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Bhaskara : There were two Bhāskaras recognized for their significant contributions in astronomy field. The first, a contemporary of Brahmagupta, was a leading exponent of the Āryabhatta I system of astronomy & wrote a commentary on this. The second, a leading astronomer & a leading mathematician, was born in 1114, & authored six important works including Lilāvati, Bijaganita, & Siddhanta-Shiromani. He also published a number of works on mathematical astronomy dealing with planetary motions, the lunar & solar eclipses, conjunctions of the planets with stars, principles of spherical trigonometry, & eclipse calculations.
... Bharadvaja, 69, 70, 92 Bhārata War, ii, iii, iv, v, 3, 13, 15, 46, 47, 48, 57, 59, 78, 98, 104, 137, 224, 228, 229, 543-5, 591, 605 Bharhut, 446 Bhāsa: Pratima Nātaka, 566-7, 572 Bhaskara, 19, 52 Bhattacharya, H. D., 580 Bhattojidikshita, 248 Bhattotpala (Utpala), 19, 49, 51, 52, 53, 514-5 Bhavanaga, 189 Bhir mound , 236 Bhitari seal inscription, 510 ...
... which had three important elements. Firstly, he made it clear that national education did not mean that we have to exile Galileo and Newton and all that came after and teach only what was known to Bhaskara, Aryabhatta and Varahamihira. But it means that an adequate place should be provided for the study of the noble heritage of our country and, while we must keep abreast with the march of truth and ...
... science because they come to us from Europe and go back to the imperfect scientific knowledge of classical India, exile Galileo and Newton and all that came after and teach only what was known to Bhaskara, Aryabhatta and Varahamihira? Or how should the teaching of Sanskrit or the living indigenous tongues differ in kind and method from the teaching of Latin or the living modern tongues in Europe? Are... culture but are now dead or dying things; but that is not the idea nor the endeavour. The living spirit of the demand for national education no more requires a return to the astronomy and mathematics of Bhaskara or the forms of the system of Nalanda than the living spirit of Swadeshi a return from railway and motor traction to the ancient chariot and the bullock-cart. There is no doubt plenty of retrogressive ...
... science because they come to us from Europe, and go back to the imperfect scientific knowledge of classical India, exile Galileo and Newton and all that came after and teach only what was known to Bhaskara, Aryabhatta and Varahamihira? Or how should the teaching of Sanskrit or the living indigenous tongues differ in kind and method from the teaching of Latin or the living modern tongues in Europe... culture but are now dead or dying things; but that is not the idea nor the endeavour. The living spirit of the demand for national education no more requires a return to the astronomy and mathematics of Bhaskara or the forms of the system of Nalanda than the living spirit of Swadeshi a return from railway and motor traction to the ancient chariot and the bullockcart. There is no doubt plenty of retrogressive ...
... 1920 (From an article entitled "A Preface on National Education.") The living spirit of the demand for national education no more requires a return to the astronomy and mathematics of Bhaskara or the forms of the system of Nalanda than the living spirit of Swadeshi a return from railway and motor traction to the ancient chariot and the bullock-cart.... It is the spirit, the living and vital ...
... 1. Paper quoted on pp. 241-48 of Pandit Kota Venkatachalam's Chronology of Kashmir Reconsidered. Page 51 And even in this argument we can trace flaws. Bhattotpala quotes Bhaskara, the author of Siddhānta Śiromani, as giving his own birth-date - Śaka 1036 - at the end of this book and as stating that he wrote it at the age of 36, i.e. , in Śaka 1072. 1 In terms of the ...
... the Jiva is a part (amsa) of the highest reality is taken by Shankara to mean ‘a part as it were’ ( amsa iva ). Since Brahman, who is not composed of parts, cannot have parts in the literal sense, Bhaskara and Vallabha assert that the Jiva is a part of the Lord because there is difference as well as identity between them. Ramanuja, Nimbarka, Baladeva and Srikantha think that the Jiva is a real part ...
... present and the past, but between the present and the future. He pointed out that "the living spirit of the demand for national education no more requires a return to the astronomy and mathematics of Bhaskara or the forms of the system of Nalanda than the living spirit of Swadheshi, a return from railway and motor traction to the ancient chariot and the bullock-cart." 1 He, therefore, spoke not of ...
... BACH, Richard, 82n. –Jonathan Livingston Seagull, 82n. Bajula, 280 Bali , 148-9 Baroda , 10-11 Bengal , 11, 164-5, 281 Bhade,280 Bhaskara, Guru, 151 Bhasunaka, 77 Bhattacharya, Purnenduprasad, 172 Bhattacharya, Sanjoy, 175, 177 Bhattacharya, Sisir, 182 Bhusuku, 259, 272-3, 275, 277, 283, 287 ...
... 7 MAY 1940 SRI AUROBINDO ( to Purani): Do you know if Bhedabheda and Dwaitadwaita are the same? One, I know, is the philosophy of Nimbarkar and the other of Bhaskara. PURANI: I think they are the same philosophy and by the same person. The two names are of one man. SRI AUROBINDO: Everybody says that what I have said is just their own philosophy. Nimbarkar's ...
... the status and dynamism of the cosmos, he alone is able to awaken all to knowledge. 0 Goddess, remove all evil forthwith and for ever, be constantly present in us. May the divine Master, Guru Bhaskara, protect us from every evil and danger. May he manifest himself to reveal the essential mystery of his path of worship and to spread the true tradition of Knowledge. OM! I bow to the lotus feet ...
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