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Brihaspati Brihuspathy Brihuspati : (1) In Vedas Bhrihaspati is also called Brāhmaṇaspati; (2) In Puranas, he is the Guru of Indra & the gods; (3) a planet.

82 result/s found for Brihaspati Brihuspathy Brihuspati

... is neutral. The Moon is friends with all planets except Rahou, Ketou & Brihaspati who are enemies. Mangal has as friends the Sun, Brihaspati, Rahou, Ketou and Shani, as enemies the Moon & Mercury, as a neutral Shukra. Budha has as friends the Sun, Moon, Brihaspati, Rahou, Ketou and Shukra, as enemies Mangal and Shani. Brihaspati has as friends the Sun, Mangal, Budha, Rahou & Ketou, as enemies the ... neutral Shani. Shukra has as friends the Sun, Moon, Budha, Shani, Rahou & Ketou, as enemy Brihaspati, as a neutral Mangal. Shani has as friends the Sun, Moon and Budha, as enemies Mangal, & Brihaspati, as neutrals Rahou, Ketou & Shukra. Rahou & Ketou have common enemies, the Sun & Moon, friends in each other, Brihaspati, Shukra and Shani, neutrals in Budha & Mangal. These relations are fixed by the past... appropriate. Mars is Mangal, the auspicious, euphemistically so termed because of his great malignancy; Mercury is Budha, the clever, intellectual god, son of the Moon and Tara wife of Brihaspati; Jupiter is Brihaspati, Prime Minister of Indra, spiritual and political adviser of the Gods; Venus is Sukra, who occupies the same position to the Titans; Saturn is the malevolent Shani, child of the Sun. Rahou ...

... योनिम् ॥२॥ 2) They, O Brihaspati, vibrating with the impulse of their movement, rejoicing in perfected consciousness wove for us abundant, rapid, invincible, wide, the world from which this being was born. That do thou protect, O Brihaspati. बृहस्पते या परमा परावदत आ त ऋतस्पृशो नि षेदुः । तुभ्यं खाता अवता अद्रिदुग्धा मध्वः श्चोतन्त्यभितो विरप्शम् ॥३॥ 3) O Brihaspati, that which is the highest... who seek to conquer the Aryan. Commentary Brihaspati, Brahmanaspati, Brahma are the three names of the god to whom the Rishi Vamadeva addresses this mystic hymn of praise. In the later Puranic theogonies Brihaspati and Brahma have long become separate deities. Brahma is the Creator, one of the Three who form the great Puranic Trinity; Brihaspati is a figure of no great importance, spiritual teacher... Secret of the Veda Chapter IX Brihaspati, Power of the Soul Rig Veda IV.50 यस्तस्तम्भ सहसा वि ज्मो अन्तान्बृहस्पतिस्त्रिषधस्थो रवेण । तं प्रत्नास ऋषयो दीध्यानाः पुरो विप्रा दधिरे मन्द्रजिह्वम् ॥१॥ l) He who established in his might the extremities of the earth, Brihaspati, in the triple world of our fulfilment, by his cry, on him the pristine ...

... the gods, O Mighty One, O Brihaspati, who are conscious in thought, taste but thy share of the sacrificial enjoyment; as Surya gives being to his bright energies by the wide illumination of Mahas, so art thou the begetter even of all the gods of Soul. (3) Assailing and preventing all plunderers and all darknesses thou ascendest thy luminous car of the Truth, O Brihaspati, that terrible chariot which... woo the with our thoughts so that we may possess thy law of action; O Brihaspati, whosoever putteth crookedness in us, him may his own violent and troubled unease slay. (7) Yea, and whosoever would oppress (limit) us without sin Page 253 of ours, whatsoever mortal power of undelight and Wolf of the plateau, O Brihaspati, turn him from our path, make for us an easy going towards this ma... afflictest the foe and overpowerest in our battles, thou art the true in the movement, O Brihaspati, and the tamer even of the strong and fierce who exults in his strength. (12) He who with an undivine mind striveth after knowledge and in his fierceness entering our mentality seeketh to hurt our expression, Brihaspati, let not his stroke reach us, may we cast out the passion of him of evil impulse when ...

... outflowing stream or sea of the Light. Brihaspati is more frequently the hero of this victory. "Brihaspati, coming first into birth from the great Light in the supreme ether, seven-mouthed, multiply-born, seven-rayed, dispelled the darknesses; he with his host that possess the stubh and the Rik broke Vala into pieces by his cry. Shouting Brihaspati drove upwards the bright herds that speed the... the offering and they lowed in reply" (IV.50). And again in VI.73.1 and 3, "Brihaspati who is the hill-breaker, the first-born, the Angirasa.... Brihaspati conquered the treasures ( vasūni ), great pens this god won full of the kine." The Maruts also, singers of the Rik like Brihaspati, are associated, though less directly in this divine action. "He whom ye foster, O Maruts, shall break open the pen"... unity of its sense and its symbolism. "He who is the hill-breaker, first-born, possessed of the truth, Brihaspati, the Angirasa, the giver of the oblation, pervader of the two worlds, dweller in the heat and light (of the sun), our father, roars aloud as the Bull to the two firmaments. Brihaspati who for man the voyager has fashioned that other world in the calling of the gods, slaying the Vritra-forces ...

... an Agni-power, he is also a Brihaspati-power. Brihaspati is called more than once the Angirasa, as in VI.73.1, yo adribhit prathamajā ṛtāvā bṛhaspatir āṅgiraso haviṣmān , "Brihaspati, breaker of the hill (the cave of the Panis), the first-born who has the Truth, the Angirasa, he of the oblation." And in X.47.6 we have a still more significant description of Brihaspati as the Angirasa; pra saptagum... 166 in the sacrifice." It would almost seem that Agni himself is the sage, the most luminous of the Angirases. On the other hand, the description seems to be more appropriate to Brihaspati. For Brihaspati is also an Angirasa and one who becomes the Angiras. He is, as we have seen, closely associated with the Angiras Rishis in the winning of the luminous cattle and he is so associated as ... saptagum ṛtadhītiṁ sumedhāṁ bṛhaspatiṁ matir acchā jigāti, ya āṅgiraso namasā upasadyaḥ . "The thought goes towards Brihaspati the seven-rayed, the truth-thinking, the perfect intelligence, who is the Angirasa, to be approached with obeisance." In II.23.18, also, Brihaspati is addressed as Angiras in connection with the release of the cows and the release of the waters; "For the glory of thee the hill parted ...

... same role, particularly Brihaspati. And in hymn VI. 73 we have a passage which is strongly reminiscent of Burrow's first verse. In Sri Aurobindo's version it reads: "Brihaspati who for man the voyager has fashioned that other world in the calling of the gods, slaying the Vritra-forces breaks open the cities, conquering foes and overpowering unfriends in his battles. Brihaspati conquers for him the treasures... treasures, great pens this god wins full of the kine, seeking the conquest of the world of Swar, unassailable; Brihaspati slays the Foe by the hymns of illumination (arkaih)." 27 Side by side with Burrow's "enemies... overpowered and slain", we may note Brihaspati who, "overpowering unfriends", "slays the foes". Again we may put "Mahāvailastha" along with "great pens... full of the kine". The ...

... pītavāsasam, om ādityaṁ viṣṇuṁ sūryam brahmāṇaṁ ca bṛhaspatim. Om to the God, having two hands, holding Conch and Discus and wearing a yellow robe. Om to Vishnu, to Surya, to Brahma and to Brihaspati. ( Source unknown ) ॐ स्वस्ति न इन्द्रो वृद्धश्रवाः स्वस्ति नः पूषा विश्ववेदाः। स्वस्ति नस्ताक्ष्यो अरिष्टनेमिः स्वस्ति नो बृहस्पतिर्दधातु ॥६॥ om svasti na indro vṛddhaśravāḥ svasti... the all-knowing Fosterer also bring to us the Supreme Welfare. And the Fashioner whose chariot wheels move on unhurt, may he too bring to us the Supreme Welfare. And the same Supreme Welfare may Brihaspati establish in us. Rigveda 1.89.6 Translated by Nolini Kanta Gupta CWNKG Vol. 8, p. 8 3 Fafta 3 Falta Falta il om svasti om svasti om svasti. OM Peace OM Peace OM Peace ...

... hearing, inspiration, knowledge”. II.30. 1 Savitri—Indra Ahighna, the Waters 2 Vritra, Aditi, the Waters. 3 Indra, Vritra. 4 Brihaspati, Indra, Vritra. 5 Indra 6 Indra, Soma 7 Indra 8 Saraswati Marutvati, Indra 9 Brihaspati or Indra & Brihaspati. 10 Brihaspati. 11 Maruts. Page 473 II.31. 1 Image of the birds around the nest with double meaning वयः—“birds” and “births in... or inertia cf तंन्द्रन् 8.9.10. “The Enemy” Saraswati “मरुत्वती” slays the enemies of whom the chief is that famous वृषभं शंडिकानां, evidently Vritra, slain by Indra. Page 472 Brihaspati makes visible, manifests or else discerns, distinguishes अभिख्याय & slays them himself तिगितेन (तेजसा) which can only mean the vajra. He who hurts man is to be exposed on all sides to द्रुह्. These ...

... Written by Sri Aurobindo Related Directly to Record of Yoga, c. 1910-1931 Record of Yoga Undated Notes, c. January 1927 Amrita— Moses, Brihaspati, Hermes, Michael Angelo, Rudra, Pythagoras. Bijoy Child Krishna, St Jean, Kartikeya, child Vishnu Barin Nefdi. Apollo-Aryaman St Hilaire— Ramakrishna—(The Four) Kshitish ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... forceful with the luminous strength and joy of the Soma and increased by the Word, aid the Angirases to recover the herds of the Sun. Brihaspati is the Master of the creative Word. If Agni is the supreme Angiras, the flame from whom the Angirases are born, Brihaspati is the one Angiras with the seven mouths, the seven rays of the illuminative thought and the seven words which express it, of whom these... the complete thought of the Truth, the seven-headed, which wins the fourth or divine world for man by winning for him the complete spiritual wealth, object of the sacrifice. Therefore Agni, Indra, Brihaspati, Soma are all described as winners of the herds of the Sun and destroyers of the Dasyus who conceal and withhold them from man. Saraswati, who is the stream of the Word or inspiration of the Truth ...

... enter into that life which is founded in the Gods. Ordain weal unto us Indra of high-heaped glories; ordain weal unto us Pushan, the all-knowing Sun; ordain weal unto us Tarkshya Arishtanemi; Brihaspati ordain weal unto us. OM. Peace! peace! peace! ओमित्येतदक्षरमिदं सर्वं तस्योपव्याख्यानं भूतं भवद् भविष्यदिति सर्वमोंकार एव । यच्चान्यत् त्रिकालातीतं तदप्योङ्कार एव ॥१॥ 1) OM is this imperishable... enter into that life which is founded in the Gods. Ordain weal unto us Indra of high-heaped glories; ordain weal unto us Pushan, the all-knowing Sun; ordain weal unto us Tarkshya Arishtanemi; Brihaspati ordain weal unto us. OM. Peace! peace! peace! Page 196 ...

... difficult illumination. But that this idea of Time, of the months and years is used as a symbol seems to be clear from other passages of the Veda, notably from Gritsamada's hymn to Brihaspati, II.24. In this hymn Brihaspati is described driving up the cows, breaking Vala by the divine word, brahmaṇā , concealing the darkness and making Swar visible. The first result is the breaking open by force of... the Truth and Page 178 Bliss. This is why the seven-headed thought,—that is to say, the knowledge of the divine existence with its seven heads or powers, the seven-rayed knowledge of Brihaspati, saptagum , has to be confirmed or held in thought in the waters, the seven rivers, that is to say the seven forms of divine consciousness are to be held in the seven forms or movements of divine... seers, rise up again into the great path," mahas pathaḥ , the path of the Truth, or the great and wide realm, Mahas of the Upanishads. We begin now to unravel the knot of this Vedic imagery. Brihaspati is the seven-rayed Thinker, saptaguḥ, saptaraśmiḥ , he is the seven-faced or seven-mouthed Angiras, born in many forms, saptāsyas tuvijātaḥ , nine-rayed, ten-rayed. The seven mouths are the seven ...

... वाग्धि बृहती तस्या एष पतिः ॥११॥ 11) By the strength of Angiras, Brihaspati worshipped OM as Breath in the mouth, and men think of the Breath as Brihaspati, because Speech is the great goddess and Breath is the lord of Speech. तेन तं हायास्य उद्गीथमुपासांचक एतमु एवायास्यं मन्यन्त आस्याद् यदयते ॥१२॥ 12) By the strength of Brihaspati, Ayasya worshipped OM as Breath in the mouth and men think of the ...

... 102 Brahma Sutra, 88 Brahmacharin, 33,37,63 Brahmacharya, 33,52 Brahman, 24, 28,30,37 Brahmanas, 66,87,89 Brahmin, 42, 52 Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, 30,70 Brihaspati, 13,14 Brihat, 12, 47 British, 50, 84 Buddha, 83 Buddhi, 28 Buddhism, 8,46,59,84 Bull, 73 Caste, 54 Casteism, 62 Charanavyuha, 91 Chaturvarna ...

... leading, Indra following, the other gods succeeding." Usha would not be left behind, she is with her brothers, her vision of all-round seeing restored by now. The Angirasa Rishis, led by their eldest Brihaspati, are very much the companions-in-arms of the gods. And with them all is Soma, to keep up their spirits. The advance resumes under the cover of darkness. All night, stumbling and groping through... "the much wealth hidden within in the rock behind the fortress gates of the Panis." A fierce battle ensues. The Angirasas and their divine comrades fall on the enemy with their full battle-cry. Brihaspati, the Master of the Creative Word, the chief of the Angirasas, "with his cry broke the hills," the stronghold of the Panis, the stealers, who had hidden the cows of Usha in the dark cavern-pens. The... of the coveted wealth, "preferring to slumber." Their fortress breached, their slumber broken, the impious hosts rush behind their chief, Vala, who comes out raging from his hole in the mountain. Brihaspati breaks Vala into pieces with his triumphant cry. Agni burns. Indra smashes up the strong places of the hill. Many thousand companies of the robbers of the Deep are crushed in their inaccessible dwelling ...

... the all-knowing Fosterer also bring to us the Supreme Welfare. And the Fashioner whose cha­riot wheels move on unhurt, may he too bring to us the Supreme Welfare. And the same Supreme Welfare may Brihaspati establish in us. (7) Dappled steeds are the Storm-Gods and their Mothers are of dappled hue. Happy is their journey and they move from knowledge to knowledge. They have tongues of fire ...

... blight of desire touches not. A hundred and a hundredfold of this measure of Indra's bliss is one bliss of Brihaspati, who taught the Gods in heaven. And this is the bliss of the Vedawise whose soul the blight of desire touches not. A hundred and a hundredfold of this measure of Brihaspati's bliss, is one bliss of Prajapati, the Almighty Father. And this is the bliss of the Vedawise whose soul the... lesson contains the prayer and vow of the teacher, which may be for the whole course of instruction or for separate hours of instruction or lessons. This prayer is addressed to Mitra, Varuna, Indra, Brihaspati, Vishnu, Aryaman, Vayu and Brahman. Then the teacher takes a vow: "Thou, thou art the visible Eternal and as the visible Eternal I will declare thee. I will declare Righteousness! I will declare ...

... with all the Gods and she enters into all their domains and movements, she becomes universalised. Finally the Divine aspirant is not only the possessor but the master of the Word, Brahmanas­pati or Brihaspati, the embodiment of the vast dynamic Truth. Now on there is no shade of darkness or eclipse here in the being or consciousness; the Bride is one with the Brahman and regains her original unity and ...

... blight of desire touches not. A hundred and a hundredfold of this measure of Indra's bliss is one bliss of Brihaspati, who taught the Gods in heaven. And this is the bliss of the Vedawise whose soul the blight of desire touches not. A hundred and a hundredfold of this measure of Brihaspati's bliss, is one bliss of Prajapati, the Almighty Father. And this is the bliss of the Vedawise whose Page... वदिष्यामि | तन्मामवतु | तदुक्तारमवतु | अवतु माम् | अवतु वक्तारम् | ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः | | Hari OM. Be peace to us Mitra. Be peace to us Varuna. Be peace to us Aryaman, Be peace to us Indra and Brihaspati. May far-striding Vishnu be peace to us. Adoration to the Eternal. Adoration to thee, O Vayu. Thou, thou art the visible Eternal and as the visible Eternal I will declare thee. I will declare R... yea, verily, in such wise do ever religiously. Page 47 Chapter Twelve Be peace to us Mitra. Be peace to us Varuna. Be peace to us Aryaman. Be peace to us Indra and Brihaspati. May far-striding Vishnu be peace to us. Adoration to the Eternal. Adoration to thee, O Vayu. Thou, thou art the visible Eternal and as the visible Eternal I have declared thee. I have declared ...

... nature, and is he heroic in deed? Narad said: He is bright-shining like the Sun-god Vivasvan, and quick and sharp in intelligence like Brihaspati; and, in valiance a hero-warrior like Indra, he is forbearing in the manner of the Earth. Aswapati said: Is prince Satyavan also ...

... as well in the fourfold status. (9) May Mitra be Peace and Grace to us. May Varuna be Peace and Grace to us. May Aryaman be Peace and Grace to us. May lndra be Peace and Grace to us. May Brihaspati be Peace and Grace to us. May the vast-ranging Vishnu be Peace and Grace to us. (10) May the Wind blow to us the Peace and the Grace, may the Sun bring to us the warmth of the Peace and ...

... and Mahasaraswati ]. Page 458 I indicate the psychological powers which they [ six Vedic Gods ] bring with them: Mitra—Harmony. Varuna—Wideness. Aryaman—Power, Tapasya. Brihaspati—Wisdom (Word and Knowledge). Vishnu—Cosmic Consciousness. Vayu—Life. Post-Vedic Gods of the Indian Tradition Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva are only three Powers and Personalities of the One Cosmic ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... in his famous Vedantic treatise, Yoga-Vasishtha-Maharamayanam. We give below the gist of one of the two stories; readers will surely appreciate it. Page 70 Kacha, the son of Brihaspati the preceptor of the gods, had adopted the procedure of external renunciation in order to attain to the supreme peace. He had left everything behind, sought shelter in the solitude of a deep forest... dwelt there all alone. Eight years rolled by but nothing substantial he could gain. Spiritual peace and self-knowledge eluded his grasp altogether. He was very much worried. Accidentally, one day Brihaspati entered that forest and met his son Kacha in that confounded state. Kacha asked his father: "I have renounced everything; at the end I have given up even the stick and the rag the only permissible... possessions of a Sannyasi. But to what end, father? I have failed to reach 'svapade viśrānti',, 'the absolute repose of spiritual self-knowledge'. Jell me what I should do now." The wise Brihaspati then addressed his son and told him: "My son, you claim to have made sarvasva-tyāga, 'the reunciation of all your possessions'. But what you have done so far is not what is called sarva-tyāga ...

... eighteenth & nineteenth centuries by the immense & unshakeable hold the work of the philosophers had taken upon the Indian temperament. So firm was this grasp that even the great Masters of negation—for Brihaspati who affirmed matter was a child & weakling in denial compared with the Buddhists,—could not wholly divest themselves of this characteristic Indian Page 309 realisation that subjective ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... the mighty Horse of the [ incomplete ] SUKTA 40 (1) Dadhikravan is he of whom now we must do the work; may mall the Dawns speed me on the path! of the Waters and of the Dawn and the Sun and Brihaspati, he of the puissance, the Victor. (2) May this Power of being who seeks the full-bringing and seeks the Light and who abides in all activity, turn into inspiration the impulsions of the Dawn, ...

... wisdom, their movements of understanding become articulate; arrive, O Agni, with the gods. इन्द्रवायू बृहस्पतिं मित्राग्निं पूषणं भगम् । आदित्यान् मारुतं गणम् ॥३॥ 3) On Indra and Vayu, Brihaspati, on Mitra and Agni, Pushan, Bhaga, the Adityas and the Marut host. प्र वो भ्रियन्त इन्दवो मत्सरा मादयिष्णवः । द्रप्सा मध्वश्चमूषदः ॥४॥ 4) For you the nectar streams are filled in, rapturous ...

... because had not the well-born come to "awake heaven's lightning from its slumber's lair"? Six years later Mirra too was born on a Thursday. In India, Thursday is considered to be the day of Brihaspati, the Guru of the Gods. The psychological power he brings is 'Wisdom (Word and Knowledge).' In the Rig-Veda he is designated as 'the shining' and 'the gold-coloured.' He is the Master of the Creative ...

... Sarama (X.108.6) seems to hint at this ambition of the Panis; "May your words be unable to attain, may your embodiments be evil and inauspicious; may you not violate the path to travel upon it; may Brihaspati not give you happiness of the two worlds (divine and human)." The Panis indeed offer insolently to be friendly with Indra if he will stay in their cave and be the keeper of their cows, to which Sarama... the Cows they protected me so that I came; depart hence, O Panis, to a better place. Depart hence, O Panis, to a better place, let the Cows ye confine go upward by the Truth, the hidden Cows whom Brihaspati finds and Soma and the pressing-stones and the illumined seers." We have the idea also of a voluntary yielding up of their store by the Panis in VI.53, a hymn addressed to the Sun as the Increaser ...

... 196 दधिकामग्निमुषसं च देवीं बृहस्पतिं सवितारं च देवम् । अश्विना मित्रावरुणा भगं च वसून् रुद्राँ आदित्याँ इह हुवे ॥५॥ 5) Dadhikravan I call here, and the Fire, and the divine dawn, Brihaspati and the god Savitri, the two riders of the horse, and Mitra and Varuna and Bhaga, the Vasus, the Rudras, the Adityas. SUKTA 21 इमं नो यज्ञममृतेषु धेहीमा हव्या जातवेदो जुषस्व । स्तोकानामग्ने ...

... home, sve dame. 17 RV,1.1.5. 18 RV, 1.154.4; tridhatu can be understood as triple Infinite, which is in the Upanishads called Sachchidananda. Page 69 19 RV, IV.50; Brihaspati becomes Brahma in the Puranic tradition. 20 RV, 1.154. 21 RV, 1.170.1; Compare the description of the Supreme in the Kena Upanishad, and Katha Upanishad. 22 RV, 1.71.2. ...

... blight of desire not toucheth. A hundred and a hundredfold of this measure of Indra's bliss is one bliss of Brihaspati, who taught the Gods in heaven. And this is the bliss of the Vedawise whose soul the blight of desire not toucheth. A hundred and a hundredfold of this measure of Brihaspati's bliss, is one bliss of Prajapati, the Almighty Father. And this is the bliss of the Vedawise whose soul the... वदिष्यामि । तन्मामवतु । तद्वक्तारमवतु । अवतु माम् । अवतु वक्तारम् । ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥ Hari OM. Be peace to us Mitra. Be peace to us Varuna. Be peace to us Aryaman. Be peace to us Indra and Brihaspati. May far-striding Vishnu be peace to us. Adoration to the Eternal. Adoration to thee, O Vayu. Thou, thou art the visible Eternal and as the visible Eternal I will declare thee. I will declare Ri... तन्मामावीत् । तद्वक्तारमावीत् । आवीन्माम् । आवीद्वक्तारम् । ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः । हरिः ॐ ॥ Be peace to us Mitra. Be peace to us Varuna. Be peace to us Aryaman. Be peace to us Indra and Brihaspati. May far-striding Vishnu be peace to us. Adoration to the Eternal. Adoration to thee, O Vaiou. Thou, thou art the visible Eternal & as the visible Eternal I have declared thee. I have declared R ...

... the invocation or praise might also fall to Page 541 the part of the होता; but in the system of the Rigveda the proper name for the reciter of the Mantra is ब्रह्मा. Agni is the Hotri, Brihaspati the Brahma. रत्न. Sy. यागफलरूपाणां रत्नानामतिशयेन धारयितारं पोषयितारं वा. धा to hold and धा to nourish (cf धात्री nurse). But in other passages he takes रत्न = रमणीयं धनं which shows that he ...

... even as sons of Heaven and heroes of the Lord, these sages represent aspiring humanity. True, they are originally the sons of the gods, devaputrāḥ , children of Agni, forms of the manifoldly born Brihaspati, and in their ascent to the world of the Truth they are described as ascending back to the place from whence they came; but even in these characteristics they may well be representative of the human... the Vasus." It is evident that the seven Angirases, whether human or divine, represent different principles of the Knowledge, Thought or Word, the seven-headed thought, the seven-mouthed word of Brihaspati, and in the level wideness these are harmonised in a universal knowledge; the error, crookedness, falsehood by which men violate the workings of the gods and by which different principles of their ...

... of nations. Accordingly the story is set in times when earth was yet new to her children, and the race was being created by princes like Pururavas and patriarchal sages or Rishies like Bhrigou, Brihuspati, Gautama. The Rishi was in that age the head of the human world. He was at once sage, poet, priest, scientist, prophet, educator, scholar and legislator. He composed a song, and it became one of ...

... night and its difficult illumination. But that this idea of Time, of the months and years is used as a symbol seems to be clear from other passages of the Veda, notably from Gritsamada's hymn to Brihaspati, II.24." 6 Finally, we may cull a portion from a general comment on modern Vedic interpretations. It sends us back to a citation already made from Sri Aurobindo. There he says that, although ...

... one of them represents the Supreme Being of the Ultimate Reality or God; these cosmic beings are described as gods. The prayer starts with an address to Mitra, Varuna, Aryaman, and then to Indra, Brihaspati, Vishnu, Brahman and Vayu. These cosmic Page 79 beings are considered (in the psychological interpretation) to be the manifestations of those powers and qualities which are directly related... consciousness manifests itself in expressions of revelatory word, the prayer is addressed to Indra who is considered to be the cosmic being of the illumined intelligence (Ibid., pp. 241-262), and to Brihaspati who is considered the master of the revelatory word, the word which emanates from the depth of the soul (Ibid., pp. 303-313). The three other gods who are objects of the prayer are Vayu, Vishnu and... Knowledge. Hence the prayer with which the Taittiriya Upanishad commences, reads as follows: "Hari OM. Be Peace to us Mitra. Be peace to us Varuna. Be peace to us Aryaman. Be Peace to us Indra and Brihaspati. May far-striding Vishnu be peace to us. Adoration to the Eternal. Adoration to thee, O Vayu.ˮ ( Chapter One)¹ After addressing the prayer to the gods, the teacher speaks to the pupil. He says ...

... portion tells us of divine action: "...the firm places were cast down, the fortified places were made weak; up Brihaspati drove the cows (rays), by the hymn (Brāhmaṇa) he broke Vala, he concealed the darkness, he made Swar visible." 24 Here the story is linked with Indra no less than Brihaspati, for the Rishi addresses them jointly. And we may observe that "fortified places" which are the puras that ...

... enter into that life which is founded in the Gods. Ordain weal unto us Indra of high-heaped glories; ordain weal unto us Pushan, the all-knowing Sun; ordain weal unto us Tarkshya Arishtanemi; Brihaspati ordain weal unto us. OM. Peace! peace! peace! Then the Chapter of the First Question. ॐ नमः परमात्मने । हरिः ॐ ॥ सुकेशा च भारद्वाजः, शैव्यश्च सत्यकामः सौर्यायणी च गार्ग्यः कौसल्यश्चाश्वलायनो... enter into that life which is founded in the Gods. Ordain weal unto us Indra of high-heaped glories; ordain weal unto us Pushan, the all-knowing Sun; ordain weal unto us Tarkshya Arishtanemi; Brihaspati ordain weal unto us. OM. Peace! peace! peace! Page 192 ...

... original Angiras and the seven seers are the powers of the luminous Flame, his children. The Angiras is the Seer who seeks the Light by the force of the will and finds first the Word as the mouths of Brihaspati, then the Light itself as the army of Indra. Agni Angiras is the Seer-Puissance; that as the messenger makes the human activities acceptable to the Truth and the sacrifice effective. यहो. S.... one who has most the qualities of the Angiras. We know what those qualities are, among them is the possession of the word of power and light, ब्रह्मा सानसि, the word of the seven-mouthed Angiras Brihaspati which wins the Sun, the Dawn, the Herds etc, सूर्यं सनत्, therefore ब्रह्मा सानसि. वेधस्तम. S. वेधा इति मेधविनाम. वेधाः does not mean मेधावी but विधाता and especially the disposer, right ordainer... and to give in return the wealth of his world, स्वः (सुदाव्ने). सोमपतिं. S. सर्वेषां सोमानां पालकं. Rather, lord of the Somas as he is of the गिरः, not in the sense that Soma is of the wine or Brihaspati is master of the ब्रह्माणि, because to him all speech and all outpourings of the intoxicating wine go as rivers to their sea, as herds to the bull, as women to their lord, अजोषा वृषभं पतिं. चकृम ...

... tradition sought to do! But a little reflection would show that it is the height of absurdity to expect that the state of physical death alone might usher in liberation ('maraṇameva apavargaḥ': Brihaspati Sutra). For, as one of the Upanishads twits, 'birds and insects and animals, all mortal creatures without exception, are sure to die today or tomorrow; can one declare on that score that all of ...

... must be correct to the minute." Lagna [ascendant] in karkata [cancer]; lagnapati [lord of the ascendant], the Moon, is in the sixth ( = enemy) [Mangal = Mars; Brihaspati = Jupiter; Ravi = Sun; Sukra = Venus; Budh = Mercury; Sani = Saturn; Chandra = Moon] Page 100 Many of us have heard of world-renowned astrologers and their striking prophecies ...

... significance. The image of the Cow is constantly associated in Veda with the Dawn and the Sun; it also recurs in the legend of the recovery of the lost cows from the cave of the Panis by Indra and Brihaspati with the aid of the hound Sarama and the Angirasa Rishis. The conception of the Dawn and the legend of the Angirasas are at the very heart of the Vedic cult and may almost be considered as the key ...

... taken aback, describes the choice as a great wrong {mahat p ā pam), but also refers to Satyavan in eulogistic terms; he is verily what his name implies, the truthful; handsome as great Vivasvan, Brihaspati's compeer in his mind, Indra's equal in prowess, long suffering as the Earth (Vasudeva); generous in giving, respectful to teachers, noble as Yayati, fair as the moon; another Asvin in form and dignity ...

... are Vala's followers when they withhold the cows and Vritra's when they withhold the waters 133 Indra is named both "Vala-slayer" and "Vritra-slayer" 133 Brihaspati also breaks open cities, overpowers foes, wins great pens of cows, seeks conquest of the world of Swar and slays the foe by the hymn of illumination 133 Close resemblance ...

... of Nature as opposed to the female powers, who are called gnā . × Also found in the form bṛh (Brihaspati, Brahmanaspati); and there seem to have been older forms, bṛhan and brahan . It is from brahan (gen. brahnas ) that, in all probability, we have the Greek phren, phrenos, signifying mind ...

... the hymns of the house of Atri. In each of these Mandalas the sūtra addressed to Agni are first collected together, followed by those of which Indra is the deity; the invocations of other Gods, Brihaspati, Sūrya, the Ribhus, Ushā, etc., close the Mandalas. The whole book, the ninth, is given to a single God, Soma. The first, eighth and tenth Mandalas are collections of Sūtra by various Rishis, but... the six Vedāngas.Vyākarana is looked upon as the mouth among the Vedāngas. According to the ancient tradition, Brahmā was the first to expound Vyākarana, and he was followed by Grammarians like Brihaspati, Indra, Maheshwara, etc. The most celebrated author of Vyākarana is Pānini, who has himself mentioned several great names of the great Grammarians. Pānini's famous book is Ashtādhyāyi, in which ...

... paryeṣi viśvataḥ , becoming manifest thou pervadest or goest about the limbs everywhere. Soma is addressed here as Brahmanaspati, a word sometimes applied to other gods, but usually reserved for Brihaspati, Master of the creative Word. Brahman in the Veda is the soul or soul-consciousness emerging from the secret heart of things, but more often the thought, inspired, creative, full of the secret ...

... powers can be intertwined, purified and developed, and they are symbolised under specific and discernible symbols of Agni, Indra, Usha, Pushan, Surya, Savitri, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman, Bhaga, Soma, Brihaspati, and many others in a systematic manner. And in the hymns relating to the Rihbus, we have a summary of the entire process of perfection, which can be repeated in human beings. It is fortunate ...

... powers can be intertwined, purified and developed, and they are symbolised under specific and discernible symbols of Agni, Indra, Usha, Pushan, Surya, Savitri, Varuna, Mxtra, Aryaman, Bhaga, Soma, Brihaspati, and many others in a systematic manner. And in the hymns relating to the Rihbus, we have a summary of the entire process of perfection, which can be repeated in human beings. It is fortunate ...

... the Panis.... Ye found the one light for many", or in II.24.3, "That is the work to be done for the most divine of the gods; the firm places were cast down, the fortified places were made weak; up Brihaspati drove the cows (rays), by the hymn ( brahmaṇā ) he broke Vala, he concealed the darkness, he made Swar visible"; not only are we told in V.31.3, "He impelled forward the good milkers within the ...

... of the kine.' (VI.62.II). Brihaspati is, however, more Page 13 frequently the hero of this victory. 'Brihaspati, coming first into birth from the great Light in the Supreme other, seven-mouthed, multiply-born, seven-rayed, dispelled the darknesses; he with his best that possesses Stubha and the Rik broke Vala into pieces by his cry. Shouting Brihaspati drove upwards the bright... bright herds with speed the offering and they lowed in reply.' (IV.50.4&5). And again in VI.73.1&3 we have the following: 'Brihaspati who is the hill- breaker, the first born, the Angirasa. . .. Brihaspati conquered the treasure (vanuni), great pens this god won full of the kine.' Sometimes the Maruts also are associated in this action. Pushan also (the Increaser, a form of the Sun-god) is invoked ...

... the hymns of the house of Atri. In each of these Mandalas the Suktas addressed to Agni are first collected together and followed by those of which Indra is the deity; the invocations of other gods, Brihaspati, Surya, the Ribhus, Usha etc. close the Mandala. A whole book, the ninth, is given to a single god, Soma. The first, eighth and tenth Mandalas are collections of Suktas by various Rishis, but the ...

... quality of each class is a special power of the becoming of the Godhead. I am, says the Godhead, Vishnu among the Adityas, Shiva among the Rudras, Indra among the gods, Prahlada among the Titans, Brihaspati the chief of the high priests of the world, Skanda the war-god, leader of the leaders of battle, Marichi among the Maruts, the lord of wealth among the Yakshas and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... pen of the Cow and the Horse, like a city" (VIII.32.5). "That is the work to be done for the most divine of the gods; the firm places were cast down, the fortified places were made weak; up Brihaspati drove the cows,... he broke Vala..." (II.24.3). There is the repeated indication here that what the Rig-vedics were after were pens of cows and horses, especially those of the former and that ...

... Boghaz-keui, 2, 36 Bollensen, 41, 114 Brahma, Brahman, Brahmand, 120 Brāhmaṇas, 108 Brahmavada, i, ii Brahmavarta, 16 Brahmins, 114 Brihaspati, 81, 104, 121, 133 "bugash", 35 Bull-worship, 38, 42 Burrow, T., 50fn., 130, 131, 132, 133, 135fn. Buxton, 21 Byron, 90 Cairn-burials, 4 ...

... and which are discovered for us by Saraswati and her sisters, by the seven Rivers, by Sarama; to them and to the wide pasture ( kṣetra ) in the unobstructed and equal infinities of the vast Truth Brihaspati and Indra lead upward the shining Herds. With these conceptions clearly fixed in our minds we shall be able to understand the verses of Vamadeva which only repeat in symbolic language the substance ...

... Here we see that it is through the movement of Sarama going straight to the Truth by the path of the Truth, that the seven seers, representing the seven-headed or seven-rayed thought of Ayasya and Brihaspati, find all the concealed illuminations and by force of these illuminations they all come together, as we have been already told by Vasishtha, in the level wideness, samāne ūrve , from which the Dawn ...

... fathers the Angirases knew the foothold tracks and singing the word of light found the herd of the rays. (3) In the sacrifice of Indra and the Angirases Sarama discovered a foundation for the Son, Brihaspati broke the rock of the mountain and discovered the herd of the rays and the shining cattle lowed and the Strong Ones cried out with them. (4) He of the sun-world by stanzaed hymn and perfect verse... to us be the Lord of Pleasure, full of sweetness Surya, the luminous; sweet become to us the herds of his rays. (9) O Mitra, be peace in us, peace Varuna, peace in us Aryaman; peace Indra and Brihaspati, peace Vishnu wide-striding. SUKTA 91 (1) Thou, O Soma, becomest subject to perception by the intelligence; thou leadest us along a path of utter straightness. By thy leadings our fathers,... cannot be overpassed! O mortals, ye see him not! Take ye knowledge of this word that I speak, O Earth and Heaven. (17) Trita cast down into the well calls to the gods for his increasing; and Brihaspati, the Lord of speech, heard his cry. Page 244 Out of the narrow prison he is making a wide freedom. Take ye knowledge of this word that I speak, O Earth and Heaven. (18) Once and ...

... the help of Bhaga. In the course of the process of perfection, we also realise wee largest puissances of the supreme Godhead which make possible our development and upward ascension. We realise Brihaspati, 19 who creates by the word, by his cry, ravena, and who brings out all existence and conscious knowledge and movement of life and eventual forms from the darkness of the Inconscient, tamas. ...

... Vala, surely, cannot be a Dravidian chief, he must be a supernatural being: it is in the fitness of things that his firm or fortified places, his strongholds, should fall to the impact of a hymn by Brihaspati who is a god and to whom, jointly with Indra, the hymn concerned is addressed. Even when Indra's "thunderbolt" comes in (1.33.10), 44 and his "bow" is mentioned, 45 we soon learn both the nature ...

... and ours: for he is the Divine Child born into the Worlds who manifests himself in the growth of the creature. He is Rudra and Vishnu, Prajapati and Hiranyagarbha, Surya, Agni, Indra, Vayu, Soma, Brihaspati,—Varuna and Mitra and Bhaga and Aryaman, all the gods. He is the wise, mighty and liberating Son born from our works and our sacrifice, the Hero in our warfare and Seer of our knowledge, the White ...

... was left to proceed with such a considerable undertaking". 22 Although many of the hymns are addressed to gods other than Agni - that is to say, Indra, Surya, Mitra, Varuna, Savitri, Soma, Brihaspati, the Ribhus, Usha, the Aswins, the Maruts, the Vishvedevas, Ila, Saraswati, Mahi, and so on - yet Agni is somehow the dominant deity in the Rig Veda. In the various Mandalas, the Suktas addressed... again, is concealed or imprisoned wealth, the light of the Sun hidden in the darkness, which has to be uncovered and released by a divine show of force. The Angirasa is a seer, and Agni-power, and a Brihaspati-power besides; the "seven Angiraras" represent "different principles of Knowledge. Thought or Word harmonised in a universal Knowledge". The Aswins are "lords of bliss... they seek the honey, the ...

... right enjoyment of all things dispelling the evil dream of sin and error and suffering. This condition is fulfilled by Bhaga. There are many other gods as Vayu, the master of life-energy, Brihaspati, the power of the soul; Ashwins, the lords of bliss; Vishnu, the all-pervading godhead; and Shiva and Rudra, the mighty, who breaks down all defective formations and who is also the supreme ...

... gifted in the gifts of art, Blest with wisdom and with prowess, patient in his dauntless heart?" Page 497 "Surya's lustre in him shineth," so the rishi Narad Said, "Brihaspati's wisdom dwelleth in the youthful prince's head, Like Mahendra in his prowess, and in patience like the Earth, Yet O king! a sad disaster marks the gentle youth from birth!" "Tell ...

... 50-3. (17) "She broke in with inspired speech for scythe And plundered the Unknowable's vast estate." Sāvitrī, Book I, Canto 3. This recalls the vedic image of Brihaspati and Angirasa breaking open the hill of the Panis by the inspired word. (17) (a) "Their cry heated all the earth and heaven". Rig Veda, III. 36-10. (b) "Severing the ...

... our heroes ', ' our lords of plentitude '. They conduct the sacrifice in their human capacity ( manusvat ) as well as receive it in their high divine being. Agni is the priest of the oblation, Brihaspati the priest of the word. In this sense Agni is said to be born from the heart of man; all the gods are thus born by the sacrifice, grow, and out of their human action assume their divine bodies. Soma ...

... the smriti or prajna; Surya of the satyam; Indra of the understanding and manas; Vayu of the sukshma prana; Mitra, Varuna, Aryama and Bhaga are the four masters of the emotional mind or character; Brihaspati of the sahaituka chit or tapas of knowledge; Brahma of the sahaituka sat; Agni of the sahaituka tapas etc. This is only an indication. Page 471 The various characteristics and energies ...

... place to a new pantheon. They had to give precedence to Puranic deities who developed out of the early company but assumed larger cosmic functions, Vishnu, Rudra, Brahma—developing from the Vedic Brihaspati, or Brahmanaspati,—Shiva, Lakshmi, Durga. Thus in India the change in the gods was less complete, the earlier deities became the inferior divinities of the Puranic pantheon and this was largely due ...

... पोतर्यजेत्यादिना प्रैषेण शास्तीति मैत्रावरूणः प्रशास्ता पुरोहितः पुरस्तदागामिनि स्वर्गादौ हितोऽनुकूलाचरणः or सर्वेषु कर्मसु पूर्वस्या दिशि आहवनीये स्थापितोऽसि. R. the Brahma— representative of Brihaspati—बृहस्पतिर्देवाना ब्राह्माहं मनुष्याणां (मंत्रांतरे) पुष्यसि S. takes वर्धयसि—may it not be वर्धसे? Page 457 (7) सुप्रतीकः S. शोभनांगः—rather well-fronting सदृङ् S. विश्वतः सर ...

... to it no less than Shankara. The two great revolted intellects, Buddha and Brihaspati, could not dethrone the Veda or destroy India’s spiritual allegiance. India by an inevitable law of her being casts out, sooner or later, everything that is not Vedic. The Dhammapada has become a Scripture for foreign peoples. Brihaspati’s strictures are only remembered as a curiosity of our intellectual history. ...

... undivided and all-embracing vision, this eye of the gods concealed in our subconscient being; they release his radiances, they create the divine Dawn. Indra the divine Mind-power, Agni the Seer-Will, Brihaspati the Master of the inspired word, Soma the immortal Delight born in man aid them to shatter the strong places of the Page 478 mountain, the artificial obstructions of the Titans are broken... seers", "our heroes", "our lords of plenitude". They conduct the sacrifice in their human capacity ( manuṣvat ) as well as receive it in their high divine being. Agni is the priest of the oblation, Brihaspati the priest of the word. In this sense Agni is said to be born from the heart of man; all the gods are thus born by the sacrifice, Page 493 grow and out of their human action assume their ...

... element awaits satisfaction. In the Adeshasiddhi there has as yet been no perfect satisfaction even to the Aniruddha element. Lipi (on Sultan's back, chitra formed by the hairs). Satisfaction to Brihaspati, not yet to the other deities. Satisfaction to Bala (due). N.B. Bala is the Titanic force from the Mahat which must eventually conquer & replace Rudra, though conquered by him in the Buddha, because ...

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... knowledge) or, tat Visno param padam...diviva cakuratatam (That is the supreme Status of Vishnu, as if an Eye wide open in the heavens) or, Brhaspatih prathamam jayama mano jyotisah parame Vyoman (Brihaspati being born first as a great Light in the supreme Heaven)-the meanings of these words are by no means obscure or ambiguous. The meanings as well as the ideas with which these words are infused are ...

... painting, and drew figures of horses, and therefore he is also often called the Painter of Horses, Chitrashwa. Narad further says that Satyavan is bright like the sun, has a sharp intellect like that of Brihaspati, is munificent like Rantideva, the son of Sanskrit, and like Yayati is exceedingly bounteous; in the manner of Shibi, the son of Ushinar, he is respectful to the learned and always speaks the truth; ...

... youth of noble lustre, gifted in the gifts of art, Blest with wisdom and with prowess, patient in his dauntless heart?" "Surya's lustre in him shineth," so the rishi Narad said, "Brihaspati's wisdom dwelleth in the youthful prince's head. Like Mahendra in his prowess, and in patience like the Earth, Yet O king! a sad disaster marks the gentle youth from birth!" 'Tell ...

... youth Of noble lustre, gifted in the gifts of art, Blest with wisdom and with prowess, patient in his dauntless heart?" "Surya's lustre in him shineth," so the rishi Narad Said, "Brihaspati's wisdom dwelleth in the youthful prince's head. Like Mahendra in his prowess, and in patience like the Earth, Yet O king! a sad disaster marks the gentle youth from birth!" "Tell ...

... place of action & event. Devabhava manifest as Vishnu with Agni prominent & in Agni Vayu, in Agni-Vayu Aryaman & Bhaga, Indra concealed in Agni Vayu, Mitra & Varuna behind Aryaman-Bhaga. Vishnu & Brihaspati are one. Surya is Vishnu working as Pushan & Yama. Rudra is a bhava of Vishnu. The Maruts are the host of Agni Rudra. Lipi 1) Fierce tapas 2) disability in the telepathy is not of thought... realise itself. It is indeed realised in the Saguna Brahman, but not in the Ishwara (Lilamaya). The fusion of Indra into the Agni-Vayu-Aryaman (containing already Mitra-Varuna-Surya-Bhaga-Aswins-Brihaspati-Twashtri-Maruts-Ribhus) seems to have been effected. The female energies have already been resumed in the Mahakali bhava. Only shadows now remain of the separate bhavas, shadows that are about ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... p. 255, col. 1. 331. Ibid. p. 50, col. 1. 332. Ibid., p. 472, col. 1. 333. Ibid., p. 399, col. 1. 334.P. 211, fn. 140. Page 336 achievement: 2,24,2 says of Brihaspati, alias Brāhmaṇaspati - "He who with might bowed down the things that should be bowed, and in his fury rent the holds of Śambara: / Who overthrew what shook not, Brāhmaṇaspati, - he made his way... you two pierced Śambara's ninety-nine strong forts...." Surely, Vritra was slain by Indra, Agni, Soma, the Aśvins and Sūrya on separate occasions? Similarly, on distinct occasions Indra, Agni, Brihaspati and Vishnu-cwm-Indra must have pierced Śambara's citadels and slaughtered him. He looms, equally with Vritra, as a recurrent demoniac assailant to be repeatedly nullified by the divine guardians... provide a fuller background to the glimpse Sri Aurobindo gives us of the double fight of "the Aryan man" we may draw attention to the frequent naming of the God-Aryans as "Kings". Mitra-Varuṇa, Agni, Brihaspati, Soma, Indra (e.g., 1,22,11; 1,98,1; 2,30,9; 8,98,7; 6,19,10) - all have their kingship hailed. In one place the Ribhus are addressed: "Rejoice you with the Maruts, and with Indra, with the Kings ...

... organised action. Veda II. 23, 24, 25, 26—completed today. This shows a great advance in sustained energy. Sortilege En Préparation. Les Dieux . ie the Devas of the Ritam, Agni, Soma, Brihaspati, Varuna are being settled & manifested at last in the system (griha; sadanam). 30 March 1914 Mahadbhava of the trikaldrishti is asserting itself, but being often still confused with the telepathy ...

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... through yogic practices like pranayama) for rejuvenating body and mind and for gaining immorality on various levels. The Bhrigus were particularly known for their knowledge of rejuvenation. Even Brihaspati of the Angirasas sent his son Kacha to gain this knowledge from Shukra of the Bhrigus. Yet it is hard to tell whether the Rishis ever tried to, or were in a position to, create a naturally divine ...

... to desire, request, attempt. Page 611      एषः, एषं, एषा, एषणं, एषणः, एषणा, एषणिन्, एषणीय, एष्टिः, एषितृ, एषिन्, एष्य Worship इज्य      to be worshipped इज्यः      teacher, Brihaspati .. Pushya .. God .. Vishnu. इज्या      worship, reverence .. image इड्      object of devotion Joy, Mirth. इन्      to gladden इन्दुः in Veda. Tamil एलायति      to be merry, frolicsome ...

... Indra, Vayu are, since yesterday, manifesting constantly sometimes in their divine & sometimes in their manasic parts. Occasionally two or three of them form one deity. Surya, Usha, the four and Brihaspati seem about to manifest. All the rest are behind Trikaldrishti of reference & pure trikaldrishti are active, but the latter is not luminous. Tapas usually acts to some extent, sometimes altogether ...

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