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Cain : eldest son of Adam & Eve, a tiller of the soil. Enraged when God accepted his brother Abel’s offering in preference to his, he murdered Abel, & was consequently banished.

9 result/s found for Cain

... O men! How can you utter the sublime word "Peace" when there is no peace in your hearts? The War is over, so you say, and yet everywhere man is slaying man and Cain still sheds his brother's blood! In the Bible, God calls Cain and asks him: "What have you done with your brother?" Today I call man and ask him: "What have you done with the earth?" For all those whom the Divine Grace has ...


... Page 79 324—"Freedom, equality, brotherhood," cried the French revolutionists, but in truth freedom only has been practised with a dose of equality; as for brotherhood, only a brotherhood of Cain was founded—and of Barabbas. Sometimes it calls itself a Trust or Combine and sometimes the Concert of Europe. 325—"Since liberty has failed," cries the advanced thought of Europe, "let us try liberty ...


... whatever form, manifest in their initial and luminous purity, not containing any vestige of the sense of condescension in the compassion or of inferiority in the gratitude. In the Bible, God calls Cain and asks him: 'What have you done with your brother?' Today I call man and ask him: “What have you done with the earth?” You have brought down upon earth Peace and Freedom. Now Freedom and ...


... paragon of animals!" Deep within him, there is a fount of Truth that asks to be tapped, and unless this is done, man will be condemned to go round and round the prickly pear of his futile egoisms and Cain-and-Abel racial antagonisms: The individual animal is dominated entirely by his type, subordinated to his group when he does group himself; individual man has already begun to share something ...

... Incomplete Poems from Manuscripts (Circa 1927-1947) Collected Poems I am Filled with the Crash of War I am filled with the crash of war and the shout of Cain, Victories and marchings and agonised retreats, I feel the bombs burst and the cries of pain In Barcelona and in Canton streets. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... whatever form, manifest in their initial and luminous purity, not containing any vestige of the sense of condescension in the compassion or of inferiority in the gratitude. In the Bible, God calls Cain and asks him:. 'What have you done with your brother?' Today I call man and ask him: "What have you done with the earth?" You have brought down upon earth Peace and Freedom. Now Freedom and ...

... Page 465 324) "Freedom, equality, brotherhood," cried the French revolutionists, but in truth freedom only has been practised with a dose of equality; as for brotherhood, only a brotherhood of Cain was founded—and of Barabbas. Sometimes it calls itself a Trust or Combine and sometimes the Concert of Europe. 325) "Since liberty has failed," cries the advanced thought of Europe, "let us try liberty ...


... 325—"Freedom, equality, brotherhood," cried the French revolutionists, but in truth freedom only has been practised with a dose of equality; as for brotherhood, Page 304 only a brotherhood of Cain was founded—and of Barabbas. Sometimes it calls itself a Trust or Combine and sometimes the Concert of Europe. 326—"Since liberty has failed," cries the advanced thought of Europe, "let us try liberty ...


... their children, naturally lose all moral authority The idea of speaking the truth to children is entirely novel; hardly anybody did it before the present generation. I greatly doubt whether Eve told Cain and Abel the truth about apples; I am convinced that she told them she had never eaten anything that wasn't good for her. It used to be the thing for parents to represent themselves as Olympians, immune ...