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Cellini : Benvenuto (1500-71), Florentine goldsmith & sculptor, famed for his autobiography.

6 result/s found for Cellini

... He spent the last three years of his life, accompanied by the faithful Francesco Meizi, in the castle of Cloux near the Loire river, greatly admired by the French King who later told Benevenuto Cellini that he "believed no other man had been born who knew as much about sculpture, painting and architecture, but still more... was a very great philosopher." 24 Francis I left Leonardo complete freedom... sculptor, and Raphael (1483-1520) the painter were among the artists who found generous employment in Rome during his reign. 23. Vasari, as quoted by Richter, op. cit., p. 377. 24. Benevenuto Cellini, quoted by Richter, op. cit., p. 383. 25. Will Durant, op. cit., p. 227. 26. ibid, pp . 227-28. Page 201 Extracts from Leonardo's Notebooks: Reflections on Life ...


... There is the same insufficiency about the other quotations. An artist or a poet may be the medium of a great power but in his life he may be a very ordinary man or else a criminal like Villon 1 or Cellini. 2 All hands go to make this rather queer terrestrial creation. August 16, 1933 Today as usual I lay down and was doing japa of Mother's name after having read for some time Gita... after a long time. I am trying to keep my consciousness turned ____________________ 1. Francois Villon (1431-c. 1463). French lyric poet, author of ballades and rondeaux. 2. Benvenuto Cellini (1500-1571), Italian goldsmith and sculptor. His sculpture Perseus is famous. Page 349 towards you and Mother. I suspect I received something yesterday. Anyhow I will try to welcome ...

... spiritual and mental history of a nation. Such a period of partial self-revelation we find in the flowering of Italian literature; in the Divine Comedy, the Decameron, the works of Petrarch, Machiavelli, Cellini, Castiglione, mediaeval Italy lives before our eyes for all time; but the rest of Italian prose and poetry is mere literature and nothing more. Again when we have seen the romantic spirit of Spain ...


... died insane. Gibbon had a famous hydrocele, Marat suffered frightfully from a skin disease, and Charles V had gout, arteriosclerosis, and dropsy. Many eminent men had syphilis (Henry VIII, Benvenuto Cellini, Baudelaire), and sufferers from tuberculosis can be listed with out end — Voltaire, Kant, Keats, Dostoevsky, Moliere, Schiller, Descartes, Cardinal Manning, Spinoza, Cicero, St. Francis. But in the ...

... There is the same insufficiency about the other quotations. An artist or a poet may be the medium of a great power but in his life he may be a very ordinary man or else a criminal like Villon or Cellini. All kinds go to make this rather queer terrestrial creation. 15 August 1933 Modern Art and Poetry Not only are there no boundaries left in some arts (like poetry of the ultra-modern schools ...


... There is a dif-ference here from the Renascence explosion of individual zest - the riotous giantism of Rabelais, the curious and happy self-regard of Montaigne, the artistic egotism of Benvenuto Cellini, the perplexed individualistic passion and powerful expanding enthusiasm of the half animal half god heroes of Shakespeare. The individualism of the second Romantic Movement was geared to an idealism ...
