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Bhaga : Lord of Enjoyment, classed among the Ādityas & the Vishwadevas (q.v.). He is one of the four powers of the Truth of Surya, & represents a happy spontaneity of the right enjoyment dispelling the evils of sin & error & suffering.

69 result/s found for Bhaga

... he gives to the human being full enjoyment of that greatest delight. Therefore Vasishtha cries to him, "O Bhaga, our leader, Bhaga who hast the wealth of the Truth, giving unto us, raise up and increase, O Bhaga, this thought in us,"—the Truth-thought by which the felicity is attained. Bhaga is Savitri the Creator, he who brings forth from the unmanifest Divine the truth of a divine universe, dispelling... it seeks for it with knowledge or with ignorance, with the divine strength or the weakness of our yet undeveloped powers. "On Bhaga the strong calls for his increasing, on Bhaga he who has not the strength; then he moves towards the Delight." "Let us call in the Dawn on Bhaga strong and victorious, the son of Aditi who is the wide-upholder, on whom the afflicted and the fighter and the king meditate... Triad or in the realised quaternary or in the general invocation of the All-Gods and the Adityas. Page 498 Bhaga on the other hand is the crown of our movement to the possession of the hidden divine Truth of our existence; for the essence of that Truth is beatitude. Bhaga is Savitri himself; the All-Enjoyer is the Creator fulfilled in the divine purpose of his creation. Therefore he is the ...


... felicity." 27 Page 28 Bhaga Bhaga is a consummating fourth cosmic being, and Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman and Bhaga can be seen to be dominating the thought of the rishis in their aspiration that reaches in its culmination to apex of the perfect truth and infinity. The joy and delight that is attainable by the fulfillment of the nature of Bhaga is unattainable except by intense aspiration... unbounded. Bhaga, the cosmic power and being conceived as the supreme enjoyer of the infinite reality and its creative power ( savitra ) opens the gate for the yogin to the supra-mental truth and divine bliss. Bhaga stands between the Infinite and the created worlds within us and without. According to the Vedic knowledge, all creation originates from delight, and all that flows directly from Bhaga is suvitam... Human action is therefore duritam, marked by error or stumbling or sin and perversion. That is why, the yogin prays to Bhaga: "O divine producer, dismiss all evils; what is good, that send forth on us. ( Viśvāni deva savitar duritāni parā suva, yad bhadram tanna āsuva ) ”. When Bhaga puts everything in its right place in the divine rhythm by the knowledge that listens to or receives true word as it ...

... entire being, has to be baked, — baked fully by the heat and austerity of Aryaman. But there is still Bhaga to be fulfilled. The Supreme Light is joy and we must learn to bear not only the intensest effort but also the highest degrees of delight. The Supreme Reality itself is supreme delight. Bhaga is to be approached, and in unity with Varuna, Mitra and Aryaman, he has to be embodied. Highest... man the path to the still higher realms and to the Supreme Reality. But before one can reach the Supreme or the Supreme Light, (Savitri), one has to cross the four gods: Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman and Bhaga. They are to be embraced and to be fulfilled before they lead the seeker to his goal. Varuna represents vastness, infinite wideness, limitlessness. The Truth that the Veda worships is infinite; ...


... harmony and vastness. Then comes Aryaman. Aryaman is the Lord of austerity. Great tapasya, the fullness of tapasya you must do, greatest effort, you must master the effort itself. And then Bhaga. Bhaga is the God of enjoyment. Unless you know how to enjoy truly, you cannot enter into the Supermind. But enjoy truly, that is to say. Usually a small joy is enough to make us dance and flutter and... Rishis. The soul which is tied into hundred nets — the swan which wants to fly, which cannot fly and has to battle — goes beyond Indra into swah, and goes beyond swah to Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman and Bhaga, enters into Surya. And then comes soma. The highest is soma, the great delight. When that delight can be held in the body, that is Immortality. This was the greatest achievement of the Vedic Rishis ...

... brief. The functions of Bhaga are outlined more clearly and are the same in the cosmos and in man. In this hymn of Shyavashwa to Savitri we see both the functions of Bhaga and his oneness with Surya Savitri; for it is to the creative Lord of Truth that the hymn is addressed, to Surya, but to Surya specifically in his form as Bhaga, as the Lord of Enjoyment. The word bhaga means enjoyment or the... Four great deities constantly appear in the Veda as closely allied in their nature and in their action, Varuna, Mitra, Bhaga, Aryaman. Varuna and Mitra are continually coupled together in the thoughts of the Rishis; sometimes a trio appears together, Varuna, Mitra and Bhaga or Varuna, Mitra and Aryaman. Separate sūktas addressed to any of these godheads are comparatively Page 300 rare... creation, Varuna and Mitra, Aryaman and Bhaga are four effective Puissances. Varuna represents the principle of pure and wide being, Sat in Sachchidananda; Aryaman represents the light of the divine consciousness working as Force; Mitra representing light and knowledge, using the principle of Ananda for creation, is Love maintaining the law of harmony; Bhaga represents Ananda as the creative enjoyment; ...


... Light, which is symbolised by Savitri is guarded by four guardians, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman and Bhaga. These four guardians have to be embraced and fulfilled. Varuna represents vastness and infinity of wideness; Mitra represents harmony; Aryaman represents austerity, tapasya, and Bhaga represents the divine enjoyment. The seeker has, therefore, to become as wide as the universe, and ...


... Surya Savitri, creator and increaser, and Bhaga Savitri, receiver Page 272 and enjoyer, come into a natural relation or partnership; from the unmanifest come the "seven delights", thanks to Surya Savitri, and Bhaga Savitri prevents their misuse and induces "fruitful felicity", or creative enjoyment:   Surya Savitri, who is Bhaga, stands between the Infinite and the ... sanctuary where the journey ends and the blissful enjoyment of Bhaga awaits us:   The goal of the path is the divine beatitude, the illimitable joy of the Truth, of the infinity of our being. Bhaga is the godhead who brings this joy and supreme felicity into the human consciousness; he is the divine enjoyer in man.. .Bhaga is Savitri the Creator, he who brings forth from the ... his great poem.         There is, further, the double conception of the Surya Savitri and the Bhaga Savitri, who are themselves aspects of Surya, the Sun; for the Sun is, not only Truth, but also Light; he is the creator (Surya Savitri), the fosterer or increaser (Pushan), and the enjoyer (Bhaga Savitri). Like reflections of light on a sheet of trembling water, meanings merge and separate and ...


... Four) is being steadily reduced in its recurrent fullness & intensity. It is now not a denial, but a relaxation especially of the energy, less of the light, less still of the bhoga, (Aryama, Varuna, Bhaga). Love (Mitra) is not now denied, but is sometimes veiled or inactive. It is the tamas of blank passivity, not the positive tamas that now forms the asiddhi. The Page 562 body recoils from... intensity is now manifesting more frequently, but with a power of impersonality & formlessness which makes the man appear as a mask of God. The other gods—up to the present Surya, Varuna, Usha, Bhaga, Aryaman, Mitra, Aranyani are manifest in their forms & activities. They have now been followed rapidly by the others; Prithivi revealing herself as Aditi, Rudra manifest in the chanda form of all the... of the Master of the Yoga as the divine Reality behind Indra with the thunders. This, however is not Indra, Page 602 but the Lilamaya with Indra, Varuna, Aryaman & Surya united in him. Bhaga was perceived to enter into the presence. Rudra has preceded & will be taken up as soon as the Jehovah form is assimilated. 17 August 1914 Aishwarya— The Kriti is at last succeeding in a ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... ship's motion, nor when we use it in the second, do we recall the image of ships gliding rapidly over the ocean. But this was precisely what was apt to occur in the Vedic use of language. "Bhaga", enjoyment, and "bhaga", share, were for the Vedic mind not different words, but one word which had developed two different uses. Therefore it was easy for the Rishis to employ it in one of the two senses with... Deva? The names of the gods in their very meaning recall that they are only epithets, significant names, descriptions, not personal appellations. Mitra is the Deva as the Lord of love and harmony, Bhaga as the Lord of enjoyment, Surya as the Lord of illumination, Varuna as the all-pervading Vastness and purity of the Divine supporting and perfecting the world. "The Existent is One," says the Rishi ...


... realised in the trikaldrishti, in time, arrangement, place of action & event. Devabhava manifest as Vishnu with Agni prominent & in Agni Vayu, in Agni-Vayu Aryaman & Bhaga, Indra concealed in Agni Vayu, Mitra & Varuna behind Aryaman-Bhaga. Vishnu & Brihaspati are one. Surya is Vishnu working as Pushan & Yama. Rudra is a bhava of Vishnu. The Maruts are the host of Agni Rudra. Lipi 1) Fierce... beginning to realise itself. It is indeed realised in the Saguna Brahman, but not in the Ishwara (Lilamaya). The fusion of Indra into the Agni-Vayu-Aryaman (containing already Mitra-Varuna-Surya-Bhaga-Aswins-Brihaspati-Twashtri-Maruts-Ribhus) seems to have been effected. The female energies have already been resumed in the Mahakali bhava. Only shadows now remain of the separate bhavas, shadows ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... forces. (3) May they work out for us peace, immortals for us who are mortals, repelling inimical powers. (4) May Indra and the Maruts discern for us paths for our easy progress and Pushan and Bhaga, gods desirable. (5) Yea and ye, O Pushan, Vishnu and thou who movest in all motions, make for us our thoughts such as are led by the rays of illumination and full of happiness. (6) Sweetness... not die,—the lord of pleasure who has delight in the song of his affirmation. (7) Thou, O Soma, both for him who is already great in the Truth and for him who is young in the Truth, establishest Bhaga in joyaunce that has power for life. (8) Keep us, O Soma, O King, from all that seeks to become evil in us; let not him come to hurt who is a friend of such a one as thou. (9) O Soma, with those... comes towards us, in sky and sky establishing in their place the names of things; bent on enjoyment ever shining she comes and enjoys always the first fruit of every possession. (5) The sister of Bhaga, the twin of Varuna, Usha, goddess of Truth, thou first of the gods cleave to us; afterwards is he to be crushed who is the establisher of sin; him may we conquer by Reason with the speed of her chariot ...


... one can reach the Supreme or the Supreme Light, (Savitri), one has to cross the four Guardians, the four Kings guarding the light of the Truth. These are the four gods, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman and Bhaga. They are to be embraced and to be fulfilled before they lead the seeker to his goal. Varuna represents vastness, infinite wideness, limitlessness. The Truth that the Veda worships is infinite... austerity of Aryaman. He has to be worshipped, he has to be possessed, he has to be fulfilled. He prepares us, along with Varuna and Mitra, for the possession of Supreme Light. But there is still Bhaga to be fulfilled. The Supreme Light is joy and we must learn not only the intensest effort but also the highest degrees of enjoyment. We know ordinarily the enjoyment of pleasure of the vital and... All these enjoyments are to be known, experienced, possessed and fulfilled. But there are higher and Page 11 still higher enjoyments. The Supreme Reality itself is a supreme enjoyment. Bhaga represents this supreme enjoyment. He is the god who presides over enjoyments, who is the eternal aspect of the joy of the Divine. He is to be approached, and -in unity with Varuna, Mitra and Aryaman ...


... Child born into the Worlds who manifests himself in the growth of the creature. He is Rudra and Vishnu, Prajapati and Hiranyagarbha, Surya, Agni, Indra, Vayu, Soma, Brihaspati,—Varuna and Mitra and Bhaga and Aryaman, all the gods. He is the wise, mighty and liberating Son born from our works and our sacrifice, the Hero in our warfare and Seer of our knowledge, the White Steed in the front of our days... immortal puissance of clear-discerning aspiration and endeavour,—this is Aryaman; a happy spontaneity of the right enjoyment of all things dispelling the evil dream of sin and error and suffering,—this is Bhaga. These four are powers of the Truth of Surya. For the whole bliss of Soma to be established perfectly in our nature a happy and enlightened and unmaimed condition of mind, vitality and body are necessary ...


... by perfection in their works the sacrificial share of the enjoyment among the Gods. Commentary The Ribhus, it has been suggested, are rays of the Sun. And it is true that like Varuna, Mitra, Bhaga and Aryaman they are powers of the solar Light, the Truth. But their special character in the Veda is that they are artisans of Immortality. They are represented as human beings who have attained to... in his sacrifice. And with them come and sit Indra and the Maruts, the divine Mind and its Thought-forces, and the four great Kings, sons of Aditi, children of the Infinite, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman, Bhaga, the purity and vastness of the Truth-consciousness, its law of love and light and harmony, its power and aspiration, its pure and happy enjoyment of things. 10 And there at the sacrifice the ...


... do with your young brothers and sisters of Auroville. At the service of truth. Patricia Bhaga from Auroville took many copies of Matrimandir— The Mother's Truth and Love from me. Some years later she wanted to get a book published in Auro Press, entitled The Spirit of Auroville . Bhaga and Bill Sullivan gave me the following typescript: The Spirit of Auroville—550 pages. All Mother's ...


... Mother from whom this divine Force, son of Energy, is born. × The divine enjoyment, bhaga , typified by the god Bhaga, the Enjoyer in the power of the Truth. × Śam and śarma in the Veda express the ...


... Vena is the word for "the Blissful One" and the Blissful One is that power or personality of the Supreme which is Bhaga and which is the creative enjoyer, the one who takes the delight of all that is created, the one to whom all creation is bhojanam, meaning both enjoyment and food. Bhaga (= Bacchus?) is Soma, and Soma gets directly implied to be Vena when the Rigveda (V.58.4) speaks of three kinds ...


... translation, with an explanatory Introduction on 'The Doctrine of the Mystics' and several important notes on the 'Guardians of the Light': Surya, Usha the Dawn, Pushan, Savitri, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman and Bhaga. Long after the Arya had ceased publication, Sri Aurobindo published in 1946 Hymns to the Mystic Fire, a new or revised translation of the Hymns to Agni in the second and sixth Mandalas. In 1952... so mystic a fervour is addressed, to whom functions so vast and profound are ascribed?" 25 In one Hymn (II.i), Agni is addressed as Indra, Vishnu, Brahma, Rudra, Varuna, Twashtri, Pushan, Savitri, Bhaga, Ribhu, Aditi, Bharati, Ila and Saraswati! In another, again, there is this multiple-identification: Thou art Varuna, O Fire, when thou art born, thou becomest Mitra when thou blazest high; ...

... operations—not yet with too much success. 25 November 1935 Page 356 We are very happy—I believe it is due to the joy and harmony you have brought down in the atmosphere. Are the Mitra and Bhaga powers preparing to come down? Well, it is what I am trying to bring down into the Asram atmosphere, for it is the condition for anything effective being collectively done. 25 November 1935 ...


... 103 , 127.217.218,220 Bengal, 39 , 111.112, 152, 153, 222,246 atrocities on Hindus in, 203, 241-242 awakening of, 21,22, 67(fn), 180 partition of, 17, 18, 54 (fn) Bengal National College, 27 Bhaga vat Gila, 46 , 48 ,52, 125-126, 170,171, 176, 183 ,201,206 Bharati. Subramania, 100(fn) Bhawani Mandir, 13 Bible, 68 , 170. 176, 190 birth control, 185-186 see also overpopulation Bolshevism ...


... luminous; O Moon, be full of charm and sweetness. Be fierce and terrible, O Rudra; Page 376 Be impetuous and swift, O Maruts; Be strong and bold, O Aryama; Be voluptuous and pleasurable, O Bhaga; Be tender and kind and loving and passionate, O Mitra. Be bright and revealing, O Dawn; O Night, be solemn and pregnant. O Life, be full, ready and buoyant; O Death, lead my steps from mansion ...


... मित्रावरुणा भगं च वसून् रुद्राँ आदित्याँ इह हुवे ॥५॥ 5) Dadhikravan I call here, and the Fire, and the divine dawn, Brihaspati and the god Savitri, the two riders of the horse, and Mitra and Varuna and Bhaga, the Vasus, the Rudras, the Adityas. SUKTA 21 इमं नो यज्ञममृतेषु धेहीमा हव्या जातवेदो जुषस्व । स्तोकानामग्ने मेदसो घृतस्य होतः प्राशान प्रथमो निषद्य ॥१॥ 1) Found this our sacrifice in the ...


... divineMight as Mitra of the sacrifice. Asuryam is the principle of divine Power, Chit-Shakti or Tapas in which divine Being or Sat formulates itself for cosmic activity;Mitra is the Lord of Love who with Bhaga, the Lord of Enjoyment, most intimately represents in human temperament the principle of Ananda, which is the Page 718 base of the divine Being & divine Power in world-manifestation. Sat ...


... dawn of the illumination to offer to the gods, to each great god his portion, to Indra a pure & deified mentality, to Vayu a pure & divine vital joy & action, to the four great Vasus, Varuna, Mitra, Bhaga & Aryamá the greatnesses, felicities, enjoyments & strengths of perfected being, to the Aswins the youth of the soul & its raptures & swiftnesses, to Daksha & Saraswati, Ila, Sarama & Mahi the activities ...


... कदर्यम्णे कद्भगाय ॥ How hast thou declared that to Varuna,O Agni, how to Heaven? what sin in us dost thou rebuke? How to Mitra bounteous or to the earth hast thou said it or what to Aryaman & what to Bhaga? 6) कद् धिष्ण्यासु वृधसानो अग्ने कद्वाताय प्रतवसे शुर्भंये । परिज्मने नासत्याय क्षे ब्रवः कदग्ने रुद्राय नृघ्ने ॥ What hast thou said in the seats of being, O increasing Agni? what to Wind ...


... Deputies of the mysterious unknown God, worshipped in India, worshipped in Mesopotamia & Central Asia fifteen hundred years before the Christian era, worshipped by the wild Scythians,—for the name of Bhaga is still the Russian name for God,—worshipped in Iran before Ahuramazda replaced them,—for Ahriman, the dark spirit of the Persians, preserves the name of the strong Vedic deity,—worshipped at some ...


... immortal puissance of clear-discerning aspiration and endeavour,—this is Aryaman; a happy spontaneity of the right enjoyment of all things dispelling the evil dream of sin and error and suffering,—this is Bhaga. These four are powers of the Truth of Surya. For the whole bliss of Soma to be established perfectly in our nature a happy and enlightened and unmaimed condition of mind, vitality and body are necessary ...


... ng become articulate; arrive, O Agni, with the gods. इन्द्रवायू बृहस्पतिं मित्राग्निं पूषणं भगम् । आदित्यान् मारुतं गणम् ॥३॥ 3) On Indra and Vayu, Brihaspati, on Mitra and Agni, Pushan, Bhaga, the Adityas and the Marut host. प्र वो भ्रियन्त इन्दवो मत्सरा मादयिष्णवः । द्रप्सा मध्वश्चमूषदः ॥४॥ 4) For you the nectar streams are filled in, rapturous and maddening, dripping sweetness ...


... be very bright and luminous; O Moon, be full of charm and sweetness. Be fierce and terrible, O Rudra; be impetuous and swift, O Maruts; be strong and bold, O Aryama; be voluptuous and pleasurable, O Bhaga; be tender and kind and loving and passionate, O Mitra. Be bright and revealing, O Dawn; O Night, be solemn and pregnant. O Life, be full, ready & buoyant; O Death, lead my steps from mansion to mansion ...


... wideness and this harmony Aryaman appears in us, the Divine in its illumined power, uplifted force of being and all-judging Page 125 effective will; and by the three comes the indwelling Bhaga, the Divine in its pure bliss and all-seizing joy who dispels the evil dream of our jarring and divided existence and possesses all things in the light and glory of Aryaman's power, Mitra's love and ...


... be very bright and luminous; O Moon, be full of charm and sweetness. Be fierce and terrible, O Rudra; be impetuous and swift, O Maruts; be strong and bold, O Aryama; be voluptuous and pleasurable, O Bhaga; be tender and kind and loving and passionate, O Mitra. Be bright and revealing, O Dawn; O Night, be solemn and pregnant. O Life, be full, ready and buoyant; O Death, lead my steps from mansion to mansion ...


... the powers of Varuna (purity and Page 54 vastness of Truth-Consciousness), Mitra (law of love and light and harmony), Aryaman (upward aspiration and power of endurance and endeavour) and Bhaga (pure and happy enjoyment of things). All these conditions are fulfilled by Ribhus, and they have thus fashioned immortality. (f) Ribhus have gone farther, and they have filled the physical co ...

... symbolised by Aryaman. The last condition is that of happy spontaneity of the right enjoyment of all things dispelling the evil dream of sin and error and suffering. This condition is fulfilled by Bhaga. There are many other gods as Vayu, the master of life-energy, Brihaspati, the power of the soul; Ashwins, the lords of bliss; Vishnu, the all-pervading godhead; and Shiva and Rudra ...


... the infinite Mother. His associate, Mitra, is the lord of love and harmony, evidently an emanation of Pradyumna (or Mahalakshmi). Page 207 Other gods of the same category are Bhaga and Soma. The Balarama or Mahakali aspect is manifested in Aryaman: Rudra being another form of the same. And Mahasaraswati (or Aniruddha) must have given birth to and inspired the Ribhus, who are artisans ...

... significance of pranam. Sees a vision 'in which four beings appeared at the four comers of an immense plateau' and spoke to her. Sri Aurobindo identifies them as the Vedic Gods Mitra, Varuna, Bhaga and Aryaman. Visited by an artist friend, Johannes Hohlenberg, who takes a photograph of Sri Aurobindo in standing profile and also paints his portrait in oil. 1914 May 16 'All the circumstances ...


... be very bright and luminous; O Moon, be full of charm and sweetness. Be fierce and terrible, O Rudra; be impetuous and swift, O Maruts; be strong and bold, O Aryama; be voluptuous and pleasurable, O Bhaga; be tender and kind and loving and passionate, O Mitra. Be bright and revealing, O Dawn; O Night, be solemn and pregnant. O Life, be full, ready and buoyant; O Death, lead my steps from mansion to mansion ...

... 80; one to (Surya) Savitri, V.81 ; and one to Varuna, V.85.In Selected Hymns , another series in the Arya , he had published a different translation of V.81 and a translation of V.82 , to Bhaga Savitri, with commentaries. A paraphrase rather than a translation of V.52 – 61, addressed to the Maruts, was published under the title “A Hymn of the Thought- Gods” in the issue of February 1916 ...


... Vedic and Philological Studies Mandala Seven VII.41 . Bhaga— 2 आध्रः (आध्रश्चित् .. तुरश्चिद्राजा चित्) S. दरिद्रः मन्यमानः—either “thinking upon, meditating, mentalising” or “he who thinks himself” भगं भक्षीति. 3 उदव (इमां धियमुदवा ददत्रः) प्र जनय cf प्रजायेम in other hymns. S. প্রবৃদ্ধ কর 4 प्रपित्वे. (प्रपित्वे उत मध्ये अन्हाम्) ...


... confusion and degradation of its meaning. Chandra is the devata of the smriti or prajna; Surya of the satyam; Indra of the understanding and manas; Vayu of the sukshma prana; Mitra, Varuna, Aryama and Bhaga are the four masters of the emotional mind or character; Brihaspati of the sahaituka chit or tapas of knowledge; Brahma of the sahaituka sat; Agni of the sahaituka tapas etc. This is only an indication ...


... create for the human soul, giver of the sacrifice, is that divine Truth now withheld from man, the hidden light, the lost Sun which the powers of the seer-will find for man. We see in another hymn that Bhaga, a Sun God, creates this good or bhadram for man by getting rid of the evil dream to which the darkness or falsehood of existence belongs. We shall find too that in the Vedic idea the divine bliss ...


... do the other person down and bolster our own egos. (28.11.1985) Page 251 A word again on the business of Mantra. I know that the Mother attached a great importance to "Om Namo Bhaga-vate" and found its vibrations extremely helpful to the process of awakening the cells to the Supreme and transforming them. But, to direct the Mantra to this work, there must be the true mystical state ...


... only are there the obvious or the traditional identifications, Indra, the Maruts, the triple Agni, Surya, Usha, but we find that Mitra was identified with the Day, Varuna with the Night, Aryaman and Bhaga with the Sun, the Ribhus with its rays. We have here the seeds of that naturalistic theory of the Veda to which European learning has given so wide an extension. The old Indian scholars did not use ...


... the naturalistic interpretation has less ground for confidence; for it is obvious that Varuna is not merely a Vedic Uranus or Neptune, but a god with great and important moral functions; Mitra and Bhaga have the same psychological aspect; the Ribhus who form things by the mind and build up immortality by works can with difficulty be crushed into the Procrustean measure of a naturalistic mythology. ...


... possession of it as the horse that attains to the goal सप्तिर्न रथ्यो अह धीतिमश्याः (1) Mitra, Varuna, Adityas, Rudras, Vasus. (2) Visve Devah. (3) Indra and the Maruts. (4) Twashtri, the “Gna”s, Bhaga, Brihaddiva, Rodasi, Pusha, Purandhi (Suryâ), A¸cwins. (5) Day & Night, Earth & Heaven. (6) Ahir Budhnya, Aja Ekapad, Trita, Ribhuksha, Savitri, Apam Napat. (7) Visve Devah. त्रिवयाः [ Several ...


... protect us always with glad states of our being. आस्क्राः ? S. তোমাকর্ত্তৃক অপরিতেক্ত হেইয়া Hymn 44 (1) Dadhikra first of you (or for you) I call, the Aswins, Dawn & Agni kindled high & Bhaga for my increase; Indra & Vishnu & Pushan, Brahmanaspati & the sons of Aditi, Earth & Heaven & the waters & Swar. अपः waters or the Antariksha? (2) Let us awaken by adoration Dadhikra & impel him ...


... 5) How dost thou blame it, O Fire, to Varuna, to Heaven, what is that sin we have done? How wouldst thou speak of us to Mitra, the bountiful, how to earth? What wilt thou say to Aryaman, what to Bhaga? Page 224 कद् धिष्ण्यासु वृधसानो अग्ने कद् वाताय प्रतवसे शुभंये । परिज्मने नासत्याय क्षे ब्रवः कदग्ने रुद्राय नृघ्ने ॥६॥ 6) What, O Fire, growing in thy abodes, wouldst thou say ...


... । वि हव्यमग्निरानुषग्भगो न वारमृण्वति ॥२॥ 2) He is men's priest of the call who by his illuminations carries in his two arms of the Understanding the offerings wholly in a continuous order; as Bhaga, the enjoyer, he reaches our desirable good. अस्य स्तोमे मधोनः सख्ये वृद्धशोचिषः । विश्वा यस्मिन् तुविष्वणि समर्ये शुष्ममादधुः ॥३॥ 3) In the lauding of this master of plenty, in his friendship ...


... येन चष्टे वरुणो मित्रो अर्यमा येन नासत्या भगः । वयं तत् ते शवसा गातुवित्तमा इन्द्रत्वोता विधेमहि ॥१६॥ 16) The light by which Mitra sees and Varuna and Aryaman, by which lords of the journey and Bhaga, that light may we worship, we made by thy force perfect knowers of the path guarded by the lordship of the Puissant. ते घेदग्ने स्वाध्यो ये त्वा विप्र निदधिरे नृचक्षसम् । विप्रासो देव सुकतुम् ...


... its works according to the times and seasons of the Truth. × The Divine Will becomes the Enjoyer Bhaga, brother power of Mitra, who enjoys all delight of existence but by Mitra's power of pure discernment and according to the light, truth and harmony of the divine living. ...


... plenty and the Rain of Heaven and the flowing of the Waters. त्वं भगो न आ हि रत्नमिषे परिज्मेव क्षयसि दस्मवर्चाः । अग्ने मित्रो न बृहत ऋतस्याऽसि क्षत्ता वामस्य देव भूरेः ॥२॥ 2) Thou art Bhaga of the felicities and thou pourest on us the ecstasy and takest up thy house in us, a pervading presence and a potent splendour. O divine Fire, like Mitra thou art a feeder on the vast Truth and the ...


... पायुर्दमे यस्तेऽविधत् ॥७॥ 7) O Fire, to one who makes ready and sufficient his works thou art the giver of the treasure; thou art divine Savitri and a founder of the ecstasy. O Master of man, thou art Bhaga Page 32 and hast power for the riches; thou art the guardian in the house for one who worships thee with his works. त्वामग्ने दम आ विश्पतिं विशस्त्वां राजानं सुविदत्रमृञ्जते । त्वं ...


... of the prevailing cult. The hymns were written round this institution and were understood by the vulgar as ritual chants in praise of the Nature-gods, Indra, Agni, Surya Savitri, Varuna, Mitra and Bhaga, the Aswins, Ribhus, Page 677 Maruts, Rudra, Vishnu, Saraswati, with the object of provoking by the sacrifice the gifts of the gods,—cows, horses, gold and other forms of wealth of a pastoral ...


... supreme. SUKTA 27 (1) These words by the force oblational of Agni I offer to the sons of Aditi who are for ever the Kings, words dripping with the richness; may Mitra hear us and Aryaman and Bhaga, Varuna born in strength and Daksha and Ansha. (2) May Mitra and Aryaman and Varuna with power today cleave to this my song of confirmation, the sons of Aditi pure, purified in the streams, who know ...


... untroubled nerves are the very first necessity for the perfection of our Yoga. I enclose a letter for C. R. Das. Please transmit it & get a reply written or verbal. You will see, I did not authorise Bhaga to ask him for money; at the same time, in doing so, he obeyed an unspoken general vyapti from myself which his mind seems to have got hold of & mixed up with its own desires & anxieties. I am drawing ...


... be very bright and luminous; O Moon, be full of charm and sweetness. Be fierce and terrible, O Rudra; be impetuous and swift, O Maruts; be strong and bold, O Aryama; be voluptuous and pleasurable, O Bhaga; be tender and kind and loving and passionate, O Mitra. Be bright and revealing, O Dawn; O Night, be solemn and pregnant. O Life, be full, ready and buoyant; O Death, lead my steps from mansion to mansion ...


... 330, 331, 332, 335, 353, 356, 357 Besnagar inscription, 259, 396, 521, 585, 586, 597 Beta Delphini, 110 Bevan, E. R., 67.79, 157, 188, 241, 261 Bhadravāhu, 219 Bhaga, 87 Bhagalā (Phegelas), 63 Bhagavad Gitā, 143, 597 Bhagavat, see Krishna Page 623 Bhāgavata Purāna, 10, 11, 105, 106, 107 ...


... 6,105 Atheism, 61 Adantis, 1 Atman, 30, 82 Aurangzeb, 85 Avidya, 29 Ayurveda, 104 Badarayana, 88,95 Bedekar, V.M, 71,75,78,82 Being, Pure, 58 Bhaga,10,11,12 Bhakti Yoga, 7 Bharadwaja, 31, 34 Bharat Muni, 102 Brahma Sutra, 88 Brahmacharin, 33,37,63 Brahmacharya, 33,52 Brahman, 24, 28,30,37 Brahmanas, 66,87 ...


... and this comes by the help ofAryaman; and, finally, one has to perfect the capacity to enjoy the delights of illumination, inspiration and highest ecstasies of the spirit. This comes by the help of Bhaga. In the course of the process of perfection, we also realise wee largest puissances of the supreme Godhead which make possible our development and upward ascension. We realise Brihaspati, 19 who ...


... Powers, the, 66 BABYLON, 199 Bach, 393,424,427 Ba1arama, 44, 207-8 Bankim (Chandra Chatterjee), 21 Beatrice, 203 Beethoven, 393-5, 424 Bengal, 21 Bergson, 143 Berkeley, 137 Bhaga,208 Bible, the, 100, 127, 152, 186, 192,397 Bois de Fontaineb1eu, 287 Book of the Dead, 133 Borodine, 427 Brahma, 208 Brahman, 3, 9-10, 22, 68, 85, 90, 92, 113, 151, 153, 204,289 ...

... power of austerity; and • Capacity to bear the highest bliss. Page 175 In their own language, Vedic Rishis named these four conditions are related to Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman and Bhaga. 5 Three important methods were further developed by the Vedic seers as a part of the practice of Sanatana Dharma. (a) Method of Meditative Concentration: This implied ...


... various human powers can be intertwined, purified and developed, and they are symbolised under specific and discernible symbols of Agni, Indra, Usha, Pushan, Surya, Savitri, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman, Bhaga, Soma, Brihaspati, and many others in a systematic manner. And in the hymns relating to the Rihbus, we have a summary of the entire process of perfection, which can be repeated in human beings. It ...


... various human powers can be intertwined, purified and developed, and they are symbolised under specific and discernible symbols of Agni, Indra, Usha, Pushan, Surya, Savitri, Varuna, Mxtra, Aryaman, Bhaga, Soma, Brihaspati, and many others in a systematic manner. And in the hymns relating to the Rihbus, we have a summary of the entire process of perfection, which can be repeated in human beings. It ...

... winding way into the embrace of the infinite Mother. His associate, Mitra, is the lord of love and harmony, evidently an emanation of Pradyumna (or Mahalakshmi). Other gods of the same category are Bhaga and Soma. The Balarama or Mahakali aspect is manifested in Aryaman: Rudra being another form of the same. And Mahasaraswati (or Aniruddha) must have given birth to and inspired the Ribhus, who are artisans ...

... in the straight path, and their gifts be turned towards us. May we share the friendship of the Gods. May they carry forward our span of life. (3) With the ancient mantra we invoke them all – Bhaga and Mitra and Aditi and the unstumbling Daksha, Aryaman too, and Varuna and the twin Aswins. May Saraswati, Mother of bliss, create happiness for us. (4) That healing draught, creative of Delight ...

... religion of the Dawn. 66 Page 400 It is a wonderfully apt phrase: 'the religion of the Dawn'. The Sun, Surya, Savitri—in his four differentiated forms, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman and Bhaga—is no doubt central to the Vedic religion, but the human approach to them is through the gateway of the Dawn. Kazantzakis, on the other hand, begins with a Prologue to the Sun and concludes with a lament ...


... kingdom or the promise of increase and prosperity; this is a revolutionary change, this is a total victory. In Savitri are exemplified the powers and personalities of the Vedic Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman and Bhaga; and it is her adamantine purpose, arduous preparation, and inflexibly vigilant struggle in the dark spaces of Night, the quick-sands of Twilight, and the blinding regions of utter Day that help her ...


... × 5 Literally, Bhagavate means that which is full, that which is plenitude. According to tradition, the six qualities of Bhaga are wealth, heroism, greatness, harmony, knowledge, detachment. × 6 Satprem had not told anything ...

Satprem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   My Burning Heart

... Nation or Perish What is it that so many thousands of holy men, Sadhus and Sannyasis, have preached to us silently by their lives ? What was the message that radiated from the personality of Bhaga-wan Ramakrishna Paramahansa? What was it that formed the kernel of the eloquence with which the lion-like heart of Vivek-ananda sought to shake the world? It is this, that in every one of these three ...

... samarye śuṣmamādadhuḥ. 3 Rig Veda 5.16. 2 , 3 He is men's priest of the call who by his illuminations carries in his two arms of the Understanding the offerings wholly in a continuous order; as Bhaga, the enjoyer, he reaches our desirable good. In the lauding of this master of plenty, in his friendship as his light grows, for all things are in this Fire of the many voices, men have founded their ...