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Brahmanaspati : Lord of the divine Word, the Creator by the Word.

24 result/s found for Brahmanaspati

... verily, he is our steed in the shock, even Brahmanaspati. (14) All happeneth according to the desire of Brahmanaspati, true is his heart’s motion when he meaneth to do his mighty work, he who drove upward the cows of Light and divided them for the Heaven; it was as if a vast and wide stream flowed out in its force in separate currents. (15) O Brahmanaspati, let us be charioted utterly in a felicity... perfectly established, it is he in the battle, even Brahmanaspati; manifested in the vision when by the thought of the mind he bringeth substance to us and possessings, then indeed Surya burneth supremely with his heat and force. (10) Existent widely in all and existent in front of us these are the delightful perfections of knowledge of Brahmanaspati when first he raineth his blessings, these are the... offering; by birth he passes beyond birth,—he of whom Brahmanaspati, Master of the Soul, maketh his comrade. Page 257 (2) By his own mights he conquers the outer mights that would conquer him, by the herds of light he makes wide his felicity and awakens by the self, and he increases his creation and his extending,—he of whom Brahmanaspati, Master of the Soul, maketh his comrade. (3) As ...


... dependence on the Vedic understanding of Brahmanaspati, Rudra and Vishnu. The Veda describes Brahmanaspati as the Creator by the Word. Brahmanaspati brings out light and physical cosmos out of the darkness of the inconscient ocean and speeds the forms of conscious beings upward to their supreme goal. It is from this creative aspect of Brahmanaspati that the later conception of Brahma, the... the Creator seems to have developed. Both Brahmanaspati and Rudra are closely connected with each other in the Veda. The upward movement of Brahmanaspati needs a special uplifting force, and Rudra supplies this force. Rudra is named in the Veda the Mighty One of heaven. He is described as the One who leads the upward evolution of the Conscious being; his force battles against all evil... connection with other gods; but this is because the functions they fulfilled was of a Page 83 constant and immediate importance in the Vedic discipline. On the other hand, Vishnu, Rudra, Brahmanaspati, the Vedic originals of the later Puranic Triad Vishnu-Shiva-Brahma, provided the conditions of the Vedic work and stood themselves behind the more present and active gods, but are less close ...


... Vedic discipline. On the other hand, Vishnu, Rudra, Brahmanaspati, the Vedic originals of the later Puranic Triad, Vishnu-Shiva-Brahma, provide the conditions of the Vedic work and assist it from behind the more present and active gods, but are less close to it and in appearance less continually concerned in its daily movements. Brahmanaspati is the creator by the Word; he calls light and visible... visible cosmos out of the darkness of the inconscient ocean and speeds the formations of conscious being upward to their supreme goal. It is from this creative aspect of Brahmanaspati Page 345 that the later conception of Brahma the Creator arose. For the upward movement of Brahmanaspati's formations Rudra supplies the force. He is named in the Veda the Mighty One of Heaven, but he begins... the Veda indeed its fundamental conception forbids the Puranic arrangement of the supreme Trinity and the lesser gods. To the Vedic Rishis there was only one universal Deva of whom Vishnu, Rudra, Brahmanaspati, Agni, Indra, Vayu, Mitra, Varuna are all alike forms and cosmic aspects. Each of them is in himself the whole Deva and contains all the other gods. It was the full emergence in the Upanishads of ...


... Agni and Indra are not greater than Vishnu and Rudra. In the Veda, Vishnu, Rudra and Brahmanaspati provide the conditions of the Vedic work and assisted from behind the more present and active Gods. Brahmanaspati is the Creator by the word, and it is from this creative aspect of Brahmanaspati that the Puranic conception of Brahma, the Creator, arose. For the upward movement of Bra... pantheon. It must, however, be remarked that the predominance of this Trinity was a result of the significance that was attached to these three Gods in the Veda. Brahma evidently developed out of Brahmanaspati, Vishnu was already recognised as the all-pervading Godhead and Vishnu has a close connection with Rudra or Shiva. It is true that in the Veda larger number of hymns were devoted to Agni ...


... – 26), Kurma Gartsamada or Gritsamada (27 – 28). This series begins with the manuscript heading: “Veda. Hymns of Gritsamada. Second Mandala /Hymn 23. To Brahmanaspati. The Master of the Soul”. The headings for Suktas 24 – 26 repeat “To Brahmanaspati” after the hymn number. Sukta 27 is headed “Hymn to the Adityas—27.” and Sukta 28 “Hymn 28. To Varuna.” Entries of 29 and 30 March 1914 in the Record of... Reproduced from the same ledger as the preceding. This translation was written as a single paragraph, without the Devanagari text, under the heading: “The Eighteenth Hymn/Medhatithi Kanwa’s Hymn to Brahmanaspati,/Master of the Soul.” Suktas 24 – 25, 28 – 30 . Rishi: Shunahshepa Ajigarti. These translations were written under the heading “Hymns of Shunahshepa Ajigarti” in a notebook used by Sri Aurobindo ...


... perfection of mind be created in us; foster the thoughts, bring out the mind's multiple powers; destroy all poverties that they bring who seek to conquer the Aryan. Commentary Brihaspati, Brahmanaspati, Brahma are the three names of the god to whom the Rishi Vamadeva addresses this mystic hymn of praise. In the later Puranic theogonies Brihaspati and Brahma have long become separate deities. Brahma... the Creator, one of the Three who form the great Puranic Trinity; Brihaspati is a figure of no great importance, spiritual teacher of the gods, and incidentally guardian of the planet Jupiter; Brahmanaspati, the middle term which once linked the two, has disappeared. To restore the physiognomy of the Vedic deity we have to reunite what has been disjoined and correct the values of the two Page 317... conceptions came to be specialised in the broader, but less subtle and profound Puranic symbolism into Page 318 Brahma, the Creator, and Brihaspati, the teacher of the gods. In the name, Brahmanaspati, the two varying stresses are unified and equalised. It is the link-name between the general and the special aspects of the same deity. Brihaspati is he who has established firmly the limits ...


... living image of their deity, grow into divine births, form within himself vast and luminous worlds for his soul to inhabit. By the word of the Truth the all-engendering Surya creates; by that rhythm Brahmanaspati evokes the worlds and Twashtri fashions them; finding the all-puissant Word in his intuitive heart, shaping it in his mind the human thinker, the mortal creature can create in himself all the forms... Trinity, largest puissances of the supreme Godhead, make possible this development and upward evolution; they support in its grand lines and fundamental energies all these complexities of the cosmos. Brahmanaspati is the Creator; by the word, by his cry he creates,—that is to say, he expresses, he brings out all existence and conscious knowledge and movement of life and eventual forms from the darkness of ...


... in his struggle perish in us, O master of the soul, protect us (or let not slaughter and injury etc). (4) That hero smiteth and is not hurt, whom Indra and Brahmanaspati and Soma befriend, a mortal man. (5) Him mortal, O Brahmanaspati, let Soma protect from harm Page 208 and Indra, both auspicious grown. (6) I have laboured towards the wondrous master of the house, the beloved ...


... hymn. Without going wholly into the question, I shall only refer the reader to the hymn ofMedhatithi Kanwa, to Brahmanaspati, the eighteenth of the first Mandala, and the epithets and functions there attributed to the Master of the Brahman. My suggestion is that in the Rigveda Brahmanaspati is the master of the soul, primarily, the master of speech, secondarily, as the expression of the soul. The immense ...


... are shut 5 to you (or, opened) by the months and the years; without effort one (world) moves in the other, and it is these that Brahmanaspati has made manifest to knowledge"; vayunā means knowledge, and the two forms are divinised earth and heaven which Brahmanaspati created. These are the four eternal worlds hidden in the guhā , the secret, unmanifest or superconscient parts of being which although ...


... Now in the 18th hymn, a hymn of Medhatithi to Brahmanaspati, I have passed over designedly a verse in which we have a direct reference to that goddess Dakshina whom I suppose to be the female energy of Daksha, the divine master of the viveka— Twam tam Brahmanaspate Soma Indrascha martyam    Dakshiná pátu anhasah “Do thou, O Brahmanaspati, & may Soma & Indra and Dakshina protect that mortal ...


... the strainer is spread wide for thee, O Master of the soul; prabhur gātrāṇi paryeṣi viśvataḥ , becoming manifest thou pervadest or goest about the limbs everywhere. Soma is addressed here as Brahmanaspati, a word sometimes applied to other gods, but usually reserved for Brihaspati, Master of the creative Word. Brahman in the Veda is the soul or soul-consciousness emerging from the secret heart ...


... आस्क्राः ? S. তোমাকর্ত্তৃক অপরিতেক্ত হেইয়া Hymn 44 (1) Dadhikra first of you (or for you) I call, the Aswins, Dawn & Agni kindled high & Bhaga for my increase; Indra & Vishnu & Pushan, Brahmanaspati & the sons of Aditi, Earth & Heaven & the waters & Swar. अपः waters or the Antariksha? (2) Let us awaken by adoration Dadhikra & impel him upward; let us approach the sacrifice & seating Ila ...


... Brihaspati is also an Angirasa and one who becomes the Angiras. He is, as we have seen, closely associated with the Angiras Rishis in the winning of the luminous cattle and he is so associated as Brahmanaspati, as the Master of the sacred or inspired word ( brahma ); for by his cry Vala is split to pieces and the cows answer lowing with desire to his call. As powers of Agni these Rishis are like him ...


... opposed to the female powers, who are called gnā . × Also found in the form bṛh (Brihaspati, Brahmanaspati); and there seem to have been older forms, bṛhan and brahan . It is from brahan (gen. brahnas ) that, in all probability, we have the Greek phren, phrenos, signifying mind. ...


... passionate, O Mitra. Be bright and revealing, O Dawn; O Night, be solemn and pregnant. O Life, be full, ready and buoyant; O Death, lead my steps from mansion to mansion. Harmonise all these, O Brahmanaspati. Let me not be subject to these gods, O Kali. Why does Sri Aurobindo give more importance to Kali? It is good and necessary to possess all the divine qualities that these gods represent ...


... Brahman, that is to say, the true message of the inner Self was invoked. When man gets a purified mind and purified intelligence, he discovers the real Being within and another name of this Being is Brahmanaspati (the Lord of the inner Self). Finally comes in Sarasvati who is the power of the Infinite Truth in which the multiple aspects of the truth of the universal God are manifest. Page 104 ...

... passionate, O Mitra. Be bright and revealing, O Dawn; O Night, be solemn and pregnant. O Life, be full, ready and buoyant; O Death, lead my steps from mansion to mansion. Harmonise all these, O Brahmanaspati. Let me not be subject to these gods, O Kali. 1 So Sri Aurobindo makes Kali the great liberating power who ardently impels you towards progress and leaves no ties within you which would ...


... especially of the four great luminous Kings, Varuna, Mitra, Bhaga, Aryaman. Indra and the Maruts and the Ribhus, Vayu, Agni, Soma and the Ashwins are indeed the principal agents; Vishnu, Rudra, Brahmanaspati, the future mighty Triad, preside over the indispensable conditions,—for the one paces out the vast framework of the inner worlds in which our soul-action takes place, the other in his wrath and ...


... pantheon. They had to give precedence to Puranic deities who developed out of the early company but assumed larger cosmic functions, Vishnu, Rudra, Brahma—developing from the Vedic Brihaspati, or Brahmanaspati,—Shiva, Lakshmi, Durga. Thus in India the change in the gods was less complete, the earlier deities became the inferior divinities of the Puranic pantheon and this was largely due to the survival ...


... Trinity, largest puissances of the supreme Godhead, make possible this development and upward evolution; they support in its grand lines and fundamental energies all these complexities of the cosmos. Brahmanaspati is the Creator; by the word, by his cry he creates—that is to say he expresses, he brings out all existence and conscious knowledge and movement of life and eventual forms from the darkness of the ...


... and passionate, O Mitra. Be bright and revealing, O Dawn; O Night, be solemn and pregnant. O Life, be full, ready & buoyant; O Death, lead my steps from mansion to mansion. Harmonise all these, O Brahmanaspati. Let me not be subject to these gods, O Kali. 57) When, O eager disputant, thou hast prevailed in a debate, then art thou greatly to be pitied; for thou hast lost a chance of widening knowledge ...


... passionate, O Mitra. Be bright and revealing, O Dawn; O Night, be solemn and pregnant. O Life, be full, ready and buoyant; O Death, lead my steps from mansion to mansion. Harmonise all these, O Brahmanaspati. Let me not be subject to these gods, O Kali. 1 He invokes all these Vedic gods and tells each one to take possession of him; and THEN he tells Kali to free him from their influence! It ...


... passionate, O Mitra. Be bright and revealing, O Dawn; O Night, be solemn and pregnant. O Life, be full, ready and buoyant; O Death, lead my steps from mansion to mansion. Harmonise all these, O Brahmanaspati. Let me not be subject to these gods, O Kali. 75 Haven't we here the very quintessence of the Veda? Elsewhere Sri Aurobindo's imagination and intellectual brilliance fuse into gem-like ...