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Chandraloka : the world of the god Chandra or Sōma; it is 3rd of the eight lōkas or spiritual planes of Swar (q.v.) where the gods dwell; at their summit is Kailāsa & at the base is Swarga with Pitrilōka just above Swarga [s/a Bhūr].
... above. Vaikuntha, Goloka, Brahmaloka, Meruloka, Visva-devaloka (Karmadevatas), Ganaloka, Jnanaloka from top to bottom Page 1280 [ . . . ] = Suryaloka. Swar—Chandraloka & Swarga. Jana, Tapah & Satya above Swar—Chandraloka—Pitriloka; Kailas above, between 7 tiers of 14 worlds, according to types—Pashu, Pisacha, Pramatha, Rakshasa, Asura, Deva, Siddha— Swarga—7—Kama, Yuddha, Prema, Manas ...
... contact with the object; it knows it directly. Disciple : Raja Yoga speaks of Siddhis also e. g. control over matter or knowledge of Suryaloka and Chandraloka, conquest of death etc. Sri Aurobindo : Knowledge of Suryaloka and Chandraloka one may have, but conquest of death is another matter. The Raja Yoga does not acquire Siddhis by wanting them; they speak of Siddhis coming to them. And ...
... Swarga, it calls that particular siddhi देवक्रिडानुदर्शनम्, watching the sports of the gods, because all life is to them a sport or lila. The Gods, however, dwell for us in the lower Swarloka, ie, Chandraloka of which the summit is Kailas and the basis Swarga with Pitriloka just above Swarga. Nevertheless even there they keep their jyotirmay and lilamay nature, their luminous bodies and worlds of sel ...
... Pranamaya world, where Prana is at its height, vitality is stupendous, grief and pain are felt but enjoyed, sensuous enjoyment is perfect and prolonged. Then there is Swar, lower & higher, Swarga and Chandraloka, where Indra and the greater gods reside, manas is at its height, sensation, emotion, aesthetic pleasure and intellectual joy are of a mighty intensity, grief and pain are not felt except as another ...
... and was used in the ancient language in all these senses, the associations of which have come down to us in the modern sense of देव. The gods are the jyotirmaya beings of the tejomaya, luminous Chandraloka or Swar and jyotirmaya, brilliant Suryaloka or Mahar, the two heavens attainable by mortals. ऋत्विजम् । An ancient compound word ऋत् and विज् formed in the early childhood of the language before ...
... Siddhis, special powers, like control over Matter, knowledge of Suryaloka (the Sun-world) and Chandraraloka (the Moon-world), conquest of death, etc. SRI AUROBINDO: Knowledge of Suryaloka and Chandraloka, yes, but conquest of death is a very different matter. About Siddhis, it is said that they flow into one when one enters a certain state of consciousness. PURANI: The Upanishad also speaks of ...
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