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Bruce : Robert the Bruce, or Robert I (1274-1329), king of Scotland (1306-29). Discouraged after his defeat at Methven, he took refuge in wild country where he acquired courage & hope from watching a spider persevere in spinning its web.
... sanctioned by the Government of India, reminds us of how the example of a spider succeeding on the seventh attempt to fix its web in the proper place resuscitated the drooping ambition of Robert the Bruce. In the present case too the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal has, through sheer perseverance, succeeded in making the Government of India accept his proposal and thus relieve the revenues of Bengal of ...
... of Sri Aurobindo 28.May-22.Dec.1907 Bande Mataram By the Way 05-December-1907 The Scots who had not with Wallace bled but emigrated from the land of Bruce and his spider to exploit and "administer" spider fashion the land of Shivaji and Pratap, met again this year for their great national feed. The menu began with relishes and proceeded through the wedded ...
... Renewal of Culture,” another the following year under the title “Mere Creation,” and a third one in 1999, “Science and Evidence for Design in the Universe.” In the published lectures of the latter, Bruce Chapman specifies the anti-materialistic objectives of the new movement: “Materialism is not limited in its implications to natural science. Materialism is a way of understanding day-to-day existence ...
... Geeta. Or perhaps not, since there is no death, and it is all maya. The only Indian actor was Mallika Sarabhai, Draupadi, who was extremely beautiful, and she at least had to be Indian. Krishna - Bruce Myers - is English and acted very finely. A middle-aged Krishna, not at all the lover of Radha, but severe, as befits the part of the charioteer of the great Battle. 1 don't know how an Indian audience ...
... down, until the inspiration gets converted and drops as soon as you sit. You can't say that there is no application. But is it the right method, I ask? Try, try again—as the spider said to Bruce. Previously I was sleeping like a dog and now I am working like a bull. The Bull is the mother animal A flood of energy is there, but to what purpose? O Force, Force, Can you ever ...
... as behaviour, physiology, and 'verbal report' — as they relate to the central questions of consciousness." (Robert E. Ornstein, The Psychology of Consciousness, Second Ed., San Diego: Harcourt Bruce Jovanovich Inc., 1977). 5. Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine and Human, (Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department, 1994), p. 332. 6. Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific ...
... technological resource to the extreme limit of its humanization" (Sur la valeur retigieuse de la recherche, 1947, in 29,See Teilhard and the Creation of the Soul by Robert North, SJ. (The. Bruce Publishing Company, Milwaukee, 1966), p. 207, m. 4 (continued on p. 208). 30.Op. cit., p. 559. Page 120 Science et Christ , p. 203). 31 - "We continue ...
... photographed a master who said he would strike five bricks piled on top of each other, splitting each in two except for the second from the top. He did as he promised. The populizer of kung fu, Bruce Lee, demonstrated in public, before photographers, his capacity to deliver a punch of tremendous impact, standing right foot forward, with his almost fully-extended right arm an inch away from his partner ...
... triumphal progress, but preceded now by priests. Catherine sat in an open carriage with Grigori Orlov riding on the right footboard and General Vilboa on the left, while Razumovsky, Prince Volkonsky, Count Bruce, and several generals rode close behind her, and the horse guards kept station on either flank. The disorderly crowd which had surged into the city had already become an imperial cortege. Soon ...
... anchored in firm principles. I have described the part he played in the birth of the Marshall Plan; and I had no doubt that he would realize the political importance of the Schuman Plan. With David Bruce in attendance, he very quickly did; and from then on we had two chance accomplices who were also very powerful allies. However, the fleeting contretemps set me thinking: I saw that the nature of the ...
... the adjective "Abyssinian". No doubt, the alteration is related to dream-state echoes from Coleridge's probable knowledge that a mountain in Abyssinia was called Aba Yared and from his reading in Bruce's Travels to the Source of the Nile that between a pair of ridges in Abyssinia ran two tributaries of Page 116 the Nile - Abola and Atbora. But the b-sound wafted with the echoes need ...
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