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Caillaux : Joseph (-Marie-Auguste) (1863-1944), French fiscal expert & pacifist: finance minister in the cabinets of 1899 & 1906: premier in 1911: to defuse a political crisis with Germany, he negotiated a settlement that gave France a protectorate in North Africa in exchange for concessions in Central Africa. This brought a massive public attack upon his patriotism & his govt. fell in 1912. In 1913 he again became finance minister, but in 1914 he resigned after his wife shot dead the newspaper editor, Calmeth (q.v.).

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... moon, sun, fire etc, as signs of Yogasiddhi.) 19 March 1914 Dullness of vijnana continues. Remarkable instance of Aishwarya, Caillaux-Calmeth, & resignation of Caillaux, but not direct, nor of the same kind as the former, followed by the fall of the last Caillaux Cabinet in two days. Page 389 Lipi 1) Typical effect of ishita, indirectly of aishwarya. 2) Distrust the inertia;... more anandamaya & savesha (enthusiastic). But, as yet, it is imperfectly applied to the kriti & physical siddhi in spite Page 393 of better & sometimes positive & striking successes, eg Caillaux' resignation, etc. Rupa now evolves obscure figures of all kinds, fourfooted animals included, on the background & in the akasha & a few more clear, though none perfect. Samadhi is attempting to ...

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