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27 result/s found for Chaitya Purusha

... 8. Psychic Being and Indian Tradition The Psychic Being Chaitya Purusha ( After a pause ) Did you refer to the dictionary to find out whether Chaitya Purusha can mean the psychic being, the soul? Disciple: I did, but the word is not given there in that sense; it only carries the sense of Chaitya of the Buddhists and the Jains. Sri Aurobindo: ... heart or the Chaitya Purusha. (The psychic being is the soul developing in the evolution.) Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - I: Classification of the Parts of the Being As for the Purusha it is there on all planes; there is a mental Purusha, manomaya , leader of the life and body, as the Upanishad puts it, a vital, a physical Purusha; there is the psychic being or Chaitya Purusha which supports... portion — Amsha — of the Divine which guides a man. It is called Chaitya Guru. Sri Aurobindo: I wanted to know if the word has a fixed connotation. If it has not, then one can use the word Chaitya Purusha for the psychic being. It has the advantage of carrying both the functions of the psychic being: it is the direct portion of the Divine in the human and it is also the being that is behind the ...


... bigger than the thumb of a man in the cave of the heart - the Chaitya Purusha or Antaratman, as Sri Aurobindo doubly calls it - the psychic being was known. The Upanishadic Yoga is actually a universalisation Page 78 of consciousness into the infinite and eternal Self from the heart-centre where the Chaitya Purusha, the Antaratman, the thumb-like Purusha, is seated. The Gita with ...

... dynamic evolving consciousness that is self-aware and that is the real controller of the development of the body, life and mind. It is chaitya purusha, as distinguished from manomaya purusha, prānamaya purusha, and annamaya purusha. The experience of the chaitya purusha or what has been called the Page 102 psychic being is a major experience of Karma yoga, since through that experience ...

... detailed and delicate in expression. Page 214 (After waiting for some time Sri Aurobindo resumed). Sri Aurobindo : Did you refer to the dictionary to find out whether "Chaitya Purusha" can mean "the Psychic being", "the Soul"? Disciple (1) : I did, but the word is not given there in that sense; it only carries the sense of Chaitya of the Buddhas and the Jainas. ... portion, – Amsha – of the Divine which guides a man. It is called Chaitya Guru. Sri Aurobindo : I wanted to know if the word has a fixed connotation. If it has not, then one can use the word "Chaitya Purusha" for the "Psychic being". It has the advantage of carrying both the functions of the Psychic being : it is the direct portion of the Divine in the human and it is also the being that is behind ...

... Ignorance. bhakta: Devotee. bhakti: Devotion. brahman: The spiritual Reality, universal and śupreme. brahmānda (Brahmanda): Cosmos, universe. caitya purusa (Chaitya Purusha): Psychic being. cakra (Chakra): Centre, nodus, plexus; the seven psychological centres in the subtle body. cakra ājnā: Centre between the eye-brows. —anāhata: Centre in ...


... es, causing division, conflict, disharmony and disorganisation in our outer being. Harmonisation and unification of the outer being can be brought about only by discovering our inmost being – Chaitya Purusha or the psychic being—and organising the outer being around the psychic as its centre and governing principle. The aim of spiritual quest in the past has generally been to obtain liberation from ...


... the Purusha it is there on all planes; there is a mental Purusha, manomaya , leader of the life and body, as the Upanishad puts it, a vital, a physical Purusha; there is the psychic being or Chaitya Purusha which supports and carries all these as it were. One may say that these are projections of the Jivatman put there to uphold Prakriti on the various levels of the being. The Upanishad speaks also ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... even in things which have not developed a psychic being, there is still a spark of the Divine which can be called the soul. The psychic being is called in Sanskrit the Purusha in the heart or the Chaitya Purusha. (The psychic being is the soul developing in the evolution.) 2) The distinction between Purusha and Prakriti is according to the Sankhya System—the Purusha is the silent witness consciousness ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... the beginning. They would emerge later in human history, but, again, not necessarily in another Avatar. If we like, we may count them to be further phases of the Bliss-Self. 5.The soul — Chaitya Purusha or Antaratman — in the body which is destined to hold the Avatar's descent would feel itself essentially one with its own supreme Jivatman counterpart but would not fuse with it in the sense of ...


... Our Bhakti too is something beyond the emotional exuberance of the proverbial devotee turning his heart to the chosen deity: we seek to bring forward the secret Dweller in the deep heart - the chaitya purusha - which has at once the poise of Purusha and the elan of Prakriti so that there is a quiet intensity of love moving most naturally towards the Divine. Our Bhakti is activated by that speciality ...


... with the power and presence of the inner person, the true individual, which is quite different from the ego, a product of Nature or Prakriti. The true individual is called, in Sanskrit, the Chaitya Purusha, the one which is described in the Upanishads as 'no bigger than the thumb'. It is, indeed, no bigger than the thumb when there is as yet no awakening in us of its presence and its force, but ...


... imperishable in us from birth to birth, untouched by death, decay or corruption, an indestructible spark of the Divine." 37 According to Sri Aurobindo, the psychic being (also known as Chaitya Purusha or Antar a tman or the Purusha in the heart, hrday a guhyam , or the being which is described in the Upanishads as "no bigger than the size of one's thumb") has a spontaneous aspiration ...

... with the power and presence of the inner person, the true individual, which is quite different from the ego, a product of Nature or Prakriti. The true individual is called, in Sanskrit, the Chaitya Purusha, the one which is described in the Upanishads as 'no longer than the thumb'. It is, indeed, no bigger than the thumb when mere is as yet no awakening in us Of its presence and its force, but ...

... the Supreme Lord, the Eternal Mother. Essentially these steps involve the abolition of the separative ego by leading towards the Atman, the Silent Universal Self one in all, and towards the Chaitya Purusha, Page 152 Antaratman, the Inmost Soul, the entity called by Sri Aurobindo the "Psychic Being", who is the true individual in the evolutionary process from birth to birth ...


... Gita in terms of Purusha, Prakriti, Gunas and Ishwara. Sri Aurobindo introduces another cardinal concept pertaining to the psychology of mastery - that of the psychic being. The psychic being is Chaitya Purusha, the Purusha in the heart, which constitutes the inmost being, as distinguished from the inner being which consists of Annamaya Purusha (the Purusha in the physical), Pranamaya Purusha (the Purusha ...

... above-mind region of Cosmic Knowledge and ultimately from the Transcendence, over the series of births in Cosmic Ignorance and guides its own delegate or representative there, the Antaratman or Chaitya Purusha, what Sri Aurobindo calls the Psychic Being, the inmost Soul that develops from life to life through a new mental, vital and physical personality each time. Sri Aurobindo has also said that ...


... two lowest centres—the material consciousness is in the mūlādhāra . Page 240 The Heart Centre The heart is the centre of the being and commands the rest, as the psychic being or chaitya purusha is there. It is only in that sense that all flows from it, for it is the psychic being who each time creates a new mind, vital and body for himself. There is one centre for the heart, although ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... feeling) and sensation and action and everything else in us and preparing them to be divine movements. The psychic being may be described in Indian language as the Purusha in the heart or the Chaitya Purusha ; but the inner or secret heart must be understood, hṛdaye guhāyām* not the outer vital-emotional centre. *Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I: The Psychic Being Sri Aurobindo Letters ...


... s which we call transformation. * The true being may be realised in one or both of two aspects - the Self or Atman and the soul or Antaratman, Page 6 psychic being, Chaitya Purusha. The difference is that one is felt as universal, the other as individual supporting the mind, life and body. When one first realises the Atman one feels it separate from all things, existing in ...


... above the manifestation in life, presiding over it, and the psychic being, which stands behind mind, life and body in the manifestation, supporting them and using them as its instruments. Chaitya Purusha ( caitya puruṣa )—psychic Person; the psychic being. Chit —consciousness. desire-soul —the surface soul which expresses itself in our cravings, impulses, feelings, emotions, ambitions ...


... aware also of the Jivatman, the undivided Self or Spirit above the manifestation of which the psychic is the representative here.¹ According to Sri Aurobindo, the psychic being (also known as Chaitya Purusha) has a spontaneous aspiration for the opening of the whole lower nature, mind, vital, body to the Divine, for the love and union with the Divine, for its presence and power within the heart, for ...

... Godhead, 5 Cellular consciousness, 180 Cellular experiences, 168-71 Hatha yoga, 70, 269 Central being, 262 Higher mind, 78-9, 244-5, 263-4 Chaitya purusha, 262 Chandernagore, 13-4 Illumined mind, 78-9, 244, 263-4 Change, real, 193 Image-worship, 6 Cherry trees, 61-2 Immortality, 220 China, 64 ...

... antaratman. This is antaratman because it represents our inmost individual self, jiva, and it is seated in the mystic seat of our heart. This inner soul, which can be called the psychic being, or chaitya purusha, grows Page 179 gradually in its domination over mind, life, and body in proportion as it is able to project itself more and more in the mental, vital and physical energies and in ...

... inconceivably at once different from and identical with the Supreme. Some philosophers speak of the soul as Jiva meaning individual that is cosmic in nature. Some others speak of the soul as a Chaitya Purusha, meaning the individual that individualizes our existence on the earth. There are thus various views, and often conflicting notions are stated together causing much confusion and obscurity ...


... also of the Jivatman, the undivided Self or Spirit above the manifestation of which the psychic is the representative here.10 According to Sri Aurobindo, the psychic being (also known as Chaitya Purusha) has a spontaneous aspiration for the opening of the whole lower nature, mind, vital, body to the Divine, for the love and union with the Divine, for its presence and power within the heart, for ...

... (disciple) was conveyed by one of the disciples. Disciple : What is the connection between the causal body and the psychic being? Sri Aurobindo : The psychic being is what is called Chaitya Purusha in the heart, while the Causal body is at present Superconscious. They are not the same. Disciple : It is the Superconscious existence that later on is called "Self" in Vedanta. According ...

... the Divine Fire that grows behind the mind» vital and physical as the psychic being until it is able to transform the Prakriti of Ignorance into Prakriti of Knowledge."¹ It is the Antarâtmâ or Chaitya Purusha, as distinguished from the Jivâtmâ, of which it is an evolving delegate here. As the Jivâtmâ is our central being above manifestation or evolution, so the psychic being is our central being in ...