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Chamber of Deputies : lower legislative chamber or 2nd house of National Parliament in France, Italy, &c. The first French Chamber of Deputies was established in 1814.
... not particularly pleased when asked to meet the Frenchman, "but the coincidence seemed rather interesting, so he received him." In 1914 Paul Richard was himself a candidate for the French Chamber of Deputies, standing against Bluysen among others. And how were the elections conducted in those far-off days? It may not lack interest today. Page 402 France, like India, has two... two houses of Parliament. The Upper House—like our Rajya Sabha—is called the Senat; the Lower House—Lok Sabha—is called the Chambre des Deputes (in plain English, the Chamber of Deputies). It was during the Third Republic, which was established in 1870 and which lasted until the occupation of France by the Germans in 1940, that the French settlements in India were accorded the right of representation... representation in the French Parliament. But five enclaves together could send only one Senator and one Deputy for the whole of India. The elections to the Chamber of Deputies were held every four years, and every nine years for the Senate. However it was always Frenchmen who represented India, not Indians. Paul Bluysen was the winning candidate in the elections of 1910. He was then the editor of an Algerian ...
... backwater of the sea, a stagnant pool by the shore … akin to a cemetery … infested by ghosts and goblins.’ 15 But it was French territory and consequently entitled to a representative in the Chamber of Deputies in Paris. It is not clear whether it was Richard’s mission to assist a certain Paul Bluysen in the latter’s electoral campaign for the Hindu Party or whether he intended to campaign for himself... may accomplish my mission, that I may help in Thy integral manifestation. 43 – The Mother Paul Richard travelled to Pondicherry once more to participate in the elections for the Chamber of Deputies, but there is no doubt that this time he wanted to get himself elected. The idea behind it, besides launching a political career, was perhaps to be close to Aurobindo Ghose, and if he did not ...
... Extracts from Letters to the Mother and Paul Richard, 1911 - c. 1922 . Paul Richard (1874 - 1967) was a French lawyer and writer. He came to Pondicherry in 1910 seeking election to the French Chamber of Deputies, but found that the ticket he had been promised had been given to someone else. Before returning to France, he asked to be introduced to a yogi, and friends arranged a meeting between him and ...
... set of institutions curiously blended from English and American manufactures; but the best blood, the highest thought, the real grandeur of the nation does not reside in the Senate or in the Chamber of Deputies; it resides in the artistic and municipal forces of Parisian life, in the firm settled executive, in the great vehement heart of the French populace - and that has ever beaten most highly in ...
... and religious literature of the West and the East. In March 1910 he departed for India on an electioneering mission on behalf of Paul Bluysen, one of the candidates from French India to the Chamber of Deputies in Paris. Hoping that during his stay there he would meet some realised yogis or saints, he thought of finding out, if possible, the inner significance of the Jewish emblem known as the Star ...
... set of institutions curiously blended from English and American manufactures; but the best blood, the highest thought, the real grandeur of the nation does not reside in the Senate or in the Chamber of Deputies; it resides in the artistic and municipal forces of Parisian life, in the firm settled executive, in the great vehement heart of the French populace—and that has ever beaten most highly in unison ...
... exotic destination. Paul Richard was a philosopher and a politician. He had first come to Pondicherry four years earlier in order to support a local candidate during the elections for the Chamber of Deputies in Paris. As a French territory, Pondicherry was entitled to two representatives. Richard, however, was also deeply interested in occultism and religion, and his main reason for having travelled ...
... socialist’ and anti-colonialist, knowing that he was a close acquaintance of Aurobindo Ghose. ‘Monsieur Richard is a French subject and a defeated candidate for the Pondicherry seat in the French Chamber of Deputies. He is reported to hold dangerous opinions and started a society called the “Union de la jeunesse Hindoue” [sic] for the political, religious and literary education of young men in Pondicherry ...
... deep understanding regarding their future mission on the earth. Paul Richard had decided that he would himself Page 78 contest one of the seats from French India for the Senate and Chamber of Deputies in Paris. Mirra was to accompany him, and they decided that irrespective of the result of the ensuing election, they would stay on m Pondicherry for about two years. In fact, they had to sell ...
... British goods and thus the Boycott is futile. So, if some men go on ordering foreign goods, you must also order foreign goods ! Very strange ! 20-5-1924 Elections to the French Chamber of Deputies are going on. Mons. Valiant of Karikal saw Sri Aurobindo in connection with the elections. Certain instructions and advice were given to him. The Tarakeshwar temple Satyagraha came for ...
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