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Chatterjee, Satish Chandra : (1873-1938) organized along with Ashwini Kumar Dutt the Swadeshi movement in Barisal; & also the Barisal branch of Anushilan Samiti. One of the nine Nationalist leaders deported in 1908, he worked intermittently as principal of the Brajamohan College until his death.
... — Tilak is sentenced to six years' transportation to Burma for alleged seditious writings in the Kesari. December 16 - Deportation of Ashwini Kumar Dutt, Krishna Kumar Mitra, Satish Chatterjee, Subodh Mullick, Monoranjan Guha Thakurta, and four others. December 28 — An earthquake followed by a tidal wave in Messina, Sicily, leaves 160,000 victims. 1909 — Morley-Minto... entitled 'New Lamps for Old' in which he criticizes the leaders of the Indian National Con- gress and their 'mendicant' policy. November 16 -Annie Besant comes to India. 1894, April 8 — Bankim Chandra Chatterji passes away. In July- August, Sri Aurobindo writes a series of articles on him in the Induprakash. 1897 - Sri Aurobindo begins to teach at the Baroda College, as a lecturer in French;... National Council of Education in Calcutta. March 12 - Declaration of the Yugantar (Bengali weekly). April 14 -Sri Aurobindo attends the Barisal Conference, then tours East Bengal with Bepin Chandra Pal. June 19 - Sri Aurobindo leaves Baroda for good. July 12 -In France, Dreyfus is cleared from all guilt twelve years after being convicted of treason, and reinstated to the Army. ...
... than voluntary, the cross examination of Inspector Shamsul Alum having failed to prove that he was responsible for it. General evidence as to his presence at the garden is given by Satish Chandra Banerjee, Suresh Chandra Ghose and Fazle Huq, but their inability to connect him with any particular incident, naturally detracts from the value of their testimony, which is also open to the comment that it... e which relates to the taking of this house from Debendra Nath Seal. (Exhibits 818, 697, … and …) This correspondence was between Debendra Nath Seal on the one side and Prokash Chandra Bose on the other. Who Prokash Chandra Bose was is not clearly established, though the Crown suggest that in all probability Barin assumed this name. But this at least is clear, that the letters addressed to Prokash... with Sishir Kumar Ghose in villages, Sagardari (Jessore), Bagerhat, Kumora, Khalishkhali, Raoli, Katpaca and Banka. At Sagardari, I put up at the house of Sishir, at Bagerhat in the house of Debibar Chatterjee. At Khalishkhali in the house of the postmaster, who is a Chakravarty. At Raoli in the house of the maternal uncle of Sishir. My travelling expenses from Calcutta to Khulna and back were paid by ...
... Bande Mataram has not been adequately recognised. Bijoy C. Chatterjee . There is no evidence of his connection with the paper before January 1908. After that, he became one of its major writers. Satish Chandra Mukherji . Head of the National Council of Education and editor of the Dawn , Satish Chandra had little time to write for the Bande Mataram . According to Hemendra... articles published anonymously in the editorial columns of the Bande Mataram : Bipin Chandra Pal, Sri Aurobindo, Hemendra Prasad Ghose, Shyam Sunder Chakravarti, Bijoy C. Chatterjee, Satish Mukherji and Upendranath Banerji. The following is known about the connection of these men with the paper: Bipin Chandra Pal . The founder of Bande Mataram , Pal was its editor-in-chief between 6 August... the editor-in-chief was not printed after the departure of Bipin Chandra Pal. Once, in November 1906, Sri Aurobindo's name was printed on the first page as "editor", but this lapse was not repeated. Sri Aurobindo is referred to as editor-in-chief in Hemendra Prasad Ghose's contemporary diary and in an article published by Bipin Chandra Pal in 1932. Page 1151 information on Sri ...
... lacking still. The song sung at the psychological moment was the needed fuse, and at once the wires tingled with animation, and from the bulbs leapt out blinding light. Writing in 1905, Satish Chandra Mukherjee of the Dawn Society wondered if Bankim himself could have dreamt of the transformation of the two opening words of his song into a national mantra of liberation: The welkin... 14 articles under the general caption "New Thought". The first was by Satish Mukherjee, the rest by Sri Aurobindo - out of which, again, the first seven were an position of the "doctrine of Passive Resistance" and the rest were in the nature of ancillary comments. The "New Thought" was summed up, first negatively by Satish Mukherjee: It is not the offspring of a spirit of revenge; it is... figure as Editor except once, and even then it was without his knowledge; and he was firm that the mistake should not recur. His editorial assistants - Shyamsundar, Hemendra Prasad and Bejoy Chatterjee - were also brilliant writers who could on occasion successfully imitate their chief. By the end of September, Sri Aurobindo and his three colleagues -B.C. Pal himself being away most of the ...
... Viscount, 422fh Sanjivani, 229, 317, 331, 336 Sanyal, P., 734, 737,739, 750 Sapru, Sir Tej Bahadur, 529 Sarada Devi, 67 Sarkar, Rajani, 306rn Sarkar, Satish, 365 Sartor Resartus, 111 Sastri, V. S. Srinivasa, 16, 529 Sastry, T. V. Kapali, 457, 459, 463fn, 547, 579,690,747 Satprem, 37 1ff Savage, D. S., 443 ... Light, 720H, 743; on the world situation, 721-2; on Korea and Chinese aggression, 721-2; interviews to Tagore, Levi & others, 723; on Golconde, 723-4; Brahmabandhab on, 728; Gandhiji on, 730; Justice Chatterjee on, 730; Munshi on, 731; on Yogic cure of maladies, 732; on leaving his body, 732; the Bhrigu astrologer's forecast, 733; illness, 733ff; false dawn and night, 734; tributes, 735; disciples' reactions... Laurence, 32, 35, 44, 70, 695 Birley, L.,313,314,324 Birth of Sin, The, 169, 169-72 Birth of the War-God, The, 91, 92ff Blunt, Wilfrid, 242 Bose, Bhupal Chandra, 65,222 Bose, Jogendra (Sri Aurobindo's uncle), 28, 35, 49 Bose, Khudiram, 305, 306 Bose, Rajnarain, 25-27, 49, 62, 222 Bose, Sailen, 308, 309 Bose, Satyendra ...
... schools and colleges. It was started by the initiative of Satish Chandra Mukherji, the reputed educationist of the time, who had also founded the Dawn Society, and was running the English organ. Dawn, in Calcutta. Almost all the men of light and leading in the city, including Rabindranath Tagore, Hiren Datta, Sir Gooroodas Banerji, Bepin Chandra Pal etc., were among the patrons and supporters of the... On its staff were not only Bepin Chandra and Sri Aurobindo but some other very able writers, Shyam Sundar Chakravarty, Hemendra Prasad Ghose and Bejoy Chatterjee. Shyam Sundar caught up something like Sri Aurobindo's way of writing and later on many took his articles for Sri Aurobindo's." 85 Soon after the launching of the daily Bande Mataram, Bepin Chandra Pal left for Sylhet and the other... Wellington Street. The Bengal National College was started in August, 1906. It was probably on his birthday, the 15th August, that Sri Aurobindo joined the College as its first Principal. Satish Chandra Mukherjee, the well-known educationist, became its Superintendent. Most of the local men of light and leading were among its organisers and active supporters. All felt the urgent need for an ...
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