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Bhrigus : semi-divine beings connected with Agni; producers or nourishers of Fire. In their work they are associated with the Āṇgirasas, Atharvāns, Ribhūs & other family of Rishis.

51 result/s found for Bhrigus

... their manifest human & their secret divine parts. भृगवः. Sy. The Maharshis who preceded us. These are the Ancestors (the Gritsamadas are Bhargavas); as the Angirasas are powers of Agni, so the Bhrigus are powers of Surya. आयोः. Sy. man = yajamana & vikshu = प्रजासु = his offspring = the ritwiks! Obviously विक्षु आयोः = मानुषीषु विक्षु in the next line and means mankind in general, not the Ritwiks... मर्त्येष्वा देवं जनत प्रचेतसं. जीराश्वः. जृ has three senses, 1) rapidity, 2) waste, destruction as in जरा old age, and 3) enjoyment, love, adoration as in जारः, जरिता. Sayana's rendering. The Bhrigus serving him held him in the meeting place of the waters (antariksha) in the people (the Ritwiks) of the man (the Yajamana) and from the place of the two; may he, swift-horsed, the lord of the gods... expressed explain verse 2) The vast worlds are the home of Mitra; in taking possession of them Agni is fulfilling the purpose of the gods in setting him here as well as the arrangement made by the Bhrigus; he is bringing Mitra to his home. And he is able to do this because he has the light & joy of those worlds in him; he is the intermediary who brings that light from the divine into the human; he shines ...


... renewal in experience. The seven divine Angirases are sons or powers of Agni, powers of the Seer-Will, the flame of divine Force instinct with divine knowledge which is kindled for the victory. The Bhrigus have found this Flame secret in the growths of the earthly existence, but the Angirases kindle it on the altar of sacrifice and maintain the sacrifice through the periods of the sacrificial year s... itself can be nothing but the symbol of an inner giving. And if the Angiras Rishis are also in part symbolic or are, like the gods, semi-divine workers and helpers in the sacrifice, so also must be the Bhrigus, Atharvans, Ushana and Kutsa and others who are associated with them in their work. If the Angiras legend and the story of the struggle with the Dasyus is a parable, so also should be the other legendary ...


... manifestation of the spirit in the physical life of man was made available by the Bhrigus to each human creature, विशे विशे,—we must presume, by the order of the sacrifice. This Agni, this general flame of the divine Will-force, was turned by them into the Hotri of the sacrifice. The question remains, who are the Bhrigus of whom we may suppose that Apnavana is in this action at least the head or chief... revelatory knowledge, the powers of the seer-wisdom, represented by the Bhrigus, who make this great discovery of the spiritual will-force and make it available to every human creature. Apnavana means he who acts or he who attains and acquires. It is the seer-wisdom that scales and attains in the light of the revelation which leads the Bhrigus to the discovery. This completes the sense of the Rik. It will... (यष्टृतमः) most strong for sacrifice, अध्वरेषु ईड्यः adorable in the (pilgrim) sacrifices इह धायि has here been set धातृभिः by the Ordainers (of things), यं he whom अप्नवानो भृगवः Apnavana and the Bhrigus विरुरुचुः made to shine, वनेषु चित्रं luminous (or variegated) in the woods (or in the logs), विभ्वं pervading, विशे विशे for creature and creature ie for each (human) being. Critical Notes ...


... went by their names, the Angirasas, Atris, Bhargavas. In the Veda also there are these families of Rishis, the Atris, Bhrigus, Kanwas etc. In one of the hymns of the Atris the discovery of Agni, the sacred fire, is attributed to the Angiras Rishis (V.11.6), but in another to the Bhrigus (X.46.9). 1 Frequently the seven original Angiras Rishis are described as the human fathers, pitaro manuṣyāḥ , who... goddess human in mortals. Page 172 × Very possibly the Angiras Rishis are the flame-powers of Agni and the Bhrigus the solar powers of Surya. × For state we have agra , first, top and Greek agan , excessively; ...


... invoked to assist a later mortal race in the same divine achievement. Quite apart from the later Yama hymns of the tenth Mandala in which the Angirases are spoken of as Barhishad Pitris along with the Bhrigus and Atharvans and receive their own peculiar portion in the sacrifice, they are in the rest of the Veda also called upon in a less definite but a larger and more significant imagery. It is for the ...


... through yogic practices like pranayama) for rejuvenating body and mind and for gaining immorality on various levels. The Bhrigus were particularly known for their knowledge of rejuvenation. Even Brihaspati of the Angirasas sent his son Kacha to gain this knowledge from Shukra of the Bhrigus. Yet it is hard to tell whether the Rishis ever tried to, or were in a position to, create a naturally divine body ...

... mean, a pole, banner well-planted and firm he shows (the place of) the herds. × Apnavan and the Bhrigus × Or, with his seven lights. × ...


... Or, the human priest of the word by their thought × Or, the Bhrigus, × Or, the illumined Ones × ...


... things of heaven are afraid and all that stands and all that moves. दधुष्ट्वा भृगवो मानुषेष्वा रयिं न चारुं सुहवं जनेभ्यः । होतारमग्ने अतिथिं वरेण्यं मित्रं न शेवं दिव्याय जन्मने ॥६॥ 6) The Bhrigus set thee, O Fire, among human beings like a beautiful treasure, one swift to the call of men, an offering priest and desirable guest, like a happy friend for the divine birth. होतारं सप्त जुह्वो ...


... a child from the womb, he feeds on all that is unfallen. मित्रं न यं सुधितं भृगवो दधुर्वनस्पतावीड्यमूर्ध्वशोचिषम् । स त्वं सुप्रीतो वीतहव्ये अद्भुत प्रशस्तिभिर्महयसे दिवेदिवे ॥२॥ 2) The Bhrigus set in the Tree the godhead of our aspiration with his high flame of light like a friend well-confirmed in his place. And now, O Wonderful, well-pleased in him who has cast to thee the offering, thou ...


... who knows all things born in the man with whom are the Gods. 12 इमं विधन्तो अपां सधस्थे द्वितादधुर्भृगवो विक्ष्वायोः । एष विश्वान्यभ्यस्तु भूमा देवानामग्निररतिर्जीराश्वः ॥२॥ 2) The Bhrigus worshipping in the session of the Waters set him a twofold Light in the peoples of Man. May he master all planes prevailing vastly. Fire the traveller of the Gods with his rapid horses. Page 41 ...


... the vijnana by insistence on the defects of the siddhi. Darshana. Self-manifestation of the Apsaras, & the Cherubim of the various spheres (Gundharvas, Venas) & the Seraphim (Angirasas & Bhrigus) Vijnana Telepathy is now becoming continually active & useful. Rupa first of fish, then of cat, crude, in the Akasha; this is the triumph of the Will against the obstruction which has ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... for inspired hearing day after day; for him who desires the double birth, thou makest for him, the seer, delight and enjoyment. " " 0 Fire, thou art easy to sacrifice to for men, thee the Bhrigus established among men for ( attaining ) divine birth, beautiful like delightful wealth. " I. 58. 6. Here the aim of the sacrifice is clearly stated to be the ________________________ ...

... Upanishad. It consists of a dialogue between Bhrigu, Varuna's son, with his father. Let us see how the dialogue begins. It will show how the Upanishadic teachers used to teach their pupils, — not by giving discourses, but by suggesting a few key words and leaving the pupils to meditate thereon and to explore by thought and askesis. "Bhrigu, Varunaʼs son, came unto his father Varuna and... and a hint. The rest is for the pupil to work out, The first answer that Bhrigu arrived at was that Food, that is Matter is the Eternal. Indeed, matter is so pervasive and so directly seizeable by our senses that the easiest position to take for the sense-bound consciousness is that Matter is the only Reality. As Bhrigu declares to his teacher: "From food alone, it appears, are these creatures... — this is the first formulation of thought in its ascent. This is materialism. But Bhrigu did not stop here. He came back to his father and said "Lord, teach me the Eternal.ˮ But the teacher gave only an enigmatic answer: "By askesis do thou seek to know the Eternal, for askesis is the Eternal.ˮ Bhrigu went back to concentrate in thought and by energy of his brooding he ascended to the next ...

... Some Astrologers In the late seventies Kameshwar Rao took me and Madanlal Himatsignka to Cuddalore to see a Bhrigu Samhita astrologer. He would read out his predictions from a very ancient book written on palm leaves. Rishi Bhrigu is stated to be the author and the book contains predictions for the future generations to come. When we reached the astrologer's house ...

... are quite accurate about the past but they can't predict the future correctly. Many of my friends have had that experience. SRI AUROBINDO: I also had that experience with the Bhrigu Samhita people. DR. MANILAL: One Bhrigu Samhita man came to Baroda and swindled a lot of people, and many became insolvent. SRI AUROBINDO: How? DR. MANILAL: People began to speculate heavily, relying on his forecasts ...

... river among my disciples. I believe he predicted it on the strength of Bhrigu Samhita — the old dodge; but I am not sure. Long ago I had a splendiferous Mussolinic-Napoleonic prediction of my future made to me on the strength of the same old mythological Bhrigu." Apart from readings, the Bhrighu-jyotish (astrology of Bhrigu) also makes predictions by studying the pattern of the lines of the thumbs ...

... then disappear while bathing in a river among my disciples. I believe he predicted it on the strength of the Bhrigu Samhita—the old dodge; but I am not sure. Long ago I had a splendiferous Mussolinic-Napoleonic prediction of my future made to me on the strength of the same old mythological Bhrigu. 4 April 1936 Astrologers tell all sorts of things that don't come true. According to one I was to have ...

... is followed by the highest state of self-realisation, the realisation of the ānaṇdamaya Purusa. And finally, in the Bhṛguvalli, we find a very interesting dialogue between Bhrigu and his father Varuna. Bhrigu is like an ideal student who is enthusiastic about his quest for wisdom and illumination. He approaches his father as his pupil, and addresses his father as his teacher. His question ...

... nature. Sartre's investigation links itself up with the eternal inquiry graphically and beautifully described in the famous parable of the Taittiriya Upanishad (III). In his quest for Brahman, Bhrigu came in contact first of all with the material existence and so took Matter to be the ultimate Reality. He was asked to move on and at the next step he met Life and considered that as Brahman. He was... pass through other higher formulations till finally he entered the highest expanse (parame vyoman). Now applying the parable to the situation today and the modern quest we can say that Science like Bhrigu is at the first step – and, for some, stuck there contented like the Asura Virochana of another Upanishadic parable, although it has become fidgety and somewhat uncertain in recent times: some others ...

... भृगवो मथ्नन्तो दाशा भृगवः । अग्निरीशे वसूनां शुचिर्यो धर्णिरेषाम् । प्रियाँ अपिधीँर्वनिषीष्ट मेधिर आ वनिषीष्ट मेधिरः ॥७॥ 7) When in his twofold strength, bards with illumination upon them, the Bhrigu-flame-seers have made obeisance and spoken to him the word, when they have churned him out by their worship,—the Flame-Seers, the Fire becomes master of the riches, he who in his purity holds them ...

... moaned out: "O pale Priyumvada! O dead fair flower! yet living to my grief! But I could only slay the innocent tree, Powerless when power should have been. Not such Was Bhrigu from whose sacred strength I spring, Nor Bhrigu's son, my father, when he blazed Out from Puloma's side, and burning, blind, Fell like a tree the ravisher unjust. But I degenerate from such sires. O Death That showest... Titans old. An Apsara his mother liquid-orbed Page 136 Bore to the youthful Chyavan's strong embrace This passionate face of earth with Eden touched. Chyavan was Bhrigu's child, Puloma bore, The Titaness,– Bhrigu, great Brahma's son. Love gave the flower that helps by anguish; therefore He chilled not with the breath of Hades, nor The cry of the infernal stream made stone." But at... restless, and a woman clothed in flame, With hands calamitous that held a sword, Stood of the quaking passage sentinel. Magnificent and dire her burning face. "Pass on," she said once more, "O Bhrigu's son; The flower protects thee from my hands." She stretched One arm towards him and with violence Majestic over the horrid arch compelled. Unhurt, though shaking from her touch, alone He stood ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... (shadow-astrologer) who by measuring the shadow of a person and then correlating the signs, can exactly predict the future. A friend of mine had the experience of such a prediction. SRI AUROBINDO: The bhrigu-jyotish also, by studying the lines of the hands, can predict things. The pattern of the lines of the thumb seem to indicate the individuality of persons and no two patterns are alike. I showed my ...

... of Bhrigu. Bhrigu, Varuna's son, came up to his father Varuna and said, "Lord, teach me the Eternal." The teacher set out the path of enquiry. He said, "Food and Prana and Eye and Ear and Mind — even these." He added: "Seek thou to know that from which these creatures are born, whereby being born they live and to which they go hence and enter again; for that is the Eternal.¹³ And Bhrigu followed... further. Bhrigu concentrated himself in thought and by the energy of his brooding, he knew Prana (Life-Force) for the Eternal. When he reported the result of his meditation, the teacher asked him to meditate again. Bhrigu meditated and knew that Mind is the Eternal. When he reported this to his teacher, he was asked to meditate again. By further meditation, Page 21 Bhrigu knew Vijnana... Vijnana, the fourth faculty of comprehensive knowledge of the Truth and the Vast, to be the Eternal. But the teacher asked him to meditate further, and after meditation, Bhrigu knew Bliss for the Eternal. And the teacher confirmed that one who knows that food is the Eternal, and one who has passed to the Self or Eternal which is of Prana, and one who has passed to the Self which is Mind, and one who has ...

... तपस्तप्त्वा ॥ Bhrigu, Varouna's son, came unto his father Varouna and said "Lord, teach me the Eternal." And his father declared it unto him thus "Food and Prana and Eye and Ear and Mind—even these." Verily he said unto him "Seek thou to know that from which these creatures are born, whereby being born they live and to which they go hence and enter again; for that is the Eternal." And Bhrigu concentrated... us, together may He possess us, together may we make unto us strength & virility. May our reading be full of light and power. May we never hate. OM Peace! Peace! Peace! Hari OM! Page 224 Bhrigu Valli हरिः ॐ । सह नाववतु । सह नौ भुनक्तु । सह वीर्यं करवावहै । तेजस्वि नावधीतमस्तु । मा विद्विषावहै॥ ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥ Hari OM. Together may He protect us, together may He possess us... महान्कीर्त्या ॥ He knew Bliss for the Eternal. For from Bliss alone, it appeareth, are these creatures born and being born they live by Bliss and to Bliss they go hence and return. This is the lore of Bhrigu, the lore of Varouna, which hath its firm base in the highest heaven. Page 227 Who knoweth, getteth his firm base, he becometh the master of food and its eater, great in progeny, great ...

... Bhrigu, Varuna's son, came unto his father Varuna and said, "Lord, teach me the Eternal." And his father declared it unto him thus, "Food and Prana and Eye and Ear and Mind — even these." Verily he said unto him, "Seek thou to know that from which these creatures are born, whereby being born they live and to which they go hence and enter again; for that is the Eternal." And Bhrigu concentrated... Six He knew Bliss for the Eternal. For from Bliss alone, it appears, are these creatures born and being born they live by Bliss and to Bliss they go hence and return. This is the lore of Bhrigu, the lore of Varuna, which hath his firm base in the highest heaven. Who knows, gets his firm base, he becomes the master of food and its eater, great in progeny, great in cattle, great in the splendour ...

... Tales of all Times Tales of all Times Appendix Words of Long Ago Thirteen The Conquest of Knowledge The great Rishi, Bhrigu, shining in splendour, sat on the summit of Mount Kailas, and Bharadwadja questioned him: "Who made the world? "How wide is the sky? "Who gave birth to water? To fire? To the wind? To the earth? "What is life? "What ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... another section in the same Upanishad which is entitled Bhṛguvalli in which we get some indication of the method of teaching and learning. This section deals with the dialogue between Bhrigu, and his father, Varuna. Bhrigu approaches his father as his pupil, and addresses his father as his teacher. The question concerns the Eternal. The teacher does not answer the question directly or in fullness. He... (Bhṛguvalli, Chapter One) The method by which the pupil proceeds to find the answer is stated in the following words: "And Bhrigu concentrated himself in thought and by the askesis of his brooding he knew food for the Eternalˮ (Bhṛguvalli, Chapter One-two). Bhrigu reports to his teacher his finding and asks his teacher once again to teach him the Eternal. The teacher asks him to meditate again ...

... synthetic method of yoga of the Veda, which is repeated in the Upanishads, is well described in the Taittiriya Upanishad where the process of the yoga of Bhrigu is described to have been guided and conducted by Varuna. Under successive instructions, Bhrigu concentrates himself successively in thought and by the askesis (tapas) of his brooding, on universal matter (anna), on universal life-force (prāna) ...

... prostration and with the fuel, O Priest of the call, O supreme will! उत स्वा भृगुवच्छुचे मनुष्वदग्न आहुत । अङगिरस्वद्धवामहे ॥१३॥ 13) O pure Flame, fed with offerings we call thee as did Bhrigu, as did Manu, as did Angiras. त्वं ह्यग्ने अग्निना विप्रो विप्रेण सन्त्सता । सखा सख्या समिध्यसे ॥१४॥ 14) For thou art kindled, O Fire, by the fire, thou who art the illumined seer art kindled ...

... he should discuss and conclude?" Yet in the end "he beheld this conscious being which is Brahman utterly extended and he said to himself, Now have I really seen" So too in the Taittiriya Upanishad Bhrigu Varuni meditating on the Brahman comes first to the conclusion that "Matter is Brahman" and only afterwards discovers Life that is Brahman,—so rising from the materialistic to the vitalistic theory ...

... 255, 327, 351, 364 Bernard, Tristan, 373 Bernhardi, 24 Bethlehem, 215 Beveridge Plan, the, 129 Bharata, 93, 161 Bhasa, 96 Bhisma, 80 Bhrigu, 376 Bible, the, 70, 248, 267 Blake, 164 Boehme, 150 Bosanquet, 326 Boscovich, 333 BoseiJagadish Chandra, 306, 322 Bottrall, Ronald, 193-4 ...

... also with the Hellenic myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. But Sri Aurobindo has transformed the original tale, and Love and Death sweeps on its course with a precipitancy all its own.  Ruru, Sage Bhrigu's grandson, loves Priyumvada, daughter of Menaca the nymph and the Gandharva King. It is a beautiful Adam-Eve idyll out of an Indiana Garden of Eden (the serpent, of course, not far away): ... and so he journeys in a "white-winged boat" steered by "a sole silent helmsman" to the ocean, and exhorts her to make way for his mortal tread. A mortal undoubtedly, yet a Rishi's son, and great Bhrigu's grandson, and armed with that subtle and magnificent bloom; the sea cannot altogether ignore him, and in fact the sea makes a wondrous response: And like a living thing the huge sea trembled ...

... seeks a unity always, and the one unity which seems reasonably established here, is this unity of matter. Therefore, in the fine & profound apologue of the Taittiriya Upanishad, we are told that when Bhrigu Varuni was bidden by his father Varuna to discover, entering into tapas in his thought, what is Brahman, his first conclusion was naturally & inevitably this that Matter is the Sole Existence,—Annam... mechanical energies. Obsessed by this discovery, living in this medial term of our consciousness, seeing all things from our new standpoint we come to regard Mind also as a term or working of Life. Bhrigu Varuni, bidden by his father back to his austerities of thought, finds a second and, it would seem, a truer formula. He sees Life as the Sole Existence, Pranam Brahma. "For from the Life, verily, are... placed before it as objects of its scrutiny. But this evolution is the result and sign of a previous involution. Mind in the universe precedes, contains & constitutes life-action and material formation. Bhrigu Varuni, once more bidden by his father back to his austerity of thought, perceives a third and profounder formula of things. He sees Mind as that Sole Existence, Mano Brahma. "For from mind these ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... Vibhutis. I am among men the king of men, the leader, the mighty man, the hero. I am Rama among warriors, Krishna among the Vrishnis, Arjuna among the Pandavas. The illumined Rishi is My Vibhuti; I am Bhrigu among the great Rishis. The great seer, the inspired poet who sees and reveals the truth by the light of the idea and sound of the word, is Myself luminous in the mortal; I am Ushanas among the seer-poets ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... should discuss and conclude?" Yet in the end "he beheld this conscious being which is Brahman utterly extended and he said to himself, Now have I really seen." So too in the Taittiriya Upanishad Bhrigu Varuni meditating on the Brahman comes first to the conclusion that "Matter is Brahman" and only afterwards discovers Life that is Brahman, — so rising from the materialistic to the vitalistic theory ...

... time calmly live in the Mother's presence and invoke its grace.   (7.7.1992)   About the readings made by the Shuka Nadi Foundation of Bangalore, my information is that the so-called "Bhrigu Leaves" are not always right. Experience has shown them to be a mixed bag, quite frequently off the mark. Of course, the most important question for you is whether they are right in saying that you ...

... warning about China's intention and about the Hindu-Moslem situation in Bengal, Surendra Mohan speaks of some astrological reading regarding Sri Aurobindo, which vitally concerned us. According to Bhrigu astrology, he says, Sri Aurobindo after his 78th year, would develop a loathing towards his body and then would leave it; otherwise death was in his control, he was such a great Yogi.... It was also ...

... tely and to see impersonally. They have denied much that is being reaffirmed, but the denial was the condition of a severer effort of knowledge and it may be said of them, as the Upanishad says of Bhrigu the son of Varuna, sa tapas taptvā annaṁ brahmeti vyajānāt . "He having practised austerity discovered that Matter was the Brahman." The gates of escape by which a knowledge starting from materialism ...

... itself, not the end of the matter. The search for the Reality, the true self of man, may very easily follow out the natural order described by the Upanishad in the profound apologue of the seekings of Bhrigu, son of Varuna. For first the seeker found the ultimate reality to be Matter and the physical, the material being, the external man our only self and spirit. Next he fixed on life as the Reality and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... n on 1 and 2 December, * Sri Aurobindo didn't have much faith in Bhrigu. In a letter written on 4 May 1936, he referred to the Bhrigu Samhita as the "old dodge", and added: "Long ago I had a splendiferous Mussolinic-Napoleonic prediction of my future made to me on the strength of the same old mythological Bhrigu." (SABCL.Vol.26, p. 365)   Page 733 even the post-darśan ... rendezvous: In my breast carrying God's deathless light I came her dark and dangerous heart to woo. 72 Another interesting circumstance was Surendra Mohan Ghose's consulting Bhrigu astrologer in Delhi in October 1950. On being shown Sri Aurobindo's horoscope, the astrologer found the correct reference which tallied "exactly with Sri Aurobindo's life", and the astrologer concluded:... sacrifice could be performed, the catastrophe might still be averted. Surendra Mohan hurried to Pondicherry and told, first Nolini, and then the Mother who promptly spoke to Sri Aurobindo, about the Bhrigu prediction. "Don't worry" was all that Sri Aurobindo said to Surendra Mohan. But on the Mother's suggestion, Surendra Mohan contacted the astrologer again and after some delay got a copy of the ...

... lit up. He said it was his birthday. Then I told him, "You must be here on that day." As I uttered 2,3,4,5,6, he got attracted: you know he is attracted by such things. Yes, it is he who sent some Bhrigu reading from Delhi, you remember, regarding Sri Aurobindo’s departure and he was supposed to play an important part. Yes, it was a mantra to be repeated 10,000 times. I wanted to have the mantra and ...

... method of meaningful questioning and demonstration through apt examples; Pippalada asked his pupils to dwell for one year in holiness and faith and askesis before they could put their questions; and Bhrigu was asked by his father and the teacher, Varuna , to concentrate himself in thought and discover the truth of Matter, of Life, of Mind, and of the Supermind and of the Bliss by successive and higher ...

... method of meaningful questioning and demonstration through apt examples; Pippalada asked his pupils to dwell for one year in holiness and faith and askesis before they could put their questions; and Bhrigu was asked by his father and the teacher, Varun, to concentrate himself in thought and discover the truth of Matter, of Life, of Mind, and of the Supermind and of the Bliss by successive and higher ...

... the silence of things secret, the knowledge of the knower, and many other such powers are also vibhutis. Among the great and well- known personalities, Rama is reckoned as vibhuti among warriors, Bhrigu among the great rishis, Ushanas among the seer poets, Krishna himself among the Vrishnis, Arjuna among the Pandavas and Vyasa among the sages; many more are named as vibhutis in this account given ...

... arrived at by a more just or a more brilliant speculation, but by deeper sight, by a more powerful concentration. He has arrived at it, tapas taptwa; that is the method laid down by Varuna to his son Bhrigu in the Taittiriya Upanishad; for, he adds, tapo Brahma, Tapas is Brahman. Tapas, in other words, is the dwelling of the soul on its object, by which Brahman originally created the world through vision—sa ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... way, and more predominantly, mental and spiritual. If Matter were the principle of the universe, as the materialist alleges, if the truth of things were to be found in the first formula arrived at by Bhrigu, son of Varuna, when he meditated upon the eternal Brahman, "Matter is the Eternal, for from Matter all beings are born and by Matter all beings exist and to Matter all beings depart and return," then ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... to Tagore, Levi & others, 723; on Golconde, 723-4; Brahmabandhab on, 728; Gandhiji on, 730; Justice Chatterjee on, 730; Munshi on, 731; on Yogic cure of maladies, 732; on leaving his body, 732; the Bhrigu astrologer's forecast, 733; illness, 733ff; false dawn and night, 734; tributes, 735; disciples' reactions, 735ff, 747ff; last darsan, 736, 739; the body charged with supramental light, 736ff, 741; ...

... "Let me first say that Brahmadevji made me understand the distinction between various states of consciousness. He told me the story of the quest of Bhrigu as described in the Taittiriya Upanishad. In this story, there is a description as to how Bhrigu discovered, first, that Matter was the ultimate reality; this was followed by his discovery that Life-Force was the ultimate reality. Next, he discovered... remains unconscious, there remains always a risk of a sudden collapse of the equilibrium. And once the disequilibrium takes place, man is obliged to trace the cycle of analytical thought through which Bhrigu went from one step of thought to the next higher step of thought. Even then the lost harmony is not regained in its full intensity and in full experience. It took me five years to complete the cycle ...

... immortality that we must think of Aryaman. Krishna in the Gita, enumerating the chief powers or manifestations of the eternal Godhead in things and beings, speaks of himself as Ushanas among the seers, Bhrigu among the Rishis, Vyasa among the sages, Vishnu among the children of Aditi, Aryaman among the Fathers. Now in the Veda the Fathers are the ancient illumined ones who discovered the Knowledge, created ...

... attendants, the foremost of whom were Sunanda and Nanda; by Sanaka and other sages; by Divinities like Brahmā and Rudra; and by the nine Brāhmana sages (Marīci, Atri, Angiras, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, Bhrigu, Va-sishtha and Daksha); and by great Bhāgavatottamas like Prah-lada, Nārada, Vasu and others. 55. He was being adored by deities like Śrī , Pusti, Saraswatī, Sānti, Kīrti, Tusti, Bhu, Ūrjā, and ...