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Bombay Chronicle : English daily founded in 1913 by Pherozshah Mehta as an organ of the Moderates & edited by B.G. Horniman.

8 result/s found for Bombay Chronicle

... Congress - "heard him without understanding everything that was spoken". 28 In 1914, as a student in college, he had become an advance subscriber to the Arya having seen an advertisement in the Bombay Chronicle. By 1916 Ambalal had started corresponding with Sri Aurobindo and translating portions into Gujarati. When the war ended, Purani thought that he should meet Sri Aurobindo first before putting ...

... publish. Motilal did so on 21 November 1920. The text is reproduced here as it was printed in the Standard Bearer . To the Editor of the Bombay Chronicle . June 1925 . This message was written at the request of the editor of the Bombay Chronicle a day or two after the passing of Chittaranjan Das on 16 June 1925. The message was published in the newspaper on 22 June 1925. Section ...


... Letters on Personal, Practical and Political Matters (1890-1926) Autobiographical Notes To the Editor of the Bombay Chronicle Chittaranjan's death is a supreme loss. Consummately endowed with political intelligence, constructive imagination, magnetism, driving force combining a strong will and an uncommon plasticity of mind for vision and tact of the hour ...


... Evolving India PUBLISHERS' NOTE The Publishers acknowledge their indebtedness to the Editors of The Bombay Chronicle Weekly, The All India Weekly and The Advent in whose pages the essays included in this volume have already appeared—mostly .in a shorter form. ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Evolving India

... enter public life as a nationalist, and was elected the president of the Indian National Congress in 1890. He became a member of the Bombay Legislative Council in 1893. He founded the newspaper Bombay Chronicle in 1910. Gopal Krishna Gokhale entered into public life in 1886 at the young age of 20. While contributing articles to the English weekly Mahratta, he was attracted by the ...

... of the Supreme Con­sciousness. I began to search mentally for the exact time-moment when I had come to know him. Travelling far into the past I found it was in 1914 when I read a notice in the Bombay Chronicle about the publication of a monthly magazine – the Arya – from Pondicherry by Sri Aurobindo . I hastened to register my name in advance. In those days of political storms, to avoid the suspicion ...

... Pondicherry: "The condition here is not very good. I am at present fighting the difficulties on the physical plane," in other words, the forces of disease etc. 20 June. At the request of the Bombay Chronicle , Sri Aurobindo sent a message on the death of C. R. Das, which was published in their issue of 22 June: "Chittaranjan's death is a supreme loss. Consummately endowed with political intelligence ...


... of the Supreme Consciousness. I mentally began to search for the exact time-moment when I had come to know him. Travelling far into the past I found it was in 1914 when I read a notice in the Bombay Chronicle about the publication of a monthly magazine – the Arya – from Pondicherry by Sri Aurobindo. I hastened to register my name in advance. In those days of political storms, to avoid the suspicion ...
