmayogin on 14 August. Babu Aurobindo Ghose rose amidst loud cheers and said that when he consented to attend the meeting, he never thought that he would make any speech. In fact, he was ...
... Indian Finance Minister has spoken. The speech has caused confusion and searchings of the heart among the eager patriots of the Bengal Moderate school, rejoicing in the ranks of Anglo India. The Bengalee labours to defend the popular cause without injuring the popular leader, the Statesman rejoices and holds up the speech even as Lord Morley held up the certificate to him as the Saviour of India ...
... Karmayogin College Square Speech - I Delivered at College Square, Calcutta, on 18 July 1909. Text published in the Bengalee on 20 July and reproduced in the Karmayogin on 24 July. I thank you for the kindly welcome that you have accorded to me. The time fixed by the law for the breaking up of the meeting is also at hand, and I am afraid ...
... revived in Sj. Surendranath by his visit. We notice that the dead cant about the faith in the sense of justice of the Government and the British democracy once more reappears in the columns of the Bengalee . All these are bad signs. What is it that the Moderate Leader proposes to effect by this expenditure of money which might be so much better used in the country itself? We fail to see how a meeting ...
... the Draconian severity of the language and substance of these ukases or the foolish thoroughness of some of the measures adopted, such as the prohibition of entry even to colourless papers like the Bengalee . The exponents of Anglo-Indian opinion point triumphantly to these measures both as a proof of aristocratic loyalty to British officialdom and as an index of the severity with which the agitation ...
... and entering into the jada samadhi or inert inner existence, but in full possession of his outer senses and conversing at times from his living tomb with visitors outside. The correspondent of the Bengalee tells us that the local people were dissatisfied with the Sadhu because the peculiar power he evinced was unattended by any moral elevation or true ascetic qualities. It is a general delusion that ...
... Karmayogin Bhawanipur Speech Delivered at Bhawanipur, Calcutta, on 13 October 1909. Text published in the Bengalee on 15 October. Gentlemen,—The time before us is extremely short. There are other speakers who will address you and the sun is now hastening down to its set. Therefore I hope you will excuse me if what I have to say to you is ...
... Kalyan’s or his father’s collections. 2 . Surendranath Bandopadhyay (1848-1925), the great Bengali politician, had left his property to his grand-daughter Esha. He founded the newspaper Bengalee. 3 . Esha was Dilipda’s niece. 4 . Latika Ghose, daughter of Manmohan Ghose, Sri Aurobindo’s second brother. 5 . Sachin, most likely Dilipda’s cousin. 6 ...
... lost his previous respect for the English people and turned into a nationalist. All this had an increasing influence on Aravinda, for his father, from then onwards, sent his sons ‘the newspaper The Bengalee with passages marked relating maltreatment of Indians by Englishmen and he denounced in his letters the British Government in India as a heartless Government.’ 13 In the last year of his ...
... Aurobindo for All Ages VIII: “Karmayogin” - Chandernagore - Pondicherry (1909-1910) AFTER his acquittal, Sri Aurobindo wrote a letter to the Editor of the Bengalee, a popular daily newspaper of thattime, to express his gratitude to all those who had sent in contributions to the fund opened by his sister Sarojini for his legal defence. The letter is beautifully ...
... stand before every son and daughter of India for help to defend a brother, - my brother and theirs too. 14 This moving appeal, wrung from a sister's heart, was eloquently supported by the Bengalee, the Amrita Bazar Patrika and other leading papers. Response to the appeal was not very slow in coming; and it came - as it often does - from the most unexpected places. A blind beggar - all ...
... England, he first grew in general ignorance of conditions in India. But gradually, during the years at Cambridge, his eyes were opened to Indian realities when his father began sending copies of the Bengalee, with passages marked relating to the instances of British misgovernment in India. Even at the precocious age of eleven, Sri Aurobindo had awakened strongly to the feeling that the world - and ...
... acknowledge the congratulatory telegrams and letters that kept pouring in from his innumerable admirers and well-wishers. His letter was published on 18 May both in the Amrita Bazar Patrika and The Bengalee. "Sir, Will you kindly allow me to express through your columns my deep sense of gratitude to all who have helped me in my hour of trial? Of the innumerable friends known and unknown, who ...
... The final rejection of A. A. Ghose's candidature by the India Office was conveyed to him in a letter dated 7 December 1892. By the time the news reached Calcutta, Dr. K. D. Ghose was dead. The Bengalee, "We are very much concerned," it wrote, "to hear that Mr. Arabinda Ghosh, who so successfully passed the Civil Service Examination the other day, failed to secure the Service for want of a ...
... further details from Professors Haridas and Uma Mukherjee. 1 "Aurobindo was arrested on August 16 and the Manager and the Printer on August 19 and August 21 respectively. From the reports of the Bengalee we learn that at about 11 A.M. on August 16 a Detective Officer went to the Bande Mataram office and informed it that a warrant had been issued for the arrest of Aurobindo Ghose. On receiving the ...
... funeral. Krishna Dhan died in December 1892, most probably on Wednesday the 14 th . An obituary was published on the 15 th in the Amrita Bazar Patrika. On Saturday, 17 December 1892, the Bengalee published the following on the demise of Dr. Ghose. "It is with very great regret that we have to record the death of Dr. K. D. Ghosh, Civil Surgeon of Khulna. He was in many respects a dis ...
... intuition and resorted to inspiration.¹ Bengal is chiefly the field of inspiration. It is inspiration that dominates the field of action, the art and religion of Bengal. Scholars hold that the Bengalees are three-fourths Buddhists in their culture and education and as a race they are Dravidians to the same degree. No wonder that by the union of these two currents Bengal has become the holy confluence... nothing can remain itself and unaltered for good. Difference and polarity are the inviolable laws of nature. Therefore it is not that we do not find glimpses of pure intuition here and there among the Bengalees. Chandidas, the pioneer poet of Bengal, represents an unalloyed, pure inspiration and Vidyapati reflects glimpses of intuition. When a feeling of emotion tingled through the blood of Chandidas he ...
... but he will return—Khoka makes much of himself but he must be a little more modest—Where has Bhababhusan put the bag—No you are very careless—What made you send him—Why not go yourself—Begin what? Bengalees are a timid race but they are very desirous of being brave—Many make attempts, but few can succeed—You do a lot of work but not properly Because you do not see to the execution—Barin may try but he ...
... — Chittagong (many would prefer Chottogram). Diwanpur was his birthplace, may have been a small town or village. Biren-da was an ordinary looking man in build and appearance — like many other Bengalees, i.e. of medium height, rather of the leaner category. He sported a thick black moustache, also common enough. What stood him apart were big black eyes that seemed unblinking, gazing at the world ...
... ideas and institutions and English literature: in French India the superstructure is French, it is the French language through which there has been communication and a common public life between the Bengalees, Tamils, Andhras and Malayalees who constitute the people of French India; we have been looking at the world outside through a study of the French language and French institutions and French literature... stand before the world as closely united. We fervently appeal to all our brothers and sisters of Chandernagore, Yanon, Mahe, Karikal and Pondicherry, to the Tamilians, Malayalees, Andhras and Bengalees who for centuries past have lived together irrespective of caste and creed without any internal strife—which is our greatest achievement—not to sever our mutual connection but to show an example of ...
... to vouchsafe doses of self-government, seemed to be out of tune with the temper of the people. The decision of Lord Curzon's Government to partition Bengal was felt as a blow to the unity of the Bengalees and a challenge to awakened India. Sri Aurobindo had been for some time playing an important part in the behind-the-scenes activities of the Indian National Congress. Now he decided to come into the ...
... shop-keepers. If we give the money, we are safe; otherwise it could be very dangerous for us”. Sudhir got angry with his cousin. “Why are you tolerating this fellow?” he said, “You are so many Bengalees here; he is only one Pathan. Can’t you tackle him together? At least go to the police.” The cousin replied “Once an owner of a shop here tried to stop him. The Pathan threatened him with a drawn knife ...
... began to live as the Britisher lives; English life, English manners and customs, became his ideal. Gradually he became very fond of English literature and began to think as an Englishman thought. The Bengalees were the first to send their sons to England for their education and to compete for the I.C.S. (Indian Civil Service) and the I.M.S. (Indian Medical Service). They with the Parsees were the first... qualify for the English Bar. In England they lived in an atmosphere of freedom. With freedom in drinking and eating they also learned freedom of thought and expression. The first generation of the Bengalees was thus Anglicised through and through. They looked down upon their own religion; they thought poorly of Indian society.... Some of them became Christians.... " Fortunately, this period was ...
... the steamer at the last moment, they had not been seen by the Calcutta Police Officer. On enquiry it was ascertained from the Health Officer that about 9.30 p.m. on the night of 31st ultimo, two Bengalees giving their names as J.N. Mitter and Bankim Chandra Bhowmik came to his private residence and requested to be furnished with health certificates to enable them to sail on the Dupleix. The Health ...
... supposed to be working against the spirit of his policy. He was gone, but the bureaucracy, who were identified with his wishes, views and schemes, were there. It was impossible that they would let the Bengalees, whoever they might be, build up a system of education and a net-work of educational institutions, that not only would owe nothing to the Government but were also to be quite free of official or English... adversity. By observing their conduct in the Court, I came to realise that a new age had dawned on Bengal and a new generation of children had begun to live on the Mother's (motherland's) lap.... The Bengalees had intelligence and talent, but lacked in strength Page 286 Sri Aurobindo in Alipore jail, 1908 and manliness. But at the very sight of these boys I felt ...
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