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Boer : name applied to South Africans of Dutch or Huguenot descent, especially to early settlers of the Transvaal & the Orange Free State. Imperial Britain ignited the Boer War (1899-1902), defeated the natives & settlers & created the Union of South Africa.

26 result/s found for Boer

... in the way. For success, either the Government in England must interfere and compel the Transvaal to do right, or the Transvaal must be stirred by shame and by the interest of the poorer part of the Boer community to reverse the laws, or the Indian Government must intervene to protect its subjects. The first course is unthinkable. It would mean a quarrel with the newly conciliated Transvaal, the marring... British Empire, they are also likely to show in this very minor trouble. Nor are they likely to have forgotten the action of the Indians who rewarded the Page 348 comparative leniency of the Boer Government previous to the war by helping actively in the British attack on the liberty of the Transvaal. With their slow minds and tenacious memories they are a people not swift to forget and forgive; ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... published in 1915. They first appeared in print posthumously. To the Boers . Circa 1900–1902. According to the subtitle, this poem was written "during the progress of the Boer War". The Boer War began in 1899 and ended in 1902. Vision . Circa 1900–1906. To the Ganges. Circa 1900– 1906. Suddenly out from the wonderful East . No title in the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... attendants: “The subject is whether the measure of help is much or little.” When they did not seem to understand this puzzling statement he decided to explain it to them. During the Boer War, two Boer soldiers were fleeing on horseback. One of them who was short and stout fell off his horse. He vainly made a few attempts to get up. Meanwhile the enemy was fast approaching so he quickly prayed: ...


... Poems from Manuscripts (Circa 1900-1906) Collected Poems To the Boers ( Written during the progress of the Boer War. ) O Boers, you have dared much and much endured For freedom, your strong simple hearts inured To danger and privation nor so made As by death's daily grasp to be dismayed, Nor numbers nor disasters in the field, Nor to o' ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... whether Sayana's or the modern theory, the whole of this sublime and sacred reputation is a colossal fiction. The ________________ * To the British Empire in South Africa during the Boer War (1899-1902) and the 1906 Zulu rebellion. When Sri Aurobindo wrote this letter, Gandhi was still in South Africa; he returned to India a few months later, in January, 1915. Page 105 ...


... Tripoli. Somaliland was in a preliminary process of slow deglutition; Abyssinia, saved once by Menelik but now torn by internal discord, was the object of a revived dream of Italian colonial empire. The Boer republics had gone under before the advancing tide of imperialistic aggression. All the rest of Africa practically was the private property of three great Powers and two small ones. In Europe, no doubt ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... will certainly resent foreign interference in its dealings with its own subjects. The impotence of the civilised world was strikingly shown in the crisis of Russian despotism and at the time of the Boer War. Even were it otherwise, a London session of the Congress would only awaken a passing interest. In that respect the visit of Swami Vivekananda to America and the subsequent work of those who followed ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... whose tenure of power primarily rests on their unquestioned submission to the sovereign will and freedom of the people as whose servants they administer. Take the situation in England during the late Boer War as an instance. Throughout that war the Pro-Boers carried on their propaganda all over the country without the least let or hindrance from the Cabinet or the administrative authorities, however ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... of a modern army, the broad principles of strategy and tactics, and the nature and principles of guerilla warfare. These are freely illustrated by detailed references to the latest modern wars, the Boer and the Russo-Japanese, in the first of which many new developments were brought to light or tested and in the second corrected by the experience of a greater field of warfare and more normal conditions ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Indians from the representative system on which the new constitution in the Transvaal is to be based and plaintively recalls the professions and promises of the British Government at the time of the Boer war. The saintly simplicity of India grows daily more and more wearisome to us. Everybody who knew anything at all about politics understood at the time that those professions were merely a diplomatic ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... of the most extraordinary vileness and then interned him in St. Helena and embittered his last days by the meanest pettiness and persecution. It was British fair-play which, in the early days of the Boer war avenged Majuba by an astonishing campaign of lies and abuse against the Boers, representing them as a race of dirty, brutal, cunning and uneducated semi-savages. We see the same national characteristic ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... afterwards when the excitement of the hour has passed, but the harm this kind of journalism can do was sufficiently proved at the time of the Chinese disturbances and the trouble which preceded the Boer War. That these daily voidings of impudent falsehood and fabrication should be eagerly swallowed by thousands shows the rapid deterioration of British dignity and sobriety. Shyamji Krishnavarma ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... too much or too little." We couldn't understand the reference. Then He told us the story that I told you the other day, about the two African soldiers trying to escape from the British during the Boer War, and one of them being helped 'too much' by the Lord! So that is the story of the evacuation. And you see that our relations with the Lord have already become more friendly, more chummy ...


... to give in when they are forced to and no other way is left. Otherwise they don't act. SRI AUROBINDO: If they want to act, they can do so provided they have the right man. For instance after the Boer War, Sir Campbell Bannerman gave self-government to South Africa. Self-government has also been granted to Iraq and to Egypt. In Egypt they have kept control of the Suez only. That is the advantage ...


... were fluctuations and he used to remark, "It is like the story of helping too much or too little." When we failed to grasp the allusion, he explained it at length. The story goes like this: During the Boer War two soldiers were running away on horseback. One of them was somewhat short and plump. He fell down from the horse. Finding it difficult to mount up, and the enemies hotly pursuing, he made a prayer: ...

... hast helped me too much." We had no clue about what he'd meant. Four or five of us were there; we looked at Him, a little puzzled. "Oh, you don't know the story?" He asked. Then He told us. During the Boer War in South Africa (where Mahatma Gandhi was at that time), the Boers were on one side and the British on the other. Two Boers were escaping on horseback after some fighting. One of them was short ...


... teaches English also the following year. January 15 — Swami Vivekananda lands at Colombo, and on his way north delivers many lectures throughout India. 1899, October — Beginning of the Boer War. 1900 — Max Planck lays the foundation of quantum physics. — International Exposition in Paris. -J.C. Bose demonstrates the basic unity of inorganic and living matter at the International ...

... Africa was, in some recess of our brain, known as the “Dark” continent — inhabited by black people (all) and some of us knew that Tarzan lived/lives there. Gone was all that now. We learned about Boers (whites) who came over from Europe and settled in S. Africa (17th Century) elbowing out or subjugating the natives. They then developed the hateful system of Apartheid. (This system caused their Cricket ...

... with its own culture, language, government the Irish would have ended by becoming a big English county governed by a magnified and glorified Parish Council. The same kind of bait was offered to the Boers, but that shrewd people resolutely refused to associate themselves with any form of self-government short of absolute colonial self-government. The same kind of bait is promised to the Moderates in ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... 519 Thought the Paraclete 562 The Three Cries of Deiphobus 189 The Tiger and the Deer 583 To a Hero-Worshipper 41 Page 739 To R. 280 To the Boers 247 To the Cuckoo 36 To the Ganges 256 To the hill-tops of silence 649 To the Modern Priam 188 To the Sea 207 To weep because a glorious sun 182 Torn ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... it sounded, how extremely Christian, when Lord Lansdowne declared in the House of Lords with that supreme unction of which Englishmen alone are capable, that one of the motives of the war with the Boers was the righting of the grievous wrongs to which "our Indian fellow-subjects were forced to submit in the Transvaal". That grandiose declaration was not without its effect in the international world ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... night butting the upcountryman with his head; next day he boasted triumphantly to me that he had conquered a foot and half of territory from the intruder by his brilliant plan of campaign. When the Boers rise Page 143 once more against England, I think we shall have to send them Anandrao as an useful assistant to Generals Botha and Delarey. No rain as yet, and it is the 15ᵗʰ of August ...

... in us completed 213 Now I have borne Thy presence and Thy light 600 Now lilies blow upon the windy height 22 Now more and more the Epiphany within 613 O Boers, you have dared much and much endured 247 O co, honied envoy of the spring 15 O desolations vast, O seas of space 324 O face that I have loved until no face 177 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... an with his head; next day he boasted triumphantly to me that he had conquered a foot and half of Page 138 territory from the intruder by his brilliant plan of campaign. When the Boers rise once more against England, I think we shall have to send them Anandrao as an useful assistant to Generals Botha and Delarcy. "No rain as yet, and it is the 15 th of August. My thirtieth birthday ...

... night butting the upcountryman with his head; next day he boasted triumphantly to me that he had conquered a foot and half of territory from the intruder by his brilliant plan of campaign. When the Boers rise once more against England, I think we have to send them Anandrao as an useful assistant to Generals Botha and Delarcy." 10 II. Maharaja's character-trait: (Written as a postscript to ...

... many centuries of great national existence has she become imbued with the imperial idea on her own account. The savage attachment to their independence of small nations like the Dutch, the Swiss, the Boers is traceable to the same cause; the fierce resistance opposed by the Page 297 greater part of Spain to Napoleon was that of a nation which once imperial & central has fallen out of the main ...