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Chunda Mahasegn : Chunda Pradyōta Mahāsena, a contemporary of Bimbisāra & Ajātashatru of Magadha, ruled Avunthie during the time of the Buddha from his capital Ujjayini. Udayana carried off & married his daughter.

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... men of Vuthsa's age, his friends and companions. PARENACA - the King's door-keeper. CHUNDA MAHASEGN - King of Avunthy. GOPÂLACA, VICURNA - his sons. RÉBHA - Governor of Ujjayiny, the capital of Avunthy. A CAPTAIN of Avunthy. UNGÂRICÂ - Queen of Avunthy. VÂSAVADUTTÂ - daughter of Chunda Mahasegn and Ungarica. UMBÂ - her handmaiden. MUNJOOLICÂ - the servile name of Bundhumathie... Pradyotha, Avunthy in the West ruled by Chunda Mahasegn who has subdued also the Southern kings, and Cowsamby in the Centre where Yougundharayan strives by arms and policy to maintain the house of Parikshith against the dominating power of Avunthy. Recently since the young Vuthsa has been invested with the regal power and appeared at [ ], Chunda Mahasegn, till then invincible, has suffered rude... their place. Vuthsa, the name of the nation in the tale, is in the play used as a personal name of the King Udaian. Page 622 Act I Scene I A room in the palace in Ujjayiny. Chunda Mahasegn, seated; Gopalaca. MAHASEGN Vuthsa Udaian drives my fortunes back. Our strengths retire from one luxurious boy, Defeated! GOPALACA I have seen him in the fight And I have lived ...


... battlefield. Actually she succumbs to Eric's godlike beauty, and the flood of love wholly extinguishes the fires of hatred. In the later play, Vasavadutta allows herself to be used by her father, Chunda Mahasegn, as a pawn in his imperial politics, but she too succumbs to love, wins her own happiness, but worsts her father's plans. The mind schemes, but the heart scores. "The action of the romance"... place a century after the war of the Mahabharata". A scion of the house of Parikshit, young Vuthsa Udayan rules at Cowsambie, flanked by Magadha in the east and by Avunthie (ruled by the ambitious Chunda Mahasegn) in the west. Cowsambie, ably sustained by Vuthsa's minister Yougundharayan, is the main hurdle against Mahasegn's dreams of empire; and he is determined, whether by hook or by crook, to reduce... story, Sri Aurobindo went to the Kathasaritsagara of Somadeva, and took a hint or two from Bhasa's dramatic version of the legend in his Pratijna Yugandharayana* The play begins with Chunda Mahasegn confessing to his son. Gopalaca, that young Vuthsa of Cowsambie has frustrated the dreams of empire: yet cunning may succeed where prowess has failed! Mahasegn therefore outlines his stratagem ...