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Bose, Nandalal : (1882-1966), disciple of Abanindranath Tagore, exceptional artist & teacher at Santiniketan, founder of School of New Calcutta Art, & devout Gandhian.

35 result/s found for Bose, Nandalal

... life and other nature than the physical which all that is merely outward conceals." If there is one man who personified this 'power of the Bengal artists,' it is none other than Nandalal Bose. Nandalal Bose (1882-1966) was Abanindranath's Page 52 first student. It was in 1905, that crucial year for India, that he joined the Art School and became a direct student of its ...

... cannot give what Nature gives; it gives something else. 20 June 1934 On Nandalal Bose's Ideas on Art Nandalal Bose says: "In art three points are essential. We may say that the top point of the triangle is inspiration and the two points of the base are the study of nature and the study of tradition." Nandalal's saying is true; but the three have to be combined and developed and harmonised... harmonised in their combination to a sufficient degree before they bear the fruit of finished or great art. 10 January 1936 Page 685 In a letter to me, Nandalal wrote of love as "the only thing for Art". It is a way of speaking, I suppose, in accordance with his own experience. It is the creative Force which he calls Love—others might call it by another name because they see it in another ...

... century 45 Rabindranath Tagore; autographed in March, 1930 (courtesy Abhay Nahar) 48 Abanindranath Tagore, detail of a dry-point by Mukul Dey 55 A sketch by Nandalal Bose, from Abhay's autograph book 58 Nandalal Bose (courtesy Mrs Jamuna Sen) 67 Sujata, around four 74 From Abhay's autograph book 75 'Progress' bush (courtesy Patrice Marot) 81 Vasudha, a sketch ...

... 18 FEBRUARY 1940 Purani brought a collection of Nandalal Bose's and Abanindranath Tagore's paintings for Sri Aurobindo's inspection SRI AUROBINDO(after seeing one or two of Abanindranath's) : Obviously, on the whole he is a greater. PURANI: Jayantilal says that in some individual paintings Nandalal has shown greater genius, and he considers him potentially a greater artist ...

... faces from my imagination, each with a different character and personality. Page 688 Drawing from imagination is useless. I have the idea of drawing the pictures of Nandalal Bose. You can copy Nandalal—but drawing from Nature is best. 23 April 1933 You said that studies of human figures should be done from nature. I would like to ask if this could be done other ways as well—from ...

... British have a very insufficient force there. I don't understand why Australian soldiers are being sent to England. They ought to have been out there. Then Purani brought in the talk about Nandalal Bose's coming here and said that it must be due to consideration for Tagore that he has suspended his coming for this Darshan. SRI AUROBINDO: Artists can't keep their resolutions! ...

... the soul-centre. I may be permitted to point out that there are at least three "Indian modelers" in the field of painting The late Abanindra Nath Tagore, Sj. Nandalal Bose and Late Goganendranath Tagore. It is a wrong belief that Nandalal belongs to the socalled "Shantiniketan school" or to "the Indian national school" of painting, Abanindra Nath and Nandlal do not represent a "school" but a "movement"... unrestrained expression of any part of our being is not art.* Besides, newness need not always be the result of originality, nor of genius. Novelty and change should not be confused with progress. Nandalal Bose the great Indian artist said; "Too much emphasis on individuality may lead to eccentricity." India that had remained stagnant for about a century and more in her artistic activity was dragged... freely experimented with all techniques and media, Indian as well as foreign, and in each field they have created forms of beauty. Perhaps it is not known to the artists and art critics that Nandlal Bose has done Buddhist paintings in Ceylon and has worked in the Kirti—Mandir at Baroda. Very few know that he decorated two pandals of the Indian National Congress with local simple colours with great ...

... Nivedita took an active interest in Indian art. Already, in New York in June 1900, she had given a lecture on the art of ancient India, at the instance of Vivekananda. She it was who arranged for Nandalal Bose and Asit Kumar Haldar in December 1909 to accompany Mrs. Herringham to Ajanta. She was so happy, so happy and full of praise when she went there herself and saw the two Indian artists' work of copying... articles in Indian magazines and periodicals contributed in a great measure to the understanding of Indian art by the then rather ignorant intellectuals. She left an abiding impression on Nandalal Bose. Page 547 Sister Nivedita "I have seen such spiritedness and radiance and purity on her face, not to be commonly seen, but once seen one can never... Indian culture, Indian science. She "had the eye of sympathy and intuition and a close appreciative self-identification," is how Sri Aurobindo described it. She it was who stood by Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose when he was all alone, encouraged him when he was depressed, and even helped him in the setting up of his laboratory and the preparation of manuscripts of his scientific works, such as Plant Response ...

... 1940 Talks with Sri Aurobindo 22 JANUARY 1940 Purani showed Sri Aurobindo four pictures of Buddha's life by Nandalal Bose published in the Bombay Times . SRI AUROBINDO (after seeing them) : They are not realistic pictures. Buddha remains young till the end. His Nirvana doesn't look like Nirvana but like going to sleep, nor does it show that he had ...

... aloud to him. I never went to any school. After our mother died in 1932, my father often went travelling. So as soon as I was seven, he put me in the Art section, the Kalabhavan. Acharya Nandalal Bose was its Principal. Art and culture were not abstract ideas in Santiniketan in those days; their refinement —beauty in daily living— became ingrained in us. A clean living, clean thoughts and ...

... authentic yet. It has everything else short of this, and he may achieve something. PURANI: He is afraid to come here lest he shouldn't be able to go back. SRI AUROBINDO: He's afraid like Nandalal Bose? PURANI: Yes. He says he has a family and if he takes up poetry here and doesn't go back— (Laughter) SRI AUROBINDO: He is one of the best among Indians who are writing in English. There is ...

... which Sj. Ramānanda Chatterji has supplied plentiful materials in this book; for instance, the three illustrations of the Kaikayi and Manthara incident which are given one after the other,—Sj. Nandalal Bose's original and Page 462 suggestive though not entirely successful picture, Sj. Durandhar's vigorous and character-revealing but too imitatively European work, and Sj. U. Ray's attempt ...

... take it seriously? If I were asked to spin, I would offer passive resistance myself—complete Satyagraha. (Laughter) I wonder what Abanindra Tagore and D would have done. NIRODBARAN: It seems Nandalal Bose did spinning. SRI AUROBINDO: Isn't he a man of an ascetic temperament? There was somebody who even wrote that the Chakra referred to in the Gita is really the Charkha! PURANI: There are many... 1939 Talks with Sri Aurobindo 16 JANUARY 1939 NIRODBARAN: In the Hindustan Standard there is a remarkable story about some Somesh Bose. His wife, dead for twenty years, has been brought back bodily to him, alive again, and is doing sadhana with him. The man who performed the miracle is a Yogi named Bhola Giri. This Yogi also comes every evening to bless... SRI AUROBINDO: There are many possibilities. NIRODBARAN: But is it at all possible to create like this in new flesh and blood? SRI AUROBINDO: What is meant by flesh and blood? Does Somesh Bose's wife live all the time with him or does she come only for a few hours and then go away? If the latter, it looks like a temporary materialisation, and that is quite possible. Bhola Giri obviously knows ...

... body can easily deteriorate; the real basis of endurance is strength; strength is the fundamental Page 347 Bhima ready to lift his family on his shoulders (Jatugriha Daha: Nandalal Bose). This refers to an episode of the Mahabharata when the Pandavas escape from "the house of lac" which has been set on fire. Bhima is shown here as carrying his mother Kunti. (Courtesy: NGMA, New ...

... our formative years were spent in a clean open air, and we imbibed the cultural and artistic atmosphere prevailing there under the influence of the poet himself, and others, like the great artist Nandalal Bose. As was to be expected, we children spent more than half our time monkeying up trees. Then my mother, S. K. Nahar, died. My father, who had built his world around her, suddenly found himself ...

... childhood that he, indeed, was the master of Delight from whom have arisen all manifestations, and that he had incarnated himself in the human form for Page 21 Krishna's birth, Nandalal Bose a work that he as the leader of the world manifestation had to accomplish. The story of Sri Krishna begins with an event much before his birth. More than five thousand years ...

... painting is not yet so bad as European. People are not following the leaders of modernism here, Rabindranath Tagore as a painter is not much imitated. Perhaps because of Abanindranath Tagore and Nandalal Bose. SRI AUROBINDO: They, I suppose, praise Rabindranath but don't encourage others to follow him. (Laughter) In Europe, apart from vulgarisation, there is dictatorship acting against art. In ...

... to express the higher Reality of the worlds above mind. For instance, Shiva and Ganesh need not have their steriotyped forms. As an illustration take the paintings of Shiva by the great artist Nandalal Bose in which the traditional rules of technique have not been strictly adhered to. And yet the work does not seem to be less authentic on that account. The artist of today must be free to have his own ...

... revolution it had modest beginnings. Although there was rough weather throughout the course of its development, there was a widespread appreciation of the attempt. Several leading teachers, such as Nandalal Bose, C. F. Andrews and W. Pearson, joined him in his unusual experiment. In 1913, Tagore was awarded the Nobel Prize for his famous book Gitanjali. Thereafter he was invited to visit many foreign ...

... but I'll tell you just the important part. He was, before coming here, in Shantiniketan. In fact, he was brought up there from when he was a young boy. And he was a great favourite of Tagore and Nandalal Bose the great artist, as well as Abanindranath Tagore. Nishikanto was both a poet and an artist. I think he does some sketches even now; if you are interested, when you go to Corner House, you can pay... not a born poet, I have been made into a poet. There is a big difference between the two. So Rabindranath became very fond of him because he showed a great power of genius. Abanindranath and Nandalal also grew very fond of him. But as he grew older, somehow he felt that Shantiniketan was not the place for him. He was then twenty or twenty-one years old. However, he stayed on as long as he could; ...

... the revival of ancient Indian art. Among her friends were the great artists of the Bengal renaissance, Rabanindranath Tagore and Nandalal Bose. Another of her dreams was the blossoming of Indian science. She encouraged her friend, the great scientist Jagadish Chandra Bose, to publish his important book Plant Response. Sister Nivedita believed that India was the land of great women and she ...

... within himself to conquer all kinds of desires; for that one has to be a fighter. Sudhir had that fighter within him, and it could tame and subdue all kinds of forces. My Uncle Sudhir Sarkar NANDALAL BOSE (Family Friend – then residing in Khulna) One day we were gossiping in the house of our uncle. Suddenly Sri Madhav Bhattacharya, head of the Sanskrit school, taunting my uncle in an insulting... as a flower. When he would refer to Mrinalini Devi, his eyes would be filled with tears. He would refer to her as Ma Mrinalini. She too looked upon him as her son. At his instance, Sri Sailendranath Bose, Mrinalini Devi’s younger brother, wrote the memoires of her life. Sudhir-da used to say, “No one really knows what a great sacrifice Ma Mrinalini made!” Another incident that I remember will reveal ...

... at the reunion. But it is improper for a monk to live with his kindred in his birth-place, so a residence elsewhere had to be Page 216 Shri Chaitanya under Garuda Stambh,by Nandalal Bose, N.G.M.A.,Delhi Page 217 chosen for the new Sannyasin. When consulted, Shashi replied: "Let him live at Nilachala [today's Puri], which is, as it were, next door to Navadvip. People ...

... Carlos, Auroville: p. 20, p. 166. — Rolf Lieser, Auroville: p. 124, p. 129, p. 176, p. 285, p. 317. — Olivier Barot, Auroville: p. 140, p. 148. Chughtai, N.G.M.A., New Delhi: p. 208, p. 214. — Nandalal Bose, N.G.M.A., New Delhi: p. 217. — JMML, New Delhi: p. 268. — Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, Pondicherry, p. 298, p. 312. Page 318 Printed at Auroville Press Auroville 2005 ...

... friendship with Kumaradasa, ruler of Ceylon, who was himself a good poet. Kalidasa is said to have lived in Ceylon and to have been murdered there by a courtesan. It Page 35 Shiva by Nandalal Bose. Courtesy: National Gallery of Modem Arts, Delhi is recounted that when the body of Kalidasa was cremated, the King was so overwhelmed by grief that he leapt into the flames. An Indian ...

... 272, p. 277 — Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust Archives, p. 514, p. 515, p. 520 — Editions Auroville Press Publishers: p. 495 — Jean-Louis Nou, Mathura Museum: p. 96 — Abanindranath Tagore: p. 60 — Nandalal Bose: p. 74, p. 75, p. 81 — Upendra Maharathi, National Gallery of Modern Arts, New Delhi: p. 93. Page 526 Printed at Auroville Press 2005 Auroville, India ...

... Nachiketas Yama and Nachiketas by Nandalal Bose Page 16 Story of Nachiketas This is a great story, which tells us of a young student, who was very keen to know the truth. You might have heard this story earlier, but it is always good to hear this story again and again. This will always strengthen us in our aspiration to know the truth. This ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Nachiketas

... purpose of realising one of his most cherished ideals.' Among the signatories to the appeal for funds for the university centre were: S. Radhakrishnan, K. M. Munshi, R. R. Diwakar, Tan Yun-Shan, Nandalal Bose, Hare- krishna Mahtab. Vice-chancellers of the Universities of Agra, Allahabad, Bombay, Gujrat etc. Publication of Parts Two and Three of Sri Aurobindo's epic Savitri. Most of Part Three were ...

... in handling the sword, Yuddhishthira as a "car-warrior", while Ashwatthama, Drona's son, excelled in the use of all arms. Page 74 Ekiavya practising archery — Painting by Nandalal Bose Drona was a reputed teacher and his physical power was extraordinary. The Mahabharata tells us that Drona was eighty-five at the time of the battle of Kurukshetra, yet he acted "as if he were ...

... mind overwhelmed with agony threw away his bow together with the arrows and sat idle on the chariot in the battle-field. (Bhagavad Gita, 1.47) "The trial of the princes" by Nandalal Bose — a depiction of the archery test conducted by Dronacharya for his students , the Pandavas and the Kauravas. Page 277 Who does not remember king Dushyanta removing ...

... died. She is ready to do anything to bring him back to life. She is not asking for philosophical answers. She Page 80 The departure of the prince Sidharth, Painting by Nandalal Bose needs something concrete to console her and heal her pain. But she is not ready to realize fully the sense of the first Noble Truth: the universality of suffering. In order to teach her that ...

... to call him the “Mad Artist.” Nishikanto’s paintings can be divided into two parts—landscape and symbolic. Even when he was a student of Kalabhavan where he learned the art of painting from Nandalal Bose and received guidance for the same from Abanindranath, there was a distinct mark of symbolism in his paintings. Once on the occasion of Rabindranath’s birthday celebrations, an exhibition of the... scenery around. After they returned they showed their creations to Abanindranath and his elder brother Gaganendranath; both of them were extremely pleased with their work and Abanindranath wrote to Nandalal Bose asking him not to exhibit the paintings with that of the other pupils but to organize a separate exhibition where these paintings would be exclusively displayed. Nishikanto had observed while... had climbed up a coconut tree and pierced several coconuts with the help of a drilling machine and drank its water. When the matter was reported to Tagore he sent the dry coconuts to Jagadish Chandra Bose who, after inspecting them, concluded: “It has been done by some insects with long sting.” And once Nishikanto had snapped the shikha [tuft of hair on the crown of the head] of Sanat Thakur, the Head ...

... devotees. They are my father, mother, friend, son, and brother. Although I am free and my actions are also free, it is Page 208 Shri Chaitanya under Garuda Stambh, by Nandalal Bose (NGMA) my nature to be controlled by my devotees. All of you associate with me birth after birth. It is for your sake that I incarnate in this world. Know for certain that I do not ...

... know what kind of thing is the average human nature. Did you never hear of the answer of Vidyasagar when he was told that a certain man was abusing him,—"Why does ____________________ 1. Nandalal Bose (3 February 1883 -16 August 1966), the great artist. "Transformation" is the meaning given by Mother to Millingtonia hortensis, the flower of the Indian cork tree. Page 92 he abuse... be done, but I cannot promise to be able to do it. September 1,1931 Yes, your poem is full of sweetness and beauty alike of rhythm, expression and feeling—one among your best. Nandalal's 1 "transformation" is very good and will make a charming frontispiece for your book. September 1,1931 Your surprise at your cousin H. L. Roy's behaviour shows as did your dealings ...

... paintings that have a psychic beauty in them ? Page 239 Sri Aurobindo : I don't remember just now, but I saw some had it, not many. You have seen that picture of Nandalal Bose  – Pathahārā, –  "Way-lost" (cow) ? Disciple : Yes. Sri Aurobindo : There is something of it there, and there was another picture by Abanindranath, which I now forget. But generally ...