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Budha : (1) a planet named after Budha, the son of god Soma (the Moon) by Tāra, wife of Bhrihaspati. (2) Author of a hymn the Rig-Veda.

8 result/s found for Budha

... 74. On completing this column we continue to col. 6 of p. 72 and climb on from Tamsu to Manu through several Paurava names. Below Manu Vaivasvata stands his daughter Ila. We have to replace her by Budha, with whom, we are told.'' she "consorted". Another departure is in regard to the name Bharadvāja on p. 74, col. 6. It is put within brackets by Pargiter because, as he' says, Bharadvaja 1.... 63. Sarhvarana 86.Pūru 64. Rksha 87. Yayati 65. Ajamidha 88. Nahusha 66. Hastin 89. Āyu 67. Suhotra 90.Purūravas 68. Brihatshatra 91. Budha 69. Bhuvamanyu 92. Manu Beyond Vaivasvata, the collated picture in outline is in Pusalker's remark in The Vedic Age-} "Fifth in descent from Prithu was Daksha, whose daughter's... our Purānic lists we find that after Prithu the 14 names are: (1) Antardhana, (2) Havirdhāna, (3) Prachina-barhisha, (4) Prachetas, (5) Daksha, (6) Kaśyapa, (7) Vivasvata, (8) Manu Vaivasvata, (9) Budha (for Ilā), (10) Pururavas (11) Ayu, (12) Nahusha, (13) Yayati, (14) Pūru. But Pūru, the 14th successor, is not the only son of Yayati: we have named him alone because through him we arrive ultimately ...


... enemies and Budha who is neutral. The Moon is friends with all planets except Rahou, Ketou & Brihaspati who are enemies. Mangal has as friends the Sun, Brihaspati, Rahou, Ketou and Shani, as enemies the Moon & Mercury, as a neutral Shukra. Budha has as friends the Sun, Moon, Brihaspati, Rahou, Ketou and Shukra, as enemies Mangal and Shani. Brihaspati has as friends the Sun, Mangal, Budha, Rahou & Ketou... neutral Shani. Shukra has as friends the Sun, Moon, Budha, Shani, Rahou & Ketou, as enemy Brihaspati, as a neutral Mangal. Shani has as friends the Sun, Moon and Budha, as enemies Mangal, & Brihaspati, as neutrals Rahou, Ketou & Shukra. Rahou & Ketou have common enemies, the Sun & Moon, friends in each other, Brihaspati, Shukra and Shani, neutrals in Budha & Mangal. These relations are fixed by the past... Mangal, Saturn, Rahou & Ketou are fierce planets; Brihaspati & Shukra gentle and kindly; the Moon and Budha are one or the other according to circumstances and company, they are mildly severe and hostile or tepidly kindly. The others are stronger planets. Nevertheless the favour of the Moon or Budha, when they are wholly friendly, is a mighty influence. The Sun is master of one sign, the Lion; the ...


... family-name "Gupta" is part and parcel of the appellation by which every ruling member of the line is known in their inscriptions. The personal names - Chandra, Samudra, rāma, Kumāra, Skanda, Pūru, Budha, Narsirhha, Vishnu - all carry the suffix "Gupta" in the inscriptions universally accepted as belonging to the line. Among these there is none attributable to the founder himself and we can imagine ...


... the Gods. This is Pururavus, "the noise of whom has gone far & wide", whose mother was Ida, divine aspiration, the strange daughter of human mind (Manu) who was once male & is female, and his father Budha, Hermes of the moonlike mind, inspired & mystic wisdom, and his near ancestors therefore are the Sun & Moon. For Urvasie he leaves his human wife, earthly fame & desire, giving her only the passionless ...


... Mandala Five : The Atris Hymns to the Mystic Fire Budha and Gavishthira SUKTA 1 अबोध्यग्निः समिधा जनानां प्रति धेनुमिवायतीमुषासम् । यह्वा इव प्र वयामुज्जिहानाः प्र भानवः सिस्त्रते नाकमच्छ ॥१॥ 1) Fire is awake by the kindling of the peoples, he fronts the dawn that comes to him like a fostering milch-cow; like the mighty ones casting upward their ...


... towards their sources; peaks of lofty mountains, where countless trees had grown for ages, rolled crumbling to the earth; a fierce storm howled all Page 92 Sujata offering khir to Budha - Painting by Upendre Maharathi, courtesy NGMA Page 93 around; the roar of the concussion became terrific; and the very sun enveloped itself in awful darkness, and a host of headless ...

... Aurobindo : Most probably. In the Vishnu Purana Buddha is regarded as one of the Avatars of Vishnu who came to deceive the Asuras. He is not referred to by name but is called "Maya-moha". Reference to Budha is very clear; it repeats "Budyaswa! Budhyaswa." It is a fine work. Disciple : It is said that the Tantras are derived from the Vedas. Disciple : There is nothing in the Veda to justify ...

... ecstasies the Fire took up his session as a Priest of the call strong for sacrifice. Rig Veda 5.1.4 , 5.1.3 , 5.1.5 Translation by Sri Aurobindo Sri Aurobindo, Hymns to the Mystic Fire: Budha and Gavishthira ...