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Bose, Bhupal Chandra : (1861-1937) entered Govt. service in 1888: agricultural officer for 28 years in Bengal & Assam: collaborated with his friend Girish Chandra Bose in founding Bangabāsi School & College in 1886. In April 1901, he gave his eldest daughter Mrinālini in marriage to Sri Aurobindo – a match arranged by Girish Chandra. The marriage took place at Baithak-khānā Road, Calcutta, in one of the houses belonging to the Hatkholā Dutt family. Byomkesh Chakravarty (q.v.), Lord Sinha (q.v.), & Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose & his wife attended the marriage. It was performed according to Hindu rites. During a serious illness of his, Sri Aurobindo stayed in Bhupal Chandra’s house in Calcutta from October to December 1906. After Sri Aurobindo left Calcutta for Pondicherry in 1910, Mrinālini spent the rest her life with her parents at Shillong & Ranchi. In 1918, Bhupal babu, decided to take Mrinālini to Pondicherry. Since the Govt. finally granted permission he brought her to Girish babu’s residence in Calcutta at 123, Lower Circular Rd., (since demolished). But she fell a victim to the scourge of influenza which was raging everywhere, & passed away on 17 December. On 19th February 1919, Sri Aurobindo wrote the following letter to Bhupal babu: “My dear Father-in-law, I have not written to you with regard to this fatal event in both our lives: words are useless in face of the feelings it has caused, if even they can ever express our deepest emotions. God has seen good to lay upon me the one sorrow that could still touch me to the centre. He knows better than ourselves what is best for each of us, & now that the first sense of the irreparable has passed, I can bow with submission to His divine purpose. The physical tie between us is, as you say, severed; but the tie of affection subsists for me. Where I have once loved, I do not cease from loving. Besides she, who was the cause of it, still is near though not visible to our physical vision. . . . It is needless to say much about the matters of which you write in your letter. I approve of everything that you propose. Whatever Mrinālini would have desired, should be done, & I have no doubt that this is what she would have approved of. I consent to the chūdis being kept by her mother; but I should be glad if you would send me two or three of her books, especially if there are any in which her name is written. I have only of her, her letters & a photograph.” [SABCL 27:422] Bhupal babu first visited the Ashram in 1930 for the February Darshan. On seeing Sri Aurobindo he made an sāshtāṇga-dandavata praṇām later, asked how he could do this to his son-in-law, he exclaimed, “Son-in-law? It was Nārāyaṇa Himself to whom I was offering my praṇāms!” He returned that year for the November Darshan; in 1933 he came early in August & left after the November Darshan, & the next year stayed here from August to October. [A.B. Purani’s Life of Sri Aurobindo, 1978; Shailendra Nath Basu, Sri Aurobinder Sohodhormini Mrinālini Debir ShmritiKotha, 1917, p.17; Nirodbaran, Mrinālini Devi, Sri Mira Trust, 1988, pp.19-21; K.R. Srinivasa Iyengar’s Sri Aurobindo p.365fn]
... Binyon, Laurence, 32, 35, 44, 70, 695 Birley, L.,313,314,324 Birth of Sin, The, 169, 169-72 Birth of the War-God, The, 91, 92ff Blunt, Wilfrid, 242 Bose, Bhupal Chandra, 65,222 Bose, Jogendra (Sri Aurobindo's uncle), 28, 35, 49 Bose, Khudiram, 305, 306 Bose, Rajnarain, 25-27, 49, 62, 222 Bose, Sailen, 308, 309 Bose, Satyendra ...
... their names! Aurobindo and Mrinalini. LOTUS and LOTUS. They were married on 30 April 1901. Mrinalini Ghose's brother Sisir Bose and their father Bhupal Chandra Bose recorded statements concerning Mrinalini and her marriage. From Ranchi, Bihar, Sisir Bose wrote to a relation of his. That was on 25 November 1941. "1. Sri Arabindo 1 advertised in newspapers for a bride. ... not how. Local people say that the Spirit of the Lake Page 121 always returns to the Earth what belongs to her. From Bhupal Chandra Bose —a graduate from the Calcutta University, a State Agricultural Officer, and co-founder with Girish C. Bose of the Bangabasi College —we have a simple biography of his eldest child. This statement was also made from Ranchi, but ten years earlier... student is maintained at the Sister Nivedita School." Contrary to Bhupal C. Bose's statement Sri Aurobindo had quite another understanding on the matter of his wife's diksha or initiation. "I did not take my wife for initiation to Saradeshwari Devi," he stated. "I was given to understand that she was taken there by Sudhira Bose, Debabrata's sister. I heard of it a considerable time afterwards in ...
... practice of Pranayama became very irregular owing to the pressure of political work and at last came to a stop. From October to December 1906 Sri Aurobindo had a serious illness. He stayed with Bhupal Chandra Bose, his father-in-law, at Serpentine Lane, Calcutta. On 4 November he had very high fever and could not write his editorial for the Bande Mataram. He recovered partially at the end of November,... Congress. Sri Aurobindo met Tagore once during this year (1906) at Tagore's Jorasanko Street residence, where he went in answer to the poet's invitation for dinner. A Japanese artist, Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose and some other prominent people were present. Tagore visited the Sanjivani office now and then where he occasionally met Sri Aurobindo. Manmohan began his service as Professor of English at Patna... supporting the Nationalist programme. They were forwarded to the ensuing Congress session at Surat. Sri Aurobindo won over many Moderate leaders to the Nationalist side. Sri Aurobindo met Satyendra Bose and Khudiram Bose. On 15 December 1907 a public meeting was held in Beadon Square. Sri Aurobindo spoke. A resolution supporting the Nationalist programme was passed and was forwarded to the Surat Congress ...
... 1901 Chairman of the College debating society. April 17 Transferred from the College to the Revenue Department, Baroda State. April 30 Marriage to Mrinalini Bose, eldest daughter of Bhupal Chandra Bose, in Calcutta. Afterwards goes to Nainital with Mrinalini and his sister Sarojini. 1902 April 28 On privilege leave until May 29. Sri Aurobindo uses his leaves and... Bombay. August 7 - March 5, 1894 Contributes a series of articles. New Lamps for Old, to the Induprakash. 1894 July 16 - August 27 Contributes a series of articles on Bankim Chandra Chatterji to the Induprakash. 1895 Publication of Songs to Myrtilla, a collection of poems. 1896 Probable year of publication of Urvasie, a narrative poem. ... in the early numbers of this revolutionary journal and always exercises general control over it. April 14 At the Barisal Conference. Afterwards makes a political tour of East Bengal with Bepin Chandra Pal. June Returns to Baroda. June 19 Takes one year's leave without pay from Baroda College. Returns to Bengal. August 6 Declaration of the Bande Mataram. Sri Aurobindo joins the ...
... daughter of Bhupal Chandra Bose, a senior official in Government service. Sri Aurobindo was then 28; the bride Mrinalini, 14. She was beautiful, educated and belonged to an aristocratic family. It was an arranged marriage resulting from an advertisement inserted by Sri Aurobindo, which caught the notice of Principal Girish Chandra Bose of Bangabasi College, a close friend of Bhupal Chandra, and it was... was Girish Babu who negotiated the marriage. The wedding was attended by many distinguished persons of Calcutta, like Jagdish Chandra Bose, Lord Sinha and others. Sri Aurobindo had insisted on the marriage ceremony being performed according to the Hindu rites. And this raised a problem. He was told that he would have to go through prayaschitta, a purificatory ceremony, for having crossed the 'black... generally recognised to be the first of these pioneers and he was followed by many other great men such as Dwarkanath Tagore, his son Debendranath, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Dayanand Saraswati, Sri Ramakrishna, Keshav Chandra Sen, Bankim Chandra Chatterji, Swami Vivekananda, Balgangadhar Tilak , Rabindranath Tagore, and others. The list is by no means exhaustive and I have given the names of only those ...
... 1901 — Chairman of the College debating society. April 17 Transferred from the college to the Revenue Department, Baroda State. April 30 Marriage to Mrinalini Bose, eldest daughter of Bhupal Chandra Bose, in Calcutta. Afterwards goes to Nainital with Mrinalini and his sister Sarojini. 1902 — Works in the office of Huzur Kamdar (aide to the Dewan, the chief administrative... Bombay. August 7 — March 5, 1894 Contributes a series of articles. New Lamps/or Old, to the Indu Prakash. 1894 — July 16-August 27 Contributes a series of articles on Bankim Chandra Chatterji Page 812 to the Indu Prakash. 1895 — Publication of Songs to Myrtilla, a collection of Poems. 1896 — Probable year of publication of Urvasie... early numbers of this revolutionary journal and always exercises general control over it. April 14 At the Barisal Conference. Afterwards, makes a political tour of East Bengal with Bepin Chandra Pal. June Returns to Baroda. Page 813 June 19 Takes one year's leave without pay from Baroda College, returns to Bengal. August 6 Declaration of the Bande Mataram ...
... Aurobindo refers in this note tine occurred in November - December 1906. At that time he stayed in the house of his father-in-law Bhupal Chandra Bose, in Mott's Lane, Calcutta (Sri Aurobindo's statement in the Bande Mataram Case [September 1907]; testimony of Subodh Chandra Mullick in the same case; deposition of Sukumar Sen in the Alipore Bomb Case; a signed document put in as evidence in the same... June April Sri Aurobindo's marriage took place in April 1901, probably on the 29th of the month (handwritten statement by Bhupal Chandra Bose; printed poem written for the occasion dated 16 Baishakh 1308 [29 April 1901]; Baroda State Huzur Order dated 17 April 1901 mentioning a gift of money from the Maharaja to Sri Aurobindo "on... same case [Exhibit 77/2] giving Sri Aurobindo's address on 17 October 1906 as 25/5/1 Mott's Lane). Several other sources mention that Bhupal Chandra Bose lived in Serpentine Lane after 1906. Page 566 Table 2 Other Questions regarding Matters of Fact (Complex Cases) This table lists statements of matters of fact that are not in accord ...
... Sri Aurobindo, then 28, took an important step in his life; he married Mrinalini Bose, who was barely half his age (she was born on 6 March 1887). He had no doubt had several offers, but he seems to have also inserted an advertisement for a bride; and he finally selected Mrinalini, daughter of Bhupal Chandra Bose of Jessore, who had settled down at Ranchi. The marriage Page 65 took... conveniently smoothed over by the obliging brahmin priest who did some parihāra or neutralisation for monetary consideration. Among those who attended the marriage were Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose the scientist and Lady Bose. After marriage the couple went to Deoghar, and from there to Naini Tal, his sister Sarojini also accompanying them; they reached Naini Tal on 29 May and remained for a month... be greater and more unbridgeable than ever. Her cousin, Saurin Bose, came to Pondicherry soon after Sri Aurobindo's arrival, but saw that things were not as yet propitious for Mrinalini joining her husband. The separation continued through the war years, and it has been recorded on the testimony of her brother. Dr. Sisir Kumar Bose, a medical practitioner at Ranchi, that "she always bore the separation ...
... from the Sar Subha's office. In April 1901 Sri Aurobindo was married to Mrinalini Bose, daughter of Bhupal Chandra Bose. Her age was fourteen years (birthday 6 March 1888). Sri Aurobindo had had many prospective offers from which he selected Mrinalini. Principal Girish Chandra Bose, a friend of Bhupal Chandra Bose, arranged the match. The marriage took place at Baithakkhana Road, Calcutta, in one... satisfied all the requirements of the Shastra for a monetary consideration!" Byomkesh Chakravarty, Lord Sinha and Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose and his wife attended the marriage. It was performed according to Hindu rites. The bride was given away by Girish Chandra Bose. Sri Aurobindo was twenty-nine. Sri Aurobindo went to Deoghar after his marriage. From there Mrinalini, Sarojini and himself... making this permanent appointment. Previous to this time Sri Aurobindo had met Shri Charu Chandra Dutt, I. C .S., who was working at Thana. The Bhawani Mandir scheme was explained to Dutt and he joined the revolutionary party. In September 1904 Sri Aurobindo again passed through Thana, met Charu Chandra Dutt and discussed the Bhawani Mandir scheme with Haribhai Modak, editor of Rastramat , Kaka ...
... married Srimati Mrinalini Bose, daughter of Bhupal Chandra Bose. Principal Girish Chandra Bose of the Bangabasi College, Calcutta, had acted as the go-between. Mrinalini Devi was fourteen years old at the time, and Sri Aurobindo twenty- nine. The marriage was celebrated according to Hindu rites, and the function was attended by the great scientist, Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose, Lord Sinha, barrister... maternal grandfather, Rajnarayan Bose, and other relatives, and stopped with them for a few days. This high-souled patriarch, Rishi Rajnarayan Bose, a pioneer nationalist and religious and social reformer of Bengal, was then passing his old age in the peaceful retreat of Deoghar. Sri Aurobindo must have felt a great affinity with him. "Rajnarayan Bose", as Bepin Chandra Pal says, - and no views... Aurobindo. Page 72 here of Bengal only - that Ram Mohan Roy was followed by Maharshi Debendranath Tagore, Rishi Rajnarayan Bose, Pandit Shivnath Shastri, Akshaya Kumar Dutt, Keshav Chandra Sen, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, poet Madhusudan Dutt, Bankim Chandra Chatterji, the inspired seer of the National Anthem, Bande Mataram, and the greatest novelist in Bengali literature. Dr. Rajendra Lal ...
... October to the beginning of December, 1906. He stayed with his father-in-law, Bhupal Chandra Bose, at Serpentine Lane, during his illness. He recovered partially at the end of November, but had a relapse in December. In about the middle of December (11th December) he went to Deoghar, where his maternal grand-father, Rajnarayan Bose, was living, for a change of air, but could not stay there long. He had to... Gupta160, Sachindra K. Sen, Kunjo Lal Shah, Bejoy Kumar Nag, Narendra Nath Bukshi, Puma Chandra Sen, Hemendra Nath Ghose, Aravinda Ghose, Dindayal Bose, Birendra Nath Ghose, Dharani Nath Gupta, Nagendra Nath Gupta, Hem Chandra Sen, Debabrata Bose, Nikhileswar Roy Moulik, Bijoy Chandra Bhattacharya and Pravas Chandra Dev were acquitted. "Thus the enquiry before Mr. Birley occupied 76 days and the... contemporary India, Rabindranath Tagore, Abanindranath Tagore, Jagadish Chandra Bose, P.C. Roy, Bepin Chandra Pal, Brahmabandhava Upadhyaya, Ramananda Chatterji, R.C. Dutt, Okakura, the Japanese art connoisseur, Gokhale, Tilak etc., she exerted a great influence in various fields of the resurgent life of the nation. Jagadish Chandra Bose and P.C. Roy gave her a run of their laboratories, where, in the ...
... regeneration. During October, November and the early part of December, Sri Aurobindo was rather seriously ill, and moved, first to his father-in-law Bhupal Chandra Bose's house in Serpentine Lane, and in December to his grandfather Rajnarain Bose's place in Deoghar. Restored to health, Sri Aurobindo returned to Calcutta well in time to attend the annual session of the Congress, which was to be... 1907. Sri Aurobindo went at once to the Detective Police Office for surrendering himself. From there he was taken to Poddopukur Thana, but was soon released on bail. Two gentlemen. Prof. Girish Bose of Bangabasi College and Nirod Mullick of Wellington Square, stood surety for Sri Aurobindo. 39 Previous to the launching of this prosecution, Sri Aurobindo had confined himself to writing... Aurobindo seems to have answered with a smile: "Not for long will you have to wait!" But the story is not without its anticlimax. Magisterial wrath required a prey and found an easy victim in Apurva Bose, the printer of the Bande Mataram. Thus, "only an unfortunate Printer who knew no English and had no notion what all the pother was about, was sent to prison for a few months to vindicate the ...
... Again, there was never any question of his family getting Sri Aurobindo paired off with Mrinalini. In 1900 he himself chose to wed and got many offers and personally selected the daughter of Bhupal Chandra Bose of Calcutta. A photograph of him and his fourteen-year old wife shows quite a poetic and romantic young man in full English dress sitting close to Mrinalini; there seems no aversion to touching ...
... Palit. 24 September. A letter from Haradhan Baxi of Chandemagore. A reply dictated. The Bhawanipore centre was closed; Kumudbandhu Bagchi very much annoyed. 29 September. A letter from Bhupal Chandra Bose, Sri Aurobindo's father-in-law, about another son-in-law's illness. A letter from Swarnaprabha. 30 September. A letter from Nolineshwar Bhattacharya of Calcutta. 3 October. Haradhan Baxi... Lilavati (Purani's wife), (12) Punamchand, (13) Champa Ben (Punamchand's wife), (14) Rajani Kanta Palit, (15) Dr. Upendra Nath Banerjee, (16) Champaklal, (17) Kanailal Gangulee, (18) Khitish Chandra Dutt, (19) V. Chandra Sekharam, (20) Pujalal, (21) Purushottam Patel, (22) Rati Palit, (23) Rambhai Patel, (24) Nani Bala. ¹ Cf. Sri Aurobindo, On Himself , p. 136. Page 217 ... Chetly Street. Sri Aurobindo remained there till October as the guest of Shanker Chetty. Sri Aurobindo's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Krishna Kumar Mitra, and also his grandmother, Mrs. Rajnaniyan Bose, were very anxious about him and wanted to have authentic news of his safe arrival at Pondichcrry. A week after Sri Aurobindo left Calcutta, a man came to see Krishna Kumar Mitra to inform him that ...
... VIII Houses Sri Aurobindo Lived in and Offices He Was Connected with in Calcutta 1. Subodh Mullick's house, 12, Wellington Street. 2. Bhupal Chandra Bose's house in Serpentine Lane. 3. 23, Scott's Lane. 4. 48, Grey Street (1st floor). 5. Alipore jail. 6. 6, College Square (Krishna K-umar Mitra's house and office... XII Biography of Sri Aurobindo by Jyotish Chandra Ghosh Jotish Chandra Ghosh, Life-Work of Sri Aurobindo (Calcutta: Atma-Shakti Library, 1929), 186 pages. In refreshing contrast to the biographers that have not been able to grasp the significance of Sri Aurobindo's spiritual endeavour, Sj. Jotish Chandra Ghosh shows a remarkable understanding even in the year... Girija draws upon are not accurate and therefore his conclusions, opinions and judgments are naturally falsified. For example: . 1. He draws upon Hem Chandra Kanungo's book, Banglay Biplava Pracheshta , and takes it for granted that Hem Chandra's versions, information, etc. are accurate. But they are not. One instance will suffice, – Hem actually believes that the Bhawani Mandir pamphlet was ...
... from Sri Aurobindo she had borne her trials with great fortitude and steadfast devotion to her husband. There is a letter dated February 19, 1919 from Sri Aurobindo to his father-in-law, Bhupal Chandra Bose, which allows us a glimpse of the depths of Sri Aurobindo's feelings. It reads: ‘My dear father-in-law, I have not written to you with regard to this fatal event in both our lives; words ...
... the most part. The only time that I very nearly conquered sleep was in jail. I used to keep awake for two days and sleep on the third. I did it for ten days. 20-9-1925 A letter from Bhupal Chandra Bose, Sri Aurobindo ’s Page 174 father-in-law, relating the illness of another son-in-law of his. It is a case of tuberculosis. Sri Aurobindo : ( to X) You can write to... them. Knowledge and consciousness are not the same thing. It is not formulated knowledge. It is rather a feeling. Disci ple : But one sees no sign of life in an atom. Sri Aurobindo ; J. C. Bose has shown there is what may be called "fatigue" in metals and plants, and metals are sensitive to poisons. Disciple : There is the reported case of the breaking of an iron rod by some subtle... aesthetically developed? And about buildings .and roads, looking at life in Port Said : could anyone say that the people there are more civilised than the Negroes? Have you read Phanindra Nath Bose's book on the Santhals? He shows that the Santhals are not at all inferior to other classes of Indians in ethics. So also about the Arabian races, Mr. Blunt praises them very highly as a sympathetic ...
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