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Carranza : Venustiano (1859-1920), son of a landowner, he took up local & state politics in 1877. In 1910, he joined the struggle of Francisco Madero against the dictator Porfirio Diaz, & in 1913 led the forces against Victoriano Huerta who had assassinated Madero. A leader in the civil war following the overthrow of Diaz, he became president of the New Mexican Republic (1914-20). [S/a Villa, Francisco]

1 result/s found for Carranza

... individual. Aishwarya — 1) Irish officers joining I.N.V. [Irish National Volunteers] 2) Movement towards the arrangement of funds. 3) Affairs in Mexico. Retreat of Villa & quarrel with Carranza. 4) Progress of events in China—eg subsidence of White Wolf, strength of central government, successful collection of the Provincial revenues. 5) Progress towards peace between Greece & Turkey ...

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