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Beulah : in Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, a land of rest at end of life’s journey.

4 result/s found for Beulah

... from the mentions of him in Blake's later poetry. Thus: There is from Great Eternity a mild & pleasant rest Nam'd Beulah,... Eternally created by the Lamb of God... 217 In Supernature surely the Lamb of God functions as the creator of Beulah. Again, when Urizen's natural world - "wondrous 216.Keynes, ed. cit., p. 115, 11.9-10, 12-14 (Songs of Innocence). ... fleeing from the battle, thou fleeting like the raven "Of dawn, outstretching an expanse where ne'er expanse had been, "Drew'st all the Sons of Beulah into thy dread vortex, following "Thy Eddying Spirit down the hills of Beulah. All my sons "Stood round me at the anvil, where, new heated, the wedge "Of iron glow'd furious, prepar'd for spades & mattocks. "Hearing... leaving the rage of Luvah "To pour its fury on himself & on the Eternal Man. "Sudden down fell they all together into an unknown Space, "Deep, horrible, without End, separated from Beulah, far beneath. "The Man's exteriors are become indefinite, open'd to pain "In a fierce hungry void, & none can visit his regions." 158 There is a very significant sequence ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... Nature, in the east Buddhism, her step-child Christianity in the west, completed the evil their predecessors had begun. Hear the legend of Purush, the son of Prithivi, and his journey to the land of Beulah, the land of blooming gardens and yellow-vested acres and wavering tree-tops, and two roads lead to it. One road is very simple, very brief, very direct, and this leads over the smiling summit of a... through which if he had persévered, he had arrived in brief space among the blooming gardens and the wavering tree-tops and the acres in their glorious golden garb and all the imperishable beauty of Beulah. And the other branch Page 42 he thought the avenue of the sunlight, because the glimmer was feeble enough to be visible, like a white arm through a sleeve of black lace. And down this... tree-tops, and the blooming gardens and the acres in their yellow gaberdines for which his soul has long panted. This is the legend of Purush, the son of Prithivi and his journey to the land of Beulah. Wilson —That is a fine apologue, Keshav; is it your own, may I ask? Keshav —It is an allegory conceived by Vallabha Swami, the Indian Epicurus, and revealed to me by him in a vision. ...


... 226-27, 162 Aurobindo, Sri, 4, 5 Bacon, 249 Basu, Arabinda, vii Bateson, F. W . , 5 , 1 3 , 54, 5 5 , 130, 13 1 , 157, 205, 246, 251 , 261 Beauty, 9, 10, 70, 1 40 Beelzebub, 118 Beulah, 207, 210 Blackstone, Bernard, 53, 146, 150, 154, 157, 159, 161 , 212, 214. 215 , 228 Blake: A Psychological Study , 225 fn .282 Blake and Modern Thought, 246 Blake and Tradition , v... 142 Collected Poems of Sri Aurobindo , 4 fn. 7 Complete Writings of William Blake, The, 2 fn. l Confessions , 73 Critical Essays on English Literature, iv, fn. 1 "Daughters of Beulah", 228 David, 46, 49 "David and Goliath", 5 De Doctrina Christiana, 45, 100-02, 265 De Victoria Verbi Dei, 45 "deep", 14, 89, 90, 91, 120, 239 "deeps", 13-16, 33, 77, 78, 88, ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... mist and storm, sown thick and crude with perils of strange monsters and perils of morass and fire and flood, holding all danger & misery as nothing because beyond the valleys are the mountains of Beulah where the nation shall enjoy eternal life. He is ready to lead the chosen people into the desert for its long wanderings, though he knows that often in the bitterness of its sufferings it will murmur ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram