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Chandrabali Chundra : a Gopi who participates in Sri Krishna’s mystic Rāsaleela.
... hast accepted God in thy spirit? 451—To love God, excluding the world, is to give Him an intense but imperfect adoration. 452—Is love only a daughter or handmaid of jealousy? If Krishna loves Chandrabali, 1 why should I not love her also? 453—Because thou lovest God only, thou art apt to claim that He should love thee rather than others; but this is a false claim contrary to right and... and universal. 6 April 1970 Page 338 × Sri Krishna loved Radha best among the gopis , but he loved Chandrabali and the other gopis also. ...
... district, town and village whether in West, East or North Bengal & in order to constitute the Barisal committees, let Babu Surendranath Banerji go down in person aided by Mr. A. Chowdhury & Babu Bipin Chundra Pal, who, if summoned by Mr. Fuller or any Government official, shall refuse to have any dealings with them, until the former shall have publicly apologised for his disgraceful & ungentlemanly conduct ...
... accepted God in thy spirit? 450) To love God, excluding the world, is to give Him an intense but imperfect adoration. 451) Is love only a daughter or handmaid of jealousy? If Krishna loves Chandrabali, why should I not love her also? 452) Because thou lovest God only, thou art apt to claim that He should love thee rather than others; but this is a false claim contrary to right & the nature ...
... they preserve a charm of wonder, sublimity or weirdness, they are brought onto our own plane of experience, their speech and thought & passion is human. This was the reason alleged by the late Bunkim Chundra Chatterji, himself a poet and a critic of fine & strong insight, for preferring the Birth of the War God to Paradise Lost; he thought that both epics were indeed literary epics of the same type, l ...
... Bankim Chandra Chatterji. Circa 1894–98. Certainly written after Bankim's death in 1894. The poem is entitled in the manuscript "Lines written after reading a novel of Bunkim Chundra Chatterji". Madhusudan Dutt. Circa 1893–98. To the Cuckoo . Circa 1893–98. Subtitled in the manuscript "A Spring morning in India". The subtitle may have been deleted from ...
... genuineness of any given passage in the poem. If we rely upon any other internal evidence, we shall find ourselves irresistibly tempted to form a theory and square facts to it. The late Rai Bahadur Bunkim Chundra Chatterji, a genius of whom modern India has not produced the parallel, was a man of ripe scholarship, literary powers of the very first order and a strong critical sagacity. In his Life of Krishna ...
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