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Berber : a north African tribe inhabiting the region from Sahara to the Mediterranean & from Egypt to the Atlantic coast, whose civilisation is dated to pre-2400 BC.
... the Indian race. For that race would have slowly perished as the Greek, when he parted with the springs of his life, perished and gave way to the Slav, or as the Egyptian perished and gave way to the Berber. This fate has been averted, because a great wave of reaction passed over the country and sent a stream of the old life and thought of India beating into the veins of the country and brought it to ...
... in which Tiy moved on the huge artificial lake her husband had dug for her was called ‘Aton radiates.’ Most historians agree that Tiy had an equally strong influence on her son Amenhotep IV. As Berbers and Beumer write: ‘Through his mother Tiy, in this supported by his father Amenhotep III, he must have been initiated in the philosophies around Aton and indoctrinated with the idea that for the religious... The Mother, Questions and Answers 1956, CWM 8 pp. 155-56. × Arnold Berbers and Hendrik Beumer, De Mummie van Nofretete , p. 61. × Id., p. 63. ... × For the dates concerning this section on Queen Tiy and Amenhotep IV-Akhenaton, we follow De Mummie van Nofretete by Arnold Berbers and Hendrik Beumer (1988). The name Amenhotep is the same as Amenophis. × It is also worth pointing ...
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