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Bossuet : Jacques-Benigne (1627-1704), French bishop, spokesman for Rights of the French Church against papal authority, chiefly remembered for his literary works.

4 result/s found for Bossuet

... and power. Rhetoric is a word with which we can batter something we do not like; but rhetoric of one kind or another has been always a great part of the world's best literature; Demosthenes, Cicero, Bossuet and Burke are rhetoricians, but their work ranks with the greatest prose styles that have been left to us. In poetry the accusation of rhetoric might be brought against such lines as Keats' Thou ...


... power. Rhetoric is a word with which we can batter something we do not like; but rhetoric of one kind or another has been always a great part of the world's best literature; Demosthenes, Cicero, Bossuet and Burke are rhetoricians, but their work ranks with the greatest prose styles that have been left to us. In poetry the accusation of rhetoric might be brought against such lines as Keats's ...

... But tragedy struck suddenly when Saint- Exupery's brother Francois, who was studying with him there, fell ill, returned to France and died. In the same year, 1917, Saint-Exupery joined the Ecole Bossuet in Paris to study for the French Navy entrance examination. Contrary to his expectations, he failed. He then registered without enthusiasm at the School of Fine Arts for a course in architecture. He ...

... unmasked as the prolific parent of most of life's evils. The progressive rationalistic mind of today, if it is searchingly honest, will readily admit this truth, but it will ask in amazement, as Bossuet asked Madame Guyon, "If the desires are renounced, how will the springs of life function ? Will not life come to a dead stop?” The astounded interrogation is not so naive as it may appear to a ...
