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Chosroes : Choshroe I (d.579), king of Persia (531-79), the greatest of the Sassanid or Sasānian monarchs, surnamed “the Just”, was a great reformer. Choshroe II (d.628), surnamed Parviz “the Victorious”, ascended the throne in 590; under him the Sasānian Empire achieved its greatest expansion.

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... that every fresh impulse and rejuvenated strength has arisen. Otherwise we should long ago have been in the grave where dead nations lie, with Greece and Rome of the Caesars, with Esarhaddon* and the Chosroes**____ The result of this well-meaning bondage [to the outer forms of Hinduism] has been an increasing impoverishment of the Indian intellect, once the most gigantic and original in the world ...


... that every fresh impulse and rejuvenated strength has arisen. Otherwise we should long ago have been in the grave where dead nations lie, with Greece and Rome of the Caesars, with Esarhaddon and the Chosroes. You will often hear it said that it was the forms of Hinduism which have given us so much national vitality. I think rather it was its spirit. I am inclined to give more credit for the secular miracle ...
