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Capet : surname of Frankish & French kings “of the third race” (the first & second “races” being the Merovingians & the Carolingians). The Capetians, 15 kings of the royal house of France) ruled from 987 to 1328. Hugh Capet removed the Carolingians for ever & became king of France in 987. His nickname gave the royal house its appellation Capetians. His descendants remained on the throne till the death (1328) of Charles IV, when the throne passed to the related house of Valois.
... we can comprehend now, for instance, that we must seek the beginnings of the French Revolution, not in Rousseau or Mirabeau or the blundering of Louis XVI, but in movements which date back to the Capet and the Valois, while the precise fact which prepared its tremendous outbreak and victory and determined its form was the defeat of the Calvinistic reformation in France and the absolute triumph of ...
... individualistic England, the Plantagenets and Tudors were the real and active nucleus round which the nation grew into firm form and into adult strength; and in Continental countries the part played by the Capets and their successors in France, by the House of Castile in Spain and by the Romanoffs and their predecessors in Russia is still more prominent. In the last of these instances, one might almost say ...
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