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Chanakya : as son of Chaṇak, was the cognomen of Vishnugupta. Chaṇak, the most renowned scholar of his time, esp. in the sciences of politics & economy, lived in Pātaliputra, capital of Magadha then ruled by the Nanda dynasty. He was thrown into a dungeon & tortured to death by the arrogant king for warning him against his despotic behaviour & his wife & son ostracised. Upon his mother’s death young Chāṇakya migrated to the Gurukūla in Takshashilā, capital of Gāndhāra & after his studies was appointed one of its educators. And in due course, he achieved his goal of overthrowing Dhanā Nanda then king of Magadha & replacing him with his best disciple Chandragupta Maurya. An authority on the Sanātanah Dharma & humanitarian statecraft, his Artha-shāstra, built on all knowledge compiled up to his time on artha (property, economics, material success), & written under the pen-name Kautilya (the pragmatic) gained renown as the most important treatise on imperial polity. One of his basic aphorisms says:

Āhāra nidrā bhaya maithūna-ścha| sāmānyaṃ étaḍ pashubhī narānām||

Dharmo-hi téshām vividho viśéśa| Dharmenhīnā pashubhī samānāh||

18 result/s found for Chanakya

... is assigned by Sethna to c. 500 B.C., having clearly distinguished Kautiiya the author of the work from Chanakya, the preceptor of the Maurya monarch. Here, too, Sethna corrects a widely prevalent mistake among our historians who have blindly followed Jacobi who compared Chanakya to Bismarck as Chancellor of the Empire. Sethna points out the facts: Chankya was instrumental in installing... installing the Prime Minister of the Nandas, Rakshasa, to assume the same post with the Maurya king. Thus, if anyone, it is Rakshasa who is the Chancellor and not Chanakya. This short survey cannot do justice to the magnitude of the contribution K.D. Sethna has made to the basic approach to Indian Pre-and-Proto-History as well as later historical periods. However, if it succeeds in giving ...


... and Dayananda. But there have been also the remarkable achievements of statesmen and rulers, from the first dawn of ascertainable history which comes in with the striking figures of Chandragupta, Chanakya, Asoka, the Gupta emperors and goes down through the multitude of famous Hindu and Mahomedan figures of the middle age to quite modern times. In ancient India there was the life of republics, oligarchies... Shankara whose great spirit in the few years of its mortal life swept triumphant through India and reconstituted the whole religious life of her peoples, inferior as a personality to Luther? Why are Chanakya and Chandragupta who laid down the form of empire-building in India and whose great administrative system survived with changes often for the worse down to modern times, lesser men than the rulers... follow the path laid down by Buddha. And the Indian mind would account him not only a nobler will, but a greater and more attracting personality than Constantine or Charlemagne. It is interested in Chanakya, but much more interested in Chaitanya. Page 252 And in literature also just as in actual life it has the same turn. This European mind finds Rama and Sita uninteresting and unreal, because ...


... ever successfully carried into execution, although the epic tradition speaks of several such empires preceding the Dharmarajya of Yudhisthira. At the time of Buddha and later when Chandragupta and Chanakya were building the first historic Indian empire, the country was still covered with free kingdoms and republics and there was no united empire to meet the great raid of Alexander. It is evident that... constantly upholding the imperial ideal or thinking out the means of its realisation. The immediate practical result was the rise of the empire founded with remarkable swiftness by the statesmanship of Chanakya and constantly maintained or restored through Page 436 eight or nine centuries, in spite of periods of weakness and incipient disintegration, successively by the Maurya, Sunga, Kanwa, ...


... because I want an exhaustive answer. The book can wait till Sunday. As you put no margin, I have put interstitials instead of marginals. Hitler and Mussolini are much better than Manu and Chanakya 40 , I should say, for they haven't excluded women. They want women to be subject to men and confined to the domestic drudgery and child-bearing—which is the same position as Manu and as all... The creative Force. × Manu was the original law-giver. He is also called "the father of man". Chanakya, a contemporary of Alexander the Great, codified the political laws of kings. × Tathāstu : so be ...

... work; we feel the presence of the Rishi, the original thinker who has enlarged the boundaries of ethical & religious outlook. Modern India, since the Musulman advent, has accepted the politics of Chanakya in preference to Vyasa's. Certainly there was little in politics concealed from that great and sinister spirit. Yet Vyasa perhaps knew its subtleties quite as well, but he had to ennoble and guide ...


... instruction given in its workshops. The two or three who at all regard it as part of a great national movement, are unnerved by fear, scepticism and distrust and, by introducing the principles of Chanakya into its public policy, are depriving it of the first condition of its continued existence. It is folly to expect that the nation at large will either pay heavily or make great sacrifices merely to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... upholding the imperial ideal or thinking out the means of its realisation. The immediate practical result was the rise of the Mauryan empire founded with remarkable swiftness by the statesmanship of Chanakya and constantly maintained or restored through eight or nine centuries, in spite of periods of weakness and disintegration. Thus began the age of empires in India. All the empires that followed ...

... ion. Great experiments were conducted in democracy and democratic monarchy, and the first imperial kingdom of India under the leadership of Chandragupta Maurya and his teacher and prime minister, Chanakya, came to be built up under the shock of the invasion of Alexander, the Great. Hinduism and Buddhism clashed and clasped each other resulting in confusion and yet enrichment impelling wider understanding ...


... witnesses the remarkable life and work of the Buddha, the invasion of Alexander the great, the establishment of the Mauryan empire under the lead of Chandragupta Maurya and his adviser, Kautilya (or Chanakya), the life and work of Ashoka, who provided royal sanction to Buddhism and gave a great impetus to the spread of Buddhism not only in India but even in other Asian countries, and, finally, the decline ...


... desires and impulses of men. The attractions of the vital keep men confined to an absolutely human plane. Poetry is the unrivalled drug to enslave men to the mortal world. ___________ soul. Chanakya has put the singer in the same category with the harlot. It may also be remembered in this connection that portraiture and image making are prohibited in the Hebrew and the Mohammedan religions ...

... Brāhmans. This character is as far as can be from the Greeks' Xandrames. The Nanda, known as Yoga-Nanda, who in the Kashmiri tradition 5 is himself overcome by a magical spell practised by Chanakya against him and is supplanted on the throne by Cha-nakya's protégé Chandragupta Maurya, has also no resemblance to Xandrames, except that he is stated to be of the lowest caste, a Sudra. There ...


... s were conducted in democracy and democratic monarchy, and the first Page 52 imperial kingdom of India under the leadership of Chandragupta Maurya and his teacher and prime minister, Chanakya, came to be built up under the shock of the invasion of Alexander, the Great. Hinduism and Buddhism clashed and clasped each other, resulting in confusion and yet enrichment, impelling wider understanding ...

... feel the presence of the great Rishi, the original thinker who has en- larged the boundaries of ethical and religious outlook. Modern India since the Musulman advent has accepted the politics of Chanakya in preference to Vyasa's. Certainly there was little in politics concealed from that great and sinister spir- it. Yet Vyasa perhaps knew its subtleties quite as well, but he had to ennoble and guide ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... discussions on education are necessary, we need to go farther and take steps to implement the idea of education for character development. He said that Page 75 we need somebody like Chanakya to prevent our society from going into chaotic state. He, therefore, proposed that a model school should be started with 20-3 0 students drawn from all parts of the country and that we should appoint ...

... was a great deal of confusion on the meaning of "national system". Even now, the phrase Page 16 "national system" connotes, to many, a system of the revival of the past and lessons in Chanakya and Bhaskaracharya in place of Newton and Einstein, in place of Mill and Rawls. In this sense the idea of national system comes to be rightly rejected. What is truly national? The true answer lies ...


... Chakravarti Prafulla, 289 Chakravarti, Shyamsundar, 222, 225, 242, 273,306, 324 Chakravarti, Suresh (Mom), 367,375ff, 377, 379ff, 405 Champaklal, 693, 739 Chanakya, 498 Chandidas, 72 Chandradip, 579 Chandrasekharam, Veluri, 411, 427, 440, 536,540 Chatterji, Amarendranath, 285-6 Chatterji, Baidyanath, 317 Chatterji ...

... instruction given in its workshops. The two or three who at all regard it as part of a great national movement, are unnerved by fear, scepticism and distrust and, by introducing the principles of Chanakya into its public policy, are depriving it of the first condition of its continued existence. 9 It wasn't just the label "National" but the reality of the power and the glory evoked by the word: ...

... history of her great men is not a record of saints and ecstatics alone, but includes also poets, sculptors, painters, scientists, polymaths, rulers, statesmen, conquerors, administrators. Asoka, Chanakya, Chandragupta, Akbar, Shivaji, Guru Govind Singh, these are in the golden roll-call as much as Gautama Buddha, Mahavira, Sankara, Ramanuja, Chaitanya, Nanak: All this mass of action was ...