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Cavour : Camillo Benso, conte di Cavour (1810-61), premier of Sardinia (1852-59, 1860-61), he was the main force behind the unification of Italy under King Victor Emmanuel II of the House of Savoy.

16 result/s found for Cavour

... Italy. The one was an acute brain, the other a mighty soul. Cavour belongs to Italy, Mazzini to all humanity. Cavour was the man of the hour, Mazziniis the citizen of Eternity. But the work of Mazzini could not have been immediately crowned with success if there had been no Cavour. The work of Cavour would equally have been impossible but for Mazzini. Mazzini summed up the soul of all humanity, the... It was not Cavour who saved Italy, it was the force of resurgent Italy working through Cavour. History often misrepresents and it formerly represented the later part of the Revolution as entirely engineered by his statecraft, but it is now recognised that more than once in the greatest matters Cavour planned one way and the great Artificer of nations planned in another. But Cavour had the greatest... the forefront of the Italian Revolution, Mazzini and Cavour were the most essential to Italian regeneration. Of the two Mazzini was undoubtedly the greater. Cavour was the statesman and organiser, Mazzini the prophet and creator. Mazzini was busy with the great and eternal ideas which move masses of men in all countries and various ages, Cavour with the temporary needs and circumstances of modern Italy ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... Early Cultural Writings Mazzini, Cavour, Garibaldi 07-November-1920 MAZZINI The state of Italy now is the proof that my teaching was needed. Machiavellianism rose again in the policy of Cavour and Italy, grasping too eagerly at the speedy fruit of her efforts, fell from the clearness of the revelation that I gave her. Therefore she suffers.... We must work for the fruit, but there must not be such attachment to the fruit that to hasten it the true means is sacrificed; for that leads eventually to the sacrifice of the true end. CAVOUR The state of Italy is the proof of the soundness of my policy. Mazzini, you speak still as the ideologist, the man of notions. The statesman recognises ideals, but he has nothing to do with notions. He... He strikes always at his main objective and is willing to sacrifice much in details. MAZZINI What you say is true, but the sacrifice has been not of details, but of the essential. CAVOUR Italy is one, Italy is free. GARIBALDI The unity was my work. I did not use Machiavellianism or rely on statecraft and kingcraft. I did not buy liberty by mutilating my country. But I called to the soul of ...


... forefront of the Italian Revolution, Mazzini and Cavour were the most essential to the Italian Regeneration. Of the two, Mazzini was undoubtedly the greater. Cavour was the statesman and organiser, Mazzini the prophet and creator. Mazzini was busy with the great and eternal ideas which move masses of men in all countries and various ages, Cavour with the temporary needs and circumstances of modem... modem Italy. The one was an acute brain, the other a mighty soul. Cavour belongs to Italy, Mazzini to all humanity. 142 Cavour was the man of the hour, Mazzini the citizen of Eternity. 143 ... Mazzini summed up the soul of all humanity, the idea of its past and the inspiration of its future in Italian forms and gave life to the dead. At his breath the dead bones clothed themselves with flesh and ...

... Italy creates the party of New Italy, a Garibaldi filled with the same hope but bent on freedom first and republicanism afterwards forms his Legion of Red Shirts and holds the balance of parties, a Cavour full of grandiose schemes of a Kingdom of Italy leads the old monarchical sentiment of Piedmont and all that gathers round it. These parties fear and distrust each other, but all have one clear and... doing something towards the common end which the others could not have done. Thus the purpose of God works itself out and not the purpose of Mazzini, or the purpose of Garibaldi, or the purpose of Cavour. Parties are necessary but they must have a common end overriding their specific differences, the freedom, greatness and splendour of their motherland. Only one party is inexcusable, inadmissible, ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... their own ability & when the favour is withdrawn, they collapse like a house of cards at one blow. Joan of Arc dreamed dreams & saw visions, Mazzini & Garibaldi were impracticable idealists and hated Cavour because he would not idealise along with them. The rock of St Helena, the blazing stake at Rouen, the lifelong impotent exile of Mazzini, the field of [ ] 1 & the island of Caprera, such is the ...


... the East that must conquer in India's uprising. It is the Yogin who must stand behind the political leader or manifest within him; Ramadas must be born in one body with Shivaji, Mazzini mingle with Cavour. *     The men who would lead India must be catholic and many-sided. When the Avatar comes, we like to believe that he will be not only the religious guide, but the political ...

... an organism which grows under the stress of a principle of life within. We speak indeed of nation-building and of the makers of a nation, but these are only convenient metaphors. The nation-builder, Cavour or Bismarck, is merely the incarnation of a national force which has found its hour and its opportunity, of an inner will which has awakened under the stress of shaping circumstances. A nation is, ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... the passion for liberty which can alone give a long-subject nation the strength to endure and survive, to thrive on disaster and overcome defeat. The work of Mazzini must be done before the work of Cavour and Garibaldi can begin. In India the awakening has come, the passion for liberty is abroad, and we have the satisfaction of knowing that the fire we have kindled is unquenchable and the impetus given ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Lord, 78, 490, 614 Caliban upon Setebos, 171 Cameron, D. R., 692fn. Carlyle, Thomas, 241, 271,352 Carmichael, Lord, 378, 408 Carpenter, Edward, 615 Cavour, Count, 237 Centre of Education, Sri Aurobindo International, 762ff; establishment of International University Centre, 763; renamed Centre of Education, 764; students and faculties, 765; basis ...

... it was the men who languished in Austrian and Bourbon dungeons, it was Poerio and Silvio Pellico and their fellow sufferers whose collected strength reincarnated in Mazzini and Garibaldi and Cavour to free their country. When John Morley, as Secretary of State, tried to defend the indefensible in Parliament, when he (and Lord Minto the Viceroy) tried simultaneously to brandish, in one ...

... Dinshah, Perizade. Published in the Karmayogin on 12 February 1910. Page 773 Turiu, Uriu. Published in the Karmayogin on 19 February 1910. Mazzini, Cavour, Garibaldi. Chandernagore Manuscript, gathering I, pp. 5-6. The typed copy, which is subsequent to the manuscript, has been used as the text. A defective version of this piece was published in The ...


... Italy, it was the men who languished in Austrian and Bourbon dungeons, it was Poerio and Silvio Pellico and their fellow-sufferers whose collected strength reincarnated in Mazzini and Garibaldi and Cavour to free their country. Let there be no fainting of heart and no depression, and also let there be no unforeseeing fury, no blindly-striking madness. We are at the beginning of a time of terrible ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... immense strength of the nation and demand that our leaders shall bring us face to face with the enemy. Still if they must have diplomacy let them give some diplomacy worth the name. If the shades of Cavour and Bismarck have leisure to listen to such senilities, what a smile of immortal contempt must pass over their lips as they watch the "diplomacy" of our leaders! Page 115 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... the East that must conquer in India's uprising. It is the Yogin who must stand behind the political leader or manifest within him; Ramdas must be born in one body with Shivaji, Mazzini mingle with Cavour. The divorce of intellect and spirit, strength and purity may help a European revolution, but by a European strength we shall not conquer. The movements of the last century failed because they were ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... importance to what is immediately possible he removes the greater possibilities which he does not see, seems to prevent and often does prevent a larger and nobler realisation. It is the gulf between a Cavour and a Mazzini, between the prophet of an ideal and the statesman of a realisable idea The latter seems always to be justified by the event, but the former has a deeper justification in the shortcomings ...


... pieces were published in the journal: "Dinshah — Perizade" and "Turiu — Uriu", February 12 and 19, 1910 respectively. The others were first published by the Standard Bearer : "Mazzini — Cavour — Page 382 Garibaldi", November 7, 1920, "Shivaji—Jai Singh", December 26, 1920, "Littleton — Percival", May 29 and June 5, 1923. SABCL: TheHarmony of Virtue ...
