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Bentham : Jeremy (1748-1831), English economist & political theorist whose inventions of ‘scientific solutions to social problems’, founded the Utilitarianism of European socio-political nostrums.

7 result/s found for Bentham

... confess that Bentham on those two subjects is far too cavalier and offhand to please me, but the utilitarian system can stand on another basis than Bentham supplies. Keshav —Yours is a curious position, Broome. You are one of those who would expunge the part of Hamlet from the play that bears his name. Your religion is Christianity without Christ, your morality Benthamism without Bentham. Nevertheless... irony, Desai; you know Bentham as well as I do. Keshav —Not quite so well as all that; but I avow I have studied him very carefully. Yet from some cause I have not discovered, his arguments seldom seemed to me to have any force, while you on the other hand do really strike home to the judgment. And therefore I should like to see whether you are entirely at one with Bentham. For example I believe... death. Keshav —And the Jews in crucifying Christ? Trevor —Yes. Keshav —I admire your fortitude, my dear Trevor. And if the English people had thought Bentham was corrupting their youth, they would have been right in hanging Bentham, would they not? Trevor —What a fellow you are, Desai! Of course what I mean is that the Athenians & the Jews did not listen to their honest opinion but purely ...


... Lascelles Abercrombie as opposing Romanticism to Realism. By Realism· Abercrombie means not the literary creed of a Zola with its insistence on crude raw life but the utilitarian habit of mipd of a Bentham. "Romanticism," he writes, "is withdrawal from outer experience to concentrate on inner experience", as in Blake or Shelley or "Cubist painting". But Lucas points out how it was Classicism which raised ...


... or other, if not by a living creature then by a lifeless book, if not by Religion then by Science, if Page 49 not by the East then by the West, if not by Buddha or Christ then by Bentham or Voltaire. Only they do it unwittingly – they change one set of personalities for another and believe they have rejected them all. The veils of Maya are a thousand-fold tangle and you think you have ...

... Chatterjee, 114, 197 Bartho1omews, St., 52 Baudelaire, 48 Beethoven, 88 Behaviourism, 326 Benda, Julien, 119 - La Trahison des Clercs, 119 Bentham, 50, 140 Berdyaev, 260 Bergson, 16-20, 255, 327, 351, 364 Bernard, Tristan, 373 Bernhardi, 24 Bethlehem, 215 Beveridge Plan, the, 129 Bharata ...

... the world's life poured in on us through the foreign telegrams & papers, we read English books, we talked about economics and politics, science & history, enlightenment & education, Rousseau, Mill, Bentham, Burke, and used the language of a life that was not ours, in the vain belief that so we became cosmopolitans and men of enlightenment. Page 1101 Yet all the time India was as much & more ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... of man. In the West there is the liberal conception of man competing with the Marxist conception. The liberal conception of man was developed by such classical writers as Locke, Adam Smith, Bentham, and John Stuart Mill and is enshrined in the liberal democracies of the West and is incorporated in the thinking of influential philosophers like Karl Popper. The defenders of Western democracies ...


... it. However, mechanistic efficiency, whether in the matter of knowledge or of life-of mind or of morals was the motto of the early period of the gospel of science, the age of Huxley and Haeckel, of Bentham and the Mills. The formula no longer holds good either in the field of pure knowledge or in its application to life; it does not embody the aspiration and outlook of the contemporary mind, in spite ...