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Castor & Pollux Kastor Polydeuces Poludeukes : twin heroes called the Dioscuri. In a dispute between them, Pollux, an outstanding boxer, killed Castor, noted for training horses, but refused immortality so Zeus transformed them into the constellation Gemini. (Pollux is Latin for Polydeuces; see Dioskouroi.)

8 result/s found for Castor & Pollux Kastor Polydeuces Poludeukes

... such indication as is given us in the case of the three Ribhus. But perhaps the Greek names of these two Dioskouroi, Divo napātā , sons of Heaven, contain a clue. Kastor, the name of the elder, seems to be Kashtri, the Shining One; Poludeukes 2 may possibly be Purudansas, a name which occurs in the Veda as an epithet of the Ashwins, the Manifold in activity. If so, the twin birth of the Ashwins recalls... Or, you take knowledge of all the paths in their order. × The k of Poludeukes points to an original ś ; the name would then be Purudaṁśas ; but such fluctuations between the various sibilants were common enough in the early fluid state of the Aryan tongues. ...

... being in charge of it. He is not its master, but its protector and the protector of all who are born in the sign. Indra (Zeus, Odin) protects the Ram, Agni (Moloch, Thor) the Bull, the Aswins (Castor & Pollux) the Twins, Upendra (Baal) the Crab, Varuna (Poseidon) the Lion, Aditi, called also Savitri or Sita (Astarte, Aphrodite) the Girl, Yama (Hades) the Balance, Aryama (Ares) the Scorpion, Mitra or ...

... take it from nas to move. We must remember that the Ashwins are riders on the horse, that they are described often by epithets of motion, "swift-footed", "fierce-moving in their paths"; that Castor and Pollux in Graeco-Latin mythology protect sailors in their voyages and save them in storm and shipwreck and that in the Rig-veda also they are represented as powers that carry over the Rishis as in a... have also, less prominent, the offering of the cake which is possibly symbolic of the body, of Matter. We commence with an invocation of the two Ashwins, the two Riders on the Horse, Castor and Polydeuces of the old Mediterranean mythology. They are supposed by the comparative mythologists to represent twin stars in the heavens which Page 80 for some reason had a better fortune than the ...

... interpretation of Vedic hymns is supported, inspire, when Page 191 examined, or deserve any more certain confidence. To identify the Aswins with the two sons of the Greek Dyaus, Kastor and Polydeuces, and again these two pairs conjecturally with two stars of the constellation Gemini is easy & carries with it a great air of likelihood; but an air of likelihood is not proof. We need more for... there a long night of captivity. With the same light confidence the siege of Troy is turned by the scholars into a sun myth because the name of the Greek Helena, sister of the two Greek Aswins, Castor & Pollux, is philologically identical with the Vedic Sarama and that of her abductor Paris is not so very different from the Vedic Pani. It may be noted that in the Vedic story Sarama is not the sister ...

... Both of these processes are recognisable in early mythology. In the Greek legend, for instance, Castor and Polydeuces and their sister Helen are human beings, though children of Zeus, and only deified after their death, but the probability is that originally all three were gods,—Castor and Polydeuces, the twins, riders of the horse, saviours of sailors on the ocean being almost certainly identical with ...

... Aswins are addressed as Násatyá. Nása in Násatya would then be fixed in the sense of voyage, passage or transit. Is it not from the transference of this lofty idea to a more material plane that Castor & Pollux of the Romans, Kashtri & Purudansha, are the helpers of the distressed mariner when storm howls upon the darkened seas? The Aswins, then, are the gods of youthful delight & youthful strength... which is given by delight, of force and the delight in action & enjoyment which is sustained by force, they are twin gods and not one; it may be that Castor is more essentially the lord of delight, Polydeuces of force, but they are too like each other not to share in each other’s qualities. Eternal youth is the essence of their character & the bestowal, maintenance, & increase in men of the gifts which ...

... kindred words nâ, (natare), especially meant a gliding, floating, swimming movement, the Aswins came to be especially the protectors of ships & sailors, and it is in this capacity that we find Castor & Polydeuces (Purudansas) acting, their Western counterparts, the brothers of Helen (Sarama), the swift riders of the Roman legend. “O Page 49 givers, O lords of free movement,” runs the closing verse ...

... him yourself. I will pat you on the back in silence from a safe distance. A servant boy has hookworm; we suggest Eucalyptus + castor oil mixture. So? Right you are. Go for him, give him castor and pollux. 20.5.37 Nirod We are informed that P has got boils, ringworm and other privileges all over his body and he is scratching himself and wiping the dishes with his busy fingers. This, I ...