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Carr : author of The Philosophy of Benedetto Croce.
... Apart from brilliant papers by Mac Laughlin and several others, the paper by David Carr another by Michael Hand are not only instructive but provide us with analyses of the issues and also of the phrase 'spiritual education' which can be utilized properly in developing relevant and suitable pedagogy. David Carr examines three important conceptions of spirituality and spiritual education, the... distinguished distinctly as spiritual. As regards the conception of spirituality as ineffable, Carr points out that this conception refers to the experience of awe and reverence, the kind of experience which one might feel in the experience of starry heavens, as wondrous and inexplicable. Once again, Carr does not find in this conception that differentia for spirituality which one might look for... Hand's paper on The Meaning of 'Spiritual Education', which is a critique of David Carr's work on the topic. According to Michael Hand, Carr has left "many logical stones unturned" and he presents an outline of a more comprehensive analysis. In his view, Carr has identified only two activities, which can appropriately be described as 'spiritual', namely, enquiry into spiritual truth and the practical ...
... n. Images are its only wealth. It does not classify objects, it does not pronounce them real or imaginary, does not qualify them, does not define them; it feels and presents them—nothing more." [In Carr, The Philosophy of Benedetto Croce, London, 1917, p. 35.] Because imagination precedes thought, and is necessary to it, the artistic, or image-forming, activity of the mind is prior to the logical, ...
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