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Bhoja : (1) proper name borne by several princes of Kanauj & Mālavā; (2) the royal designation applicable to the monarchs of the southern mid-region; (3) common name used by the people of a community in Berar.
... difference appears to be meant between "the king's dominions" and the succeeding phrases which also begin without a cha: "among the Yonas and Kambojas, the Nābhakas and Nābhapamtis, the hereditary Bhoja rulers, the Āndhras and Pārimdas." 3 Why are these tribes particularly named? Mookerji 4 suggests that the tribal areas indicated by those phrases were separately mentioned in spite of their being... bhavati" - "The Kambhojas are fond (bhojāh) of blankets (kambala) or they are fond of pleasant (kamanīya) things. The blanket is a pleasant (kamanīya) thing." Yāska takes "Kambhoja" to be composed of bhoja preceded by an abbreviation, kam, of kambala which is at the same time 1. The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1911, pp. 801-802. 2."Yāska and Pānini", The Cultural Heritage ...
... the suppliant call. He sole, Darling of Fate and Heaven, shall break through all Despising danger's threat and spurning death, To grasp this prize, whether Ixvacou's clan Yield a new Rama or the Bhoja hear And raven for her beauty,—Vrishny-born, Or else some lion's whelp of those who lair In Hustina the proud, coveting two worlds, Leaping from conquered earth to climb to Heaven, Life's pride ...
... King was so overwhelmed by grief that he leapt into the flames. An Indian poet, Ballala of the sixteenth century AD also collected anecdotes about Kalidasa in his Bhojaprabandha, the life of king Bhoja, who reigned at Dhara in the Xth century. He speaks of Kalidasa's remarkable skill in rendering poems extempore composing a stanza on the spur of the moment with only a single line given to him. ...
... Enworlded Subjectivity: Its Three Worlds and Beyond, PHISPC, Centre For Studies in Civilizations, New Delhi, 2006 Ballentine, J.R., and Govinda Shastri Dev (Trs.), Patanjali's Yoga Sutra with Bhoja's Rāja Mārtanda, Indological Book House, 1971, Delhi, Varanasi, V Edition. Bedekar, V.M. and Palsule, G.B. (translations), Sixty Upanishads by Paul Deussen, Vols. I and II, Brunton Paul ...
... The Aryan nations may be divided into three distinct groups, the Eastern of whom the Coshalas, Magadhas, Chedies, Videhas & Haihayas were the chief; the Central among whom the Kurus, Panchalas & Bhojas were the most considerable; and the Western & Southern of whom there were many, small, & rude but yet warlike & famous peoples; among these there seem to have been none that ever became of the first... idea of another great empire loomed before the imaginations of all men; a number of nations had risen to the greatest military prestige & political force, the Panchalas under Drupada & his sons, the Bhojas under Bhishmuc & his brother Acrity who is described as equalling Parshurama in military skill & courage, the Chedies under the hero & great captain Shishupala, the Magadhas, built into a strong nation... y that gives its peculiar stamp to Vyasa's writing and distinguishes it from that of all other epic poets. The heroic & profoundly intellectual national type of the great Bharata races, the Kurus, Bhojas and Panchalas who created the Veda & the Vedanta, find in Vyasa their fitting poetical type and exponent, just as the mild and delicately moral temper of the more eastern Coshalas has realised itself ...
... called Akrura, a leader of the Yadu clan, and clasping his hand said to him as follows: 28. "O Akrūra dear! You have to do for me something, which only a close friend can do. I do not find among the Bhojas and Vrsnis anyone to match you in true humility and generosity. 29. O gentle one! Just as Indra, the Lord of the worlds achieved his ends by depending on Visnu, so I depend on you for a great achievement ...
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