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... From that time Bepin Pal had no connection with the Bande Mataram . Somebody said that he resumed his editorship after I was arrested in the Alipore Case. I never heard of that. I was told by Bejoy Chatterjee after I came out from jail that he, Shyam Sunder and Hemendra Prasad had carried on somehow with the paper, but the finances became impossible, so he deliberately wrote an article which made the ...
... Letter to My Countrymen; other essays, notes and comments from the Karmayogin; Speeches. Volume 3 — The Harmony of Virtue, EARLY CULTURAL WRITINGS: The Harmony of Virtue; Bankim Chandra Chatterjee; The Sources of Poetry and Other Essays; Valmiki and Vyasa; Kalidasa; The Brain of India; Essays from the Karmayogin; Art and Literature; Passing Thoughts; Conversations of the Dead. ... in Religion: A Study in Sri Aurobindo and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1971) Page 825 Creative Writing by Some Disciples of Sri Aurobindo Fiction and Drama Chatterjee, Promode K. Whom God Protects (1969) Lidchi, Maggi. Earthman (1967) Roy, Dilip Kumar. The Upward Spiral (1949); Sri Chaitanya (1960); Mira in Brindavan (1961) ... Banerjee, Surendranath. A Nation in the Making(l927) Bharati, Shuddhananda. Sri Aurobindo: The Divine Master (1948) Bhattacharya, Pranab. A Scheme of Education (1952) Bose, Bejoy Krishna. The Alipur Bomb Trial (1922) Chandrasekharam, V. Sri Aurobindo's 'The Life Divine': A brief Study (1961); Sri Aurobindo: Three Essays (1961); Aitareya Upanishad (1967) Chaudhuri ...
... with Sishir Kumar Ghose in villages, Sagardari (Jessore), Bagerhat, Kumora, Khalishkhali, Raoli, Katpaca and Banka. At Sagardari, I put up at the house of Sishir, at Bagerhat in the house of Debibar Chatterjee. At Khalishkhali in the house of the postmaster, who is a Chakravarty. At Raoli in the house of the maternal uncle of Sishir. My travelling expenses from Calcutta to Khulna and back were paid by... Pulak Banerjee Abani Sinha Hriday Narayan Mrityunjoy Mukherjee Samar Sen Aniruddha Sarkar Cristof Pitoёff Nishit Roy Amalesh Bhattacharya Simanta Narayan Chattopadhya Kanupriya Chatterjee Ajay Virmani Sushil Deora Sudhir Dewan Dr. Mitra Nirmalya Roy Vishwajit Talukdar Ashish Majumdar Peter Hees Ramen Sen Gupta Mira Sen Gupta Panu Sarkar Bono Sarkar Gama Sarkar... political purposes. Q: Who used to live at the Garden house? A: Upendranath Banerjee who used to teach me from the books named above. Others also used to be there: Barindra, Sishir Kumar Ghosh, Bejoy Kumar Nag; there were many others who used to come sometimes for a day at a time or a few hours. I cannot remember their names. Q: What were the political purposes of the mission? A: To serve the ...
... Light, 720H, 743; on the world situation, 721-2; on Korea and Chinese aggression, 721-2; interviews to Tagore, Levi & others, 723; on Golconde, 723-4; Brahmabandhab on, 728; Gandhiji on, 730; Justice Chatterjee on, 730; Munshi on, 731; on Yogic cure of maladies, 732; on leaving his body, 732; the Bhrigu astrologer's forecast, 733; illness, 733ff; false dawn and night, 734; tributes, 735; disciples' reactions... Chandidas, 72 Chandradip, 579 Chandrasekharam, Veluri, 411, 427, 440, 536,540 Chatterji, Amarendranath, 285-6 Chatterji, Baidyanath, 317 Chatterji, Bejoy, 222,324 Chatterji, B. C., 217, 239, 272 Chatterji, Bankim Chandra, 15, 16, 19, 27, 49, 50, 58ff, 184,194, 219-20, 228, 235, 280, 281, 321, 514 Chatterji, N.C., 730-1 ... V. K., 690 Gokhale, G. K., 206,216,225,227,264,267, 296, 341 ff, 349, 390 Gooch, G. P., 713 Gossain (Goswami), Narendranath, 320ff, 323-24, 325,334 Goswami, Yogi Bejoy, 63 Guhathakurta, Chittaranjan, 234 Guhathakurta, Manoranjan, 63, 287 Gupta, Nolini Kanta, 14, 193, 285, 288-89, 298, 306, 309, 329, 335, 370, 376, 380ff, 405, 536, 541, 655 ...
... pamphlet Bhawani Mandir. (‘Mandir’ means temple, and Bhawani, like Kali and Durga, is a warlike, terrible aspect of the Universal Mother.) Part of the inspiration behind this pamphlet was Bankim Chatterjee’s Anandamath (Monastery of Joy), a famous novel about an order of monks who were to undertake military operations and sacrifice their lives for the freedom of their country. Bhawani Mandir , with... community. Their chhota karta , Barin, was no longer there to look after them and direct them. Aurobindo had hardly known any of them before his imprisonment in Alipore Jail. Now Nolini Kanta Gupta, Bejoy Nag, Suresh Chakravarti, Saurin Bose and others sought shelter with him and solace from his presence. Practically all of them had been students before they became activists, and Aurobindo did everything... (Suresh Chakravarti) ahead to Pondicherry in order to make all necessary preparations with the freedom fighters there. Everything turned out well. Aurobindo boarded the Dupleix in the company of Bejoy Nag; both travelled under assumed names. The Dupleix sailed in the early hours of 1 April from Chandpal Ghat. When they reached Pondicherry harbour, ships had to drop anchor and the passengers were ...
... desperately for a time, thanks to the courage and resourcefulness of Shyamsundar Chakravarti, Hemendra Prasad and Bejoy Chatterjee, but this could not go on for ever. It was decided, therefore, that the paper should die with a bang rather than cease with a whimper, and so "Bejoy Chatterjee was commissioned to write an article for which the Government would * Bande Mataram, 16 August 1908: vide ...
... to avoid involving that institution in political controversies. In the day to day running of the Bande Mataram Sri Aurobindo had able assistants to help him: Shyam Sundar Chakravarty, Bejoy Krishna Chatterjee and Hemendra Prasad Ghose were writers of exceptional ability but, as the historian J.L. Banerji wrote at the time: 'Whoever the actual contributor to the Bande Mataram might be — the soul ...
... began to circulate throughout India. On its staff were not only Bepin Pal and Sri Aurobindo but some other very able writers, Shyam Sundar Chakravarty, Hemendra Prasad Ghose and Bejoy Chatterjee. Shyam Sundar and Bejoy were masters of the English language, each with a style of his own; Shyam Sundar caught up something like Sri Aurobindo’s way of writing and later on many took his articles for Sri... held in jail for a year, the economic situation of the Bande Mataram became desperate : finally, it was decided that the journal should die a glorious death rather than perish by starvation and Bejoy Chatterji was commissioned to write an article for which the Government would certainly stop the publication of the paper. Sri Aurobindo had always taken care to give no handle in the editorial articles ...
... not figure as Editor except once, and even then it was without his knowledge; and he was firm that the mistake should not recur. His editorial assistants - Shyamsundar, Hemendra Prasad and Bejoy Chatterjee - were also brilliant writers who could on occasion successfully imitate their chief. By the end of September, Sri Aurobindo and his three colleagues -B.C. Pal himself being away most of the ...
... for Old' is included in Sri Aurobindo's Political Thought: 1893-1908, edited by Haridas and Uma Mukherjee (1958), pp. 61-123; and the other series is reprinted as Bankim Chandra Chatterjee (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1954).[In SABCL, see Vols.1 and 17 resp. See also Vol.27, p. 349] 2. The reader is also referred to R. Bangaruswami's essay on 'Sri Aurobindo's T... 41. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 26, p. 30 42. Sri Aurobindo Mandir Annual, No. 27, p. 139 43. N. K. Gupta, Reminiscences, p. 4 44. Cf. Eardley Norton's Foreword to Bejoy Krishna Bose's The Alipore Bomb Trial (1922) 45. Ibid., pp. 4-5. [Cf. P. C. Roy Chowdhury's C. R. Das and His Times (1979), p. 59, and Purani, The Life, p. 109] ...
... Mataram paper began to circulate throughout India. On its staff were not only Bepin Chandra and Sri Aurobindo but some other very able writers, Shyam Sundar Chakravarty, Hemendra Prasad Ghose and Bejoy Chatterjee. Shyam Sundar caught up something like Sri Aurobindo's way of writing and later on many took his articles for Sri Aurobindo's." 85 Soon after the launching of the daily Bande Mataram... practice the doctrine of turning the left cheek while smitten on the right, while those who are to accept it as the only one rule of their conduct have become 150. 151. The Alipore Bomb Trial by Bejoy Krishna Bose (1922). Page 276 most pushing, aggressive and militant. It is an irony of fate that we have been violating the teachings of our own sacred books and going contrary to the... destined Sri Aurobindo to be the prophet and pioneer. XVI Let us have a passing glimpse of the famous Alipore Bomb trial. We quote from an authentic book. The Alipore Bomb Trial, by Bejoy Krishna Bose, who was one of the pleaders for the accused, and also from the Foreword to this book by Eardley Norton, one of the counsels for the Crown. "All the accused were produced before ...
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