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Bhaskarananda, Swami : (1833-99) was born in the village in Kanpur, Rajasthan; at eight he learnt the elements of Sanskrit & completed his study on Panini at seventeen: studied Vedanta at Ujjaynie: took up Sanyāsa at twenty-seven under the name Bhāskarānanda (the Sun-enchanted): taking up the mauna-vrata, for several years he roamed along the banks of the Gungā with head uncovered for several hours under the sun: lived for several years at Hardwar, absorbed in the study of the Gita & the Upanishads, & later moved to Varanasi. No Raja or Maharaja coming to Vārānasi left without having his darshan.

1 result/s found for Bhaskarananda, Swami

... keeps your eyes turned downward & not upward, outward & not inward. Welcome therefore the first inrush of vairagya into your life, but remember it is a first stage on the road, not the goal. Swami Bhaskarananda was driven into Sannyas by a keen & overmastering disgust of life in the world, but when he had attained mukti , the state of his mind so changed that if his wife had been living, he would have ...

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