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Bose, Sudhira : (1889-1920) sister of Debabrata Bose, & classmate of Mrinālini Devi, with whom she lived in close intimacy till Mrinālini’s death in 1918. Sudhira Bose, following her brother, joined the Ramakrishna Mission, & worked as a teacher in the Sister Nivedita School, becoming its head after Sister Christine left for America shortly before World War I. She was killed in a railway accident at Benares.
... notable friendships during this time. One of the two was Miss Swarnalata Das, M. A.... Mrinalini's second friend was Miss Sudhira Bose , a classmate of hers with whom she lived in closest intimacy till the day of her death. Sudhira was a younger sister of late Debabrata Bose, an associate of Sri Aurobindo in the Alipore Bomb Case, who after his acquittal at the trial , turned a Sannyasin1 and joined... she passed away, she had been selling her ornaments and giving away the proceeds in charity and what remained unsold, she left with her friend Miss Sudhira Bose, at the time Lady Superintendent of the Sister Nivedita School. Soon after her death Sudhira sold off the ornaments and the whole of the proceeds, some two thousand rupees was, with Sri Aurobindo's permission, made over to the Ramakrishna Mission... is maintained at the Sister Nivedita School." Contrary to Bhupal C. Bose's statement Sri Aurobindo had quite another understanding on the matter of his wife's diksha or initiation. "I did not take my wife for initiation to Saradeshwari Devi," he stated. "I was given to understand that she was taken there by Sudhira Bose, Debabrata's sister. I heard of it a considerable time afterwards in Pondicherry ...
... feathers of birds. She was sent to a Calcutta Brahmo Girls' School for studies and there contracted a life-long friendship with one Sudhira Bose whose brother belonged to Sri Aurobindo's revolutionary party and later joined the Ramakrishna Mission as a sannyasi. Girish Chandra Bose, a very intimate friend of Mrinalini's father, almost like an elder brother, used to look after Mrinalini in Calcutta. He was... unearthly person was snatched away from my world, I felt that death alone was my resort without him. But still death did not come. At that moment Sudhira 4 came and clasped me.' Henceforth Mrinalini began to frequent the Ramakrishna Ashram, escorted by Sudhira." Sri Aurobindo was in that epoch the undisputed leader in the mind of the people. Mrinalini recounts: "So when we visited the girls' school... pranams. I heard whispers that Aurobindo's wife had come to bless them. After coming out I asked Sudhira, 'Knowing everything why have you brought me here?' She replied smiling, 'Dear sister, you are a fire hidden under ashes. How will you conceal yourself?' " Anxious about her disturbed mental condition, Sudhira introduced Mrinalini to Sarada Mata, Sri Ramakrishna's wife, and prayed for her help. She ...
... was in control of the paper; the editorials during that period were hers. (5) I did not take my wife for initiation to Sri Saradamani Devi; I was given to understand that she was taken there by Sudhira Bose, Debabrata's sister. I heard of it a considerable time afterwards in Pondicherry. I was glad to know that she had found so great a spiritual refuge but I had no hand in bringing it about. (6) ...
... of my father K. D. Ghose. My father had been the all-powerful man there. There was nobody that hadn't received 1. Debabrata Bose was committed for trial in the Alipore Bomb Case, but was acquitted. He later became Swami Prajnananda. His sister, Sudhira Bose, was a bosom friend of Mrinalini Devi, Sri Aurobindo's wife. Page 105 some benefit from him and none had returned from... Khulna. I went to Khulna long after returning from England." Sri Aurobindo reminisced. "Before the Swadeshi movement started, Debabrata Bose 1 and myself went on a tour of Bengal to study the conditions of the people. We lived simply on bananas. D. Bose was very persuasive and could win anybody round. We found the people steeped in pessimism, a black weight of darkness weighing over the whole... there that Dr. Ghose met the Akroyd family and became well acquainted with it. When Annette came to India in December 1872, Miss Sharpe reciprocated Rajnarain's gesture and sent presents for the Bose family. One day, on 10 March 1873 to be precise, Rajnarain called on Annette at 14 South Circular Road, at the house of M. M. Ghose, whose guest she was. She was appreciative of the comforts provided ...
... younger brothers. They were from an aristocratic family from Hyderabad. Prasanta, meaning pacific, was a devout Muslim and wanted to impose his will on his brothers and beautiful sisters, Chinmayi and Sudhira. This is a line from AE's poem "Krisna". sanskrita totaka: a poetical metre in Sanskrit. Tukaram: famous poet and saint of Maharashtra. He was a senior contemporary... Arpan - Aarhal E. (Eli) Stanley Jones (1884-1973): A 20th Century Methodist Christian missionary and theologian, remembered for his interreligious lectures in India. Subash Chandra Bose (23.1.1897). Dilipda's intimate from their college days; a great patriot, highly intelligent; great organizational skill; politician of no mean repute; founder of the political party "Forward... Oxford or Tractarian movement. Sri Kumadesh Sen, nickname Badan, was a singer. He was very fond of Dilipda's music. Chalantikā: a Bengali dictionary compiled in 1936 by Rajsekhar Bose; aka Parasuram (16.3.1880-27.4.1950). Kanailal Ganguly: Came to Sri Aurobindo and Mother in 1923 at the age of 22. Mother, seeing his photograph, seems to have remarked, "A highly psychical ...
... but one sentence from Sri Aurobindo's letter to me dated 5-12-1944: "I did not take my wife for initiation to Sri Saradeshwari Devi; I was given to understand that she was taken there by Sudhira Bose, Debabrata's sister. I heard of it a considerable time afterwards in Pondicherry. I was glad to know that she had found so great a spiritual refuge, but I had no hand in bringing it about." ...
... initiation from Sri Sarada Devi, the saintly wife of Sri Ramakrishna. Sri Aurobindo once remarked in this connection: "I was given to understand that she was taken there (to Sri Sarada Devi) by Sudhira Bose, Debabrata's 46 sister. I heard of it a consider- able time afterwards in Pondicherry. I was glad to know that she had found so great a spiritual refuge, but I had no hand in bringing it about... married Srimati Mrinalini Bose, daughter of Bhupal Chandra Bose. Principal Girish Chandra Bose of the Bangabasi College, Calcutta, had acted as the go-between. Mrinalini Devi was fourteen years old at the time, and Sri Aurobindo twenty- nine. The marriage was celebrated according to Hindu rites, and the function was attended by the great scientist, Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose, Lord Sinha, barrister... his maternal grandfather, Rajnarayan Bose, and other relatives, and stopped with them for a few days. This high-souled patriarch, Rishi Rajnarayan Bose, a pioneer nationalist and religious and social reformer of Bengal, was then passing his old age in the peaceful retreat of Deoghar. Sri Aurobindo must have felt a great affinity with him. "Rajnarayan Bose", as Bepin Chandra Pal says, - and ...
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