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Bhao : Sadāshiv Rao was a first cousin (bhāo) of Bālāji Bāji Rao (son of Bāji Rao I), the 3rd Peshwa, & one of his generals. In 1747, Ahmed Shah Abdali (d.1772) a commander of Nadir Shah (q.v.) seized Kandahar, Kabul & Lahore; in 1757 he attacked the Moguls, plundered Delhi, Agra & Mathura & withdrew to Kandahar. The next year he returned with a larger army, reinforced by the Afghan-spawned Najib-ud-daulah of Rohilkhand, laid siege to Emperor Shah Alam II’s Delhi, assured that Shah Alam’s Wazir Shuja-ud-daulah (Nawab of Oudh) & his ally the British octopus would stand by waiting to share in the spoils of war. Ignorant of this conspiracy, the armies of the Maratha Confederacy led by Bālāji Bājirao, treaty-bound to fight for Shah Alam II “as protectors & auxiliaries”, that had taken the field against invaders were caught in the trap. This set the stage for the legendary 3rd battle of Pāṇīpat (q.v.). Encouraged by Bhao’s resounding victory over the Nizam the previous year, Bālāji had placed the Confederacy’s armies under his command. Sadāshiv Rao & scores of veteran generals & warriors died or disappeared.
... medicines. My one medicine is Narmada water. As for the tooth I have suffered from it since the days of Bhao Girdi." Bhao Girdi was the Maratha general Sadashiva Rao Bhao who disappeared in the Battle of Panipat [14.1.1761] and his body was never found. Many formed the conclusion that Brahmananda was himself Bhao Girdi, but this was an imagination. Nobody who knew Brahmananda would doubt any statement of his ...
... medicine. My one medicine is Nannada water. As for the tooth, I have suffered from it since the days of Bhao Gardi.' Bhao Gardi was the Maratha General, Sadasiva Rao Bhao, who disappeared in the battle of Panipat, and his body was never found. Many formed the conclusion that Brahmananda himself was Bhao Gardi, but this was an imagination. Nobody who knew Brahmananda would doubt any statement of his - ...
... medicines. My one medicine is Narmada water. As for this tooth I have suffered from it since the days of Bhao Girdi." Bhao Girdi was the Maratha general Sadashiv Rao Bhao who disappeared in the battle of Panipat and his body was never found. Many formed the conclusion that Brahmananda was himself Bhao Girdi, but this was an imagination. Nobody who knew Brahmananda would doubt any statement of his–he was ...
... medicines. My one medicine is Narmada water. As for the tooth I have suffered from it since the days of Bhao Girdi.' Bhao Girdi was the Maratha General Sadashiv Rao Bhao who disappeared in the Battle of Panipat 1 and his body was never found. Many formed the conclusion that Brahmananda was himself Bhao Girdi, but this was an imagination. Nobody who knew Brahmananda would doubt any statement of his —he ...
... the end, without ever being able to cure it. He was Swami Brahmananda, who, one day in the 1900s, told a disciple of his (Sardar Mazumdar), "As for the tooth, I have suffered from it since the days of Bhao Girdi," that is, since 1761. ...
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