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... stairs to the terrace, not familiar. Samadhi Page 40 18) A bundle of carbon papers for typewriting, put down, not folded, but partly turned down. Samadhi. 19) Chhaya in Akash of Kali armed, followed by Chhaya of Kalki on horseback. For Feb 4ᵗʰ & 5ᵗʰ see other book. 1 Feb 6ṭḥ. 20) Chhayamay of Sister Nivedita. 21) Tejomays of a collar of pearls and two others of Jogini... of the present. 28) Very clear chhaya (initial stage) of a butterfly flying across the corner of the room 29) Jalabindus round about the sun, also a network of the peculiar lines (ringlike curves) indicating the presence of jalam. The sun seen green again instead of blue or blue with a green tendency as yesterday. Feb 14ᵗʰ 30) The face of a watch—chhaya & chhayaghan—pointing to 10.30, 8... the sthula—chhayayukta. 5) In the akash, head and bust of Assyrian Pallas Athene helmeted over the sun chhayamay Athene and tejoghana sun. Jan 30ṭḥ 6) 2 small birds on a branch, on the wall, chhaya. Seen sometime afterwards in life on the tree in the next garden. 7) A Ghose—a future signature on a cheque in a very different writing from my present handwriting. 8) A short nib—tejas in ...
... morning for the beginning of the frequency & stability of the rupa and the lipi. The latter prediction is being fulfilled, but the really vivid & perfect rupas are still prakasha or prakasha-chhaya or occasionally chhaya and there has been some retrogrmession in the vividness and perfection of lipi & of other rupas, except where the rupas are momentary. The trikaldrishti of the immediate surroundings though... prakasha rupas are of great perfection, though not always vivid, and of all kinds and in answer to the aishwaryam is showing colours, red, violet, blue etc. Chhayaprakasha is also often very perfect. Chhaya is becoming perfect, but still shows stability in imperfection, but some instability in perfection. Other rupas are rare and unstable. The mastery of Page 58 the system by the Ishwara... of imperfect lipi and strengthen the habit of perfect lipi. The exactitude of trikaldrishti has finally begun, but is strongly combated. Crude rupas are becoming clearer and of all kinds, but tejas, chhaya and prakash predominate. The visrishti broke out on this the seventh day, but tejasic excess only exerted itself, after and not before, for a short time. Subsequently vayavic excess remained for a ...
... tapas. This can only be completed by identification of the three members of t³. Varna in the lipi,—blue, green and red as well as the usual black, blue black & occasional brown & yellow. Varna, chhaya, tejas, jyoti, agni, are now all manifest with perfection in crude rupa of the three kinds. Developed crude is becoming common, though not so common as dense crude. 24 January 1917 Sahaituka... marvellous in the perfection of every detail. Rupa (crude) is increasing in variety & frequency and manifesting sadhara, but is usually imperfect in stability, vividness or finish. Prakasha and chhaya, a little vague, are commonest. 25 January 1917 Some advance in samadhi. The movement of ideal thought entered well into the deepest manasik sushupti, but it is not yet at home and in possession... those, eg quadrupeds, which it has been in the habit of denying. Formerly, the principle was to form by mental-physical pressure images out of akashic material, the material being of seven kinds,—chhaya, dhuma, tejas, jyoti, varna, agni, prakasha. The result was a blur of material shaping itself into forms. A second method was sudden manifestation of form partial or complete out of other akashas into ...
... master of tejas, the third and central material principle in the five known to Vedic science. Tejas itself is of seven kinds, chhaya or negative luminosity which is the principle of the annakosha; twilight or dosha, the basis of the pranakosha being tejas modified by chhaya; tejas proper or simple clarity and effulgence, dry light, which is the basis of the manahkosha; jyoti or solar light, brilliance... vaidyutam can only become active when they enter into Agni and work under the conditions of his being and Agni himself is the supplier of Surya; he creates jyoti, he creates tejas, he creates, negatively, chhaya. Right or wrong, this is the physics of the Veda. Translated into the language of psychology, it means that in the intelligent mind, which now predominates, neither jnanam nor ananda can be fully developed ...
... t dull strain, but there is no longer as there would have been before a powerful reaction preventing successful utthapana. Chitra is now very clear, firm, rich & detailed. In swapna samadhi Chhaya still overhangs & stability is obstructed—There is strong obstruction to the firm emergence of akasharupa, whether sadhara or niradhara— Page 668 An attempt partially successful to... obstruction of the Kama Ananda since yesterday afternoon, though it is in the nature of an artificial difficulty, rather than a natural suspension. Rupa. Images in akasha & sadhara, chiefly chhaya or tejas, sometimes varna; human figures the most distinct & stable, animal vague & unstable but various, objects of both kinds. Dasya Tertiary dasya is now strongly confirmed, complete... in the defective actuality. Utthapana similarly insists on the growth & complete affirmation of pure laghima & is negligent of external victories. Saundarya is yet in the sukshma & only throws its chhaya on the sthula. There are one or two definite, but not yet decided sthula movements. Karma also prepares its mass of force, & does not yet manifest fulfilment of its actualities except in the ...
... lifted up to roar; ferocious in appearance, harmless in fact. Suggestion, that these belonged to the animal chaturyuga before man appeared. Akasha. Two leaves, crude, first transparent, then tejas-chhaya, clear & stable, but not vivid. N.B It had been indicated that a clear & stable form would appear; but it came with difficulty & all that followed were clear but incomplete & rapidly changing half... of three according to fullness of material— (1) crude—consisting only of the crude material (saptarchi of Agni[)], ie. 1) prakasha. 2) fire. 3) vidyut or varna 4) jyoti—5) tejas 6) dhuma. 7) chhaya. (2) dense—consisting of material developed into substance of consistency (3) developed—when the substance has developed lifelike appearance of reality of two according to circumstance of... image. A revolving disc, an arm coming out of it to seize Le Vaillant who, wading waist deep in mist, bends down as if to hide himself in the mist, without reaching it, and looks back at the arm. 3) Chhaya of Tilak. Rupa, after several days' quiescence, has been restored to its former activity & attempts to advance but does not yet advance beyond the point already reached. More samadhi with reman ...
... in the later part of the morning. Perfect freedom of rupa, variety, perfection, vividness, but only in initial or primary stability in the pranic world. Chhaya only comes in usually as a shade on some of the pranic rupas; most are free from chhaya. Incoherence in the lipi is at once turned to coherence or proved to be a coherence. Antardarshi rupa is being prepared in the light swapna, on the borders... beginning in the rupa; but as yet there is no appearance of fulfilment in the vishaya. All the material crude forms have now manifested in Page 1134 this finer crude niradhara,—prakasha, chhaya, tejas, jyotir, agni and varnamaya forms. Subsequently some union of stability and relative perfection began to be developed in a still greater but confused and irregular variety. The higher forms ...
... . All the physical anandas have for the time being slackened in frequency. Organisation of vijnana continues against steady obstruction. Prolonged rupa-vishaya (crow flying about in sky), chhaya, but not merely image,—saprana image left in the ether. True rupa vishaya of insects & birds in the Akasha (Prana akasha) are now common, but not detailed. Page 831 29 April 1915 The... however, three or four dense & developed forms have appeared stable straight under the eyes. Rupa in swapna samadhi is growing in habitual intensity, but there is still the influence of the chhaya over all, though all is not now chhayamaya. 10 August 1915 तममृक्षंत वाजिनमुपस्थे अदितेरधि विप्रासो अण्व्या धिया. That is to say, the suspension of the vijnana action is for the purification ...
... remanifesting with a greater tendency to dense crude and dense Prakasha of the seven kinds. Hitherto in the last movement of the siddhi Prakasha has almost monopolised the field of the crude rupa. Now real chhaya has begun again to manifest. Stable and precise rupa is increasing its force of manifestation. There are notable scenes of a vividness and ensemble superior to almost anything previously manifested... physical akasha from behind and holding it before the suggestion can interfere. This is now increasing. This stability is vivid and often vichitra in its lettering, that is in varna, jyoti etc as well as chhaya. The combination of telepathies and tapas-siddhi continues, but the element of trikaldrishti in the telepathies is not yet precise; uncertainty predominates. Besides the developing elements ...
... and progress. The obstacle interferes and drives back towards asiddhi. A movement in the lipi towards the universalising of a rapid stable legibility in all the forms, chhaya, tejas, jyoti, varna, of the lipi. All but the chhaya are more facile and stable at night than in the daytime Page 1175 25 August 1919 The tapas is becoming constantly stronger in the physical field; the ideal ...
... its effects alone reached the annakosha. Certain forms of the prana jagat, rain, cloud, insects, etc are nowadays once again commonly visible though still vague & more often seen in their image or chhaya than in their proper bodies. Shabdadrishti is still behindhand & remains except for an occasional elementary or distant sound in the avyakta. It is however tending to gain strength. Akasharupa laboured ...
... objectivity the phenomenal world is manifested. Sat, chit, ananda, vijnanam, manas, prana, annam are the sevenfold subjectivity of the Jyotirmaya Brahman. Prakasha, agni, vidyut, jyoti, tejas, dosha and chhaya are His sevenfold objectivity. Agni is theMaster of the vehicle of Tapas.What is this vehicle of Tapas of which Agni is the master? It is fiery light. Its Master is known by the name of his kingdom ...
... org/1-History/ School%20History/History.htm Gardiner, Robert Barlow, ed., Admissions Registers of St. Paul's School from 1876 - 1905 . London: George Bell and Sons, 1906. Ghosh, Pansy Chhaya, "Cotton, Henry (Sir)". In Dictionary of National Biography , vol. 1. Calcutta: Institute of Historical Studies, 1972. Moulton, Edward C., "Cotton, Sir Henry John Stedman (1845 - 1915)" ...
... possible. NIRODBARAN: Then why not the supermind? SRI AUROBINDO: You mean you are within reach of the Divine? Satyendra couldn't give an answer and began to smile. PURANI: I heard of a chhaya-jyotish (shadow-astrologer) who by measuring the shadow of a person and then correlating the signs, can exactly predict the future. A friend of mine had the experience of such a prediction. SRI ...
... (2) Professor J.S. Rajput (3) Professor M. Mukhopadhyay (4) Professor Prernaben Mohite (5) Dr. Amarjit Singh (6) Shri Sanjay Nandan (7) Dr. M.P. Chhaya (8) Shri Dina Nath Batra (9) Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe (10) Shri Hasmukhbhai Adhia (11) Smt. Anita Karwal (12) Shri Mukeshkumar (13) Dr. Abhaya Kashyap ...
... its siddhi with regard (1) to place, (2) to ordinarily unforeseeable effect. Rupadrishti is developing, in the daylight, long stability of images complete and incomplete and variety of image, (tejas, chhaya, chhayamay, tejomay & agnimaya varna). Script is free and active. Consideration of kartavyam akartavyam is finally disappearing, in its remnants, out of the supreme dasya. In the evening the r ...
... action. Thought-telepathy (apart from thought-intention) has begun, but with a very slight occasional action. Rupa at night assumed the same siddhi as in the daytime, but in its different kind of chhaya, tejah and jyoti. Trikaldrishti, but not in full abundance and perfection. The pervasive Ananda is striving for ideality, but is still much besieged by the inspirational mental form. 16 March ...
... drishya in the deep and deepest swapna samadhi, scenes, happenings etc, great stability, perfection, sometimes chhayamaya of tejas, sometimes vivid with some jyoti in the tejas. A little force of chhaya however everywhere. Afterwards dream but with much coherence. 23 February 1920 Today T² to develop highest certitude. Rupa, vishaya, samadhi. Ananda to idealise and to overcome obstacles. Pressure ...
... forms appear on the background & attempt to be stable, also objects, but the latter especially are not fine or correct in their outlines. All kinds of forms & combinations are now so appearing as chhayas on the wall Stable clearness has heralded but as yet failed to establish itself. In jagrad antardarshi entirely stable forms attended sometimes by entirely & long continuous action are now ...
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