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Carlyle Circular : dated Darjeeling 10 October 1905, issued only to magistrates & collectors over the signature of R.W. Carlyle, officiating Chief Secretary to Govt. of Bengal. It was a panic reaction of the rulers to garrotte the Nationalist movement from inspiring the educated youth they were so methodically denationalising. It was eagerly implemented by Moderate Congress ‘leaders’ whom students mistook to be patriotic but who were too self-blinded to realise that a universal educational strike would have brought about a swift reconsideration of the Partition inflicted to stifle Bengali nationalism.
... Government of India is the Risley Circular. This circular is only a more comprehensive and carefully studied edition of the Carlyle Circular. It brings therefore no unfamiliar element into the problem; but there is this very important difference, that while the Carlyle Circular was a local experiment hastily adopted to meet an urgent difficulty and dropped as soon as it was found difficult to work,... , with full knowledge of the circumstances and of its possible effects, in the hope of striking at the very root of the Swadeshi movement. Everyone will remember the convulsion created by the Carlyle Circular. Its natural effect would have been to bring about an universal students' strike, and for a Page 453 few days it seemed as if such a strike would actually take place. Unfortunately ...
... Chief Secretary to the Government of Bengal, R. W. Carlyle. The Carlyle Circular of 10 October 1905 asked the officers to ban schoolboys and college students from participating in the Swadeshi Movement: any disobedience was to be met with exemplary punishment. This was hideous enough. Then, close upon the heels of the Carlyle Circular came the 21 st October letter of Pedler, the Director of Public... shouting slogans like 'Bande Mataram.' Page 322 c) The police could arrest anybody guilty of discourteous conduct to an Englishman or a Muslim on the streets.... If the Carlyle Circular and the Pedler letter had brought resentment, the Lyon Circular brought revulsion to the whole country. Nor did the students take it all lying down. They raised their voice of protest with tremendous ...
... institution of a widespread and comprehensive system of national education possible and indeed eminently practicable, is the generation of an enthusiasm such as was beginning to gather force after the Carlyle Circular. A stern and bitter struggle between the people and the bureaucracy is the one thing that is likely to generate such an enthusiasm. National education is by no means impracticable or even difficult ...
... morning he had been handed a ticket for Surat and was told that he was to go there as a delegate of the Anti-Circular Society, which had been created two years earlier to oppose the repressive Carlyle Circular. At such a short notice he just managed to throw a few things in a canvas bag, and reach Howrah station in time. Such a crowd there was on the platform ! What jostling I Compartments crammed ...
... Nationalists through the columns of the Karmayogin. Thus organised, he went to attend the conference." The Risley Circular was a more comprehensive and carefully studied edition of the Carlyle Circular. It was "a desperate attempt of the bureaucracy not only to recover and confirm its hold on the student population and through them on the future, but to make that hold far more stringent, rigid ...
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