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Chandannagar Chandernagore : town on the Hooghly, 30km upriver from Calcutta. Seized in 1673 by the French; snatched by the English in 1757; restored to France in 1815 in return for alliance in First War; merged into India in 1949.
... life experiences. He was, however, honorably acquitted of all the charges of conspiracy against him and had to retire at first to Chandannagar and then to Pondicherry, both former French possessions in India, by a divine command from above. He sailed from Chandannagar incognito in a French ship and arrived at Pondicherry on the 4th April 1910 with a few disciples and settled here permanently in the ...
... is an excellent thing with one or two blemishes; but I could not understand who wrote the accompanying letter or what gentleman he refers to. The letter you sent me last time from our man in Chandannagar is practically answered here. Biren may have made some mistake about my "shoes". It was intended that they should be got from Amiyas. The glass case theory is all right,—only the exhibits have got... letters,—if any. Kali [10] [March 1914] Dear M. Recently in the papers there has appeared a case of one Rashbehary Bose against whom a warrant of extradition has been granted by the Chandannagar Administrator in a political case . Although ordinarily we do not concern ourselves with political matters, this concerns me & my friends because it is an attack on the security of our position... (3) on a charge which, though preferred as for an ordinary offence, is really an excuse or device for laying hands on a political offender. Rashbehary Bose is reported to be in hiding either in Chandannagar or the Panjab. If anybody moves therefore it can only be a relative or friend on his behalf,—a relative would be much better. What you have to do is to get hold of someone entitled to act for him ...
... till after I reached Chandernagore. I did not go to her house or see her; it is wholly untrue that she and Gonen Maharaj came to see me off at the Ghat. There was no time to inform her; for almost immediately I received a command from above to go to Chandernagore and within ten minutes I was at the Ghat; a boat was hailed and I was on my way with two young men to Chandernagore. It was a common Ganges... ten minutes. That day the C. I .D. men seemed to have been conspicuous in their absence. A boat was called and engaged for Chandernagore. Sri Aurobindo boarded the boat with Biren and Suresh. There are many stories current about Sri Aurobindo's departure for Chandernagore. Some have been published in magazines by persons who have written on wrong information or accepted rumour as fact and thereby... Motilal's house still proved unsuitable, several other houses, including one in "Coolie-lines" in the northern part of Chandernagore (Gondalpara) were tried. Finally a house was rented near a Jagannath temple close to the Ganges.¹ Altogether Sri Aurobindo stayed in Chandernagore for a month and a half. Motilal saw Sri Aurobindo regularly and had many talks with him about yoga. Sri Aurobindo gave ...
... great part of it. Therefore, I say, throw aside all other considerations and let the young men of Chandernagore at least put all their strength on Richard's side and against the two unspeakable representatives of Evil who dispute the election between them. For if they do not, humanly speaking, Chandernagore seems to be doomed. "The damning facts are that Bluysen saw the Viceroy on Page 413... 413 his last visit, that it is known on this occasion the whole talk was about this cession of Chandernagore [to the British], that on his return he told Bharati the cession of Chandernagore was a settled fact and while before his trip northward, he was gushing over to the Swadeshis, afterwards he roundly declared that he could not help us openly because the Cabinet was pro-English and he... clear now that the man has sold himself to England,—selling and buying himself and others seem to be his only profession in the world. Therefore every vote given for Bluysen in Chandernagore is a vote for the cession of Chandernagore to the British. "On the other hand, if you vote for Lemaire, it means the same thing at a later date. For he was the first to broach the question in the public press in ...
... against the paper later on, but by then I had already left Chandernagore for Pondicherry.) While I was listening to animated comments from those around on the approaching event, I suddenly received a command from above in a Voice well known to me, in the three words; "Go to Chandernagore." In ten minutes or so I was in the boat for Chandernagore. Ramchandra Majumdar guided me to the Ghat and hailed a... with me then as he is now still with me here. (3) I did not go to the Bagbazar Math on my way to Chandernagore or make pranam to Sri Saradamani Devi. In fact I never met or even saw her in my life. It was not from Bagbazar but from another ghat (Ganga ghat) that I went straight by boat to Chandernagore. (4) Neither Ganen Maharaj nor Nivedita saw me off at the ghat. Neither of them knew anything... accompanied me to Chandernagore, not turning aside to Bagbazar or anywhere else. We reached our destination while it was still dark and they returned in the morning to Calcutta. Page 89 I remained in secret entirely engaged in Sadhana and my active connection with the two newspapers ceased from that time. Afterwards, under the same "sailing orders", I left Chandernagore and reached Pondicherry ...
... straight to his destination. His residence at Chandernagore was kept quite secret; it was known only to Srijut Motilal Roy who arranged for his stay and to a few others. Sister Nivedita was confidentially informed the day after his departure and asked to conduct the Karmayogin in place of Sri Aurobindo to which she consented. In his passage from Chandernagore to Pondicherry Sri Aurobindo stopped only for... the day of his departure to Pondicherry (?) and received from her some kind of diksha. 1 There was a story published in a Calcutta monthly some time ago that on the night of his departure for Chandernagore in February 1910 Sri Aurobindo visited her at Bagbazar Math to receive her blessings, that he was seen off by Sister Nivedita and a Brahmachari of the Math and that he took this step of leaving... Sister Nivedita. All these statements are opposed to the facts and they were contradicted on Sri Aurobindo's behalf by Sri Charu Chandra Dutt in the same monthly. Sri Aurobindo's departure to Chandernagore was the result of a sudden decision taken on the strength of an adesh from Page 90 above and was carried out rapidly and secretly without consultation with anybody or advice from any ...
... breath away. When things reached a crucial stage, God came to the rescue. The Anglo-Indian government decided to take action against him. Sri Aurobindo heard the Voice: "Go to Chandernagore." He went. At Chandernagore, he would have remained unperturbed Page 278 in the thatched hut in Coolie Lines, or even in the dilapidated shed which was kept locked from outside all day long;... Mother's Chronicles - Book Six 35 The Training His upward gaze fixed on what? Once in' Chandernagore Motilal Roy put the question to Sri Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo replied that before his eyes "some writings come floating, I try to decipher their meanings." He called them lipi, which in Sanskrit could mean a letter, or written characters... visions or seeing of forms rupa-drishti. Rupa in Sanskrit stands for form as well as beauty; drishti is seeing. That upwardly fixed gaze of Sri Aurobindo's was not a new phenomenon begun at Chandernagore. It had already drawn the attention of no less a person than the Lt. Governor 1 of Bengal at the time of the Alipore Sedition Case. He asked Charu Dutt, "Have you seen Aurobindo Ghose's eyes?. ...
... come to Chandernagore because of the inner direction, "Go to Chandernagore." At Chandernagore too there were plans on his behalf. Friends thought of sending him away to France. Sri Aurobindo himself wondered what he should do next, "There I heard the Adesh [command] to go to Pondicherry." 14 The decision had once again been taken out of his hands. In retrospect, the whole Chandernagore interlude... Motilal's testimony and other casual hints. Chandernagore was doubtless the hyphen connecting the political period in India and the Yoga period in Pondicherry. From Chandernagore Sri Aurobindo could have returned to Calcutta; he preferred rather to proceed to Pondicherry. Superficially, of course, Sri Aurobindo left for Pondicherry because Chandernagore was too inconveniently and dangerously near... himself precipitated into the supreme Light. 8 When Satprem says: "Sri Aurobindo found the Secret at Chandernagore in 1910 and worked on it for forty years; he gave up his life for this" 9 , he is right in the sense that Chandernagore certainly led to Pondicherry - that Chandernagore was both the end of the first phase of Sri Aurobindo's mission and the beginning of the second phase - but, on ...
... question of deportation. Sri Aurobindo did not see Sister Nivedita on his way to Chandernagore; this is only a relic of the now abandoned story of his visit to the Math at Baranagar on that occasion in which it was related that she had seen him off at the Ghat. She knew nothing whatever of his departure for Chandernagore until afterwards when he sent her a message asking her to take up the editing of... hailed and the three got in and went off immediately. His stay in Chandernagore also was secret and known only to a few like his later departure to Pondicherry. Sri Aurobindo never asked Ram Majumdar to arrange for a hiding place; there was no time for any such arrangement. He went unannounced, relying on some friends in Chandernagore to arrange for his stay. Motilal Roy received him first in his own... flowers but historical and biographical truth has its claim. I shall correct some of the most flagrant errors in this narrative. First of all, Suresh Chakravarty's article about the journey to Chandernagore confined itself to inaccurate statements of the facts and denied the story of a visit to Sri Sarada Devi in the course of that journey. This point has now been practically conceded for we see that ...
... pencil-written note from his Auro-dada, a day or two after he had left Calcutta. Accordingly he sent to Chandernagore some clothes, papers and money —Sukumar was Sri Aurobindo's treasurer! 1 Three or four times a week, says Sukumar, young men came to him with messages from Auro-dada. At Chandernagore, said Sri Aurobindo, "some friends were thinking of sending me to France. I was wondering what to do... a reasonable amount of grains in all that chaff, who knows! At dawn Sri Aurobindo began the reverse, downriver sailing from Chandernagore to Calcutta. Amar and Manmatha were at their appointed place, and took up Sejda in their own boat. The two men from Chandernagore went back. From Agar-para Amar's boat sailed down the Ganga to the designated ghat from where Nagen and Suren were to pick up Sri... Mother's Chronicles - Book Five 59 April Fool! Motilal made secret arrangements for Sri Aurobindo's stay at Chandernagore. Several times the hideaway had to be changed. For had he stayed long in one place he might have been discovered. Everything was done in a cloak-and-dagger manner, so that nobody except Motilal and a few friends knew ...
... Calcutta and Chandernagore (1907-1910) Calcutta and Chandernagore (1907-1910) Poems from Manuscripts (Circa 1909-1910) Collected Poems Perfect thy Motion Perfect thy motion ever within me, Master of mind. Grey of the brain, flash of the lightning, Brilliant and blind, These thou linkest, the world to mould, Writing the thought in a ...
... The Standard Bearer , a journal brought out from Chandernagore, in the 1920s. On the basis of this evidence, it would be natural to assume that Sri Aurobindo wrote the manuscript while in Chandernagore in February and March 1910 with the intention of having the pieces published in the Karmayogin , that the manuscript was sent from Chandernagore to Calcutta but returned without being published, and... possibility that Sri Aurobindo wrote the manuscript in Chandernagore for use in the Karmayogin . It is possible that he wrote the manuscript in Calcutta before his departure for Chandernagore, took it with him and sent it back from there to Calcutta. But it is also possible, and perhaps more likely, that he wrote the manuscript during his stay in Chandernagore and subsequently forgot about it, as he forgot... three pieces form part of the Chandernagore Manuscript (see the note to Part Six). There are also typed versions of all five dialogues. Dinshah, Perizade. Published in the Karmayogin on 12 February 1910. Page 773 Turiu, Uriu. Published in the Karmayogin on 19 February 1910. Mazzini, Cavour, Garibaldi. Chandernagore Manuscript, gathering I, pp. ...
... what should be his attitude, he received a sudden Command from above, "in a Voice well known to me, in three words: 'Go to Chandernagore.'" He obeyed the Command at once. He did not stay to consult with anyone nor to pack a change of clothing. He said, "I shall go to Chandernagore." "Just now?" asked Ram babu in astonishment. "Now. This very moment." Sri Aurobindo stood up and left... choice between 16-17-18 February 1910 Page 530 —the 7 th - 8 th - 9 th day of the moon's bright half—for the day Sri Aurobindo left Calcutta on the spur of the moment. Chandernagore is some thirty kilometres upriver from Calcutta. They reached it before dawn, about four in the morning. It had taken the boat almost seven hours to reach Rani Ghat where it moored. The sailing-rowing... boat was free, and the sailing was smooth. Sri Aurobindo sent Biren to a fellow-revolutionary, who had been arrested in the Alipore Bomb Case along with him and others: Charu Chandra Roy of Chandernagore. Could C.C. lodge him ? Charu Roy expressed his inability to give shelter to Sri Aurobindo. But he did give a piece of advice: Tell Aurobindo to go to France.... No, Sri Aurobindo did not follow ...
... Calcutta and Chandernagore (1907-1910) Calcutta and Chandernagore (1907-1910) Short Poems Published in 1909 and 1910 Collected Poems Transiit, Non Periit Know more > ( My grandfather, Rajnarain Bose, died September 1899 ) Not in annihilation lost, nor given To darkness art thou fled from us and light, O strong and sentient spirit; no mere ...
... Calcutta and Chandernagore (1907-1910) Calcutta and Chandernagore (1907-1910) Short Poems Published in 1909 and 1910 Collected Poems An Image Know more > Rushing from Troy like a cloud on the plains the Trojans thundered, Just as a storm comes thundering, thick with the dust of kingdoms, Edged with the devious dance of the lightning, so all ...
... Aurobindo across from Chandernagore to Calcutta without arousing the suspicions of the police. He was determined to take the utmost precautions and decided that Sri Aurobindo should not be brought direct from Chandernagore to Calcutta so that the boatmen would be in the dark about his destination. So Sukumar planned the journey in several stages. Here let me explain that Chandernagore is situated on the... the western bank of the Ganges, whereas Calcutta is on the eastern side, about 35 km downstream from Chandernagore. Sukumar decided that the first stage of Sri Aurobindo's journey should be from Chandernagore to Agarpara, on the eastern side of the river, about halfway between Chandernagore and Calcutta. Whilst Sri Aurobindo made his journey. Amar Chatterjee would hire a boat at Uttarpara, situated... the Karmayogin.' Sri Aurobindo stayed at Chandernagore for about six weeks, first at Motilal's house and then in a number of other locations to avoid attracting attention from the police or the informers. He demanded the strictest security precautions which Motilal did his best to provide. In fact, throughout Sri Aurobindo's stay at Chandernagore the Government had no scent of his whereabouts ...
... does not blur their geographical difference. Nor can we say that Chandernagore was obviously a stepping-stone to Pondicherry. The divine command did not tell Sri Aurobindo: "Go to Pondicherry via Chandernagore." Chandernagore alone held the stage at the time: Pondicherry was completely off it. Even when Sri Aurobindo reached Chandernagore we cannot claim to discern an involvement of Pondicherry in his... I left Chandernagore and reached Pondicherry on April 4th 1910." The original adesh, taking Sri Aurobindo away from the obstructed political field mentioned by Parthasarathy, did Page 202 not concern Pondicherry. Thus his advice to Sri Aurobindo had no direct relation to the latter's move out of British India. Surely, we cannot plead the general fact that Chandernagore no less... in a role quite other than that which the Archives writer with unconscious self-contradiction surmises for him. The true role is to be spotlighted by the request Sri Aurobindo made to him from Chandernagore. Through Parthasarathy's group in Pondicherry about which he had learnt in the interview at Calcutta, Sri Aurobindo wanted arrangements to be made for, as Srinivasachari has put it in his memoirs ...
... till after I reached Chandernagore. I did not go to her house or see her; it is wholly untrue that she and Gonen Maharaj came to see me off at the Ghat. There was no time to inform her; for almost immediately I received a command from above to go to Chandernagore and within ten minutes I was at the Ghat, a boat was hailed and I was on my way with two young men to Chandernagore. It was a common Ganges... prevent this action by the Government. This was done and on my next visit to her she told me that my move had been entirely successful and the idea of deportation had been dropped. The departure to Chandernagore happened later and there was no connection between the two incidents which have been hopelessly confused together in the account in the book. The incidents related there have no foundation in fact... signature. There was never my signature to any articles in the Karmayogin except twice only, the last being the occasion for the prosecution which failed. There was no arrangement for my staying in Chandernagore at a place selected by Nivedita. I went without previous notice to anybody and was received by Motilal Roy who made secret arrangements for my stay; nobody except himself and a few friends knew ...
... Calcutta and Chandernagore (1907-1910) Calcutta and Chandernagore (1907-1910) Short Poems Published in 1909 and 1910 Collected Poems To R. Know more > On Her Birthday The repetition of thy gracious years Brings back once more thy natal morn. Upon the crest of youth thy life appears,— A wave upborne. Amid the hundreds thronging ...
... were some rumours trickling down that Sri Aurobindo had gone to Chandernagore and then “no — he has left Chandernagore and gone to Pondicherry” (out of British India). Then Haradhan Bakshi (known to us as one of the Among the Not So Great ,) came over and took Charu along with some others to Chandernagore. The occasion at Chandernagore was the celebration of the 22nd birth anniversary of Sri Motilal... that Aurobindo Babu had cut himself away, right from the roots, from all those Sanghas. They heard too that Sri Aurobindo had asked Motilal to stay back at Pondicherry. But Motilal went back to Chandernagore. Matters did not go so well and Charu broke off from the Sangha. A plan for Haradhan to go to Pondicherry to sort out matters also fell through. One Mr. Kirti Chandra Gangopadhyaya said he could ...
... Calcutta and Chandernagore (1907-1910) Calcutta and Chandernagore (1907-1910) Short Poems Published in 1909 and 1910 Collected Poems Epiphany Know more > Immortal, moveless, calm, alone, august, A silence throned, to just and to unjust One Lord of still unutterable love, I saw Him, Shiva, like a brooding dove Close-winged upon her nest ...
... The Chandernagore Manuscript The Chandernagore Manuscript Early Cultural Writings Things Seen in Symbols - I 28-November-1920 There are Four who are Beyond and they rule the mighty game of evolution. It is they who build the universe with their thoughts and imaginations. Vishnu or Virat put them in front each in turn, and they govern each a cycle ...
... The Chandernagore Manuscript The Chandernagore Manuscript Early Cultural Writings The Real Difficulty 15-August-1920 The real difficulty is always in ourselves, not in our surroundings. There are three things necessary in order to make men invincible, Will, Disinterestedness and Faith. We may have a will to emancipate ourselves, but sufficient ...
... Calcutta and Chandernagore (1907-1910) Calcutta and Chandernagore (1907-1910) Poems Written in 1910 and Published in 1920-1921 Collected Poems Kama Know more > (According to one idea Desire is the creator and sustainer of things,—Desire and Ignorance. By losing desire one passes beyond the Ignorance, as by passing beyond Ignorance one loses ...
... is meant the proposed search and arrest, that was undertaken in connection with and as a result of the second letter which was to be made the subject of a prosecution. As Sri Aurobindo went to Chandernagore and disappeared from view the search was not made and the warrant was held back and the prosecution postponed till he should again reappear. This happened in February, a month or more after the... the appearance of the second letter. Sri Aurobindo wanted the police to disclose their hand and act and the stratagem he wrote about was an answer to a letter forwarded to him at Chandernagore which he knew to be from a police spy asking him to reappear and face his trial. He replied that he had no reason to do so as there was no public warrant against him and no prosecution had been announced; he thought ...
... The Chandernagore Manuscript The Chandernagore Manuscript Early Cultural Writings Things Seen in Symbols - II 29-August-1920 What is dhyana? Ordinarily, when a man is absorbed in thought and dead to all that is going on around him, he is supposed to be in dhyana. Or concentration of the whole thought on a single object to the exclusion of every ...
... Calcutta and Chandernagore (1907-1910) Calcutta and Chandernagore (1907-1910) Short Poems Published in 1909 and 1910 Collected Poems The Mother of Dreams Know more > Goddess, supreme Mother of Dream, by thy ivory doors when thou standest, Who are they then that come down unto men in thy visions that troop, group upon group, down the path of ...
... love on me; my happiness knew no bounds. One day we told Sri Aurobindo: "We very much wish to stay on here." He said: "For the present, go to Chandernagore and stay with Motilal Roy. Later, I shall call you here." Accordingly, we went to Chandernagore, but stayed there only for a month where after we returned to Patan. Finally, in 1923 we came over and settled down in the Ashram. ...
... Calcutta and Chandernagore (1907-1910) Calcutta and Chandernagore (1907-1910) Short Poems Published in 1909 and 1910 Collected Poems The Birth of Sin Know more > Lucifer Sirioth LUCIFER What mighty and ineffable desire Impels thee, Sirioth? Thy accustomed calm Is potently subverted and the eyes That were a god's in sweet tranquillity ...
... Calcutta and Chandernagore (1907-1910) Calcutta and Chandernagore (1907-1910) Poems Written in 1910 and Published in 1920-1921 Collected Poems The Mahatmas Know more > Kuthumi (This poem is purely a play of the imagination, a poetic reconstruction of the central idea only of Mahatmahood.) The seven mountains and the seven seas Surround ...
... Calcutta and Chandernagore (1907-1910) Calcutta and Chandernagore (1907-1910) Poems Written in 1910 and Published in 1920-1921 Collected Poems The Rakshasas Know more > (The Rakshasa, the violent kinetic Ego, establishes his claim to mastery of the world replacing the animal Soul,—to be followed by controlled and intellectualised but unregenerated ...
... Calcutta and Chandernagore (1907-1910) Calcutta and Chandernagore (1907-1910) Poems from Manuscripts (Circa 1909-1910) Collected Poems A Dialogue ACHAB Stamp out, stamp out the sun from the high blue And all o'erarching firmament of heaven; Forget the mighty ocean when it spumes Under the thunder-deafened cliffs and soars To crown their tops ...
... The Chandernagore Manuscript The Chandernagore Manuscript Early Cultural Writings Passing Thoughts - III 26-September-1920 Achar Achar is a mould in which the thing itself rests and feels stable; it is not the thing itself. It is this sense of stability which is the great value of achar, it gives the thing itself the sraddha , the faith ...
... The Chandernagore Manuscript The Chandernagore Manuscript Early Cultural Writings In the Society's Chambers 24-July-1922 Professor —Let me assure you, my friends, that the method of inquiry is alone responsible for all the error in the world. Mankind is in a hurry to know and prefers to catch at half-truths rather than wait for the full truth ...
... The Chandernagore Manuscript The Chandernagore Manuscript Early Cultural Writings Passing Thoughts - I 13-March-1922 Religion in Europe There is no word so plastic and uncertain in its meaning as the word religion. The word is European and, therefore, it is as well to know first what the Europeans mean by it. In this matter we find them,—when ...
... The Chandernagore Manuscript The Chandernagore Manuscript Early Cultural Writings Passing Thoughts - II 02-January-1921 The Object of Government It is the habit of men to blind themselves by customary trains of associated thought, to come to look on the means as an end and honour it with a superstitious reverence as a wonderworking fetish ...
... The Chandernagore Manuscript The Chandernagore Manuscript Early Cultural Writings Hathayoga 12-December-1920 The evolution of man has been upwards from the body to the spirit, and there are three stages in his progress. He bases himself upon body, rises through soul and culminates in spirit. And to each stage of his evolution belong certain kinds ...
... Calcutta and Chandernagore (1907-1910) Calcutta and Chandernagore (1907-1910) Satirical Poem Published in 1907 Collected Poems Reflections of Srinath Paul, Raj Bahadoor, on the Present Discontents ( The Address of a Perspiring Chairman Rendered Faithfully into the Ordinary English Vernacular. ) Councillors, friends, Rai Bahadoors and others, ...
... The Chandernagore Manuscript The Chandernagore Manuscript Early Cultural Writings Art 27-March-1921 All Art is interpretation. Creation is a misnomer; nothing in this world is created, all is manifested. All exists previously in the mind of the Knower. Art may interpret that which is already manifest or was manifest at one time, or it may interpret ...
... Rig Veda for Sri Aurobindo who at that time was deeply interested in this scripture. Sri Aurobindo's Chandernagore host, Motilal Roy, paid a visit to him in 1911 and stayed in Pondicherry for about six weeks, receiving some guidance in his sadhana. After his return to Chandernagore, he continued his financial assistance to Sri Aurobindo, and there was close collaboration between the two, at... Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history C HAPTER 16 Pondicherry: Cave of Tapasya I Having decided to leave Chandernagore for Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo first spoke to Motilal Roy about it. The idea was that Sri Aurobindo, accompanied by Bejoy Nag, should board the steamer Dupleix on the night of 31 March 1910. Motilal wrote to Sukumar... some last minute "difficulty about money". Then came the welcome news to Calcutta that Sri Aurobindo had been identified at Pondicherry by comparison with the "Simla photo". 1 Before leaving Chandernagore, Sri Aurobindo had answered one of the anonymous letters addressed to his Calcutta residence asking him to come out into the open by saying that, after all, there was no public warrant against him ...
... promise not to divulge anything about his cousin. Indeed, not a word did he whisper to anyone, not even to his father, about the dramatic events of 31 st March, when his cousin had come down from Chandernagore and boarded the Dupleix for Pondicherry. "Seven or eight days after Arabindo left Calcutta," Sukumar wrote, "one Sunday evening a man came and asked to Page 51 meet my father... Paramahansa used to live and from there is reported to have gone nobody knows where."—I.D. News Page 52 Rumours abounded. To stem that wild flow Sri Aurobindo sent a text from Chandernagore, published unsigned in the Karmayogin on 26 March 1910. "We are greatly astonished to learn from the local Press that Sj. Aurobindo Ghose has disappeared from Calcutta and is now interviewing... underwriter," Nolini reminisced. "Next there came to me naturally an urge to write articles." Sri Aurobindo was pleased with Nolini's first Bengali article. Well, then, after Sri Aurobindo went to Chandernagore, those who remained back in Calcutta continued to run the two papers, Dharma and the Karmayogin (left in Sister Nivedita's charge), for some time. For some time. "But afterwards," ...
... The Chandernagore Manuscript The Chandernagore Manuscript Early Cultural Writings Rajayoga 19-December-1920 Man fulfilling himself in the body is given Hathayoga as his means. When he rises above the body, he abandons Hathayoga as a troublesome and inferior process and rises to the Rajayoga, the discipline peculiar to the aeon which man now evolves ...
... The Chandernagore Manuscript The Chandernagore Manuscript Early Cultural Writings Historical Impressions: Napoleon 21-December-1920 The name of Napoleon has been a battle-field for the prepossessions of all sorts of critics, and, according to their predilections, idiosyncrasies and political opinions, men have loved or hated, panegyrised or decried ...
... The Chandernagore Manuscript The Chandernagore Manuscript Early Cultural Writings At the Society's Chambers 31-July-1922 Professor —Gentlemen, I believe we are here in full strength. It is gratifying to find so much enthusiasm still abroad for the dispassionate acquisition of knowledge. I trust it is not a short-lived fervour; I trust we shall ...
... or two at least outside.’ 40 In this letter Sri Aurobindo distances himself from Motilal Roy. ‘One word to avoid a possible misunderstanding. Long ago I gave to Motilal Roy of Chandannagar [i.e. Chandernagore] the ideas and some principles and lines of a new social and economical organization and education and this with my spiritual force behind him he has been trying to work out in his own... him during his brief stay at Chandernagore, and who had provided him and his companions with some funds to alleviate their poverty during the first years in Pondicherry. Motilal Roy had also come a couple of times to visit Sri Aurobindo in Pondicherry. About his last visit, in the company of his wife, Iyengar writes: ‘Motilal Roy and his wife, who had come from Chandernagore, were not very happy with... Aurobindo’s house [meaning the presence of the Mother]. Besides, the Prabartak Sangha [Motilal’s community] wanted them back at Chandernagore, while Motilal himself was undecided whether to go or remain with Sri Aurobindo. On receipt of a peremptory telegram from Chandernagore, Motilal and his wife left Pondicherry in August 1921 and the attempt to close the rift did not succeed. Not long after, Sri Aurobindo ...
... Motilal Roy and his wife, who had come from Chandernagore as mentioned earlier in this chapter), were not very happy with the changes they saw in Sri Aurobindo's house. Besides, the Prabartak Sangha wanted them back at Chandernagore, while Motilal himself was undecided whether to go or remain with Sri Aurobindo. On receipt of a peremptory telegram from Chandernagore, Motilal and his wife left Pondicherry... eternal, and not the tinsel or the surface accretions pretending to be the genuine article. Page 204 Ever since the time, early in 1910, when he harboured and helped Sri Aurobindo at Chandernagore, Motilal Roy had maintained a close relationship with his Guru at Pondicherry, receiving initiation and instruction in Yoga. During this period, Motilal not only sent periodical financial help to... Aurobindo and his friends and admirers in Bengal. During those difficult years, Motilal paid occasional visits to Pondicherry, and with Sri Aurobindo's approval started the Prabartak Sangha at Chandernagore. The watchwords of the Sangha were "Commune, Culture, Commerce", and besides, the Sangha published Prabartak in Bengali and later the English Weekly, the Standard Bearer . Sri Aurobindo had ...
... the place for your sadhana?" Sri Aurobindo: "It was by an Adesh [higher command]. I was asked to come here." ¹ Of those persons who took part in arranging Sri Aurobindo's journey from Chandernagore to Pondicherry, three are still alive ² They have published an account of the incident under the signature of Nagendra Kumar Guha Roy. It has been approved by Sukumar Mitra. The facts are as follows:... Sri Aurobindo asked Motilal Roy to make arrangements for his departure. Motilal wrote a letter to Amar Chatterji at Uttarpara, in which he informed him of Sri Aurobindo's intended departure from Chandernagore in a boat on 31 March and asked him to make arrangements to change the boat at Dumur Tala Ghat and to ferry Sri Aurobindo from there to the steamer Dupleix. Other arrangements would be made, said ...
... with a little smile) Baron went to see Schomberg on some business. PURANI: I see. SRI AUROBINDO: He said that he had come to know it was on Schomberg's demand that he had been called from Chandernagore, Schomberg with great surprise exclaimed, "Oh, what a lie, what a lie! Who told you this? It is the Governor who called you; I had nothing to do with it." "But the Governor himself told me that ...
... The Chandernagore Manuscript The Chandernagore Manuscript Early Cultural Writings Historical Impressions: The French Revolution The greatness of the French Revolution lies not in what it effected, but in what it thought and was. Its action was chiefly destructive. It prepared many things, it founded nothing. Even the constructive activity of Napoleon ...
... of it. I became acquainted with one or two of the inmates — mainly Bejoy Kumar. He used to send letters twice or thrice per month by registered post — called Poste Recommandée in French — to Chandernagore. As intimacy with him grew, he began to send letters through me. There was no fixed hour for this work. He used to send me at any time between midday and three. He ordered me not to disclose this... it. The bundle would be secured under a seal. It would then be entrusted to the British head post-office. Nobody was authorised to handle it until it was delivered to the French post-office at Chandernagore. That was why all correspondence of Sri Aurobindo’s house would pass through the French post-office. The duty of posting letters of Sri Aurobindo’s house luckily fell upon me. Now and then, however ...
... Mother's Chronicles - Book Six 22 Acquitted As at Chandernagore, so also at Pondicherry. "I remained in secrecy in the house of a prominent citizen until the acquittal, after which I announced my presence in French India," Sri Aurobindo was to clarify later. He sent a letter to the paper The Hindu of Madras, which it published the next... who announced the cancellation of the warrant of arrest against Sri Aurobindo, added, "Meanwhile there is reliable information to the effect that Arabindo has come by steamer from Pondicherry to Chandernagore where he is keeping himself closely shut up parody because he is ill with an abscess in the stomach." Such was the 'reliable' news fed to the government by its spies, whose flights of fancy ...
... shall we come to terms with the letter to Mrinalini at the end of 1918? The mystery gets further deepened when we come across a letter Sri Aurobindo wrote in late August 1912 to Motilal Roy of Chandernagore: "My subjective sadhana may be said to Page 30 have received its final seal and something like its consummation by a prolonged realisation and dwelling in Parabrahman for many hours ...
... Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique Sri Aurobindo at Chandernagore "... We do want to realise Dharma or spirituality in an integral way and to see Indian spiritual discipline founded for ever on renunciation. But we are not prepared to accept the meaning India once attached to the words spirituality and renunciation in a spell of delusion. We want to see India... "Sri Aurobindo asked Motilal to make arrangements for his departure. Motilal wrote a letter to Amar Chatterji at Uttarpara in which he informed him of Sri Aurobindo's intended departure from Chandernagore in a boat on the 31st March and asked him to make an arrangement to change the boat at Dumurtala Ghat and to ferry him from there to the steamer Dupleix. Other arrangements would be made, said Motilal ...
... future India 3) An elephant, initial crude condition on wall, ill-kept and spiritless; the same, feebly lifting its trunk to order. Symbol of the Indian people at the present moment. Seen at Chandannagar often, of Page 39 the past, charging furiously with lashing trunk. Also of the future, ibidem, controlled by a tender, disciplined and waiting for the order of movement. 4) A beautiful ...
... The National Value of Art in the Karmayogin. December 25 "To My Countrymen" in the Karmayogin. 1910 February Leaves Calcutta for Chandernagore in French India. February 12 - April 2 A System of National Education in the Karmayogin. February 19 - March 5 Baji Prabhu in... Karmayogin. March 26 - April 2 "Chitrangada" in the Karmayogin. March 31 Leaves Chandernagore for Calcutta. April 1 Embarks for Pondicherry in French India by the S.S. Dupleix. April 4 Arrival in Pondicherry; stays in the house of Shanker Chetty in Comty Chetty Street. ... Baptista. April 7 Letter to Barindra Kumar Ghose. April 24 The Mother returns to Pondicherry from Japan. August 15 First issue of the Standard Bearer, a monthly published from Chandernagore under the inspiration of Sri Aurobindo; his article "Ourselves" appears in this issue. August 30 Letter to B.S. Munje declining the presidentship of the Nagpur Congress. November ...
... there was some apprehension that he might be arrested at Madras. Motilal was sending money to Sri Aurobindo from Chandernagore. It was easy for him to do this from there since both Chandernagore and Pondicherry were French possessions. Durgadas Seth, a moneyed man of Chandernagore, is reported to have given large sums of money to Motilal Roy to send to Sri Aurobindo. Motilal was also publishing... separated from Sri Aurobindo, it became the mouthpiece of the Samgha at Chandernagore of which Motilal was the leader. In September 1916 the "Aryan Stores" was opened on Rue Dupliex. The shop was in the Bazar. The capital for it was given by the Mother. Saurin Bose looked after the management. Haradhan Baxi of Chandernagore was now in Pondicherry undergoing military training to join the force in... to his work. While he was in Pondicherry he received letters from Chandernagore, especially from his disciple Arun Chandra Dutt, urging him to return. The question of whether he should return became acute as 15 August, the birthday of Sri Aurobindo, approached. Where should he celebrate the fifteenth, in Pondicherry or in Chandernagore? Motilal asked Sri Aurobindo what he should do. Sri Aurobindo told ...
... may not be out of place here. From the time Motilal gave shelter to Sri Aurobindo at Chandernagore, he enjoyed Sri Aurobindo's trust and confidence. On his part, Motilal visited Pondicherry as often as he could during the difficult period of Sri Aurobindo's early stay and helped by sending money etc. from Chandernagore. There is no doubt that Sri Aurobindo put a special force on Motilal to mould him into... following an amnesty to political prisoners by the Government after the armistice. On returning to Bengal, Barin visited a number of spiritual centres, including the Prabartak Sangha of Motilal Roy at Chandernagore, but apparently he was disappointed with what he saw. So he wrote to Sri Aurobindo seeking initiation into his yoga, but also expressing his doubts as to his fitness. Sri Aurobindo's long reply... Nolini has translated this as devajivana. The community of those who want the deva-jivana is the deva-sangha. Motilal has begun an attempt to establish this kind of community in seed-form in Chandernagore and to spread it across the country. If the shadow of the fragile ego falls upon this sort of endeavour, the community turns into a sect.... You will perhaps ask, "What is the need of a sangha ...
... come to terms with the letter to Mrinalini Devi at the end of 1918? The mystery gets further deepened when we come across a letter Sri Aurobindo wrote in late August 1912 to Motilal Roy of Chandernagore: "My subjective sadhana may be said to have received its final seal and something like its consummation by a prolonged realisation and dwelling in Para-brahman for many hours... My future sadhana ...
... mentions that you gave her charge of editing, Vande Mataram, after you left Calcutta. Sri Aurobindo : No. I was the Karma Yogin – not Vande Mataram, I saw her before I left Calcutta for Chandernagore. It was from her that I got the news of my contemplated arrest. Then I wrote an article "My Political Will" – that stopped the arrest. Disciple : It seems, she traveled to India once under ...
... I had to adopt a subterfuge in order to ward off all suspicion. I posed as if I had come from Chandernagore, that is, from one part of French India to another, as a messenger carrying a letter from one political leader to another. I had a letter from the leader of a political party in Chandernagore to be delivered by hand to his opposite number in Pondicherry. The Gentleman for Page 55 ... information as to who came to our houses, who were the people who met us, what places we frequented and how our guests spent their time. That was why Motilal (Motilal Roy of the Pravartak group in Chandernagore) when he first came to Pondicherry had to come dressed as an Anglo-Indian, and he never entered our house, the Raghavan House of today, except by the backdoor and under cover of darkness after... whom I brought the message was called Shanmugabhelu; I forget the name of the Chandernagore Genevan. The letter suggested that he might help me find suitable accommodation for my stay here. I came and saw Mr. Shanmugabhelu at his residence with that letter. My pronunciation of the name as Shanmu-gabhelu must have shocked those of you who know Tamil! I found the huge Mr. Gabhelu leaning ...
... Karmayogin. 1910 — February Leaves Calcutta for Chandernagore in French India. February 12-April 2 A System of National Education in the Karmayogin. February 19-March 5 Baji Prabhu in the Karmayogin. March 26-April 2 "Chitrangada" in the Karmayogin. March 31 Leaves Chandernagore for Calcutta. April 1 Embarks for Pondicherry in French... April 7 Letter to Barindra Kumar Ghose. April 24 The Mother returns to Pondicherry from Japan. August 15 First issue of the Standard Bearer, a monthly published from Chandernagore under the inspiration of Sri Aurobindo; his article "Ourselves" appears in this issue. August 30 Letter to B. S. Munje declining the presidentship of the Nagpur Congress. November ...
... Calcutta and Chandernagore (1907-1910) Calcutta and Chandernagore (1907-1910) Narrative Poems Published in 1910 Collected Poems Chitrangada Know more > In Manipur upon her orient hills Chitrangada beheld intending dawn Gaze coldly in. She understood the call. The silence and imperfect pallor passed Into her heart and in herself she grew ...
... with a watchful eye. After all, Chandernagore was but a stone's throw from Calcutta, which was then the hub of Nationalist movement triggered by the partition of Bengal. It used to be said that when Calcutta catches a cold, the rest of India sneezes! As the Alipore Bomb Case trial brought to light, several accused Page 225 were precisely from Chandernagore. The Pondicherry administration ...
... "Garur Gadi", for instance. He has variety too. Of course they are spiritual and mystic. EVENING SRI AUROBINDO (to Purani): Do you know anything about why Baron is being recalled from Chandernagore? PURANI: No, I only heard that he has committed some political indiscretion. SRI AUROBINDO: It seems that recently he invited Subhas Bose to his house and for that reason the Viceroy has asked ...
... had come from Chandernagore, that is, from one part of French India to another, as a messenger carrying a letter from one political leader to another. I had a letter from the leader of a political party in Chandernagore to be delivered by hand to his opposite number in Pondicherry. The gentleman for whom I brought the message was called Shanmugabhelu; I forget the name of the Chandernagore gentleman.... information as to who came to our houses, who were the people who met us, what places we frequented and how our guests spent their time. That was why Motilal (Motilal Roy of the Pravartak group in Chandernagore), when he first came to Pondicherry, had to come dressed as an Anglo-Indian, and he never entered our house, the Raghavan House of today, except by the back door and under cover of darkness after ...
... recommendation and influence you may help Barin to gather them for me. May I hope that you will do this for me? One word to avoid a possible misunderstanding. Long ago I gave to Motilal Roy of Chandernagore the ideas and some principles and lines of a new social and economical organisation and education and this with my spiritual force behind him he has been trying to work out in his own way in his ...
... you left Calcutta. SRI AUROBINDO: No. It was the Karmayoin . You can tell her that. There is no harm now in saying it, as it is all a long time ago I saw Nivedita before I left Calcutta for Chandernagore and asked her to take charge of the paper, which she did. It was from her that I had got the news of my contemplated arrest. She had many friends in Government circles. On getting that news I wrote ...
... Swadeshi movement must now end and would be followed later on by a Home Rule movement and a Non-cooperation movement of the Gandhi type, under other leaders." A first Command sent him to Chandernagore. A second Command sent him to Pondicherry. That is how God came to the rescue of the Indo-British government. Page 79 ...
... Motilal Mehta's bungalow.” Sri Aurobindo: “Now what are you going to do at your place?” C: “We have not decided yet. We are thinking of doing some farming.” Sri Aurobindo: “Someone went to Chandernagore with Dikshit. Who was that?” C: “Dwarkanath Harkare who lived in Gandhi Ashram.” Sri Aurobindo: “Who is he?” C: “A Maharashtrian.” (Harkare had once stayed in our study- home in Patan and... Rahasya (Secret of Nature) in Gujarari and Shandilya's Bhakti Sutra . He explained the subject dealt with in Prakriti Rahasya and told me that it was written by a disciple of Motilal Roy of Chandernagore who lived in Navsari. 2 When I read that book I experienced the awakening in me of something that perceived beauty everywhere. Once I asked Sri Aurobindo: “When will I have realisation?” ...
... Cellular consciousness, 180 Cellular experiences, 168-71 Hatha yoga, 70, 269 Central being, 262 Higher mind, 78-9, 244-5, 263-4 Chaitya purusha, 262 Chandernagore, 13-4 Illumined mind, 78-9, 244, 263-4 Change, real, 193 Image-worship, 6 Cherry trees, 61-2 Immortality, 220 China, 64 Impersonal, Absolute, 75 ... and time), 9 Pondicherry, 14-5, 17, 23, 39, 49 1908 (Alipore Jail experiences), 2, 11-3 Prakriti, 73 1909 (Uttarpara speech), 11 Prayanama, 7-8, 50, 70 1910 (To Chandernagore), 13-4 Prayers and Meditations, 40, 42-5, 49, 51-6 1910 (To Pondicherry), 14 Page 285 1910 (Touched the Supermind), 14 Subtle sight, 8 1910-14 (Programme ...
... 'One needs strength to receive strength...' One day a sadhak from Chandernagore came to Pondicherry for Sri Aurobindo's darshan. He had set out on a pilgrimage and expressed a desire to see Sri Aurobindo en route . The next day I went to the darshan at eight in the morning. I told Sri Aurobindo, "Lord, a sadhu from Chandernagore is here for your darshan. He will come today." "Have you seen him ...
... prevailed a deep silence, like sudden darkness after a strong illumination. All of us waited with anxious hearts. Sri Aurobindo seemed to think for a few seconds. Then he said, "I shall go to Chandernagore." Rambabu said, "Just now?" Sri Aurobindo replied, "Just now this very moment." You need not however suppose that these were the actual words used. I am trying merely to convey the manner of their... mazes Page 137 of a particular locality. It may be that if the Calcutta CID had on its staff a man like Sherlock Holmes or the French Pirot, he might have managed to trace him to Chandernagore with the help of that faint clue. And in that, case perhaps this story would not have been written. But as it happened, we walked on in silence for some fifteen or twenty minutes and finally ...
... of physical education who left his body a few years earlier. × Motilal Roy, a disciple from Chandernagore with whom Sri Aurobindo corresponded between 1912 and 1920. × That was the lime of the Evening ...
... Motilal Roy. In February 1910 , Sri Aurobindo left Calcutta and took temporary refuge in Chandernagore, a small French enclave on the river Hooghly about thirty kilometres north of Calcutta. There he was looked after by Motilal Roy (1882 - 1959), a young member of a revolutionary secret society. After leaving Chandernagore for Pondicherry in April, Sri Aurobindo kept in touch with Motilal by letter. It... which the rent was Rs. 15). [10] March 1914. Rashbehari Bose was a revolutionary of Chandernagore who orchestrated the bomb-attack against Lord Hardinge in Delhi in December 1912. On 8 March 1914, British police officers, armed with an extradition warrant of arrest, raided Rashbehari's house in Chandernagore. They were unable to arrest him, as he had slipped out some time before. News of the raid... letter written to him by Swami Sundarananda of the Udbodhan office, in which Sundarananda claimed that Sri Aurobindo visited Saradamani Devi, the widow of Ramakrishna Paramahansa, on his way to Chandernagore in 1910. This and other parts of Girijashankar's articles were shown to Sri Aurobindo, who on 15 Page 562 December 1944 replied in the form of a letter to Charu Chandra ...
... over on a visit from Chandernagore but stayed in another house. He used to come and meet Sri Aurobindo regularly but, to avoid identification by the police, he never entered the house except by the back door and under cover of darkness. In his memoirs Roy has written about the acute financial difficulties which the household faced at the time and on his return to Chandernagore he arranged to send ... the Government had lost track of Sri Aurobindo. There was much speculation about his whereabouts and, to add to the confusion, Sri Aurobindo himself had sent a little note from his hide-out at Chandernagore. It was published in the Karmayogin on March 26, 1910, just a few days before he left for Pondicherry and it read: 'We are greatly astonished to learn from the local Press that Sj. Aurobindo Ghose... remittances from time to time. It was relatively safer to send money from Chandernagore. Remittances from British India were carefully noted by the CID and a sender could incur the wrath of the Government for aiding the revolutionaries. Around July 1912 there was another conspiracy to implicate Sri Aurobindo in alleged revolutionary activities. The author of this plan was again another notorious ...
... etc." Started on June 15, 1909 by Sri Aurobindo, who wrote practically all of its articles and editorial comments, and published in it a number of his poems and translations. When he left for Chandernagore in February 1910, he put the journal into the hands of Sister Nivedita. Writings by him continued to appear in it until it ceased publication on March 26, 1910. Dharma ... Started on August 23, 1909 under the editorship of Sri Aurobindo, who wrote most of its articles and editorial comments himself. His connection with the journal ended when he left for Chandernagore in February 1910. Its last issue came out on March 28, 1910. Arya English A philosophical review started by Sri Aurobindo on August 15, 1914 and continued... and Plays ( See l3). . SABCL: Collected Poems, Vol. 5 52 . MAN — SLAVE OR FREE? First Edition [for private circulation]: Prabartak Publishing House, Chandernagore, 1922 First [Trade] Edition: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 1966 The 1922 Edition contained five essays from the Karmayogin: "Man—Slave or Free?" (June 26, 1909), ...
... appeared in the Arya between August and November 1918 under the title The Renaissance in India . In September 1920 they were published under the same title by the Prabartak Publishing House, Chandernagore, after being revised lightly by Sri Aurobindo. The publisher's note to this edition stated: "The subject matter of the book was written in a way of appreciation of Mr. James H. Cousins' book of ...
... of the Yoga than he seems to have had either in the past or now. This Yoga is not turned towards renunciation of the world or an outward asceticism, but neither is its aim Bhoga, nor what the Chandernagore people call "Life-realisation" which means nothing but the satisfaction of one's own magnified vital ego. The aim is an opening to a higher Divine Truth beyond mind, life or body and the transformation ...
... Dikshitbhai's son and the son of Dikshitbhai's maternal aunt also started with us but they went back from the next village. We came to Navasari where Punditji, a disciple of Motilal Roy of Chandernagore, ran an ashram and published books in Gujarari. We stayed there for a while. I did not know what the elders of our party told him, but I learnt that we were to make sandals, sell them on the way ...
... Halley's comet becomes visible to the naked eye; its perihelion is on April 20. It is preceded in January by the Great Daylight Comet. mid-February — Sri Aurobindo abruptly leaves Calcutta for Chandernagore. April 1 - Leaves for Pondicherry on board S.S. Dupleix. April 4 - Sri Aurobindo arrives at Pondicherry. — Charged in Calcutta with sedition for an article published in The Karmayogin ...
... that article fans the fire of patriotism in the hearts of Nationalists all over India. On 4 April 1908 a meeting of the Nationalists in Chandernagore was banned by Tardevell, the mayor of this French colony. On 8 April a meeting at Chitala (near Chandernagore) was Page 106 addressed by Sri Aurobindo. On 11 April a bomb which did not explode was thrown into Tardevell's house. ...
... will go to Chandernagore.’ 57 ‘Usually the police kept a watch over Sri Aurobindo’s movements, but that evening, when he came out of the office, there was no vigil anywhere.’ A quarter of an hour later he and three companions arrived at a ghat (steps leading down to the river) of the Ganges, hailed one of the small boats for hire, and Aurobindo and two companions were rowed to Chandernagore, a French... animated comments from those around on the approaching event [his arrest], I suddenly received a command from above, in a Voice well known to me, in three words: “Go to Chandernagore.” In ten minutes or so I was in the boat to Chandernagore … I may add in explanation that from the time I left Lele at Bombay after the Surat Sessions and my stay with him in Baroda, I had accepted the rule of following the... development during the year in jail had turned this into an absolute law of the being. This accounts for my immediate action in obedience to the adesha [command] received by me.’ 58 In Chandernagore, Charu Chandra Roy refused to give shelter to Aurobindo although he was bound by oath to do so. He had been a member of the secret society and one of the accused in the Alipore Bomb Case, but he ...
... human Curu was not necessary for me." The Divine Charioteer was now firmly seated in the heart and had taken the reins of the Chosen One's destiny in his own hands. The Command to go to Chandernagore at a moment's notice came from the same source. It was again the same Voice that spoke when he received the Command to go to Pondicherry. "It was impossible to make a mistake or disobey that voice ...
... close contact with all sorts of people including Europeans, perhaps even officials, perhaps even spies and officials. For instance, there is Biren. There is a French man, named Shair Siddhar now in Chandernagore, who came to me and whom I had to see and sound. He is a queer sort of fool with something of the knave, but he had possibilities which I had to sound. There is Richard who is to know nothing about ...
... came to me. There are some voices about which there is no possibility of any doubt or mistake Charu wanted me to go to France so that he might have no further trouble, I suppose. When I arrived at Chandernagore, he refused to receive me and threw me on to Motilal. NIRODBARAN: But why should he receive you? SRI AUROBINDO: Because as a revolutionary he was obliged to do so. NIRODBARAN: Was he a ...
... as the means are put in my hands. All this to be done by God's help only and not to be begun till things and myself are ready." The next letter we produce here was written to Motilal Roy of Chandernagore. The date is uncertain, but I am inclined to think that the letter was written just after 15 August 1912. Here we give but a few excerpts. "15 th August is usually a turning point or a notable ...
... deported by the Government. February 1910 Sri Aurobindo secretly left British India and reached the French settlement of Chandernagore, near Calcutta. Page 11 April 1910 Leaving Chandernagore, Sri Aurobindo reached Pondicherry, another French possession but further to the South of India, on 4 April, and remained there—his place of retreat ...
... or skill in the art of secret assassination, but in the opinion of many that was a "dastardly crime". But a trained and disciplined army was quite another matter. Now, a band of young men from Chandernagore taking the opportunity provided by the War formed themselves into a corps of Volunteers, some fifteen of them. They were French citizens and were therefore to join the War on the side of the ...
... of the Canal. A fact duly noted by the British government with deep satisfaction. But Motilal had seen for himself the situation when he came to Pondicherry in mid-1911. He came from Chandernagore along with two other special Representatives to the French Council in Pondicherry, for about a month and a half. But it was dangerous to meet Sri Aurobindo openly as Alexandra David-Neel had found ...
... sudden command from above to go to Chandernagore in French India. He obeyed the command at once, for it was now his rule to move only as he was moved by the divine guidance and never to resist and depart from it; he did not stay to consult with anyone but in ten minutes was at the river ghat and in a boat plying on the Ganges, in a few hours he was at Chandernagore where he went into secret residence... He sent a message to Sister Nivedita asking her to take up the editing of the Karmayogin in his absence. This was the end of his active Page 63 connection with his two journals. At Chandernagore he plunged entirely into solitary meditation and ceased all other activity. Then there came to him a call to proceed to Pondicherry. A boat manned by some young revolutionaries of Uttarpara took ...
... Calcutta and Chandernagore (1907-1910) Calcutta and Chandernagore (1907-1910) Narrative Poems Published in 1910 Collected Poems Baji Prabhou Know more > Author's Note This poem is founded on the historical incident of the heroic self-sacrifice of Baji Prabhou Deshpande, who to cover Shivaji's retreat, held the pass of Rangana for two hours ...
... the lives of Dante and Sri Aurobindo seem to strike a somewhat similar note. Dante, like Sri Aurobindo, was involved in active politics for a time; Sri Aurobindo left Calcutta in 1910, first for Chandernagore, and finally for Pondicherry, where he remained for the rest of his life, even as Dante left Florence in 1302, to spend the remaining nineteen years of his life in exile; and they were both about ...
... Congress in formula- ting their policy and organising an anti-Partition movement. 1906 March : Came to Calcutta which was the main centre of his work till his departure for Chandernagore in February 1910. The same month, started the Bengali paper Yugantar, himself contributing articles to it. April: Attended the famous sessions of the... India's freedom to a correspondent of a Tamil Nation- alist weekly. February: In response to an Adesh (Command) from the Divine Sri Aurobindo secretly left Calcutta and came to Chandernagore where at the house of Matilal Roy he spent a month and a half in Yogic contemplation, after which, again commanded by the Divine, he came to Pondicherry on April 4 by the steamer Dupleix. Thirty ...
... offspring of a Hindu woman and a Portuguese man. So Jeanne was a 'Creole' to the locals. When Dupleix was posted to Bengal in 1731 as the Company's Director General, he called the Vincent family to Chandernagore. Vincent, Jeanne's first husband, died there in 1737, leaving her a widow with six children. In April 1741 Joseph and Jeanne got married. That same year, after his nomination as governor, Dupleix ...
... police also cannot be otherwise!... But the surprising thing was that on that day and at that hour on the Howrah station platform he was found talking with the Mayor of Chandernagore, M. Tardivel, his wife, the Governor of Chandernagore and a few other distinguished European gentlemen. Remembering the occasion, they had, all of them, agreed to stand witness in favour of Charubabu. Since the police had... rushed from Sylhet to Midnapore and, with his powerful and seditionary nationalist speech he had delighted the eyes and ears of our detective monsieur. But the causal body of Charuchandra Roy of Chandernagore, materialising at Maniktola, had perpetrated even greater mysteries. Two police officers declared on oath that on such and such date at such and such time they had seen Charubabu at Shyambazar, ...
... ORKS OF S RI A UROBINDO , for more information on this "Chandernagore Manuscript".) In the middle of February 1910, Sri Aurobindo left Calcutta for Chandernagore, where he remained for six weeks before departing for Pondicherry. It would appear that he left the manuscript containing these poems behind in Chandernagore, that someone there made copies of the poems and other contents... February 1910, Page 701 he was the editor of the weekly journal Karmayogin , in which several of his poems appeared. In February 1910 he went from Calcutta to Chandernagore, and six weeks later to Pondicherry, where he spent the rest of his life. Satirical Poem Published in 1907 Reflections of Srinath Paul, Rai Bahadoor, on the Present... Publishers, 1972],p. 207.) In 1920–21 defective texts of the poems (as well as some of the other contents of the manuscript) were published in the Standard Bearer , a journal brought out from Chandernagore. Sometime after their publication, Sri Aurobindo revised the Standard Bearer texts. In 1942, the Standard Bearer versions were given to Sri Aurobindo for further revision before inclusion ...
... was pressing upon him for an exclusive concentration. He resolved therefore to withdraw from the political field, at least for a time. In February, 1910, he withdrew to a secret retirement at Chandernagore and in the beginning of April sailed for Pondicherry in French India. A third prosecution was launched against him at this moment for a signed article in the Karmayogin ; in his absence it was ...
... On my visit to Motibabu, Motibabu told me that according to Mr. C. R. Das Sri Aurobindo is lost to India. Mr. Das had come to Pondicherry after seeing Motibabu and said, Motibabu's work in Chandernagore is not satisfactory. Mr. Das and Motibabu hold opposite views, several of Motibabu's close disciples have also left him. The number of his disciples given by him is unreliable. The sadhak said ...
... . Sri Aurobindo had also met at Calcutta S. Parthasarathi, 'Secretary Swadeshi Steam Navigation Company' That is why when Sri Aurobindo received the adesh (Command) to go to Pondicherry from Chandernagore, he had sent Moni with a note addressed to S. Parthasarathi Iyenger, c/o 'India' Press. Parthasarathi was away from Pondicherry, so at Moni's request Parthasarathi's elder brother Srinivasachari ...
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