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Chandi : Chandipātha, the Tantric scripture forming an episode of the Mārkandeya Purana. It is a poem of 700 stanzas celebrating the goddess Durgā’s victories over the Asūras. The work is also called Chandi-Mahātmya or Devi-Mahātmya.

37 result/s found for Chandi

... Record of Yoga 20 April - 20 May 1918 20 April 1918 A manifest change has been the accomplishment of the Chandi personality in the Devibhava of the Prakriti. This bhava is in its nature Mahasaraswati, the Aniruddha-shakti. It has for its base Maheshwari; it is strongly coloured with Mahaluxmi. This combination was finally expressed in a strong... strong and long-permanent personality, perfect in equality, intense in bliss, full of universal love madhurya , but deficient in virya and shakti , ῥαθυμος. The advent of the Chandi bhava, effected in accordance with lipi and other prediction on the 2d, stabilised and completed in rudra force on the 15ᵗʰ, since then undergoing modifications and vicissitudes, has brought the completion of the Devibhava... but can only partially get their hands upon it and have to loose their hold. Nevertheless this is now the chief difficulty and the root of all the others. (3) The ishwarabhava has come with the Chandi virya. It is in its perfection the aishwarya of the Dasi empowered by the Lover Page 1038 and Master, the [real] 1 aishwarya being his, the executive aishwarya hers. But the mind element ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... मातृवाक्यं कालीं करालीं भज पुत्र चण्डीम्। द्रष्टासि वै भारतमातरं तां घ्नतीमरातीन् भृशमाजिमध्ये ॥३०॥ O poet and sensualist, hear the word of the Mother: adore Kali the Terrible, my son, the fierce Chandi. Verily you shall see her, the mother of the Bharatas, striking down her foes mightily in the thick of the fight. सनातनान्याह्वय भारतानां कुलानि युद्धाय जयोऽस्तु मा भैः। भो जागृतास्मि क्व धनुः... stars and suns, O infinite in energy. आजौ यदा नृत्यसि चण्डि घोरे शृगालघुष्टे दधति त्रिशूलम्। स्पर्शेन कम्पन्त इवायुधस्य महान्ति तारानियुतानि नाके ॥५६॥ When, wielding the trident, thou dancest, O Chandi, on the gruesome battlefield noisy with jackals, the vast multitudes of stars seem to tremble in the firmament at the touch of thy weapon. दयार्द्रचित्ता रुदितेन पुंसां हंसि प्रजापीडकमस्तकेषु। ... चण्डीं तिष्ठन् प्रभामण्डलमूर्तिमग्रे ॥७१॥ I see currents of flame spewing from the mouth of the deadly weapon; but for all his inso-lence, and though he lies before her, he cannot reach the form of Chandi wrapped in an aura of splendour. प्रक्षिप्तखड्गस्तु विषाणमध्ये विष्टम्भयत्यन्तिमचेष्टितं तत्। समाप्तमेतत्तव तर्कयामि महाव्रतं देवि विशालवीर्ये ॥७२॥ A sword thrust between his horns paralyses ...


... The Radha-Power In the Chandi the names of the four Cosmic Powers of the Mother—Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati—are mentioned along with others, but the name Radha is not mentioned. This is a clear proof of the fact that when the Chandi was composed the Radha-Power was not manifested to the vision of the saints and that the Chandi mentions only the Cosmic Powers of the ...

... spirit of nationality, which was a yet greater and more energetic manifestation of the Eternal Shakti than Page 129 himself. Therefore he fell; therefore the Adyashakti, the mighty Devi Chandi Ranarangini Nrimundamalini, withdrew from him her varabhaya and fought against him till she had crushed and torn him with the claws of her lion. Had he fallen as the leader of humanity,—he could not... head again to the stars? It is because she never lost hold of religion, never gave up her faith in the spirit. Therefore the promise of Srikrishna ever holds good; therefore the Adyashakti, the mighty Chandi, ever descends when the people turn to her and tramples the Asura to pieces. Times change and a new kind of outer power rules over India in place of the Asuras of the East. But woe to India if she ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... 4 Literally, 'the One with a severed head'. Page 240 everything then be offered to Thee in sacrifice." 1 We find the very same idea occurring in the following verse of Chandi Saptashati: "Mother Divine, this world has been created by Thee, is being maintained by Thee, but it is Thou again who art devouring it all the time." 2 Vadarayan Vyasa's Brahmasūtram suggests... dhāryate jāyamānam. Viśantu tvām-āhutayaśca sarvāḥ prajāḥ." (Maitri Upanishad, VI.9) 2 "Tvayaiva dhāryate viśvaṁ tvayaitat sṛjyate jagat. Tvayaitat pālyate devi tvamatsyante ca sarvadā." (Chandi, 53) 3 sthityadanābhyāñca. (Brahmasūtram, I.3.7) Also see: Purushottamananda Avadhuta, Brahmasutra, pp. 144-46. 4 "The Spirit pervades the universe as the Virat Purusha ...

... are likely to be made. I have thus, in addition to such oral aid, availed myself of the Commentaries of Nilakantha on the Mahabharata, of Gopala Page 569 Chakravarti and Nagoji Bhatta on Chandi, and of Nilakantha on the Devibhagavata. As regards the Tantra, the great Sadhana Shastra, nothing which is both of an understanding and accurate character can be achieved without a study of the original... reverence and again reverence, Page 573 To Her who is moonlight and in the form of the moon, To Her who is supreme bliss, reverence for ever. That is from the famous hymn in the Chandi-Mahatmya, deservedly one of the best known in sacred literature; but everywhere we find the same crowding of different aspects. In a hymn of which the eleventh verse is a sensuous description of the ...


... is a unique contemporary presentation of the birth and foundation of a religious movement. Two other poems that have become classics, celebrate the greatness of Durga or Chandi, the goddess who is the Energy of Shiva,—the "Chandi" of Mukundaram, a pure romance of great poetic beauty which presents in its frame of popular legend a very living picture of the life of the people, and the "Annadamangal" ...


... in small matters with great frequency & correctness. The latter is not yet invariable. The rest of the vijnana is still dull, except occasionally the jnana.— 31 October 1914 St.    1) Chandi. 2) Les Débats 3) Littéraires. Lipi. 1) Jollity. outside. perfection. digest. 2) passive. 3) 13. The normal activity of Vijnana is restored; the attempt to generalise accurate... empty, indifferent shanta Mahasaraswati bhava & negate the combination of Ananda + Tapas, centred in the Mahakali-Mahasaraswati Bhava; (2) to assert the passive Devi in place of the Asuro-Rakshasic (Chandi) Devi governed by the Deva in Krishna.     It is now a settled gain that the Maheshwari bhava as pratistha is practically covered over; it is dominated, first, by Mahasaraswati as continent and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... receiving news from the Ashram, books and letters, Sri Aurobindo's and Mother's messages, etc. Once during this period, we went from Calcutta to Berhampore. On entering the Chandi-mandapa (an altar to Mother Chandi) I noticed that in place of Mother Kali's statue photographs of Mother and Sri Aurobindo had been placed. I was furious when I saw this. How was this possible? To keep Mother's and ...


... Rudra or Shiva. The supreme Energy beneficent in upholding and protection is or else formulates itself as the Mother of the worlds, Luxmi or Durga. Or beneficent even in the mask of destruction, it is Chandi or it is Kali, the dark Mother. The One Godhead manifests himself in the form of his qualities in various names and godheads. The God of divine love of the Vaishnava, the God of divine power of the ...


... Gods too are formless and yet have forms, but a Godhead can take many forms, here Maheshwari, there Pallas Athene. Maheshwari herself has many forms in her lesser manifestations, Durga, Uma, Parvati, Chandi etc. The Gods are not limited to human forms—man also has not always seen them in human forms only. 1 September 1935 ...

... of the Mother The Mother with Letters on the Mother Mahakali and Kali What is the essential difference between the Mahakali form as described in the Chandi and the Shyama form? These—Kali, Shyama, etc.—are ordinary forms seen through the vital; the real Mahakali form whose origin is in the Overmind is not black or dark or terrible, but golden of colour ...

... intense yet not charged with the powerful amplitude of vision and vibration such as we find in verses of the Upanishads, verses which seem to be the Infinite's own large and luminous language. Kabir and Chandi-das are somewhat in the same category, though with a difference of tone and temper. They are indeed, as Mr. Lal says, exquisite and they are authentically spiritual, but again more intense than immense ...


... Gods too are formless and yet have forms, but a Godhead can take many forms, here Maheshwari, there Pallas Athene. Maheshwari herself has many forms in her lesser manifestations, Durga, Uma, Parvati, Chandi, etc. The Gods are not limited to human forms — man also has not always seen them in human forms only.’ 4 They were and are often seen as forms of light or as a play of lights. The world of ...


... weakness and lethargy without any cause (yesterday, I felt particularly weak, today I am better). Page 114 Am reading five to six hours your Psychology of Social Development and Chandi, etc. (religious books only) but can’t sit down to music or poetry. I don’t know why. For quite a long time I have been working fairly hard and steadily. If I have to go to Calcutta I must improve ...

... Sungod: Javakusumasamkasham kashyapeyam mahadyutim Dhwantarim sarvapapaghnam pranato'smi divakaram Page 194 Page 21. Murari's hymn is translated (freely) from Chandi (Sans- krit): Yadatra pathe jagadambike maya visarga-bindvaksharahinamiritam Tadastu sampurnatamam prasadatah Samkalpasiddhishcha sadaiva jayatam Page 21 ...


... Gods too are formless and yet have forms, but a Godhead can take many forms, here Maheshwari, there Pallas Athene. Maheshwari herself has many forms in her lesser manifestations, Durga, Uma, Parvati, Chandi, etc. The Gods are not limited to human forms – man also has not always seen them in human forms only.’ 13 As the gods are descended from the One, or That, or Brahman, but remain part of It ...

... The physical seems to be more open to something that is repetitious—for example, the music we play on Sundays, which Page 195 has three series of combined mantras. The first is that of Chandi, addressed to the universal Mother: Ya devi sarvabhuteshu matrirupena sansthita Ya devi sarvabhuteshu shaktirupena sansthita Ya devi sarvabhuteshu shantirupena sansthita Namastasyai namastasyai ...


... India called them the Panis who like nocturnal robbers plunder the sadhakas of their truth-light, rt am Page 328 jyotih, hiranyam jyotih. Devi Saptashati, commonly known as the Chandi, held in equal reverence with the Gita, has described in great detail the symbolic names and functions of these undivine hostile beings and their ways of waging war against the Divine. Below are ...

... Bhattacharya residence in Berhampur in West Bengal A view of the courtyard leading to the covered verandah and the parlour of the Bhattacharya residence. The Chandi-mandap (a shrine to Kali) in front of the Bhattacharya residence. Ashuchi hon jagannath? Narayaneyr jaat jodi nai Toder keno jaateyr balai? (Tora) chheyleyr mukhey ...

... It doesn't mean that by being a god of Tapas he is no more a god of the fire of sacrifice. Agni is taken as a psychological principle as well as a god. (After a while) And he can also quote the Chandi where it says the goddess inhabits all creatures in the form of benevolence. It doesn't mean that because she inhabits them in the form of benevolence she is not a goddess. As a psychological image ...


... remember the period when the Sanskrit recitations of Panditji of Rameshwaram were played in the Playground during meditations? One of those days Mother said to me: “Satyakarma says that you recite the Chandi shlokas nicely. I would like to hear it. If it is nice, we will record it and play it at the meditation.” I never expected that. I started reciting as I was used to—like an express train. Mother ...


... MURARI ( unperturbed ) There I'll obey you willingly, for once, If only to swell the choir of Gods aghast And shuddering, sir, at your pronunciation. For it's for priests like you the Chandi wrote: ( He starts reciting in mock solemnity ) Page 20 Smile thou on me, O Goddess of Gods, If my breath, unwittingly, Has missed a vowel while I sang O f thy ...


... Gods too are formless and yet have forms, but a Godhead can take many forms, here Maheshwari, there Pallas Athene. Maheshwari herself has many forms in her lesser manifestations, Durga, Uma, Parvati, Chandi etc. The Gods are not limited to human forms—man also has not always seen them in human forms only. The Gods and the Overmind The natives of the Overmind are Gods. Naturally the Gods rule the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... Forms, Powers, Personalities and Appearances of the Mother The Mother with Letters on the Mother Mahalakshmi A verse from the Chandi on Mahalakshmi came to me a minute or two after the Mother began to meditate with me. Afterwards the Mother explained that three forms of Mahalakshmi appeared in the meditation in response to my invocation. The first, the ...

... The Mother, the Divine and the Lower Nature The Mother with Letters on the Mother The Mother, the Jivatman and the Soul In the Chandi it is said that the Devi is in everyone in the form of consciousness. This is the Bhagavat Chetana in all beings. In the true state, in the psychic and the Jivatman, it is united, a divine portion. In the fallen state, ...

... Chapter IV Metaphysics of Hunger: The Universal 'Yajna' A thousand salutations to the Great Mother who pervadest all becomings in the shape of Hunger and Thirst. (Chandi Saptashati, III.16,19) To whatever god the oblation is offered, Hunger and Thirst surely have their share in the offering. 1 (Aitareya Upanishad, I .2.5) By the Apāna.. ...

... Gods too are formless and yet have forms, but a Godhead can take many forms, here Maheshwari, there Pallas Athene. Maheshwari herielf has many forms in her lesser manifestations, Durga, Uma, Parvati, Chandi etc. The Gods are not limited to human forms—man also has not always seen them in human forms only. September 1, 1935 Of course Y's revolt was quite evident. But the fact of his leaving ...

... another revolution. SATYENDRA: Yes, Narendra Deo calls his Forward Bloc "Backward Bloc". . SRI AUROBINDO: "Forward and Backward Bloc" would be better still. (Laughter) SATYENDRA: In the Chandi there are descriptions of these fights of the Asuras—I am telling Nirod as he may not have read it. So many times the Asuras attack the Mother. At the last moment, they are defeated. SRI AUROBINDO: ...


... the realisation. (Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga, p. 109) How is it, O Great One, that even we who have attained to Knowledge get at times blind and benighted"?* (Chandi Saptashati, I .30) ...Man evolving to divinest heights Colloques still with the animal and the Djinn; The human godhead with star-gazer eyes Lives still in one house ...

... hidden like an underground stream; they have been submerged in the lower reaches of society. They have taken as their chosen deity, not Durga or Lakshmi, nor Brahma or Vishnu, but Kali and Karali, Chandi and Baguli. In the Page 118 words of one of these poets: . For an entire epoch, the line of this particular form of spiritual discipline was practically restricted to ...

... I could not with all my might. Dadu kept smiling as he watched me try. I had an armoury where I used to keep all my bows and arrows, shield and lance, and all my playthings. The staircase from Chandi Mandap* used to go straight up to Narayana's** room. My playthings used to be kept under that dark staircase. This staircase was rarely used by anyone except during pujas. Then again when I would get ...


... know her or have only read her Prayers and Meditations will at once reply in a chorus : Love is the truth and essence of the Mother's life and love the nuclear force of her personality. In the Chandi (a portion of the Markendya Purana), the Divine Mother has been hymned under her diverse aspects of Consciousness, Intelligence, Power, Peace, Beauty, Forgive- ness, Kindness, etc., but the most ...


... There was a collective arati in the evening. How our uncles used to dance while doing the arati carrying big incense-burners! Each one tried to outdo the other, showing off his skill. The whole Chandi-mandapa was enveloped in incense-smoke! Through this smoke the image of Mother Durga looked really mysterious! Father also would join this competition with the drummer. And we little ones would let ...


... felt the Mother very distant as She stood before me solemn and immobile. I kept naming all the gods and goddesses and it was always the same question: “Are you Mother Anandamayi? Are you Mother Chandi? Are you Mother this, Are you Mother that?” The Mother just kept nodding in assent. My bag of questions was inexhaustible! Finally, at the end, I asked Her: “Are you Mother Mahakali?” That ...


... was dumbfounded, as well as the nun beside him, the secretary was frozen in a corner. For ten minutes she gave him a dressing-down and bawled him out — it was quite a spectacle: not even Kali, but Chandi. The administrator was silent and livid — but he gave us a bedroom. Well.... So there was Taiwan. We missed the boat bound for Taiwan, we were sound asleep at 6 a.m., which was goodness knows what ...

... Life Divine and The Synthesis of Yoga. He wrote authoritatively on the Yoga of the other and on the life of Sri Aurobindo. In his essay on "The Brazier of Love", Rishabhchand wondered why the Chandi (or Devi Mahatmyam), while it invokes the. Divine Mother in her different aspects of Consciousness, Intelligence, Power, Peace, Beauty, Forgiveness, Kindness, etc., doesn't refer to the cardinal ...
